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Organisational Behaviour

Concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour
And how to cooperate effectively with others

Student Name: - Ruth Gomis

Student Number: - 4659

LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others.................................5
3.1 (P3) Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team?..................5
3.2 (M3) Analyse relevant team and group development theories to support the development
of cooperation within effective teams and how it supports the dynamic cooperation and
behaviour within organisations............................................................................................................7
3.3 (P4,D2) Identify a specific situation in relation to teamwork (negative) within the
organisation and conduct a critical analysis and evaluate of factors that might have influenced
this behaviour and how they threaten the successful achievement of group cohesiveness and
also how to improve business performance and productivity......................................................10
LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business situation.........13
4.1 (M4) How can concepts of organisational behaviour be adopted to influence positive behaviour
within the organisation specifically in the identified scenario. Use examples in your recommendations.
The Conclusion......................................................................................................................................15


People are constantly interacting not only inside the team but also with other members of the
team and the team itself. The relevance of group dynamics is thus emphasized in the social
sciences. Having a team is more than just having a few individuals work together to accomplish
something. A team has a strong sense of camaraderie and unity (meaning that they produce
more together than they could individually). The capacity to create and manage outstanding
teams is advantageous to organizations. In group dynamics, a group is described as two or
more interacting, autonomous individuals working together to accomplish certain goals.
Effective groups employ constructive conflict to generate innovation and change in ideas before
reaching a consensus and stimulate conversation on topics on which they differ. Ineffective
organizations quickly come to an understanding and defend it against any novel or unique
thought. Thus, task completion can be accomplished fast, however this frequently involves
treating the symptom rather than the underlying cause.

In this study, broad approaches to group structure and formation were examined together with
group dynamics within the context of the most widely recognized notions and theories. In the
first question, it is briefly discussed how teams might be productive or inefficient. Second, group
dynamics were explored together with Tuckman's hypothesis of the stages of group growth.
Finally, how principles of organizational behavior might be used to promote good conduct within
the organization is examined, along with a critical study of variables that might have impacted
behavior and how the bad behavior threatens the effective attainment of group cohesion.

LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate
effectively with others
3.1 (P3) Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to
an ineffective team?

Team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common
purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually
accountable. (Katzenbach, Jon. The Wisdom of Teams, p.21)

Successful teams function as a single unit that is concentrated on a common goal. To do that,
management must first define the qualities they seek in new hires through proactive planning.
Analyzing team building is just as important as generating new initiatives. The team must be
effective in order to maximize its potential.

Effective Teams – The majority of choices are made through a consensus process when it is
obvious that everyone is in general agreement.

The following charismatics are necessary for a team to be successful:

Promote Open Communication

You must ask for the opinions, ideas, and recommendations of your team members as
frequently as you can. This can be difficult and the team will be ineffective in a top-down
system when senior management holds such a great deal of power. For instance, the Hemas
Group recognizes its subsidiaries as teams, allowing all team members to openly connect with
management since they adhere to an open communication culture rather than a top-down

Establish Company Goals

Develop action plans to achieve your company's goals and communicate them. Allowing your
team members to contribute significantly is one of the most effective team-building techniques
you can employ. The efficacy of that specific team will be impacted if the team leader does not
care about the goals and does not convey them to the team. When the week is finished, for
instance, every member of the pharmaceutical team of Hemas should inform the team leader
of their accomplishments. The team leader will then recognize or decide how to close the gap
between the team members' desired outcomes.

Showcase Diversity
Strong teams are made up of individuals with a variety of abilities, skills, backgrounds, and
nationalities.. If these skills are not appropriately identified and applied, the team will be
ineffective. In hemas hospital the employees will be granted the promotions according to the
talents and skills that they accomplish when they attend the patients requirements

Operate In a Safe Environment

The word "safe" here refers to the team members' emotional safety, which allows them to
provide comments, share their thoughts, and, most crucially, fail without worrying about
criticism or retaliation. The team as a whole will be unproductive if the team members feel
emotionally insecure because they will believe they are not important Because of the company
culture, both new and seasoned employees at Hemas cooperate more closely and are more
cordial with one another.

Solve Problems Together

Strong teams therefore need to develop their problem-solving skills. As a leader, you must
provide your team the freedom and authority to solve problems and reach agreements without
consulting management at every level of the process. One of the best ways to foster teamwork
is to provide employees the opportunity to come up with original solutions. It is standard
procedure at Hemas Travel to attempt to resolve any issues that may arise while purchasing
airline tickets among the personnel and clients before bringing them to the attention of

Consistently Evaluate Performance

One of the most important elements of building a strong team is evaluating performance.
When team members are able to assess themselves, it works best. This gives the team the
chance to fix mistakes or, if required, shift directions. Effective teams will also examine data to
see whether newly implemented procedures are yielding the expected outcomes otherwise it
will be an ineffective team. In the pharmaceutical industry, every team member has the power
to integrate everyday accomplishments into their operational framework and predict the
outcome independently.

Encourage trust and cooperation among employees on your team.

Remember that the relationships team members establish among themselves are
every bit as important as those you establish with them. For instance All of the
employees in the terms in hemas group are urged to attend the monthly get-togethers
in order to develop close bonds with one another.

Set ground rules for the team.

These are the norms that you and the team establish to ensure efficiency and success.
They can be simple directives (Team members are to be punctual for meetings) or
general guidelines (Every team member has the right to offer ideas and suggestions),
but you should make sure that the team creates these ground rules by consensus and
commits to them, both as a group and as individuals. If the team members do not
adhere to commitments then the team will be ineffective. For example the employees
at Hemas voluntarily follow the rules without any coercion from management

In this question I have mentioned about the what are the factors need to be a team to
effective if those factors are not full filled it will be ineffective.

3.2 (M3) Analyse relevant team and group development
theories to support the development of cooperation within
effective teams and how it supports the dynamic cooperation
and behaviour within organisations.

Most people participate in many groups. It is common knowledge that many organizations
provide its members a variety of advantages. The following are some typical justifications for
joining groups:

A group or organization develops through time, moving from a collection of people to a cohesive
unit pursuing a shared goal. These stages are predictable. Any group has two elements that
affect how it develops: interpersonal relationships and task functions.


1. Forming

Formation is the initial phase of team development. It's critical that the group begin to
comprehend the role that each member will perform. As a result, the team dynamic inside the
business will be impacted by how each team member feels they can contribute. This fosters the
development of original, creative solutions.

In Hemas new members are encouraged to ask a many as queries from other team members
during this forming stage it may reflect both their excitement for the new team and any
ambiguity or fear they may be experiencing over their position on the team.

2. Storming

The storming phase is the one where interpersonal conflict occurs most frequently. As people
become more aware of each other's intentions, it is frequently here that the initial expectations
and limits are put to the test. Strong leaders will offer support and direction to team members
without inciting conflict or micromanaging.

If Hemas team members suffer irritation or uncertainty during this Storming stage, the team
leader is responsible for redefining the team's goals, duties, and tasks. This will assist the team
members get past their annoyance or misunderstanding.

3. Norming

The norming stage is when each team member is aware of their responsibilities and works on
their respective portions of the project. Gantt charts may be quite useful in keeping everyone on
track at this stage. Work to swiftly address any unhelpful behavior you observe a team member
exhibiting. Even the healthiest of teams can experience conflicts, so promote open
communication about the issue.

With this Norming stage, Hemas team members focus more on the team's objectives and
demonstrate increased productivity (in Hemas Travel, monthly targets will be displayed in the
gantt chart, which is accessible to every employee), resulting in an impact on both individual
and group work. The group may decide that now is a suitable time to assess the effectiveness
and efficiency of teamwork.

4. Performing

Each team member is aware of the skills and shortcomings of the others and is comfortable
enough with them to offer assistance. At this point, each team member is driven and self-
assured. They may also work there without being watched. It is a true accomplishment if your
team advances to this stage because some teams don't. Every group will want to reach this
level since this is when you can produce your greatest work. It is possible to ignite creativity and
boost team spirit while working in a cohesive and supportive team.

Hemas has a "can do" mentality that is evident and fostered throughout the team, which leads
to their propensity for helping one another. The team's duties may have also grown more
flexible as individuals have taken on different tasks and responsibilities as necessary.
Employees at the Hemas Group, for instance, labor voluntarily during the pandemic because
they feel a great responsibility to support both the company and the community.

5. Adjourning

The group will split up after the job is finished. If they had developed a close relationship before
they reached the performance stage, there could have been a sense of loss. However, if you
work with some of these individuals again, having a nice shared experience will make it simpler.

Effective cooperation is built on a strong, welcoming team culture. Use team-building activities
to promote closer bonds between the team's individual members. Establish a work environment
that fosters employees' success, happiness, and passion for their jobs. Consider how you may
foster a culture of respect and trust among team members as you value diversity.

After completing their monthly goals, each departing team member should reflect on the team's
methodology and output with an emphasis on finding "lessons learned," and then pass them
along to the newcomers for u se in future teams.

3.3 (P4,D2) Identify a specific situation in relation to
teamwork (negative) within the organisation and conduct a
critical analysis and evaluate of factors that might have
influenced this behaviour and how they threaten the
successful achievement of group cohesiveness and also
how to improve business performance and productivity.

1. Specific situation in relation to teamwork (negative)

As a result of the influence of one of the managing directors of the Hemas group, one of the
sales representatives in Hemas was appointed to the pharmaceutical division. The chosen sales
representative did a poor job of accepting responsibility and of adhering to business rules and
conventions. Additionally, he said that because of his relationship to high management, no one
would dispute his appointment from the top and that he was thus not had to follow or observe
the rules and regulations. Additionally, because of his link to senior management, the team
leader in the pharmaceutical business was unable to correct him. As an illustration, he didn't
arrive at work on time and didn't achieve the weekly targets that were set for him.

2. Evaluate of factors that might have influenced this behavior

The sales staff of the pharmaceutical business found this specific representative's actions to be
quite troubling. Due to the fact that the other representatives believed he was their favorite, all of
the other representatives had lost motivation. Additionally, some of the other sales people have
a tendency to act in a similar manner to him because they believe that if he has the right to do
so, why shouldn't they? As a result, they prefer to act similarly to him. Because they believed he
would support us inside the team, other representatives who had been affected by him tended
to act incorrectly. People begin to lose motivation when they believe that their efforts were in
vain while other team members' accomplishments are arbitrary. This in-group prejudice
degrades the workplace atmosphere and has a detrimental effect on team morale. Resentment
is developed through unfair management, which undermines motivation, respect for authority,
and staff retention. As a result, the workplace becomes awkward and hostile, displaying
employee dissension and mistrust. Knowing that the manager's affection for someone is
motivated by personal prejudice or superficiality undermines faith in the leader's judgment and

3. How they threaten the successful achievement of group
Team cohesiveness is a degree to which group members are attracted or motivated by each
other. Basically, group cohesiveness is the closeness amongst the group members.

Factors influencing group cohesiveness

1. Similarities of Attitudes and Values:

With the recruitment of this new employee, the employees who enjoy the similar opinions,
morals, beliefs and code of conduct are affected as a result social validation for their beliefs will
be in a bad position as well as the team cohesiveness.

2. Size of the Group:

Since the hemas is a larger group, but the group is divided into smaller teams, this new
employee is recruited from the group and the interaction to that group is much less, as a result
the team will be a less cohesive

3. Time:
The former employees like to work with people much familiar to them, after this new recruitment
the employees disagree to interact with him because he has much connection to the
management and he will pin point the wrong of them to managers.

4. Status:
After the new recuitmnet the loyal with in the team has been gone therefore the staus of the
group has become low as a result team cohesiveness will be low.

5. Difficulty in Entry:
The group member and the others has a very distant relationship therefore it is more difficult get
in a group, the less cohesive that group becomes.

6. Inter Dependency:
The new team member do not have independent activity with other member’s , the
cohesiveness among the members of such group will be less as mutual dependency leads to
greater cohesiveness.

4. how to improve business performance and productivity

1. Promote conversation
Team leaders should encourage active and open communication among team members and
offer the tools necessary for team members to speak with one another if they wish to improve
team cohesion. Performance and productivity will therefore improve. The team leaders will also
accurately identify the issue with the new hire in the aforementioned situation, which will lower
labor turnover and boost productivity.

2. Engage in team-building exercises

The team leader informed the managing director about the new employee's issue, and the new
employee's employment with the firm was terminated as a result. The sales team then needed
to be rebuilt, and team-building exercises have helped to raise members' self-esteem and
general morale while also encouraging team members to form links with one another in order to
support the team's success. Leaders will be more productive as a result of strong team
relationships since they handle issues internally and share business insights.
Try these team-building exercises as examples:
• Team games
• Team meals

3. Offer instruction and growth

Team members are more likely to connect with one another more effectively and finish their
responsibilities more quickly if they have confidence in their own talents. A wonderful method to
empower team members to take charge of their talents and abilities and give them confidence
when executing jobs is by providing training and development opportunities. In the end, this will
enhance their performance and general contribution to the team.

4. Honor team achievements.

The entire cohesion of the team may be significantly impacted by the team's celebration of
accomplishment. Instead than concentrating on a person's accomplishments inside the team,
use those accomplishments to recognize the team as a whole. Recognize that each team
member contributes significantly to achieving goals and thank them for their efforts.

5. Put trust-building first.

The capacity of a team to collaborate effectively and cohesively is significantly influenced by
trust. There are different actions you can do to further the trust inside your team, even though
concentrating on increasing and strengthening communication assists its development. The
team leader must set an example and be as open and honest as possible with their team in
order to foster trust. Members of a team are more likely to lose trust and believe they cannot
interact in a secure and productive manner when they believe their leader is hiding information
or isn't being honest and transparent.

LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational
behaviour to a given business situation
4.1 (M4) How can concepts of organisational behaviour be
adopted to influence positive behaviour within the
organisation specifically in the identified scenario. Use
examples in your recommendations.

In hemas pharmaceutical, the sales division have a realistic goal of achieving 30million sales
from the medicine they sell with in the Colombo area with in a time period of 3 months . In order
to achieve this goals the pharmaceutical division has recruited 40 sales representatives. Within
this sales representatives 5 of them should be team leaders and others have 3yrs experience in
the sales world.

Hemas pharmaceutical division has identified the goal of 30 million sales so they have divided
the Colombo area for 10 specific sub areas . Colombo 1,colombo 2...colombo 3 etc up to 10
areas. Each team leader has two areas to look after and with in the area there are 4 sales
representatives including the team leaders. All the team leaders are identified as area managers
and all those area managers should report to regional managers with in the pharmaceutical

When recruiting the sales representatives, the managers thoroughly evaluate their performance
like previous experiences and give them 3weeks an on the job training and introduced to the
sales team.

Belbin concept of 9 team roles

Belbin concept of 9 team roles are adapted and how it influence the positive behavior within the
organization regarding the above situation is discussed here. The belbin suggests that the team
members with similar styles should not be work together if so it will be an unbalanced team.

Therefore the team members should have one of thought oriented person, one of action
oriented person and one of people oriented person in order to balance the team positive
Thought-oriented team members are critical thinkers. They may present new ideas or new
perspectives, analyze ideas by weighing the pros and cons or offer specialized knowledge or
skills. The three thought-oriented roles include: the monitor evaluator,
the specialist and the plant.

The monitor influence the positive behavior by carefully considering all angles and possibilities
that can happen and then devise insightful solutions to the problems as a result they will take

effective decisions with in an organization that is a positive behavior towards the organization
goal achievements. The specialist they are enthusiastic when it comes to their field of expertise
and are eager to share their knowledge with junior members who want to learn so that the new
members with in the team can adapt to the market changers effectively that is a positive
behavior towards the organization. The plant is where creative thinking happen this typically
leads to innovative solutions and ground-breaking concepts which will make a huge impact to
the positive thinking of organization behavior because when creative thinking happen innovative
ideas will take place so the sales representatives get to know about new ways of approaching
the pharmacist in their sales process.

Action-oriented team members strive to accomplish tasks. Action-oriented roles include the
shaper, the implementer and the finisher.

The shaper are extroverts who tend to motivate themselves and others to achieve results. It is a
positive behavior because when the team members are motivated with in the team group it will
be very easy to achieve the goals as a team. The implementer is a person who like to structure
their environments and maintain order and he is very self-control, highly discipline individual
when there is someone like him in the team, the team members willingly disciple themselves for
an example when the team implementer comes to work before half an earlier to work, the others
also influenced by him and might come earlier to work. The finisher is a person who perform
quality assurance, therefore he tries for perfection. When the team acts towards to the goal the
finisher is more concern about the quality of the work, so the work will be more effective and
efficient in terms of the finisher.

People-oriented team members use networking and relationship-building skills to complete

tasks. They may be excellent active listeners and provide support to other team members to
build cohesion in the group. People-oriented team roles include: the coordinator, the team
worker and the resource investigator

Coordinator normally good at identifying talent in a team and utilizing it to achieve the group's
objectives. As a positive result to the organization coordinators help team members to
accomplish their individual goals as a result the overall goals will be accomplished. Team
workers are proficient at solving interpersonal issues within a team and supporting members
who may feel neglected. As a result there will be a bond created within the team members and
the team worker. When the team worker solve interpersonal issues with one and other individual
team members become more effective and efficient as a result the organization will be effective
and efficient.
The resource investigators are positive and enthusiastic people who like to explore new
opportunities and investigate new developments. Resource investigators are good at making
new business contacts. For the sales team they need the ability to adhere more customers in
order to achieve their goals. So the resource investigators making new business contacts will be
more helpful as a result the company as a whole so the positive behavior

The Conclusion
A human resources manager will eventually have to deal with the following issues: how to
provide a pleasant working environment, how to encourage staff to stay in touch with one
another, and how to carry out teamwork-intensive activities effectively. The core of teambuilding
training is the process of forming and sustaining the team. This idea encompasses team
building exercises, business events, psychological training that simulates collective behavior,
and numerous playing activities.

Organizational behavior's primary goal is to explain, forecast, and comprehend how people
behave in workplaces. Since the study of human behavior is primarily based in science,
organizational behavior is both an art and a science. As a concept and understands
organization behavior we can use the Belbin concept of team building roles. Participating in
team building activities will boost employees' trust in supervisors and leaders.

We may conclude by saying that team building is the most efficient technique to enhance
communication between team members, enhance the team's atmosphere, enhance member
trust, and settle problems.


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Belbin 9 roles
Available at

Characteristics for Effective Teamwork

Available at


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