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Current Pollution Reports



A Review of Socio-acoustic Surveys for Soundscape Studies

Margret Sibylle Engel 1,2 & André Fiebig 3 & Carmella Pfaffenbach 1 & Janina Fels 2

# Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Purpose of Review This article reviews the literature and presents the current status of the use of socio-acoustic surveys in
soundscape studies, through the indication of appropriate question formats, types, and topics for each data collection method
(soundwalks, interviews, listening tests, and focus group) for the involved public and acoustic stimuli.
Recent Findings The ISO 12913-2 establishes ways of data collection and reporting requirements for soundscape studies
(International Organization for Standartization 2017), including the triangulation technique. This standard recommends some
data collection methods, like soundwalks and interviews. Even so, some authors are using different methods to collect data, such
as focus group and listening tests.
Summary This study investigated through 52 peer-reviewed papers published on the last 20 years the current status of socio-
acoustic studies regarding question topics and types, used stimuli, and characteristics about the participants, using the four major
adopted data collection methods in soundscape studies: soundwalks, interviews, listening tests, and focus group. Some topics like
Bsoundscape quality^ and Bsound sources identification and evaluation^ are common in the recent studies, as well as the adoption
of some question types such as semantic differential scale, the staple scale, and ranking order scale.

Keywords Soundscape . Socio-acoustic survey . Soundwalks . Interviews . Listening tests

Introduction sounds may include natural and anthropological sources

[1, 2]. In 1998 Schafer presented his ideas about soundscape
The concept of soundscape exists over 50 years, started with in the Swedish conference about acoustic ecology
studies from Murray Schafer about acoustic ecology and BStockholm, Hey listen!^ Brigitta Berglund and Tor
through the establishment of the World Soundscape Project. Kilhman got inspired by the concept of soundscape presented
The project aimed to draw attention to the sonic environment by Murray Schaffer, and launched a research program named
through a course about noise pollution. Due to the negative as BSoundscape Support to Health^ in 1999. Under this pro-
approach related to this type of pollution, a more positive gram, the Swedish Soundscape-Quality Protocol was devel-
perspective started to be investigated. oped, which consists of a model for measuring the soundscape
Initially, Schafer described soundscape as a combination of quality [3]. In 2002, Emily Thompson inspired by the work of
sounds which leads to an environmental immersion. The Alain Corbin defined the soundscape as an auditory or aural
landscape [4].
During the following years, Lercher and Schulte-
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Noise Pollution Fortkamp, according to the EU-Directive 2002, started a de-
bate about the relevance of the soundscape research related to
* Margret Sibylle Engel noise annoyance, due to the limited variance of the standard
dose-response curve and the variation from location to loca-
tion. The implications of noise in a community and a rein-
Geography Department, RWTH Aachen University, forcement of the concept of sound quality in soundscape stud-
Aachen, Germany ies were considered [5]. In 2008, the Positive Soundscape
Institute of Technical Acoustics, Medical Acoustics Group, RWTH Project started with the aim Bto acknowledge the relevance
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany of positive soundscapes, to move away from a focus on neg-
HEAD acoustics GmbH, Herzogenrath, Germany ative noise and to identify means whereby the concept of
Curr Pollution Rep

positive soundscapes can effectively be incorporated into Schafer, creator of the term acoustic ecology [26]; and by a
planning.^ In addition, the relationship between acoustic/ study of sound environments established through Francois
auditory responses and behavioral characteristics were also Augoyard, author of Pas à pas: Essai sur le cheminement
reevaluated [6, 7]. Since 2009, a great scientific effort at EU quotidien en milieu urbain, at the research center CRESSON
COST TUD Action TD0804 (Soundscape of European Cities in Grenoble, France [27].
and Landscapes) was established the soundscape paradigm The soundwalk method relies on a method of conscious
shift, considering first human and social sciences and then listening of the sonic environment and it helps to reveal the
physics but also taking into account cultural aspects. The EU multisensory structure of our relationship with the world [28,
COST Action had also collaborations from other networks, 29]. The soundwalk procedure is a widely adopted sound-
including Global Sustainable Soundscape Network (GSSN) scape evaluation method which allows qualitative and quanti-
from the USA, other four COST Actions, EU projects like tative data collection as multimodal experience [30–33]. The
HOSSANA and SONORUS, moreover EU networks like soundwalk procedures can differ in many aspects [30, 34].
ENNAH and the UK Noise Future network [8, 9]. With regards to quantitative data collection, the differences
Over time, the concept of soundscape became more com- occur mainly when it refers to acoustical measurements
prehensive, referring to the way in which people consciously (e.g., monaural-binaural, duration, measurement position, se-
perceive their environment, involving interdisciplinary efforts, lection of different periods, days and seasons, etc.) and collec-
which includes physical, social, cultural, psychological, and tion of visual information (e.g., pictures, videos). Related to
architectural aspects, especially in urban environments [10, qualitative data, the procedures vary in the way of
11]. In 2008, the ISO Technical Committee 43, Sub questioning, the sampling of participants, sample size,
Committee 1 BNoise^ decided to support the proposal for soundwalk duration, and instructions (e.g., level of attention
creation of a Soundscape Standard. In 2009, the working directed towards sounds, emphasis on multi-modality) [30,
group WG54 convened by Östen Axelsson, one of the respon- 32, 34]. Normally a soundwalk is conducted by a group of
sible of the Swedish Soundscape-Quality Protocol, started people or can be done individually, following a predefined
work on a soundscape standard proposal [3], concatenating walking route and using a structured protocol which enables
concepts and levels of understanding of soundscape [12]. the sonic evaluation as well as to collect context-sensitive data
The result of these interdisciplinary efforts leaded to the inter- [29, 34, 35].
national standards ISO 12913-1 which establishes the sound- Interviews are common evaluation methods to assess the
scape definition and a conceptual framework for soundscape acoustic environment. These methods are used for decades
studies [11]. Additionally, the ISO 12913-2, related to data with the purpose of the evaluation of environmental noise,
collection and reporting requirements for soundscape studies, annoyance related to traffic sound sources and noise pollution
was stated [13]. Some methods are regulated in this standard, [36]. This method was adapted according to the purpose relat-
such as the triangulation technique, wherein two or more ed to the soundscape, which includes sound quality [37–39],
methods are used to verify in a double (or triple) check the welfare restoration through the sonic environment [40], and
results [13, 14]. The definition of soundscape presented in the willingness to pay for noise control measures to improve the
ISO 12913-1 also includes the aspect of context, which sug- sound quality and the environmental health [41]. It can be
gests that the soundscape is the Bacoustic environment as per- applied in different data collection situations, such as interac-
ceived and understood, by people, in context^ [3, 9, 11]. tions with the following: residents in their homes [42–44];
Environmental studies have shown that the soundscape of users’ of the evaluated urban space (parks, squares, etc.) [33,
urban areas is an important aspect for the comfort of people in 38, 40]; and workers in their working environment [44, 45]. It
general [15, 16]. The association between sound quality of an is a method which also allows the interaction between endog-
environment and comfort has been often discussed during the enous or exogenous interactors and the environment [37].
last decade. Initially, only sound level indicators were ana- Listening tests are laboratory experiments which aim to
lyzed and over time the concept of sound quality was expand- perform sound evaluations under controlled conditions, sepa-
ed, as people became aware of the new dimensions of sound, rating factors which could influence directly and indirectly on
such as (1) the compatibility of response to stimuli, (2) to what the auditory perception [46]. Normally in soundscape studies,
extent sound is pleasing, and (3) the possibility of identifying listening tests are widely used to evaluate the influence of
sounds or sound sources [17, 18]. visual aspects by experiments with and without the aid of
In order to assess the soundscape quality, descriptors [19], visual material [47]. For this purpose, reproduction systems
frameworks [20], and methodologies for data collection, such are often used to recreate outdoor soundscapes. This method
as soundwalks [21], listening tests [22], interviews [23, 24], requests a special consideration of the influence on partici-
and focus groups [25], were developed. pants’ responses, regarding the immersion in the sonic envi-
The practice of the soundwalk method were started by two ronment [48, 49]. The subjects can include listeners with no
distinct groups: the World Soundscape Project by Murray experience [25], students and academic staff [49–52], experts
Curr Pollution Rep

in acoustics [53] and aleatory persons recruited per email [54]. drawbacks of using open-ended questions such as re-
In order to interpret the collected data comprehensively the spondents have some difficulties to recognize how they
determination of the hearing abilities of the participants is feel, especially when it is asked about negative feelings.
recommended. It is common that the respondent will answer often
Focus groups are an additional modality adopted in the Bnothing^ or Bdo not know.^ Sometimes the interpreta-
Positive Soundscape Project and aim a simple discussion on tion of questions can lead to a misunderstanding. Without
a specific issue facilitated by a researcher. Some topics can the help of a given answer list, the respondent is answer-
emerge allowing the capture of detailed and relatively unbi- ing according to his/her interpretation. In this case, the
ased opinions. It allows a reflective state of mind on the par- question formulation should be really clear. It can be
ticipants about the previously experienced soundscapes, and it time-consuming and relatively expensive to process and
helps on the expression of ideas as well as the potential repro- analyze open-ended question responses [58, 59].
duction of agreed group responses [25, 55, 56]. c) Closed-ended questions use forced choices and are pref-
The aim of this study is to present the current status of the erable to ask a respondent to agree or disagree with a
use of socio-acoustic surveys in soundscape studies for the single statement. A middle alternative should generally
involved public and acoustic stimuli, through appropriate be offered, except when measuring the intensity and an
question formats, types, and topics for each data collection explicit Bno opinion^ option should be offered as well
method (e.g., soundwalks, interviews, listening tests, and fo- [60, 61].
cus group). d) Multiple choice questions are using a scale where there
are several answers from which one is to be chosen.
Multiple choice questions are good for assessing lower
Questions Type and Answers Format order cognitive processes, such as the recall of factual
information, at the expense of higher level critical and
With the increase of the interest on the perception-based eval- creative reasoning processes [62].
uations related to acoustic environments several question- e) The semantic differential scale is a seven-point scale
naires have been developed with a wide variety of questions using pairs of adjectives or phrases, which are opposite
and answers options. To standardize language, question for- in meaning. The respondent must choose the option that
mats, and response options, the standard ISO 15666 from most closely reflects their feelings [63]; it helps to mea-
2003, in the context of noise annoyance, was developed which sure the meaning of quantitative measurements, with a
allows the assessment of noise annoyance by means of social connotation of something nonmaterial, like a Bsoul^ or
and socio-acoustic surveys [23]. In soundscape studies, this Bidea^ of an observed stimulus. This scale is a linguistic
standard helped on the formulation of questions related to encoding as an index of the meaning of
noise annoyance and as a framework for socio-acoustic sur- observations(Fig. 1) [64].
veys in studies which involved soundwalks [40], interviews f) The visual-analogue scale is a scale composed by a 10-
[40, 47], and listening tests [47]. Some tools are widely used cm-long line, which the respondents have to rate with an
in socio-acoustic surveys for the description of the soundscape Bx^ indicating the position of the scale which better ex-
quality, as follows: presses their opinion about perception responses. In each
extremity of the line, there are opposite adjectives. This
a) Demographic questions/scale are designed to help sur- type of scale can translate an opinion in a metric value
vey researchers determine what factors may influence a [65], presenting more exact results, leading narrow con-
respondent’s answers, interests, and opinions. Collecting fidence intervals and higher power in statistical tests
demographic information will enable you to cross- (Fig. 2) [66].
tabulate and compare subgroups to see how responses g) The staple scale is a substitute for the semantic differen-
vary between these groups [57]. tial scale when it is difficult to construct pairs of bipolar
b) Open-ended questions also are known as unstructured of adjectives. Respondents have to rate the correspondent
free-response questions; it is not possible to predict the adjective with increasing or decreasing positive and neg-
responses and preferences. This type of question helps to ative numbers [63]. This scaling uses up to 10-point
know the terminology that people use as a response. The scale (Fig. 3) [67].
common uses of open-ended questions include the rating h) The rating scale is the most often used interchangeably
of preferences using the respondent words; spontaneous Likert-type scale. It is a scaling procedure that offers the
description of places, situations, feelings, and sound at- respondents the opportunity to express their opinion in a
tributes; reasons for rating choices; justification of certain continuum that starts from a low negative response to a
responses; and spontaneous description of wishes for high positive response [68]. This scale is ideal for ordi-
certain visual and sound attributes. There are some nal data, as well as interval data level [69] (Fig. 4).
Curr Pollution Rep

Fig. 1 Semantic differential scale example

i) The verbal rating scale is similar to Kerlinger’s category excluded (Fig. 6). The criteria for selection of those papers
rating scale, the respondent is asked to pick out from were: manuscripts published in peer review journals, works
several categories the one that represents the characteris- related to soundscape or to community noise studies, clear
tic of the rated item [70] (Fig. 4). indication of questions type and content, as well as reported
j) Rank order scale is an option where the respondent ranks sound stimuli assessed, sample size, subjects characteristics,
items in an order of importance according to their pref- and indication of one of the selected data collection methods
erence, generating an ordinal data. Rank order is a real- (soundwalks, interviews, listening tests, or focus group).
istic representation of choice behavior (Fig. 5) [71, 72]. Eighty-nine papers were eligible for this study after proving
k) Dichotomous answers have two possible nominal an- of criteria. Six papers have been removed due to an incom-
swers, e.g., yes/no, true/false, or agree/disagree. They plete set of criteria. From the amount of 83 papers, 52 are
are used for clear distinction of qualities, experiences, presented in the meta-analysis (Table 1) and 31 papers are
or respondent’s opinions [73, 74], reported in the introduction, with the aim of presenting an
l) Thurstone scale is an attitude scale in which the items are overview of soundscape studies reported on the last 40 years.
equally appearing in intervals. The Thurstone scale con- Table 1 shows a resume of the literature research elaborated
sists of a series of attitude statements and the respondent as the object of this study. For each selected published manu-
should indicate if agree or disagree with the statement. It script, we are indicating the reference (author/year); location,
is given a value to the statement, equal to the median of all where the studies were conducted; adopted methodology for
given ratings by the respondent. The statements with high data collection (soundwalk—SW, listening test—LT, inter-
levels of agreement between the judges are selected [75]. view—INT, focus group—FG); sample size and composition;
m) Checklists are a type of rating scale where the respondents question types classified according to responses types [112];
record attributes and particular observed behaviors [76]. the main topics in the questions content; and sound stimuli
Checklists are useful for reminding us about all of the heard by the respondents during each study (Table 1).
varied factors that may be important. The items of check- Figures 7 and 8 are showing the distribution of questions
lists are independent and unconnected [77]. topics and types, for each data collection method respectively.

From the 52 consulted journal papers, 13 adopted soundwalks
For this study, we realized a wide literature research through
as a data collection method [25, 30, 33, 37, 38, 40, 50, 79–83,
search engines like Google Scholar, Pub-Med, SCOPUS,
85] (Fig. 7). Regarding questions topics from the evaluated
Taylor and Francis, Springer, Wiley online library, Elsevier,
studies, the soundwalks studies encompassed the following:
ResearchGate, and Academia. We focused on 52 journal pa-
Bsoundscape expectation,^ 3 studies [25, 79, 83]; Bsoundscape
pers published over the last 20 years which matched with the
description, awareness, perception of differences,^ 3 studies
keywords Bsocio-acoustic surveys,^ Bsoundscape,^
[25, 79, 83]; Bbest soundscape, preference,^ 3 studies [25,
Bsoundwalk,^ Binterviews + soundscape,^ and Blistening tests
79, 82]; Bsoundscape quality,^ 8 studies [30, 33, 40, 50, 80,
+ soundscape.^
81, 83, 85]; Bsound sources identification,^ 6 studies [37,
To have a reliable systematic review, it was adopted the
79–81, 83, 84]; Bsound sources evaluation, dominance, back-
PRISMA diagram flow methodology [78]. The total amount
ground, satisfaction,^ 10 studies [25, 37, 38, 40, 79–84];
of identified papers on those search engines, with the reported
Bannoyance, noise sensitivity,^ 2 studies [40, 84];
keywords above, was 75,692. After paper revisions, it was
Benvironmental preference,^ 1 study [79]; Bvisual/location
added extra 90 papers on the total amount of identified papers.
quality,^ 6 studies [37, 79–81, 83, 84]; Belements which can
Due to papers duplicates, 35,666 papers have been removed
influence the soundscape,^ 2 studies [79, 83]; Blocation use
from the total amount. From this amount, just 220 papers have
(infrastructure or public transportation),^ 3 studies [25, 79,
been screened and due to exclusion criteria, 131 papers were

Fig. 2 Visual-analogue scale example Fig. 3 Staple scale example

Curr Pollution Rep

collection method is commonly used when participants are

on-site during their leisure time (park users), or when the
researchers are inviting their colleagues and students to par-
Fig. 4 Rating scale and verbal rating scale example ticipate on the data collection.

82]; Bknowledge about the location,^ 2 studies [25, 37]; Bbest

urban space, preference,^ 2 studies [25, 79]; Bspace valuation,^
2 studies [25, 79]; Boverall impression,^ 5 studies [25, 30, 37,
The interview collection method was used in 29 studies from
80, 84]; Bdemographic or socioeconomic information,^ 4 stud-
the total amount of 52 consulted journal papers [33, 37–44,
ies [25, 37, 38, 81]; Bemotional and physical state,^ 1 study
47, 49, 55, 56, 86–101] (Fig. 7). Regarding questions topics
[37]; Bdifficulty from listening experience,^ 1 study [84].
from the evaluated studies, the interviews studies
From these quantities, we conclude that Bsound sources evalu-
encompassed the following: Bsoundscape expectations,^ 2
ation, dominance, background, satisfaction,^ Bsoundscape
studies [88, 100]; Bsoundscape description, awareness, per-
quality,^ Bvisual/location quality,^ Bsound sources
ception of differences,^ 1 study [90]; Bbest soundscape,
identification,^ Boverall impression,^ and Bdemographic and
preference,^ 1 study [99]; Bsoundscape quality,^ 15 studies
socioeconomic information^ are the most investigated topics
[33, 39, 40, 44, 47, 49, 86, 91–93, 96–99, 101]; Bsoundscape
through soundwalks.
memories,^ 3 studies [39, 44, 88]; Bbehaviors influenced by
The sound stimuli heard by the participants were the fol-
the soundscape,^ 2 studies [44, 88]; Bsound sources
lowing: park sources, 10 studies [25, 33, 38, 40, 50, 79–83];
identification,^ 8 studies [37, 41, 86, 89, 95, 96, 99, 100];
shopping areas, 4 studies [25, 30, 50, 79]; indoor spaces, 3
Bsound sources evaluation, dominance, background,
studies [25, 79, 80]; squares, 4 studies [25, 33, 50, 79]; court-
satisfaction,^ 12 studies [37–40, 49, 86, 89, 94, 96,
yards, 1 study [80]; pedestrian area, 1 study [33]; urban
99–101]^; Bannoyance, noise sensitivity,^ 9 studies [39, 40,
stream, 2 studies [30, 37]; and residential area, 1 study [85].
42, 43, 55, 87, 89, 95]; Benvironmental preference,^ 2 studies
Through soundwalks, the main investigated sources were park
[88, 98]; Bvisual/location quality,^ 6 studies [38, 86, 89, 93,
sound sources, squares, and shopping areas sources.
94, 96]; Blocation use (infrastructure, public transportation),^
Regarding question type and rating method, the most fre-
4 studies [42, 95, 99, 101]; Bknowledge about location,^ 4
quently used answering options are open-ended questions, 6
studies [37]; Bspace valuation,^ 2 studies [41, 42]; Boverall
studies [25, 33, 38, 79, 80, 83]; semantic differential scale, 6
impression,^ 4 studies [37, 56, 90, 97]; Bdemographic and
studies [33, 38, 40, 50, 80, 83]; visual-analogue scale, 2 stud-
socioeconomic information,^ 18 studies [37–39, 41–44, 47,
ies [80, 85]; demographic scale, 1 study [81]; staple scale, 4
87, 90, 91, 93, 95–99, 101]; Bemotional and physical
studies [30, 33, 38, 81]; closed-ended questions,1 study [81];
information,^ 2 studies [37, 97]. From these results (Fig. 7)
rating scale, 3 studies [37, 82, 83]; multiple choice questions,
it is possible to conclude that Bdemographic and socioeco-
1 study [83]; rank order scale, 1 study [83]; and dichotomous,
nomic information,^ Bsoundscape quality,^ and Bsound
1 study [37]. Open-ended questions, semantic differential, and
sources evaluation, dominance, background, satisfaction^
staple scales are the most used types of questions used in
are the main topics through interviews as data collection
soundwalks studies (Fig. 8).
The sample size had a big variation from 3 [38] to 580 [82]
The main stimuli studied were sound sources from urban
respondents, and the participation was composed of students
parks, 13 studies [33, 38, 40, 41, 47, 49, 89, 90, 92, 95, 96, 99,
and academic staff (6 studies) [33, 38, 40, 50, 82, 83], park
101]; traffic sound sources, 9 studies [39, 43, 47, 49, 87, 89,
visitors, and users (3 studies) [80–82]. The age range
92, 93, 100]; sound sources from squares, 5 studies [33, 47,
encompassed from 16 to 66 years old. This kind of data
49, 56, 93]; and residential area sound sources, 3 studies [55,
86, 95]. Other sounds sources were also used as stimuli when
interviews were used as data collection method, such as pe-
destrian area sound sources, 1 study [49]; urban sounds, 2
studies [37, 44, 91]; business area sources, 1 study [86]; rec-
reational area sources, 1 study [86]; cafés sources, 2 studies
[49, 94]; small village sources, 1 study [88]; railway sources, 1
study [39]; leisure activities, 1 study [1]; human activities, 2
studies [92, 101]; natural sounds, 2 studies [92, 93]; children
playing, 1 study [94]; rural sounds, 1 study [97]; industrial
sounds, 1 study [97]; technological sounds,1 study [101];
Fig. 5 Rank order scale example and commercial area sources, 4 studies [86, 92, 94, 97].
Curr Pollution Rep

Fig. 6 PRISMA flow-diagram

for soundscape studies meta-

analysis Records identified through Additional records identified
database searching through other sources
(n =75692) (n =90)

Records after duplicates removed

(n =35666)

Records screened Records excluded
(n =220) (n =131)

Eligibility Full-text articles assessed Full-text articles excluded,

for eligibility with reasons
(n =89) (n =6)

Studies included in
qualitative synthesis
(n =83)

Studies included in
quantitative synthesis
(n =52)

In this type of data collection, open-ended questions, 17 Listening Tests

studies [33, 38, 39, 41–44, 47, 49, 56, 86–89, 94, 98, 101];
semantic differential scale, 8 studies [33, 38, 40, 43, 86, 91, From the 52 consulted journal papers, 20 have used listening
92, 94]; rating scale, 8 studies [37, 39, 55, 89–91, 93, 100]; tests as a data collection method [25, 47, 49–54, 84, 101–111]
closed-ended questions, 6 studies [41, 43, 49, 87, 89, 90]; (Fig. 7). Regarding questions topics from the evaluated stud-
staple scale, 5 studies [33, 38, 47, 86, 101]; dichotomous ies, the listening tests studies encompassed the following:
questions, 3 studies [37, 42, 101]; verbal rating scale, 5 studies Bsoundscape expectation,^ 2 studies [25, 111]; Bsoundscape
[42, 95–97, 99]; visual-analogue scale, 2 studies [92, 96]; description, awareness, perception of differences^ with 3 stud-
Thurstone scale, 1 study [55]; and checklists, 1 study [55] ies [25, 53, 104]; Bbest soundscape, preferences,^ 3 studies
are commonly used (Fig. 8). Open-ended, close-ended, se- [25, 104, 111]; Bsoundscape quality,^ 12 studies [47, 49–52,
mantic differential scale, and rating scale are the most com- 54, 101, 102, 105–107, 109]; Bsound sources identification,^
monly questions types used in interviews of soundscape 5 studies [47, 53, 84, 108, 110]; Bsound sources evaluation,
studies. dominance, background, satisfaction,^ 6 studies^ [25, 49, 84,
The sample size had a vast variation from 22 [39] to 2933 101, 108, 110]; Bannoyance, noise sensitivity,^ 2 studies [84,
[43] respondents, and the participation was composed of 105]; Benvironmental preference,^ 1 study [111]; Bvisual/lo-
passers-by persons (5 studies) [38, 40, 44, 86, 91], users of cation quality,^ 2 studies [25, 84]; Belements which can influ-
the public space (5 studies) [33, 41, 47, 89, 90], residents (4 ence the soundscape,^ 1 study [104]; Blocation use (infrastruc-
studies) [43, 55, 87, 88], students (1 study) [33], artists (1 ture, public transportation),^ 2 studies [25, 101]; Bknowledge
study) [88], and persons with familiarity with the studied about location,^ 2 studies [25, 101]; Bbest urban space,
soundscape (1 study) [49]. The age range was from 10 to preference,^ 1 study [25]; Bspace valuation,^ 1 study [25];
89 years old. From this data, we conclude that it is common Boverall impression,^ 2 studies [25, 84]; Bdemographic or
to ask users of the park and passers-by persons to participate in socioeconomic information,^ 4 studies [25, 47, 101, 103];
soundscape studies when the data is collected through Bemotional and physical state,^ 1 study [103]; Bdifficulty from
interviews. listening experience,^ 2 studies [84, 104]. From these results,
Table 1 Questions topic and types regarding Soundscape studies for different data collection methods (soundwalks—SW, listening tests—LT, interviews—INT, focus group—FG)

Author/year Location (study area) Methodology Sample size Question types Question topics Stimuli

Curr Pollution Rep

Davies et al. 2013 London and Yes No No No NR – – – ● Open-ended ● Overall impressions ● Shopping street (Market Street)
[79] Manchester, UK ● Soundscape description, awareness, ● Indoor shopping mall (Arndale
perception of differences Centre)
● Soundscape expectation ● Square (St Square)
● Soundscape preference ● Park (St John’s Gardens)
● Environment preferences
● Visual/location quality
● Valuation space
● Location use (infrastructure, public
● Sound sources identification
● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
background, satisfaction
● Elements which can influence the
● Best urban space
● Demographic and socioeconomic
Pérez-Martínez Granada, Spain Yes No No No 385 – – – ● Open-ended ● Sound sources identification ● Courtyards (gardens, fountains,
et al. 2018 [80] ● Semantic differential ● Soundscape quality vegetation)
scale ● Visual/location quality ● Outdoor spaces (lookouts with
● Visual-analogue ● Sound sources evaluation, dominance, scenic view to the city,
scale background, satisfaction vegetation, benches, water,
● Indoor spaces (small rooms, open
spaces to outside, fountain)
Jeon and Hong Seoul, South Korea Yes No No No 90 – – – ● Demographic scale ● Sound sources identification ● Seoul Forest Park (roads, water
2015 [81] ● Staple scale ● Soundscape quality fountain, grassy area, outdoor
● Closed-ended ● Sound sources evaluation, dominance, theater, forest glade, children’s
background, satisfaction playground, waterside, and
● Visual/location quality forest path)
● Demographic and socioeconomic ● Olympic Park (city center, sports
facilities, culture and leisure,
grass area, city lake, outdoor
squares of various sizes)
● Sumyudo Park (leisure and
cultural facilities with various
water features)
Liu et al. 2014 Xiamen, China Yes No No No 1) 7 – – – ● Rating scale ● Sound sources evaluation, dominance, ● Urban parks (Bailuzhou-west,
[82] 2) 580 background, satisfaction Huli, Haiwan, Nanhu,
● Soundscape preferences Zhongshan)
● Visual/location quality
● Location use (infrastructure, public
Istanbul, Turkey Yes No No No 50 – – – ● Rating scale ● Soundscape description, awareness, ● Urban park (Gezi Park—Tunnel
● Open-ended perception of differences Square)
Table 1 (continued)

Author/year Location (study area) Methodology Sample size Question types Question topics Stimuli


Bahali and ● Multiple choice ● Soundscape expectation

Tamer-Bazayit questions ● Soundscape quality
2017 [83] ● Semantic differential ● Sound sources identification
scale ● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
● Rank Order Scaling background, satisfaction
● Elements which can influence the
Bruce and Davies London and Yes Yes No No 42 20 – – ● Open-ended ● Soundscape description, awareness, ● Public square: pedestrian square,
2014 [25] Manchester, UK perception of differences away from traffic, shops, and
● Soundscape expectation mixed-use buildings
● Sound sources evaluation, dominance, ● Green space: green area, public
background, satisfaction seating, mixed-use buildings
● Soundscape preferences ● Indoor shopping space: indoor
● Visual/location quality shopping center, reflective
● Valuation space surfaces
● Location use (infrastructure, public ● Outdoor shopping spaces: busy
transportation) road, traffic, temporary retails
● Knowledge about location premises/market stalls either
● Best urban space side
● Overall impression ● Busy road with shops: busy road,
● Demographic and socioeconomic traffic, retail premises either side
Evensen et al. Oslo, Norway Yes No Yes No 14 – 1) 99 – ● Semantic differential ● Noise annoyance ● Urban park (Slottsparken).
2016 [40] 2) 99 scale ● Soundscape quality Grassy areas, mature deciduous
● Sound sources evaluation, dominance, trees, ponds, statues, and
background, satisfaction benches
Sudarsono et al. Manchester, UK Yes Yes No No Manchester Salford – – ● Semantic differential ● Soundscape quality ● Busy shopping spot (Market
2016 [50] Bandung, Indonesia (23) (18) scale Street)
Bandung ● Tranquility (St Ann Square)
(15) ● Icon of Manchester center
Bandung (Piccadilly Garden)
(16) ● Different function of space (Food
market at Piccadilly Garden)
Song et al. 2018 Jinan, China Yes No Yes No 3 – 1260 – ● Staple scale ● Demographic and socioeconomic ● Urban park (Jinan Forest Park),
[38] ● Open-ended ● Visual/location quality scientific surveys, hiking,
● Semantic differential ● Sound sources evaluation, dominance, relaxation, musical
scale background, satisfaction performances, and sports
Brambilla et al. Naples and Rome, Italy No Yes No No – 32 – – ● Open-ended ● Noise annoyance ● Pedestrian areas places
2013 [84] ● Semantic differential ● Sound sources identification frequented mainly by tourists
scale ● Visual/location quality
● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
background, satisfaction
● Overall impression
● Difficulty listening test
Kongan et al. Córdoba and Rosario, Yes No Yes No 76 – 504 – ● Rating scale ● Sound sources identification ● Urban sounds
2017 [37] Argentina ● Dichotomous ● Emotional and physical state
Curr Pollution Rep
Table 1 (continued)

Author/year Location (study area) Methodology Sample size Question types Question topics Stimuli

Curr Pollution Rep

Valdivia, Chile ● Demographic and socioeconomic

Lund, Sweden ● Knowledge about location
● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
background, satisfaction
● Overall impression
Kang and Zhang Sheffield, UK Yes No Yes No 48 – 1) 492 – ● Open-ended ● Soundscape quality ● Square (heavy traffic above the
2010 [33] 2) 223 ● Semantic differential square, loud music, birds,
scale pedestrian/bike crossings, and
● Staple scale conversations)
● Large green space surrounded by
low buildings and small roads
(sound sources during the
survey periods included
skating/shouting of
children/teenagers, traffic in
distance, birds, pedestrian/bike
crossings, and construction
noise near the site)
● Pedestrian area, but on two sides
of the square, there are two small
roads (light traffic,
conversations, footsteps,
skateboarding, wind, and more
distinguishingly, street singers
as well as music from
surrounding buildings including
the City Hall and a music store)
● Square surrounded by
multi-story buildings and on one
side, there is a fairly busy road
(water from the fountains and
cascades, traffic in distance,
chatting, and children’s
Jeon et al. 2013 Seoul, South Korea Yes No No No 30 – – – ● Staple scale ● Soundscape quality ● Busy shopping area sounds
[30] ● Soundscape preference ● Urban stream sounds
● Visual/location quality
● Overall impression
Berglund and Stockholm, Sweden Yes No No No 106 – – – ● Visual-analogue ● Soundscape quality ● Residential areas, 4 locations
Nilsson 2006 scale
Hong and Jeon Seoul, South Korea No No Yes No – – 631 – ● Semantic differential ● Sound sources identification● ● Commercial area, 6 locations
2015 [86] scale Soundscape quality ● Residential area, 6 locations
● Staple scale ● Visual/location quality ● Business area
● Open-ended ● Recreational area, 9 locations
Table 1 (continued)

Author/year Location (study area) Methodology Sample size Question types Question topics Stimuli


● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,

background, satisfaction
Bjørner 2004 [42] Copenhagen, Denmark No No Yes Yes – – 1149 NR ● Open-ended ● Noise annoyance NR
● Verbal rating scale ● Valuation space
● Dichotomous ● Demographic and socioeconomic
● Location use (infrastructure, public
Levine 1981 [55] Los Angeles, USA No No Yes No – – 94 – ● Rating scale ● Noise annoyance ● Areas having high proportions of
● Thurstone scale low-income, older, and
working-class persons were
Guastavino et al. Paris and Nantes, No Yes Yes No – 1) 29 42 – ● Open-ended ● Soundscape quality ● Open near a major road
2005 [49] France 2) 27 ● Closed-ended ● Sound sources evaluation, dominance, ● Park near road and train station
background, satisfaction ● Quiet street close to a schoolyard
● Walled-in plaza in the pedestrian
● Sidewalk of major road
● Sidewalk café-district in
pedestrian area
● Large park near road and train
● An open square near the major
Bjerre et al. 2017 Copenhagen, Denmark No Yes Yes No – 24 66 – ● Staple scale ● Soundscape quality ● Park: natural acoustic
[47] ● Open-ended ● Demographic and socioeconomic environment shielded from the
surrounding traffic
● Square: artificially added natural
elements, such as planted trees
and a water fountain, to meet the
needs for a more comfortable
● Bridge area: urban acoustic
environment with heavy traffic
and nature represented by the
two lakes and sporadic trees in
the area
Langdon 1976 London, UK No No Yes No – – 2933 – ● Open-ended ● Noise annoyance ● Traffic sources
[43] ● Close-ended ● Demographic and socioeconomic
● Semantic differential
Izumi and Yano Hokkaido, Japan No No Yes No – – 146 – ● Open-ended ● Noise annoyance ● Traffic sources
1991 [87] ● Close-ended ● Demographic and socioeconomic
Patelli 2017 [88] Mazama, USA No No Yes No – – 1) – ● Open-ended ● Soundscape expectation ● Small village sound sources
● Soundscape memories
● Soundscape behavior
Curr Pollution Rep
Table 1 (continued)

Author/year Location (study area) Methodology Sample size Question types Question topics Stimuli

Curr Pollution Rep

30- ● Environment preferences

Rehan 2016 [39] Cairo, Egypt No No Yes No – – 25 – ● Rating scale ● Noise annoyance ● At Ramses square, there are
● Open-ended ● Soundscape memories multiple sources of sound
● Soundscape quality including traffic congestion
● Sound sources evaluation, dominance, (because of micro-busses
background, satisfaction stopping everywhere),
● Demographic and socioeconomic unwanted sound from trains in
the railway station, the noise
from the tram, hard pavement
reflecting the sound of people
walking, and noise from the
shouting of peddlers. In
addition, the sounds from the
traffic congestion of 6 of
October Bridge (Elevated
Highway) that passes the square.
There are no natural clear
sounds due to the lake of trees
Szeremeta and Curitiba, Brazil No No Yes No – – 335 – ● Open-ended ● Noise annoyance ● Urban parks in areas of great
Zannin 2009 ● Close-ended ● Visual/location quality urban density, surrounded by
[89] ● Rating scale ● Sound sources identification streets with heavy vehicle traffic
● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
background, satisfaction
Liu and Kang Sheffield, UK No No Yes No – – 53 – ● Open-ended ● Soundscape quality ● Urban sounds
2016 [44] ● Soundscape memories
● Soundscape behavior
● Demographic and socioeconomic
Merchan et al. Penalara Natural Park, No No Yes No – – 327 – ● Open-ended ● Sound sources identification ● Park sounds
2014 [41] Spain ● Close-ended ● Valuation space
● Knowledge about location
● Demographic and socioeconomic
Axelsson et al. Stockholm, Sweden No No Yes No – – 405 – ● Close-ended ● Soundscape description, awareness, ● Urban park sounds
2014 [90] ● Rating scale perception of differences
● Checklists ● Overall impression
● Demographic and socioeconomic
Kaymaz et al. Ankara, Turkey No No Yes No – – 97 – ● Semantic differential ● Soundscape quality ● A historical urban area with
2016 [91] ● Rating scale ● Demographic and socioeconomic hospitals and residential area of
lower income group in the
Marry and Grenoble, France No No Yes Yes – – 29 18 ● Open-ended ● Overall impression ● Sound sources from squares
Defrance 2013 questions
Granada, Spain No No Yes No – – 570 – ● Soundscape quality ● Traffic
Table 1 (continued)

Author/year Location (study area) Methodology Sample size Question types Question topics Stimuli


Torija et al. 2012 ● Visual-analogue ● Leisure activities

[92] scale ● Commercial activities
● Semantic differential ● Human occupancy
scale ● Natural sounds
● Gardens
● Natural environments
Jambrošić et al. Zadar, Croatia No No Yes No – – 167 – ● Rating scale ● Soundscape quality ● City streets
2013 [93] ● Demographic and socioeconomic ● Main square sources
● Soundscape preference ● Ferry harbor
● Visual/location quality ● Sea Organ
● Sea sounds
Raimbault 2006 Nantes and Lyon, No No Yes No – – 296 – ● Open-ended ● Sound sources evaluation, dominance, ● Pedestrians
[94] France questions background, satisfaction ● Shopping areas
● Semantic differential ● Knowledge about location ● Cafes
scale ● Sound sources identification ● Children playing
● Visual/location quality
Schulte-Fortkamp Berlin, Germany No No Yes No – – NR – ● Verbal rating scale ● Sound sources identification ● Residential areas
and Fiebig ● Noise annoyance
2006 [95] ● Location use (infrastructure, public
● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
background, satisfaction
● Demographic and socioeconomic
Nilsson and Stockholm, Sweden No No Yes No – – 286 – ● Verbal rating scale ● Demographic and socioeconomic ● Green areas sound sources
Berglund 2013 ● Visual-analogue ● Soundscape quality
[96] scale ● Visual/location quality
● Sound sources identification
● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
background, satisfaction
Lercher et al. Innsbruck, Austria No No Yes No – – 1280 – ● Verbal rating scale ● Demographic and socioeconomic ● ● Industrial sounds
2013 [97] Noise annoyance ● Small business sounds
● Soundscape quality ● Rural sounds
● Biological risk information
● Overall impression
Gustaviano 2006 Paris, Nantes and Lyon, No No Yes No – – 77 – ● Open-ended ● Demographic and socioeconomic Not reported
[98] France questions ● Noise annoyance
● Soundscape quality
● Environment preferences
Brambilla et al. Milan and Naples, Italy No No Yes No – – 1) 228 – ● Verbal rating scale ● Noise annoyance ● Park sounds
2013 [99] 2) 38 ● Soundscape quality
● Sound sources identification
● Soundscape preference
● Location use (infrastructure, public
Curr Pollution Rep
Table 1 (continued)

Author/year Location (study area) Methodology Sample size Question types Question topics Stimuli

Curr Pollution Rep

● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,

background, satisfaction
● Demographic and socioeconomic
Coensel and Ghent, Belgium No No Yes No – – 200 – ● Rating scale ● Sound sources identification ● Street sounds
Botteldooren ● Soundscape expectation
2006 [100] ● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
background, satisfaction
Brambilla and Naples, Italy No Yes Yes No – – 1) 73 – ● Open-ended ● Demographic and socioeconomic ● Urban park sounds
Maffei 2006 2) 26 questions ● Soundscape quality ● Human activities
[101] ● Dichotomous ● Location use (infrastructure, public ● Community noise
questions transportation) ● Technological noises
● Staple scale ● Knowledge about location
● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
background, satisfaction
Axelsson et al. Stockholm, Sweden No Yes No No – 100 – – ● Semantic differential ● Soundscape quality ● Sound samples from London and
2010 [51] scale Stockholm.
Urban courtyards (2), motorways
(2), a pedestrian street (1),
schoolyards (14), suburban
parks (5), suburban recreational
areas (9), suburban residential
areas (2), urban parks (4), an
urban square market (1), and
urban streets (10)
Irwin et al. 2011 Nottingham, UK No Yes No No – Pilot, 5 – – ● Semantic differential ● Soundscape quality ● 219 samples, British urban
[102] Final, 16 scale soundscapes: street, market,
shopping mall, and park
Gonzalo et al. Cáceres, Spain No Yes No No – 25 – – ● Semantic differential ● Demographic and socioeconomic Urban sounds:
2015 [103] scale ● Emotional and physical state ● Fairly saturated rush-hour traffic
● Open-ended environments (4 recordings)
● Closed-ended ● Traffic environments combined
with other environments (4
● Urban green zones (3 recordings)
● Building or road work (3
● Public transport station (4
● Crowded spaces (4 recordings)
● Children (3 recordings)
● Other urban environments (6
Maculewicz et al. Copenhagen, Denmark No Yes No No – 25 – – ● Semantic differential ● Soundscape description, awareness, ● Seashore
2016 [104] scale perception of differences ● Restaurant
● Soundscape preference ● Street
Table 1 (continued)

Author/year Location (study area) Methodology Sample size Question types Question topics Stimuli


● Difficulty listening test ● Office

● Elements which can influence the
Aletta et al. 2016 Torino, Italy No Yes No No – 88 – – ● Semantic differential ● Noise annoyance ● Urban park sounds
[105] Sheffield, UK scale ● Soundscape quality
Jeon et al. 2018 France, Korea, and No Yes No No – 95 – – ● Staple scale ● Soundscape quality ● Urban park sounds
[106] Sweden ● Semantic differential
Woodcock et al. Salford, UK No Yes No No – 18 – – ● Rank order scale ● Soundscape description, awareness, ● Urban soundscapes: urban park,
2017 [53] perception of differences a junction on a busy street in the
● Sound sources identification city center, a market in a busy
area and a quiet area, inside a
busy shop, inside a quiet shop,
inside a large museum, inside a
bar, and inside a busy cafeteria
Medvedev et al. Auckland, New No Yes No No – 45 – – ● Rating scale ● Soundscape quality ● Birdsong
2015 [52] Zealand ● Ocean
● Road noise
● Construction noise
Cain et al. 2013 Warwick, UK No Yes No No – 25 450 – ● Semantic differential ● Soundscape quality ● Urban sounds: streets with busy
[54] scale traffic and human sounds; urban
parks with distant traffic and
wildlife; a café atmosphere; and
crowds of people (PSP)
● University of Warwick: roads
with traffic, human sounds,
green spaces with distant traffic,
wildlife and water features
Hall et al. 2013 Nottingham, UK No Yes No No – 1) 5 – – ● Semantic differential ● Soundscape quality ● Street sounds
[107] 2) 15 ● Market sounds
● Shopping mall sounds
● Park
Hatfield et al. Sydney, Australia No Yes No No – 82 – – ● Close-ended ● Sound sources identification ● Sounds from their homes
2006 [108] questions ● Noise annoyance
● Open-ended ● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
questions background, satisfaction
● Staple scale
● Demographic
Hume and Manchester, UK No Yes No No – 80 – – ● Staple scale ● Soundscape quality ● Human sounds
Ahtamad 2013
Lavandier and Paris, France No Yes No No – 20 – – ● Rating scale ● Sound sources identification ● Street sounds
Defréville 2006 ● Sound sources evaluation, dominance,
[110] background, satisfaction
Curr Pollution Rep
Curr Pollution Rep

we conclude that Bsoundscape quality,^ Bsound sources eval-

uation, dominance, background, satisfaction,^ Bdemographic
or socioeconomic information,^ and Bsound sources

● Vehicle-related sounds

● Construction sounds
● Urban park sounds
identification^ are the main topics investigated through listen-

● Natural sounds
● Human sounds
● Urban sounds ing test in soundscape studies.

● Rural sounds
The most frequently used stimuli originated from green
spaces and parks, 14 studies [25, 47, 49–51, 53, 54,

101–103, 105–107, 111] and followed by traffic sources, 12

studies[46, 47, 57, 58, 59, 602, 63, 64, 65, 80, 83, 84]; shop-
ping and pedestrian areas, 8 studies [25, 49–51, 53, 84, 102,
107]; squares sources, 5 studies [25, 49–51, 53, 84, 102, 107];
indoor shopping area sources, 3 studies [25, 53, 102]; outdoor
spaces in general, 4 studies [49–51, 103]; natural sources, 4
● Environment preferences
● Soundscape expectation

studies [52, 54, 104, 111]; human activities sources, 3 studies

● Soundscape quality

[54, 101, 109]; restaurant or café sources, 3 studies [53, 54,

Question topics

104]; indoor spaces sources, 3 studies [53, 104, 108]; con-

struction sound sources, 2 studies [52, 111]; technological
sources, 1 study [101]; and rural sound sources, 1 study
[111]. From these results, we concluded that green areas, traf-
fic, shopping, and pedestrian areas, as well as squares sounds
are the most investigated sound sources in soundscape studies
● Verbal rating scale

using listening tests.

Question types

Open-ended questions, 7 studies [25, 47, 49, 84, 101, 103,

108]; semantic differential scale, 9 studies [51, 54, 84,
102–107]; rating scale, 2 studies [52, 110]; closed-ended ques-
tions, 4 studies [49, 50, 103, 108]; staple scale, 5 studies [47,

101, 106, 108, 109]; dichotomous, 1 study [101]; demograph-

ic scale, 1 study [108]; rank order scale, 1 study [53]; and

verbal rating scale, 1 study [111] are the questions types

adopted through listening tests in soundscape studies.

Semantic differential scale, open-ended questions, staple


scale, closed-ended questions, and rating scale are the most

Sample size

frequent questions types used in listening tests surveys for

soundscape research purposes (Fig. 8).

The sample size had a big variation ranging from 15 [50] to


123 [111] respondents, and the participation was composed of


students and academic staff (6 studies) [49–52, 109, 111],

naïve listeners (1 study) [25], experts and non-experts in
Yes No

acoustics (1 study) [53], and persons recruited per email (1

study) [90]. The age range was from 17 to 72 years old. It is
possible to recognize in these results that students and aca-

demic staff, including experts and non-experts, were the main

Location (study area)

participants in listening experiences regarding soundscape

Payne 2013 [111] Manchester, UK

Focus Group
Table 1 (continued)

Just two studies from the amount of 52 papers reported the use
of focus group as data collection method [42, 56] (Fig. 7). The

most common questions investigated through focus group

were regarding Bannoyance, noise sensitivity,^ 1 study [42];
Blocation use (infrastructure or public transportation),^ 1
Curr Pollution Rep






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig. 7 Questions topic distribution on each data collection method. sensitivity. 10. Environmental preference. 11. Visual/location quality.
Legend: 1. Soundscape expectation. 2. Soundscape description, 12. Elements which can influence the soundscape. 13. Location use
awareness, perception of differences. 3. Best soundscape, preference. 4. (infrastructure or public transportation). 14. Knowledge about the
Soundscape quality. 5. Soundscape memories. 6. Behaviors influenced by location. 15. Best urban space, preference. 16. Space valuation. 17.
the soundscape. 7. Sound sources identification. 8. Sound sources Overall impression. 18. Demographic or socioeconomic information.
evaluation, dominance, background, satisfaction. 9. Annoyance, noise 19.Emotional and physical state. 20. Difficulty from listening experience

study [42]; Bspace valuation,^ 1 study [42]; Boverall three selected listening tests and interviews [47, 49,
impression,^ 1 study [56]; and Bdemographic or socioeco- 101], and two adopted interviews and focus group [42,
nomic information, 1 study [42]. Those questions have a gen- 56]. Those findings are confirming the tendency of the
eral overview of the study area and subjects. use of the triangulation technique, suggested in the ISO
Focus group is a discussion group, so the participants are 12913-2, which consist in the verification of results
not using a traditional questionnaire to answer questions relat- through two or more methods [13, 14].
ed to soundscape (Fig. 8). Subjects profile was not reported in Soundscapes studies using soundwalks as data collec-
the mentioned studies. tion method had a great diversity of research topics.
From 20 research topics summarized in this study
(Fig. 7), 18 were investigated with the help of
Discussion soundwalks. The main topics are ranked in the follow-
ing order: Bsound sources evaluation, dominance, back-
From 52 peer-reviewed papers, 13 used soundwalks, 20 ground, satisfaction,^ Bsoundscape quality,^ Bvisual/loca-
listening tests, 29 interviews, and 2 focus groups as data tion quality,^ Bsound source identification,^ Boverall
collection method. Some of those papers adopted more i m p r e s s i o n , ^ Bd e m o g r a p h i c a n d s o c i o e c o n o m i c
than one data collection method, as follows: two studies information.^ Regarding question type, the main options
used soundwalks and listening tests [25, 50], four stud- were open-ended questions, semantic differential, and
ies used soundwalks and interviews [33, 37, 38, 40], staple scale. Multiple choice questions were used only

Fig. 8 Questions type distribution SW LT INT FG

on each data collection method. 18
Legend: 1. Open-ended 16
questions. 2. Closed-ended 14
questions. 3. Multiple choice
questions. 4. Dichotomous. 5. 12

Checklists. 6. Demographic scale. 10

7. Semantic differential scale. 8. 8
Visual-analogue scale. 9. Staple
scale. 10. Rating scale. 11. Rank 6
order scale. 12. Verbal rating 4
scale. 13. Thurstone scale 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Curr Pollution Rep

in soundwalks. The main sound stimuli investigated there were evaluated 52 peer-reviewed papers published
through this method were park, squares, and shopping on the last 20 years through a systematic review.
areas sources. Participants were invited on-site during BDemographic or socioeconomic information,^
their leisure time (park users), or colleagues (academic Boverall impression,^ Bannoyance, noise sensitivity,^
staff) and students participated in the data collection. Blocation use (infrastructure or public transportation),^
In the use of interviews as data collection method, 17 and Bspace valuation^ are the research topics which are
topics were investigated (Fig. 7). Two topics were ex- investigated in any data collection method analyzed in
clusive in studies using interviews: Bsoundscape this study. Moreover, Bsoundscape quality,^ Bsound
m e m o r i e s ^ a n d Bb e h a v i o r s i n f l u e n c e d b y t h e sources evaluation, dominance, background, satisfaction,^
soundscape.^ For this data collection option, the main and Bsound sources identification^ are the most frequently
t o p i c s w e r e Bd e m o g r a p h i c a n d s o c i o e c o n o m i c investigated topics by soundwalks, interviews, and listen-
information,^ Bsound sources evaluation, dominance, ing tests. BVisual/local quality^ is a topic of great rele-
background and satisfaction,^ and Bsoundscape quality.^ vance when the investigation is conducted through
Some question types had a preference, like Bopen-ended soundwalks, due to the immersion of the participant on-
questions,^ Bclosed-ended questions,^ Bsemantic differ- site. Two exclusive topics are investigated through inter-
ential scale,^ and Brating order scale.^ Checklists and views, the Bsoundscape memories^ and Bbehaviors influ-
Thurstone scale were used exclusively in interviews. enced by the soundscape.^
During the interviews, the main sound stimuli were Regarding question types and answers adopted in
the park, traffic, and square sources. It is common to soundscape studies (soundwalks, interviews, and listening
ask users of the park and passers-by persons to partic- tests), it is common to use open-ended questions to re-
ipate in this art of data collection. spond about Bsound sources identification^ or to collect
Studies which adopted listening tests as data collec- Bdemographic and socioeconomic information.^ Semantic
tion method reported 18 investigated topics (Fig. 7). differential scale, staple scale, and rating order scale are
The main topics were Bsoundscape quality,^ Bsound considered as closed-ended questions and are commonly
sources evaluation, dominance, background, used for the following topics: Bsoundscape quality,^
satisfaction,^ Bdemographic information,^ and Bsound Bsound sources evaluation, dominance, background,
source identification.^ The main questions types were satisfaction,^ and Bvisual/location quality.^ Multiple
semantic differential scale, open-ended questions, staple choice questions were used only in soundwalks, and
scale, closed-ended questions, and rating scale. The checklists and Thurstone scale was used exclusively in
same main sound stimuli from soundwalks were used interviews. Multiple choice questions are helping to col-
in listening tests studies, including sounds from traffic lected non-excluding information about the soundscape or
flow. Students and academic staff, including experts and area [62]. Checklists are forcing the participant to give
non-experts, were the main participants in listening ex- only one appropriate answer [77]. The Thurstone scale
periences regarding soundscape studies. is composed of statements which the respondent should
Focus group adopted 5 of 20 investigated topics. The dis- evaluate regarding the sonic and spatial environment [75].
cussion of Bannoyance, noise sensitivity,^ Blocation use (in- In all data collection methods parks and square
frastructure or public transportation), Bspace valuation,^ sounds are frequently used as stimuli under investiga-
Boverall impression,^ and Bdemographic or socioeconomic tion. Sounds from shopping areas were investigated fre-
information^ was supported by the investigators. quently through soundwalks and listening tests. Traffic
Participants were not using a traditional questionnaire to an- sounds were mainly investigated by interviews and lis-
swer questions related to the soundscape, so there is no infor- tening tests.
mation about question type adopted in this data collection The sample size has a big variation for interviews
method. (min = 22, max = 2933), middle proportion for
soundwalks (min = 3, max = 580), and small proportion
for listening tests (min = 15, max = 123) in the investi-
Conclusion gated manuscripts. Students and academic staff are a
common test sample for all investigation methods. Park
This study investigated the current status of socio- visitors or users of the public space participated fre-
acoustic studies with regard to question topics and quently in soundwalks and interviews. Passers-by, resi-
types, used stimuli, and characteristics about the partic- dents, artists, and person familiarized with the study
ipants, using the four major adopted data collection area were common respondents of interviews. Non-
methods in soundscape studies: soundwalks, interviews, expert listeners and acoustic experts participated fre-
listening tests, and focus group. To achieve this aim, quently in listening tests.
Curr Pollution Rep

Acknowledgments The authors also would like to thank the reviewers for RUROS—rediscovering the urban realm and open spaces,
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Conflict of Interest On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author soundscapes. Proc Inst Acoust. 2008;30(2):548–54.
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