CISMUN X - Conference Brochure

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Canadian International School Bangalore’s

Dear Distinguished Delegates, Respected Student Officers, Honourable Directors and
Esteemed Guests,

It is with immense honour and gratitude that we warmly welcome all of you to join us at
the tenth iteration of our prestigious Canadian International School Bangalore’s
Model United Nations Conference (CISMUN X), scheduled to take place from
February 23rd to 25th, 2024. Fostering multifaceted and nuanced solutions to subvert real-
world crises and channeling the inner diplomats has been our unwavering promise over
the last decade; CISMUN endeavors to remain self-reinforcing in our mission to preach
strategic diplomacy.

From beginning as a small internal conference in 2014, CISMUN has evolved into the
well-regarded event it is today, with the tenth iteration of CISMUN aiming to be the
largest MUN conference that CIS has ever hosted. Garnering pan-India participation, our
10th edition will manifoldly augment the public-speaking, researching, problem-solving,
argumentation, cooperation, and several other proficiencies both at a Junior and Senior

With the ever-fragmentation of the global order, bottom-up approaches and

reconciliation of geopolitical, economic, environmental, developmental, and social divides
is paramount. By intertwining our conference theme, ‘Fostering Peace: Piece by Piece’,
within each committee, we aspire to promote the necessity of synthesising our differences
to actualise humanity’s redeemable objectives.

Supported by a steadfast and sincere Secretariat, highly qualified Student Officers, and an
endlessly passionate delegate-base, CISMUN X promises to be better than ever. We
warmly invite delegates from all over India to join us for a successful conference driven by
valuable discourse, real-time solutions and cherished memories!
Canadian International School, 4 & 20, Manchenahalli,
Yelahanka, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064

Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th February, 2024

CISMUN X Secretariat:
Mr. Kevin Nielsen, Faculty Director:
Mr. Anilkumar, Faculty Director:

Rs. 1,800.00 Per Delegate*

Junior Committees: Grades 6-8
Mixed Committees: Grades 6-12
Senior Committees: Grades 9-12
*Inclusive of all meals and snacks provided on campus,
merchandise, and social night costs. Advisors do NOT have to
pay any fee. Student Officers will be charged Rs. 1,200.00.
At CISMUN, overly competitive, self-centric and aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated
and hence can result in stern disciplinary action.

Each participant is legally liable for defamation, vandalism or willful damage to school

Harassment and discrimination of any kind will be firmly forbidden at CISMUN.

Delegates are CISMUN will be responsible for their valuables and personal belongings.
CISMUN will not be held liable for any loss or damage to personal items.

Provocative, deprecating and indecent remarks can result in strict disciplinary action and,
hence, should be avoided at all times.

Unless the chair provides permission or in the case of a medical exemption, the use of
electronic devices is strictly prohibited during formal committee sessions.

The use of illicit substances is a legal and criminal offence, among many other such acts
mentioned here, hence will not be permitted on CIS’ campus.

Delegates are encouraged to keep in mind that cooperation is more favourable and
conducive to MUN environments, hence should make sure to be amicable, respectful and
polite towards other delegates.

Internet access will be provided respectively at the commencement of the conference to

conduct any conference related tasks or research.

All attendees will be expected to remain on task when using their devices during committee.

In the case of an attendee disobeying the guidelines or behaving inappropriately, the

respective individuals will be reprimanded accordingly.
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) - Junior

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO) - Junior Committee

The World Health Organization (WHO) - Mixed Committee

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - Mixed


Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) -

Senior Committee

International Court of Justice (ICJ) - Senior Committee

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) - Senior Committee

Historical Security Council (HSC) - Senior Committee

International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Senior Committee

Lok Sabha - Senior Committee

COP29 - Senior Committee


Addressing the protection and rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and

internally displaced persons (IDP’s) with emphasis on ongoing conflicts in
the Middle East.
Unprecedented levels of displaced individuals worldwide, especially in the Middle
East continue to rise as a direct result of ongoing conflicts, requiring revisions of
existing human rights enforcement mechanisms. This committee will delve into
the multitudes of challenges faced by those affected, including protection from
continued persecution and violence, access to humanitarian aid, the need for
shelter, and more. This committee will be given the task to foster effective and
meaningful solutions highlighting the rights of displaced individuals of all kinds as
a result of the Israel-Palestine conflict and other recent regional imbalances.

Discussing breaches of protection provided to the reproductive rights of

Gender-based violence, discriminatory ideologies, and barriers to accessing
reproductive health services remain pressing challenges that persist in even the
most developed of nations. This agenda emphasises the importance of ensuring
access to safe and legal abortion rights while promoting the need for sexual
education. Delegates will need to collaborate to identify core problems, proposing
potential practice methods, and creating measures and solutions that can be taken
to eliminate these breaches of protection and uphold the empowerment of women
across communities and nations worldwide.

Addressing solutions to mitigate the issue of educational indoctrination in

highly radical nations with a special emphasis on Afghanistan.
Hiding facts, disparaging student opinions or disguising intellectual manipulation
are all examples of educational indoctrination - a key facet of the Islamic Emirate
of Afghanistan’s dominion across the nation. Delegates will discuss solutions to
this rising issue that has caused millions of children to lose their freedom of
speech, reducing them to nothing and driving them to a path of extremism. What
ethical methods can be utilised to prevent this vicious circle of compliance,
internalisation and consolidation? To what extent does the situation warrant
external intervention?

Lucrativeness and effects of illicit trafficking of cultural property.

The illicit trafficking of cultural property poses a dual threat: intertwining
economic implications with irreparable cultural loss. The demand for stolen
artifacts, symbols of national pride, and overall cultural identity by collectors and
criminal organisations are a microcosm; an illustration as to how cultural theft has
spiked in recent years. Illicit trafficking not only depletes a nation’s heritage but
also fosters an environment in which criminal enterprises thrive as well as can alter
the course of diplomatic ties between countries. Resolving this issue - by helping
countries regain their past, piece by piece - remains a global challenge as we head
into a technologically advanced future.

Agenda: Surmounting the challenges of providing exigent
healthcare infrastructure in conflict-stricken zones.

The greatest cost to any conflict, war, or global paradigm shift

will always be humanitarian. In the midst of geopolitical,
economic, and military divergences, mitigating of the healthcare
crises emerging due to global conflicts needs to remain a
priority, be it Israel-Palestine, Sudan, or Myanmar. Delegates will
need to address the countless challenges faced when it comes to
delivering urgent and essential healthcare, while examining the
displacement of professionals, and methods to maintain medical
infrastructure. This committee aims to develop solutions for
humanitarian access, creating sustainable methods for delivering
healthcare; all of which will ultimately preserve life in such
conflicted areas both in the immediate and long-term.
Promoting the enhancement of international cooperation with regard to
counter-terrorism intelligence sharing.
In an ever-interconnected world, consolidating global collaboration in
intelligence sharing to counteract terrorism is more pressing than ever The
numerous terrorist attacks in recent years have highlighted the necessity for
enhanced International Intelligence sharing. Many volatile terrorism scenarios,
ranging from the cyber dimension of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, to solidying
the outreach of jihadist groups in West Africa demonstrate how terrorist networks
span across the globe. Fostering global cooperation and investing in intelligence-
sharing networks, nations can preemptively identify and remove threats is of the
essence to ensure a coordinated response to global threats and emphasise the
severity of unabated terrorism.

Investigating and proposing alternatives to capital punishment for drug-

related offenses and crimes.
The growing legalisation of previously-prohibited drugs worldwide emboldens
the need to reassess the use of capital punishment for drug-related offences. The
use of the death penalty, especially in parts of Asia and the Middle East challenges
ethical standards and the general efficacy of deterring crime. Internationally, the
discourse now shifts to modifying these inhumane practices to practices in line
with evolving international standards of human rights and justice. With an
emphasis on harm reduction and rehabilitation efforts, Delegates will work to
develop a more just and effective global criminal justice system that tackles drug-
centric crimes with practical and ethical solutions
Exploring safe means of existing nuclear weapon-elimination and the
regulation of its future production.
Ever since the revolutionary Trinity Test in 1945, a myriad of nuclear weapons
threats have come into play with catastrophic potential global fallouts. With a
focus on the nine nuclear states and the five non-NPT nations, delegates will
debate the feasibility, ethical implications, and effectiveness of various means of
nuclear weapon management, from high-risk nuclear weapon dismantlement
processes to the creation of innovative treaties. Each nuclear weapon made
harmless through solutions presented in the committee will act as a crucial piece
towards the fostering of peace worldwide, as delegates assist in the avoidance of
nuclear destruction leading to humanity’s downfall.

Mitigating International Arms-Trafficking Amidst Wide-Scale

Transnational Conflict.
The illicit trafficking and trade of international arms serves a primary reason for
the persistence and casualties amidst transnational conflict. With mercenaries
aiming to capitalise on numerous transnational disputes such as the Kurdish-
Turkey and the Russia-Ukraine war, this matter holds no boundaries and affects
every corner of the world. Therefore, delegates will have to explore a wide array
of solutions suitable for both the less and more economically developed countries,
including investment in border security and the controlling of weapon
production. Beyond this, delegates will have to analyse existing treaties and
regulations on the issue to ultimately tackle root causes and consequences and
bring war-stricken nations one step closer to peace.


Discussing the alleged Indian links to assassination plots againts Khalistani

Stakeholders Domestically and in G7 Countries.
In the ICJ, delegates get to discuss the new chapter in the Khalistani affair, with
the alleged assassination plots against Sikh leaders by India, earmarked by altering
diplomatic sentiments towards India. A hypothetical case brought on by the G7
countries, the latest developments have brought on the threat of potential
instability in the global order, and if escalated beyond control could lead to a fully
blown global conflict. Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss the
intricacies of international law and the challenges involved in defining the
boundaries of sovereignty and national security. Delegates will need to interpret
and analyse the evidence given forth, to determine whether these accusations are
indeed true and discern whether they are crossing the lines drawn out by the
global community and customary international law.
Addressing ways to discourage the operations privately owned and
paramilitary groups in conflicts, with a specific focus on Wagner Group
and The Russia-Ukraine War.
Perhaps the greatest difficulty of war de-escalation is the removal of its
individualistic deep-rooted nuances, one of which is the involvement of privately
owned and para-military groups. The Wagner Group, created in 2014 to support
pro-Russia paramilitary operations in Ukraine and globally, shocked the world by
declaring an insurrection attempt on Russian leadership amidst a raging war.
Delegates will explore the implications of this on both sides of the conflict while
creating solutions to mitigate the detrimental effects the group has had and will
continue to inflict. Bearing this exemplar of extreme paramilitary involvement in
heavy conflict, delegates will address the potential usage of such groups in other
existing and future conflicts to preserve global peace.

Discussing the implications of attempts to breach Taiwanese Sovereignty

by the People’s Republic of China following the 2024 Taiwan Elections.
The China-Taiwan conflict has spanned decades and has involved multiple
breaches of Taiwanese sovereignty by the People’s Republic of China; each
offense exacerbating the issue further than the last. The upcoming 2024
Taiwanese Elections are set to mark a monumental shift not just in Taiwanese
history, but in the current geopolitical order; however, will this change in
leadership affect the implications of such breaches? Will the perceived imminence
of full-blown war actualise into reality or can real-time diplomacy subvert such
transgressions. Delegates will have to predict and plan for these potential
consequences while addressing the deeply-rooted origins of the conflict and
methods of its de-escalation to prevent future assertions of sovereignty.
COUNCIL (HSC): 1971-1973
Enforcing Systematic Measures to Deescalate Strife in South Asia following
the 1971 Indo-Pak & Bangladesh Liberation War.
In HSC, Delegates travel back in time to the stormy 70s, and look to stabilise
regions rocked by bloody conflicts that defined the geopolitical landscape of these
regions for decades to come. Delegates will first calibrate their attention onto the
events of 1971 Indo-Pak War on the Liberation of Bangladesh, which escalated
already tempestuous relations between India and Pakistan while establishing set
the tone for the future of the Indian Subcontinent. Delegates will have to
formulate solutions that will deescalate the heightened Indo-Pak tensions
following the to facilitate the safe, efficacious and prosperous growth of the Sub-
Continent, while also ensuring the security of the newly formed Bangladesh. As a
result, delegates must race against the clock to reconcile the fostering of ad-hoc
and exigent solution with these historical nuances.

Agenda 2: Urgently reestablishing peace and stability in the Middle-East

Post the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
Augmenting the political disparities of the Cold-War, an irreversible turning
point in Israel-Arab relations and the unresolved and Then we move to the
Middle East and 1973 Yom Kippur War, which proved as a turning point in
Israel-Arab relations and the question on Palestine, de-stabilising the region
further. Delegates will be tasked in not only ensuring successful de-escalation of
the conflict, but also ensuring the peaceful resolution of Israel-Palestine conflict,
with respect to the two-state solution or otherwise. Delegates must keep in mind
the centuries long history behind the conflict, and understand the needs,
challenges and potential consequences that policy decisions may present on the
future of Palestine, and the future of the Middle East.
Addressing the widening economic disparities between the ultra-high-net-
worth individuals and the poor, focusing on South & Southeast Asia.
The phrase “Tax the Rich” has gradually amassed popularity with Democrats and
left-wing party members such as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders advocating for a
tax on high-net-worth individuals. However, the economic disparities developed
economies are not nearly as severe as South & Southeast Asian countries.
According to Oxfam, India for instance has witnessed 40% of the wealth created
in the country between 2012 to 2021 being accumulated by just 1% of the
population while only 3% had trickled down to the bottom 50%. Delegates will
work to actualise the IMF’s objectives of fostering sustainable growth and
prosperity. Encompassing nuanced understandings of bespoke financial
instruments to surmount widening disparities, curtail economic instability and
prevent financial crises.

Discussing sustainable lending and borrowing practices to effectively boost

short & long-term economic growth and development with emphasis on
South American economies.
Navigating Global Divergences; the IMF’s October 2023 World Economic Outlook
showcases how despite the subsiding of unprecedented inflationary pressures and the
global debt crisis, the global economic forecast for 2024 remains hawkish. For
decades, the IMF has been paramount in assisting central banks globally in curtailing
global macroeconomic headwinds; however, the efficacy of lending procedures have
accumulated mass uncertainty. South American economies, notably Argentina,
Ecuador, and Colombia, have ended up as the IMF’s greatest debtors with a
cumulative outstanding debt of over $52 billion. In spite of this, economic catastrophe
in these nations runs rampant, perpetuating a myriad of debt-driven shortcomings.
Delegates will work to develop multilateral solutions to mitigate and increase the
economic sustainability of the IMF’s lending and borrowing policies.

General Elections: Addressing the electoral challenges pertaining to Article 254

and similar sections in the upcoming 2024 General Elections.
India’s phenomenal ascension as a multidimensional economic, geopolitical, and
diplomatic power places the nation as a forefront of dynamic global development.
However, as the world and 1.4 billion Indians tune in to the imminent Lok Sabha 2024
General Elections, there exist a multitude of disparities between the central and state
governments; challenges that could impede India’s electoral and developmental future.
Article 254 of India’s Constitution highlights the ‘Doctrine of Repugnance’, addressing
any lack of compatibility between national and state legislatures, is consistently
referenced in pre-election months - an instrument attempting to preach unity across
the nation. Given India’s incredibly convoluted political landscape and growing strife
within the parliament, can reconciling the differences between national and state
politics be a possibility in the upcoming elections?

Budget Session: Scrutinising the Effectiveness of Foreign-Investment

Mechanisms Proposed in the Latest Union Budget in advancing India's $5
Trillion Economy Ambition:
India’s foreign investor advantage has become increasingly prominent in the current
global economic contingent; a period that has witnessed even the most developed of
economies falter. With India’s economy clocking a stellar 7.6% growth rate in Q2 of
2023 and the RBI uplifting its initial GDP growth forecasts for FY24 to 7%, FII inflows
have been instrumental in transforming sustained euphoria to stabilised development.
With the onset of the General Elections and the manifestos of campaigning parties,
foreign investment is bound to be a principal economic agenda of all stakeholders. India
Brand Equity Foundation speculates that India’s annual foreign investment will surpass
$160 billion annually by 2025, expediting the $5 trillion economy agenda; however,
the path to augmenting India’s foreign attractiveness remains an ambivalent challenge
requiring nuanced economic and political solutions.
COP 29


Creating a systematic framework to expedite the green energy transition,

systemic transformations, and industrial decarbonisation before 2030.

The 28th edition of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change’s (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP28) facilitated the launch of a
multitude of unprecedented and trailblazing global consensuses to expedite
progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. However, despite
monumental successesr ranging from the approval of the Loss and Damage Fund as
well as over 200 International entities agreeing for a collective “phasing-down” of
fossil fuels, climate experts warn complacency will only exacerbate our undoing.
In response to the urgent need for environmental sustainability, delegates will use
the entirety of the conference to establish a comprehensive yet realistic framework
to tackle this issue and expedite the green energy transition; to transform ideas
into tangible action. Focused on achieving systemic transformations, the initiative
seeks to overhaul existing polluting industrial practices, prioritising
decarbonisation to mitigate climate change consequences. Analysing policies
implemented by leading countries in regards to decarbonisation may benefit the
largest emitters of CO2 in their fight towards green energy. Observing current
trends in climate change, achieving such a transition by 2030 may seem
insurmountable and unattainable. Delegates will therefore be required to venture
beyond their comfort zones and explore unconventional ideas and innovative
perspectives all while remaining rational and focused on the main goal.
Student officers registration deadline:
23rd December 2023

Delegation registration deadline:

21st January 2024

Research papers published:

10th January 2024

Position paper deadline:

21st February 2024

23rd - 25th February 2024
CISMUN X requires all delegates to individually send a position
paper. Each position paper will be assessed by the chairs of their
respective committees.

The requirements for the formatting of the paper are as follows:

The paper must be sent via email to the chair, in PDF format.
Times New Roman font, size 12 and double spaced.
A maximum of 2 pages per position paper.
The title of the document should appear as [First Name
Country_Committe Name].

Your position paper can follow a framework such as the one as

Outline your portfolio’s overall position and foreign policy
towards the agenda at hand.
Provide Any relevant statistics or figures.
Any past actions taken by your country to resolve the issue at
Briefly explained policy and solution proposals
Concluding remarks
Bibliography/Works cited.
Batch 1 Batch 2
Day 1 Day 1
08:15 - 09:00: Welcome and Check-In 08:15 - 09:00: Welcome and Check-In
08:50 - 09:10: Chair Briefing and Delegates 08:50 - 09:10: Chair Briefing and Delegates
Proceed to Opening Ceremony Proceed to Opening Ceremony
09:15 - 10:15: Opening Ceremony 09:15 - 10:15: Opening Ceremony
10:15 - 10:30: Transition to Committees & 10:15 - 10:30: Transition to Committees &
Refreshments Refreshments
10:30 - 11:00: Opening Speeches 10:30 - 11:00: Opening Speeches
11:00 - 12:30: Committee Session I 11:00 - 13:00: Committee Session I
12:30 - 13:15: Lunch 13:00 - 13:45: Lunch
13:15 - 15:00: Committee Session II 13:45 - 15:00: Committee Session II
15:00 - 15:15: Break & Refreshments 15:00 - 15:15: Break & Refreshments
15:15 - 17:00: Committee Session III 15:15 - 17:00: Committee Session III
17:00: Committee Adjourned 17:00: Committee Adjourned
17:00 - 17:15 - Chair Debriefing 17:00 - 17:15 - Chair Debriefing

Day 2 Day 2
09:00 - 09:15: Chair Briefing 09:00 - 09:15: Chair Briefing
09:15 - 11:00: Committee Session IV 09:15 - 11:00: Committee Session IV
09:30 - 13:00: Approval Panel in Session 09:30 - 13:00: Approval Panel in Session
11:00 - 11:15: Break & Refreshments 11:00 - 11:15: Break & Refreshments
11:15 - 13:00: Committee Session V 11:15 - 12:30: Committee Session V
13:00-13:45: Lunch 12:30-13:15: Lunch
13:45 - 15:00: Committee Session VI 13:15 - 15:00: Committee Session VI
15:00 - 15:15: Break & Refreshments 15:00 - 15:15: Break & Refreshments
15:15 - 17:00: Committee Session VII 15:15 - 17:00: Committee Session VII
17:00: Committee Adjourned 17:00: Committee Adjourned
17:00 - 17:15 - Chair Debriefing 17:00 - 17:15 - Chair Debriefing
17:30 - 20:30: Social Night and Dinner 17:30 - 20:30: Social Night and Dinner

Day 3 Day 3
09:00 - 09:15: Chair Briefing 09:00 - 09:15: Chair Briefing
09:15 - 11:00: Committee Session VIII 09:15 - 11:00: Committee Session VIII
09:30 - 13:00: Approval Panel in Session 09:30 - 13:00: Approval Panel in Session
11:00 - 11:15: Break & Refreshments 11:00 - 11:15: Break & Refreshments
11:15 - 12:30: Committee Session IX 11:15 - 13:00: Committee Session IX
12:30-13:15: Lunch 13:00-13:45: Lunch
13:15 - 15:00: Committee Session X 13:45 - 15:00: Committee Session X
15:00: Committee Adjourned & Delegates 15:00: Committee Adjourned & Delegates
Proceed to Closing Ceremony Proceed to Closing Ceremony
15:00 - 15:15 - Chair Debriefing 15:00 - 15:15 - Chair Debriefing
15:15 - 16:15: Closing Ceremony 15:15 - 16:15: Closing Ceremony

*The above schedule is tentative and is subject to change. Any alterations

will be communicated via email. Delegates will be informed of their batches
through their ID cards.
Canadian International School


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