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Get prefilled link, get link, copy link. Paste the link in the Telegram Group Channel.
After the lesson, open your telegram channel,
click at the skills. Fill in the form. Submit.
 1. Click the responses in the google form. See the green button. Click.
 2. Create a new spreadsheet. For the first skills.
 For the second, third and forth skills you have to choose existing spreadsheet so
that they will stay at the same sheet.
3. Now you have got 4 skills in the same spreadsheet. The important part is to be able
to access the sheets using smartphone. Click Share. Click shareable link. Choose
on- anyone with the link can view.
4. Choose on- anyone with the link can view, Save. Copy the link.
1. Paste the link at QR code generator.
2. Create QR Code. (if you want a fancy and colourful QR code, you can edit there)
3. Download the QR Code.
4. Click the QR Code. Copy.
5. Paste the QR Code at Word or Powerpoint.
6. Paste the QR Code at Microsoft Words or Powerpoint. Print and paste in your
record book.
Look at the example below:
 You have your own E transit form and google sheet. Well done!

Don’t just read. Explore to be expert!

Madam Syuhada

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