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Solutions Test G-Level MaC1NVC08 K1 Algebra & Functions


G-Level Test on Algebra and Functions: Second Grade Equations, Simultaneous Equations MaCNVCO08 Warning: There are more than one versions of the test. Instructions Test period 14:10-15:20. You are not allowed to use calculator in this part. Formula sheet, your personalised formula booklet, ruler and protractor. For most items a single answer is not enough. It is also expected that you write down what you do that you explain/motivate your reasoning that you draw any necessary illustrations. Try all of the problems. It can be relatively easy, even towards the end of the test, to receive some points for partial solutions. A positive evaluation can be given even for unfinished solutions. Score and mark levels The maximum score is 30 G points.. The maximum number of points you can receive for each solution is indicated after each problem. If a problem can give 2 Pass-points and 1 Pass with distinction-point this is written [2/1]. Some problems are marked with , which means that they more than other problems offer opportunities to show knowledge that can be related to the criteria for Pass with Special Distinction in Assessment Criteria 2000. Lower limit for the mark on the test G: Pass: VG: Pass with distinction:

Resources The test

15 points At least 25 points on this test, and the required level of illustration of performance on part II. Tomorrow! At least 25 points on this test, and the required level of illustration of performance on part II. Tomorrow!

MVG: Pass with special distinction:

Only the marked problems in the box below will be graded. 1a 2 1b 2 1c 2 1d 2 1e 4 2a 1 2b 1 2c 2 2d 1 2e 4 3 4 4 5 Sum 30 Grade Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Solutions Test G-Level MaC1NVC08 K1 Algebra & Functions


Solve all of the problems in test sheet in the space available: 1. Simplify the following expressions as far as possible: 25 x 2 (a) 2 x + 10 x + 25 Solution:


1 1 x( x + 1) x Solution:


25a 2 4b 2 5a 2b 2 2 25a 20ab + 4b 5a + 2b Solution:



(d) log 3 3 + log 3 9 log 3 27 Solution:


x3 100 (e) log(10 x ) log 2 + log 1000 x Solution:

[4/0] Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Solutions Test G-Level MaC1NVC08 K1 Algebra & Functions


2. Solve the following equations. Show the detail of your solutions. Give the answers in the surd (exact) form. (a) x 2 3x 28 = 0 Solution: [1/0]

(b) x100 = 5200 Solution:


4 x 3 = x+3 4 Solution:


(d) 3 x = 4 Solution:


(e) log(3 x 2 ) = 14 Solution:


[4/0] Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Solutions Test G-Level MaC1NVC08 K1 Algebra & Functions


3. Find the equation of the parabola illustrated in the figure below. The graph passes through the points ( 1, 0 ) , (2, 0 ) , and (0, 6 ) as demonstrated in the figure. Show the details of your solutions. [4/0]

8 6 4 2 0 -2 -1 -2 -4 x
Solutions: Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

Solutions Test G-Level MaC1NVC08 K1 Algebra & Functions


4. Find the equation of the exponential function illustrated in the figure below. The graph passes through the points (0, 800 ) , (1, 400 ) , and (3, 100 ) as demonstrated in the figure. Show the details of your solutions. [5/0]

900 800 700 600 500 y 400 300 200 100 0 -1 0 1 x

Solutions: Not for sale. Free to use for educational purposes

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