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Case Study #1

About MDM
MDM Worldwide Solutions, Inc. is a digital communications agency that develops and manages online
engagement strategies to connect companies with their stakeholders. MDM specializes in working with
clients in the technology, healthcare and life sciences spaces. Our vast industry knowledge, proprietary
methodology, proven track record and experienced leadership team enables us to create and customize
targeted digital marketing campaigns to fulfill all of our clients’ objectives.

Business Situation
A NASDAQ traded Company specializing in antibiotics wanted to diversify its shareholder base. The
Company engaged MDM to develop a strategy that would increase awareness in the retail investment
community. At the time, approximately eighty five percent (85%) of its shares outstanding were held by
institutional investors.

MDM developed a comprehensive digital strategy to connect the Company with retail investors.
Initially, MDM performed online listening on financial forums and social sites to evaluate the Company’s
brand awareness and reputation amongst the retail investment community. Once the sentiment had
been gauged, MDM then began to establish the Company’s presence on all relevant social media sites
where MDM’s research determined that perspective investors frequented. MDM used these channels to
connect to the existing retail stakeholders of the Company in an effort to leverage them for their direct
and indirect relationships. Additionally, MDM developed a CEO Blog for the client as a means to clearly
and concisely articulate its story to new/potential shareholders in a controlled environment.

The Company was now in a position to effectively utilize content such as press releases, blog posts,
research reports and scientific publications to educate uninformed investors as to the investment
opportunity. To further raise awareness, MDM fostered relationships with Key Opinion Leaders and
credible third party journalist and content creators, each with a sizeable built in retail audience, who
began to initiate comprehensive coverage of the Company. This helped to validate the Company’s
science while simplifying the story for a broader audience.

The following are key performance indicators tracked during the engagement:

 Retail holdings increased from approximately 14% to more than 32%

 Over 5,500 social connections cultivated
 The Company experienced an 800% rise in online coverage
 Sustained average daily volume of the stock grew approximately 900%

mdm worldwide solutions

212.643.0417 | | 264 West 40th Street, Suite 602 | New York, NY 10018

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