Pie Chart - Yemen and Italy - Model-1

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Model Answer

The pie charts show the demographic profiles of Yemen and Italy 1 according to age group. Overall,
the most obvious difference between the two countries is the average age of the population. In
Yemen, the young make 2 up a large proportion of the total and there are very 3 few elderly. In Italy
the elderly 4 account for an increasing proportion, while there are 5 relatively/comparatively few
young people.

Looking first 6 at the charts for Yemen, 7 in 2000 8 over/approximately half of the population
(50.1%) was in the 0-14 age group. Almost half of the population (46.3%) was in the 15-59 age
group, and a mere 3.6% was in the elderly group. In 2050, the young age group is expected to shrink
to 37.0%, while the middle age group is projected to 9 increase/rise/grow to 57.3%. The elderly will
still make up only a small proportion (5.7%).

10 Turning to the figures for Italy, in 2000 the 15-59 age group accounted for almost 62% of the 11
total/population. The elderly made up almost a quarter of the population (24.1%) 12 while the
young accounted for only 14.3%. By 2050 the 15-59 age group will have fallen to 46.2% while the
elderly group is expected to 13 have increased to 42.3%. The young will make up an 14 even smaller
proportion of the total, a mere 11.5%.

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