Infographic Chess 101

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Chess 101

How to start ?
Start with the setup on the right light square in
the lower right hand corner on each player
White moves first

Deliver checkmate

1. 2. 3.

Players take turns May capture pieces of Attacking piece is placed on the
making moves. other side square of the captured piece.

4. 5.

Captured piece is taken off Players cannot capture their

the board. own pieces.

Part of chess
Bishop Rook Knight Queen

Move diagonally in any position Moves horizontally and Moves in an L shape and jumps Move in any direction in a
vertically in any direction over pieces straight line
1. On first move, can move forward 1 or 2 squares
2.Thereafter, only moves forward 1 square at a time
3.Capture 1 square to its diagonal (forward).
4.When on the last rank, can be promoted to any piece except pawn or king.

1. Move 1 square in any direction.
2. Can castle if nothing blocking king and rock and both have not moved.
3. If attacked by an opponent's piece, said to be checked. King must move
out of check, block checking piece, or capture checking piece on the
next move or else it will be checkmate

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