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ÒAvZ¥wek¦vm I mwVK cwikªg mvd‡j¨i g~jgš¿Ó

wRwbqvm †KvwPs †m›Uvi

lô †kªYxi K¬vm †KvwPs-2024
Wv. we Rvgv‡bi evoxi wbPZjv, KvRjv †gvo, ivRkvnx| †gvevt 01914765999,

Lecture-01, 02 & 03
Topics to be discussed:
 Text Book: Unit: 01; Talking to People (Situation: 1 & 2)
 Grammar Part: Sentence and its classification
Vocabulary with English Meaning
Words Bengali Meaning English Meaning
Acquaintance cwiwPZ e¨w³ a known person, but not a close one
Appreciate K…ZÁ †eva Kiv to be grateful for something
Avoid cwinvi Kiv to keep oneself away from something/someone
Casual ˆbwgwËK without any formality
Compliment cÖksmv Kiv to admire someone
Conversation K‡_vcK_b, Avjvc a talk between two or more people
Counter question cvëv cÖkœ a question asked in response to another question
Direction Pjvi w`K the position toward which someone or something moves or faces
Disability AÿgZv a condition that does not allow a person to do a certain thing
Elderly eq¯‹ no longer young
Expression Awfe¨w³ putting something into words
Familiar mycwiwPZ knowing someone or something well
Forgetful fz‡jv gb often forgetting things.
Formal AvbyôvwbK officially recognized
Gardener gvjx a person who takes care of a garden
Greeting m¤¢vlY/Awfev`b saying something polite or friendly upon meeting
Guard cvnviv`vi one who protects against damage or harm
Guess Abygvb Kiv to think or believe something without any proof
Impolite Af`ª/Abyc‡hvMx not polite or appropriate
Indeed mwZ¨B without any question
Indicate wb‡`©k Kiv to point out or point to something
Informal AbvbyôvwbK absence of formality
Initiator m~PbvKvix/Avi¤ a person who causes something to begin
Later c‡i at a time in the near future
Mistake fzj Kiv to fail to recognize someone or something
Nursery PvivMvQ ea©‡bi an area where plants are grown for sale and other purposes
Of course Aek¨B used to say yes or to give someone permission to do something
Parking Mvwo ivLvi a space or area where vehicles can be parked for a period of time
Perceive g‡b Kiv/Dcjwä Kiv to sense or understand something
Purchase µq Kiv/ †Kbv to buy something
Queue jvBb a waiting line
Recognize wPb‡Z cviv to identify something or someone met or seen before
Relation m¤úK© connection between two or more people
Relationship m¤úK© the state bering connected
Reserve msiwÿZ ivLv to keep something for a particular purpose on time
Seem g‡b nIqv to give the impression of being something
Shopping mall †KbvKvUv Kivi shopping area of a city
Signify A_© †evSv‡bv to indicate something
Stranger AcwiwPZ e¨w³ an unknown person
Well-being Kzkj/Kj¨vY the state of being well, happy, etc.

Situation 1
(Talking to an unknow elderly person)
Shimul is a student of class six. She meets an unknown elderly person standing just outside her house.
Shimul : Hello! Good afternoon aunty. (No response from the lady)
Shimul : Excuse me! (Are you) looking for someone? May I help you?
Aunty : Oh, hello! Sorry, I didn’t get you.
Shimul : I saw you standing here for a long time. Can I help you?
Aunty : Thank you, dear. I am waiting here for my daughter. She should be here in no time.
Shimul : Okay. It may rain soon. Better you stand under that shade (pointing across the road).
Aunty : Oh sure! Thank you.
Shimul : That’s okay. Have a good day.
Aunty : You too (have a good day).
(It’s a very common scenerio in formal conversation)

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives:

(i) “She should be here in no time.” Here ‘in no time’ means-
a. Other b. Soon c. After d. Later
(ii) “Better you stand under that shade.” Here ‘shade’ means-
a. Light b. Dark c. Shadow d. Fire
(iii) “Have a good day.” Here ‘good’ means-
a. Hard b. Poor c. Bad d. Nice
Answer: (i+b) soon; (ii+ c) Shadow; (iii +d ) Nice.
2. Give short answers to the following question.
(i) What class does Shimul read?
(ii) Where does Shimul meet an unknown elderly person?
(iii) Why is the elderly person waiting outside Shimul’s house?
(i) Shimul reads in class six.
(ii) Shimul meets an unknown elderly person just outside her house.
(iii) The elderly person is waiting for her daughter.
3. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answers for
the false statement.
(i) Shimul meets a known elderly person standing just outside her house.
(ii) The elderly person is waiting for her son.
(iii) Shimul said, “It may rain soon.”
(i) False: Shimul meets an unknown elderly person standing just outside her house.
(ii) False: The elderly person is waiting for her daughter.
(iii) True.

Situation 2
(Helping a friend to find a address)
Shreya and Raya are both students at the same School. Shreya meets Raya standing just outside her house.
The conversation between them goes something like this:
Shreya : Hey! What’s up?
Raya : Not much.
Shreya : Why are you standing here? Come inside, will you?
Raya : (showing an address to Shreya) No. I need to be at this address, but I can’t find it.
Shreya : That’s easy. Go straight and then turn left. This house should be the third on your right side.
Raya : You don’t say! I just have come from that direction. I must have missed it.
Shreya : Yes, you are.
Raya : I am in a bit of a hurry. Some other time, perhaps.
Shreya : Alright. Don’t forget, I owe you one.
Raya : Yes, of course see you later.
Shreya : Okay, see you.
(It’s a very common scenerio in informal conversation)
1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives:
(i) “Come inside.” Here what is the opposite of the word ‘inside’
a. Outsite b. Under c. Within d. Center
(ii) “Go straight and then turn left.” Here what is the opposite of the word ‘left’
a. Middle b. Right c. Wrong d. Corner
(iii) I am in a bit of a hurry. Here ‘a bit of’ refers-
a. a small amount of b. a big amount of
c. in a rushed manner d. an easy task
Answer: (i+a) outsite; (ii+b) Right; (iii+ a ¿ a small amount of.
2. Give short answers to the following question.
(i) Why is Raya standing there?
(ii) Which is the house that Raya is looking for?
(iii) What kind of conversation is this?
(i) Raya is standing there to find an address.
(ii) Raya has to go straight. The house should be the third on her right side.
(iii) This is a kind of informal conversation between two friends.
3. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answers for
the false statement.
(i) Shreya and Raya are both students at the same school.
(ii) Shreya said, “Go straight and then turn right.
(iii) Raya helped Shreya to find the address.
(i) True.
(ii) False: Shreya said, “Go straight and then turn left.
(iii) False: Shreya helped Raya to find the address.

(i) What is the difference between the features of formal and informal conversation?
Answer: There are difference between the features of formal conversation (phrases/expressions). We
usually use formal expression in formal settings. We use them when we are talking to elder people or people
we do not know well. Informal expressions are more casual. We use them when we are talking to our friends
and family or when we are in a relaxed situation. In formal expressions, we do not use contractions such as
‘I’m’, ‘He’s’, ‘What’s’. Rather, we use full forms like ‘I am’, ‘He is’, What is’. Formal expressions are
usually longer than informal ones. For example:

Formal expressions Informal expressions

Hello! (n¨v‡jv!) Hi! /Hey! (nvB!/ †nB!)
It’s a pleasure to meet you. (Avcbvi mv‡_ cwiwPZ Nice to meet you (cwiwPZ n‡q fv‡jv jvMj)
n‡q Avbw›`Z njvg)
I apologize (Avwg ÿgv cÖv_©bv KiwQ) I’m sorry (Avwg `ytwLZ)
Much appreciated (A‡bK ab¨ev`) Thanks (ab¨ev`)
Could you please help me? (AbyMÖn K‡i Can you help me? /Help me! (Zzwg wK Avgv‡K
Avgv‡K GKUz mvnvh¨ Ki‡eb) mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvi‡e?/ Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ K‡iv!)
How are you doing? (Avcwb †Kgb Av‡Qb?/ What’s going on? What’s up? †Kgb Pj‡Q?/ Kx
Zzwg †Kgb Av‡Qv?) Lei?)
Do you want to share? (Zzwg wK †kqvi Ki‡Z Want to share? (‡kqvi Ki‡Z PvI?)
I’m not able to attend. (Avwg †hvM`vb Ki‡Z I can’t make it. (Avwg Zv Ki‡Z cvi‡ev bv)
cvi‡ev bv)

(Home Task)
 Suppose, you are Habib. You meet your class teacher Ms. Sumuna in a shopping
mall. Now write a dialogue to communicate with your teacher.

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