Providing PEEP During Neonatal Resuscitation: Which Device Is Best?

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Providing PEEP during neonatal resuscitation: Which device

is best? jpc_2036 698..703

Jennifer A Dawson,1,2,3 Angela Gerber,1 C Omar F Kamlin,1,2,3 Peter G Davis1,2,3 and Colin J Morley1,2,3
Neonatal Services, The Royal Women’s Hospital, 2Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Melbourne, and 3Murdoch Childrens Research
Institute, Melbourne, Australia

Aim: The study aims to compare three commonly used neonatal resuscitation devices, the Laerdal self-inflating bag with a positive end
expiratory pressure (PEEP) valve, a T-piece resuscitator (T-piece) and a flow-inflating bag to provide peak inflation pressure (PIP) and PEEP.
Methods: Participants were asked to use each device to give positive pressure ventilation to a modified neonatal mannequin via a face mask
to achieve 40–60 inflations per minute, aiming for a PIP/PEEP of 30/5 cm H2O. A manometer was visible to participants with each device. PIP,
PEEP, percentage leak at the face mask and expired tidal volume were measured using a hot-wire anemometer. We analysed 20 inflations from
each participant for each device.
Results: Fifty participants provided PIP and PEEP with each device. The T-piece was the most accurate and consistent. The flow-inflating bag
had the most variation. The leak was lowest with the self-inflating bag and PEEP and highest with the flow-inflating bag, but all had wide variation.
Conclusion: Each device was able to provide PIP and PEEP when used appropriately. When compared with other resuscitation devices, the
T-piece provided the most accurate and consistent PIP and PEEP.

Key words: delivery room; infant; newborn; positive end expiratory pressure; resuscitation device.

What is already known on this topic What this study adds

1 A T-piece resuscitator, a self-inflating bag or a flow-inflating bag 1 A T-piece provides the most accurate and consistent PIP, PEEP
can be used to provide ventilation in the delivery room. and VTe during positive pressure ventilation.
2 Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) can be provided by a 2 The flow-inflating bag provides the least accurate and consistent
T-piece and flow-inflating bag. The addition of a PEEP valve to the PIP, PEEP and VTe during positive pressure ventilation.
self-inflating bag will provide some PEEP. 3 It is important for resuscitators to be thoroughly trained in the
3 Resuscitation devices vary in their ability to provide peak infla- use of whichever device is available to them.
tion pressure (PIP), PEEP and expiratory tidal volume (VTe) during
positive pressure ventilation.

If newly born infants require positive pressure ventilation (PPV) There are advocates for each device, with local practice guide-
to assist with breathing in the delivery room (DR), this can be lines dictating which device is used.6 The most widely used are
provided with a T-piece resuscitator, a self-inflating bag or a self-inflating bags and T-pieces.7–9 Researchers have tested dif-
flow-inflating ‘anaesthetic’ bag.1,2 The addition of positive end ferent combinations of T-pieces, flow-inflating bags, self-
expiratory pressure (PEEP) with PPV has been shown to inflating bags and self-inflating bags with PEEP-valve to provide
improve oxygenation in a preterm animal model.3 The T-piece peak inflation pressure (PIP), PEEP or tidal volume (VT) to
and flow-inflating bag provide PEEP. The addition of a PEEP- mannequins during PPV.4,5,10 Bennett et al.4 and Finer et al.5
valve to the self-inflating bag allows delivery of some PEEP.4,5 measured PIP and PEEP, but not VT. Kanter10 measured VT and
minute ventilation but not PEEP. Oddie et al.11compared a self-
Correspondence: Dr Jennifer Dawson, Neonatal Services, Newborn inflating bag and a T-piece to ventilate a leak-free test lung; they
Research – 7th floor, The Royal Women’s Hospital, 20 Flemington Road, did not measure tidal volume. Other researchers have compared
Parkville, Vic. , Australia. Fax: 0011 61 38345 3789; email: jennifer.dawson@ resuscitation devices to provide PIP or PEEP to an intubated
mannequin.12,13 However, we found no reports comparing the
Conflict of interest: None to declare ability of participants to use a T-piece, flow-inflating bag and a
Fisher & Paykel (NZ) provided the T-piece circuits for the study. No study self-inflating bag with a PEEP valve to provide to provide PIP,
sponsor or company that manufactures markets or sells any equipment PEEP, expiratory tidal volumes (VTe) and leak when ventilating
used in the study had involvement in the study design, data collection or a mannequin.
interpretation, or the decision to present or publish the results.
The primary aim of this study was to compare commonly used
Accepted for publication 8 December 2010. neonatal resuscitation devices; T-piece, self-inflating bag with a

698 Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 47 (2011) 698–703

© 2011 The Authors
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health © 2011 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (Royal Australasian College of Physicians)
JA Dawson et al. Positive end expiratory pressure in neonates

PEEP valve and a flow inflating bag to accurately deliver PEEP. Data analysis
The secondary aim was to measure PIP, VTe and face mask leak
with each device. We asked participants about their years of experience in neo-
natal resuscitation and experience using each device to provide
PPV to neonates. Inflation data are presented as median (range).
Participants Analysis of variance was used to determine the effect of the
device on PEEP, PIP, VTe and leak with Bonferroni’s post hoc test.
Ten participants from each professional group – neonatal con- A P value <0.05 was considered significant. Data were analysed
sultants, neonatal fellows, paediatric registrars, neonatal nurses using Stata (Intercooled 10.0, Statcorp, College Station, TX,
and anaesthetic registrars – completed the study. USA).

There were 50 participants, 10 from each professional group:
We tested a T-piece (Neopuff, Fisher & Paykel, Auckland, New
neonatal consultants, neonatal fellows, paediatric registrars;
Zealand), a self-inflating bag (Laerdal 240 mL silicone infant
neonatal nurses (nurses) and anaesthetic registrars. Partici-
resuscitator, Laerdal Medical, Stavanger, Norway) fitted with a
pants had differing levels of experience with each device (see
pop off valve, a PEEP valve (Laerdal Medical) and a flow-
Table 1). A number of participants were not familiar with each
inflating bag.
device. Nine anaesthetic registrars had no experience using a
T-piece; one neonatal fellow, five paediatric registrars and two
anaesthetic registrars had no experience using a self-inflating
Methods bag with PEEP; three neonatal consultants, two neonatal
Fifty participants were asked to use each device in random fellows, all 10 paediatric registrars, nine neonatal nurses and
order to give PPV to a modified neonatal mannequin. A one anaesthetic registrar had no experience using a flow-
Laerdal Resusci baby mannequin (Laerdal) was modified by inflating bag for neonatal resuscitation. Ninety percent of par-
removing the lung and stomach bags, and positioning a 50-mL ticipants (n = 45) preferred to use the T-piece for neonatal
test lung (Dräger, Lubeck, Germany) into the chest so chest resuscitation; 4% of participants (n = 2) preferred to use the
excursion mimicked that of an unaltered mannequin. The test self-inflating bag; and 6% of participants (n = 3) preferred to
lung was connected by non-distensible tubing to the mouth use the flow-inflating bag.
with an airtight seal. A pressure monitoring line was con- Three thousand inflations were measured, comprising 20 per
nected to the airway. The system compliance when pressurised device for each of 50 participants. Ninety-four (3%) inflations
to 30 cm H2O was 0.5 mL/cm H2O, with a maximal lung were excluded from analysis (T-piece, n = 4; self-inflating bag
volume of 65 mL.14 Inflations were given via a face mask to with PEEP, n = 34; flow-inflating bag, n = 56). These were
achieve 40–60 inflations per minute, aiming for a PIP 30 cm excluded as they had less than 10% leak; this is a difficulty with
H2O and PEEP 5 cm H2O with good chest rise. Participants set the software and tended to happen when two inflations were
the target pressures on the T-piece and on the PEEP valve close together and Spectra did not record the inflations correctly.
attached to the self-inflating bag to 5 cm H2O before each In total, 2906 inflations were analysed.
study. For the flow-inflating bag, participants controlled the
volume and pressure given by squeezing the bag and adjusting PEEP
the amount of gas escaping from the distal end of the bag
using their thumb and forefinger. A Laerdal mask size 0/1 Participants were able to deliver PEEP (Table 1) with each
(Laerdal Medical) was used with each device. device. The T-piece was the most accurate (Fig. 1a). The median
Participants were given time to practise with each device. We PEEP was significantly different between devices (P < 0.001) and
started data collection when participants indicated they were participant group (P = 0.02) and experience in neonatal resus-
ready to start. We excluded the first five inflations, analysing the citation (P < 0.001), but not experience with the device (P =
next 20 inflations from each device. A manometer was visible to 0.27). The T-piece delivered a PEEP nearest the set level and the
participants with each device. flow-inflating bag delivered the PEEP lowest to the set level
Airway pressure (PIP and PEEP) gas flow and VTe were mea- (T-piece vs. self-inflating bag with PEEP (P < 0.001); T-piece vs.
sured by a Florian respiratory monitor (Acutronic Medical flow-inflating bag (P < 0.001); self-inflating bag with PEEP vs.
Systems, Zug, Switzerland) connected between the mannequin flow-inflating bag (P < 0.001)).
and the resuscitation device. Analogue signals from the Florian
monitor were digitised and analysed using Spectra data acqui- Peak inflation pressure
sition and analysis software (Grove Medical, London, UK). Leak
between the mask and mannequin was calculated by expressing Participants were able to provide PIP with each device. The
the volume of gas that did not return through the flow sensor T-piece was the most accurate at providing PIP (Fig. 1b). The
during expiration as a percentage of the volume that passed median PIP was associated with device (P = 0.004), and partici-
through the flow sensor during inflation (Leak (%) = ((inspira- pant group (P < 0.001), experience in neonatal resuscitation
tory tidal volume - expiratory tidal volume) ⫼ inspiratory tidal (P < 0.001) and experience with the device (P < 0.001). The
volume) ¥ 100). median PIP was similar with each device. However, variability

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 47 (2011) 698–703 699

© 2011 The Authors
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health © 2011 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (Royal Australasian College of Physicians)
Positive end expiratory pressure in neonates JA Dawson et al.

Table 1 PIP, PEEP, leak and VTe for each device and participant group

Consultants Fellows Paediatric registrars Neonatal nurses Anaesthetic registrars All

n = 10 n = 10 n = 10 n = 10 n = 10 n = 50

PIP (cm H2O) 29 (28–31) 29 (23–32) 29 (19–31) 29 (21–31) 29 (20–30) 29 (19–32)
PEEP (cm H20) 4.3 (3.3–5.3) 4.3 (2.4–5.3) 4.3 (3.3–6.2) 4.3 (1.9–6.2) 4.3 (2.4–6.2) 4.3 (1.9–6.2)
Leak (%) 14 (0–83) 22 (0–96) 10 (0–69) 16 (0–99) 39 (0–97) 16 (0–99)
VTe (mL) 10.2 (6.4–13.4) 10.2 (3.1–13.3) 10.9 (6.1–13.3) 10.4 (0.5–13.0) 9.2 (2.6–13.8) 10.0 (0.5–13.8)
Self-inflating bag‡
PIP (cm H2O) 29 (23–39) 29 (3–36) 30 (24–35) 30 (23–38) 28 (25–39) 29 (3–39)
PEEP cmH20) 3.3 (1.9–4.3) 3.3 (0.4–5.8) 3.8 (1.9–6.2) 3.8 (1.9–6.2) 3.3 (0.4–5.3) 3.3 (0.4–6.2)
Leak (%) 8 (0–92) 21 (0–97) 12 (0–85) 18 (0–99) 24 (0–97) 16 (0–99)
VTe (mL) 11.3 (3.4–15.0) 10.3 (0.3–17.6) 10.5 (7.2–18.8) 10.4 (0.2–15.5) 9.6 (0.4–16.6) 10.5 (0.2–18.8)
Flow-inflating bag§
PIP (cm H2O) 29 (15–35) 29 (8–38) 29 (6–36) 29 (20–43) 28 (22–37) 29 (6–43)
PEEP cmH20) 2.8 (0.9–7.7) 2.3 (0.4–5.3) 2.4 (0.4–5.3) 2.4 (0.9–7.7) 2.8 (0.4–27.6) 2.3 (0.4–27.6)
Leak (%) 17 (0–100) 47 (0–100) 55 (0–100) 82 (0–100) 21 (0–100) 45 (0–100)
VTe (mL) 11.2 (0.2–16.2) 11.5 (0.7–20.7) 10.1 (0.4–15.2) 9.3 (0.2–16.3) 10.6 (0.5–15.4) 10.6 (0.2–20.7)

Data are median (range). †T-piece: PIP was set at 30 cm H2O and PEEP at 5 cm H2O; ‡Self-inflating bag: PEEP valve was set at 5 cm H2O; §Flow-inflating bag
target was PIP 30 cm H2O and PEEP 5 cm H2O. PEEP, positive end expiratory pressure; PIP, peak inflation pressure; VTe expiratory tidal volume.

was greatest with the self-inflating bag with PEEP and flow- PEEP (range 0.4–27.6 cm H2O). Bennett et al.4 tested the ability
inflating bag (T-piece vs. self-inflating bag (P < 0.001); T-piece of experienced clinicians to deliver a PIP of 20 or 40 cm H2O and
vs. flow-inflating bag (P < 0.001); self-inflating bag vs. flow- a PEEP of 5 cm H2O at a rate of 40–60 inflations/min to a
inflating bag (P < 0.001)). mannequin via a facemask using a T-piece device, a flow-
inflating bag and a self-inflating bag with a PEEP valve. In
contrast, they found that the self-inflating bag provided signifi-
Face mask leak
cantly less PEEP than both the T-piece and the flow-inflating bag
The amount of leak generated with each device was very vari- (3.6 cm H2O, 4.4 cm H2O, 4.4 cm H2O; P < 0.005), respectively.
able. The T-piece and self-inflating bag with PEEP had the least Bennett et al.4 did not measure the leak between the face mask
leak and the flow-inflating bag had the highest leak (T-piece vs. and resuscitation device. Leak may have contributed to the
self-inflating bag (P = 0.002); T-piece vs. flow-inflating bag (P < variation in PIP or PEEP in the Bennett et al.4 study. We found
0.001); self-inflating bag vs. flow-inflating bag (P < 0.001)). little difference in the leak between the self-inflating bag and
T-piece. This may have occurred because in our hospital, we
teach and use the technique of mask ventilation described by
VTe Wood et al.16, which is shown to reduce leak. Leak may also be
The median (range) VTe generated with the self-inflating bag and related to the pressure inside the mask. The higher the PEEP, the
T-piece was similar. The flow-inflating bag had the greatest more leak there will be during expiration.
variability, median (range) T-piece 10.0 (0.5–13.8) mL; self- We asked participants to ventilate the mannequin with a face
inflating bag with PEEP 10.5 (0.2–18.8); flow-inflating bag 10.6 mask to simulate ventilation in the delivery room. Hussey
(0.2–20.7). et al.,12 Kelm et al.13 and Roehr et al.17 controlled for the effect of
mask leak with participants, using a variety of resuscitators, to
ventilate a leak-free intubated mannequin model. Hussey et al.12
Discussion asked participants to ventilate a mannequin with a T-piece,
flow-inflating bag and self-inflating bag without a PEEP valve at
40 inflations/min with a PIP/PEEP of 20/4 cm H2O. The mean
Providing PEEP is important, especially in very preterm infants, (SEM) PEEP for the self-inflating bag, flow-inflating bag and
for the development of functional residual capacity. We have T-piece were 0.15 (0.03), 2.8 (0.23), 4.4 (0.08) cm H2O, respec-
previously shown that a Laerdal 240 mL self-inflating bag with tively (P < 0.001). Without a PEEP valve, the self-inflating bag
a PEEP valve can deliver PEEP, but the pressure falls rapidly did not generate any useful PEEP.12 Kelm et al.13 tested the
between inflations.15 In our current study, we asked participants self-inflating bag fitted with 11 PEEP valves against five T-piece
to provide 5-cm H2O of PEEP. On average, the T-piece provided resuscitators to ventilate an intubated mannequin (equivalent
the target PEEP more often than the self-inflating bag with PEEP to a 1-kg infant). Participants were asked to provide PEEP of
or flow-inflating bag. The flow-inflating bag was the least accu- 5 cm H2O, with an inflation rate of 40 per minute. All T-pieces
rate device, with some participants able to generate a very high provided a PEEP >5 cm H2O (mean 5.59 cm H2O). In contrast,

700 Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 47 (2011) 698–703

© 2011 The Authors
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health © 2011 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (Royal Australasian College of Physicians)
JA Dawson et al. Positive end expiratory pressure in neonates

Fig. 1 (a) Box plots show the positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) generated by each device. The horizontal line is the median, the box represents the 25th
and 75th centiles, and the ends of the whiskers are the 5th and 95th centiles. The horizontal line at 5 cm H2O indicates the target PEEP. (b) Box plots show the
peak inflation pressure (PIP) generated by each device. The box represents the 25th and 75th centiles and the ends of the whiskers are the 5th and 95th centiles.
(c) Box plots show the expiratory tidal volume generated by each device. The box represents the 25th and 75th centiles and the ends of the whiskers are the
5th and 95th centiles.

only one of the 11 PEEP valves provided the target PEEP. In our and a flow-inflating bag. He reported that minute volume was
study, participants ventilated a mannequin with a face mask lower with the flow-inflating bag (P < 0.001). He did not report
rather than via an endotracheal tube. In the DR, clinicians the ventilation rate for each device.
ventilating an infant via a face mask may have different results. Roehr et al.17 compared the tidal volume administered with a
self-inflating bag and T-piece with an intubated mannequin
PIP (equivalent to 1-kg neonate). The median (interquartile range)
tidal volume was lower with the self-inflating bag 5.1 (3.2) mL
On average, the T-piece provided the target PIP more often than and higher with the T-piece 3.6 (0.8) mL (P < 0.0005).
the self-inflating bag with PEEP or flow-inflating bag. The flow- Schmölzer et al.19 recommends targeting delivery of a tidal
inflating bag was the least accurate device (range 6–43 cm H2O). volume of 4–8 mL/kg when providing PPV to reduce the risk of
volutrauma. However, this is difficult to achieve without a res-
Volumes piratory monitor.20,21
Inexperienced clinicians may be called to perform neonatal
There is growing awareness about the effect of excessive volume resuscitation. Many participants in our study had little or no
during neonatal resuscitation. In an animal model, Hillman experience with using a flow-inflating bag for neonatal resusci-
et al.18 showed that volutrauma could occur even when low tation. This may have contributed to the greater variability in
levels of PIP are given during positive pressure ventilation in the PEEP given with the flow-inflating bag. Kanter10 and Mondolfi
DR. Kanter10 measured minute volume administered when 50 et al.22 previously demonstrated that it was more difficult for
participants ventilated a mannequin with a self-inflating bag inexperienced operators to reach ventilation targets with the

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 47 (2011) 698–703 701

© 2011 The Authors
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health © 2011 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (Royal Australasian College of Physicians)
Positive end expiratory pressure in neonates JA Dawson et al.

flow-inflating bag. Finer et al.5 showed that respiratory thera- Conclusion

pists were able to consistently deliver PEEP with a flow-inflating
bag (P < 0.05) when compared with other neonatal health The self-inflating bag with PEEP valve, flow-inflating bag and
professionals. In the United States, respiratory therapists are T-piece were able to provide PIP and PEEP. However, the flow-
likely to be the health professional with the most experience in inflating bag provided the least PEEP with the greatest variation.
providing PPV during neonatal resuscitation. In contrast, The T-piece was the most accurate and consistent. The leak was
Bennett et al.4 did not find any operator differences between the lowest with the self-inflating bag and highest with the flow-
self-inflating bag with and without a PEEP valve, flow-inflating inflating bag, but all had wide variation.
bag and T-piece for ventilating a mannequin.
Ninety percent (n = 45) of participants in our study declared Acknowledgements
a preference for the T-piece for DR resuscitation. Only 6% (n
We thank the staff at RWH, Melbourne for participating in this
= 3) preferred the flow-inflating bag in neonatal resuscitation.
The participants preferring the flow-inflating bag claimed that
with the flow-inflating bag, they could ‘feel’ the compliance of
an infant’s lungs and could adjust the amount of pressure
delivered in response to changes in compliance. Spears et al.23 JAD and COFK received RWH postgraduate scholarships. PGD
tested the assumption that clinicians could ‘feel’ these changes has an NHMRC practitioner fellowship. PGD and CJM hold an
and showed that only 4 of 24 anaesthetists were able to detect NHMRC Program Grant No. 384100 which partially funded this
changes in compliance during hand ventilation of either a work.
preterm or term lung model. In contrast, using a computerised
lung model, Kattwinkel et al.20 found that resuscitators were References
able to change PIP during DR resuscitation in response to
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changes in compliance. He masked resuscitators to changes in
guidelines. Circulation 2005; 112: IV-188–95.
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2 Australian Resuscitation Council. Section 13. ARC manual of
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702 Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 47 (2011) 698–703

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JA Dawson et al. Positive end expiratory pressure in neonates

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Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 47 (2011) 698–703 703

© 2011 The Authors
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health © 2011 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (Royal Australasian College of Physicians)

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