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1. Membership Attainment - Students seeking to participate in all CISMUN-related endeavours

and engagements under the jurisdiction of the CISMUN Secretariat can join through the

following means:

a. Registering as a club member in Semester 1 of the concerning academic year,

b. Participating in any external conferences as a part of the CIS Delegation,

c. Attending and participating the annual CISMUN conference held in February;

2. Roles and Responsibilities - Students part of the CISMUN organization may be involved in the

following roles:

a. Delegate, with the responsibilities of:

i. Researching and preparing for conferences,

ii. Participating in conferences as much as one can,

iii. Attending all conferences till completion,

b. Student Officer, with the responsibility of:

i. Researching and preparing research documents for committee agendas,

ii. Facilitating debate and creating a healthy environment in committee,

c. Secretariat, with the responsibilities of:

i. Organising the CISMUN conference,

ii. Training and preparing delegates for external and CISMUN conferences

iii. Representing the organisation and the school, while upholding the morals and

values of the organisation;

3. Behavioural Expectations- Students attending any conference on behalf of CIS or attending

CISMUN must uphold the following expectations:

a. Students must attend all conferences till their completion until and unless exemption is

provided after communicating with the secretariat and Mr.Anil for valid reasons such as

but not limited to :

i. Medical issues,

ii. Family Emergency

b. Be noted that School requirements are not counted as a valid reason for missing MUN,

c. Students are prohibited from engaging in overly competitive, self-centric and aggressive


d. Students are legally liable for defamation, vandalism or wilful damage of school property,

either towards the CIS campus or other venues,

e. Harassment or discrimination of any kind is forbidden,

f. Provocative, deprecating and indecent remarks can result in strict disciplinary action and,

hence should be avoided at all times.

g. Taking part in any activities that go against the Indian Penal Code leaves students legally

liable for their actions;

4. Travelling Delegation Expectations- CIS delegations travelling outside of Bangalore must

adhere to the following guidelines:

a. Travel arrangements must be made with the CIS delegation, including:

i. Flight or other Travel Arrangements,

ii. Living arrangements in the host city,

b. Students must respect the rules and regulations of the host school, hotel and the city/


c. Students must not engage in any illicit activities that go against School policy and the

Indian Penal Code;

d. Rules and guidelines set out by the chaperones must be followed, on matters such as but

not limited to:

i. Bedtimes,

ii. Room arrangements,

iii. Timings;

5. Potential Repercussions - Any breaches of the CISMUN Code of Conduct shall be punished

with the following methods;

a. Removal from the CIS Delegation from the conference:

i. Barring entrance to CISMUN for the remainder of the conference,

ii. Barring entrance to external conferences,

iii. Immediate dismissal of delegates from conferences outside of Bangalore by

sending them home,

b. Barring from joining future conferences in the following capacities:

i. Registering for CISMUN and external conferences as a part of the CIS


ii. Participating as a Student Officer in any external conference and CISMUN,

iii. Joining the CISMUN Secretariat;

6. Students shall respect any Amendments made to the CISMUN Code of Conduct.

CISMUN IX’s Delegate Code of Conduct for Our Own Conference [To be used as a reference]

● At CISMUN, overly competitive, self-centric and aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated and

hence can result in stern disciplinary action.

● Each participant is legally liable for defamation, vandalism or willful damage to school property.

● Harassment and discrimination of any kind will be firmly forbidden at CISMUN.

● Delegates are CISMUN will be responsible for their valuables and personal belongings. CISMUN

will not be held liable for any loss or damage to personal items.

● Provocative, deprecating and indecent remarks can result in strict disciplinary action and, hence

should be avoided at all times.

● Unless the chair provides permission or in the case of a medical exemption, the use of electronic

devices is strictly prohibited during committee sessions.

● The use of illicit substances is a legal and criminal offence, among many other such acts

mentioned here, hence will not be permitted on CIS’ campus.

● All delegates, student officers and advisors are expected to practice basic COVID-19 etiquette at

all times, unless while eating/drinking/addressing the house. (To be updated and finalised).

● Delegates are encouraged to keep in mind that cooperation is more favourable and conducive to

MUN environments, hence should make sure to be amicable, respectful and polite towards other


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