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This section offers two unit quizzes. One of the quizzes is for the iTEP SLATE exam, and the other is
for iTEP ACADEMIC. It’s worthwhile to practice as much as possible, so take the time to try both of
the quizzes.

SLATE QUIZ Listening Part 1

Listen to the dialogues and answer the Dialogue—The Paper
3: According to the conversation, when did
Dialogue—Schedule the man finish the paper?

1: Who told the man his schedule? A.this morning

A.the woman B.this afternoon

B.he got it himself C. last week

C.the man’s boss D.yesterday

D.the woman’s boss

Dialogue—Would it be ok?

Dialogue—The Dance 4: Where does this conversation likely take

2: From the conversation, what can we
assume about the man? a football field

A.He is confident and bold. B. in a classroom

B.He is intelligent. C. in the cafeteria

C. He is shy and reserved. a house

D.He is sickly and ill.

SLATE QUIZ Listening Part 2

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

Dialogue—Too Much Homework 6: Why does the student talk to the teacher?

5: What class does the woman teach? A.He is struggling to understand class.

A.history B.He is concerned about his grade.

B.math C. He wants to change classes.

C. literature D.He is worried about the amount of

homework for class.
7: Why will the student call his classmates? 8: What is this conversation mainly about? tell them not to do a homework A.getting help with class

B. asking a teacher for options to improve his help complete a homework assignment grade ask for a homework assignment C. understanding the length of an assignment clarify a homework assignment D.asking for advice

SLATE QUIZ Listening Part 3

Listen to the lecture and answer the questions.

Lecture—Pavlov’s Dog Experiment

9: According to the professor, which of the following statements is true?

A.Dogs learn quicker with a bell.

B.Pavlov’s results were not accepted during his lifetime.

C. Dogs do not learn to produce saliva.

D.It is more difficult to train a dog that is older.

10: What is the lecture mainly about?

A.a famous experiment your dog

C.the benefits of saliva in dogs

D.the role of bells in dog training

11: Why does the professor mention a dog leash? explain a good way to train a dog show how people can control dogs persuade the reader to be a responsible dog owner give an example of a conditioned response

12: Which of the following could be implied from this lecture?

A.Pavlov’s findings are no longer relevant.

B.Pavlov trained dogs to do many different things.

C. It would be possible to condition dogs to salivate by using a violin instead of a bell.

D.Pavlov’s experiment would be considered unethical by today’s standards.

13: What class does the professor teach?



C. psychology


14: How does the professor describe Pavlov’s experiment?

A.It is complex and difficult to understand.

B. It is complex but easy to understand.

C. It is quite simple but difficult to understand.

D.It is quite simple and easy to understand.

ACADEMIC QUIZ Listening Part 1

Dialogue—82nd Street

1: Where will the bus driver stop?

A.82nd and Main Street

B.82nd and Broad Street

C.Broad Street only

D.The driver’s bus is not in service.


2: When will the man wash the dishes?

B. later in the day

C. next week


Dialogue—The Last Question

3: What is true about the man’s homework assignment?

E. The last answer is incorrect.

F. He already handed it in.

G.It’s at his home.

H.It is not yet complete.


4: What does this conversation mostly concern?

A.working out a scheduling problem

B. succeeding on the presentation

C.the best time to do the presentation

D.getting help from classmates

ACADEMIC QUIZ Listening Part 2

Dialogue—Applying for Loans

5: Why should a student visit the website? apply for loans only apply for grants only apply for loans and grants check one's bank account

6: From the conversation, what can be assumed about the man’s parents?

A.They do not make a lot of money.

B. They are paying for all of his expenses.

C. They are very wealthy.

D.They have many other children.

7: Why does the man talk to the woman?

A.He wants to learn about loans and grants.

B.He wants to teach her about improving her credit score.

C. He wants encourage her to apply only for grants.

D.He wants to teach her how to apply for loans and grants.

8: Why is the woman reluctant to apply for loans?

A.She thinks it’s too difficult and time consuming.

B. She already owes a lot of money.

C. She thinks she will not qualify.

D.She does not know how.

ACADEMIC QUIZ Listening Part 3

Lecture—Epigenetics: How Our Lifestyle Determines

Which Genes Get Turned On

9: According to the professor, which of the following statements is true?

A.We have some control over how our genes affect our health.

B.Genes determine everything about our health.

C. We can turn some genes on but not off.

D.We can turn some genes off but not on.

10: What is the lecture mainly about? genes affect our health

B.using genes to predict illnesses

C. how our behaviors affect our genes

D.which genes control disease

11: What does the professor imply when he says the below?

“It can be useful to think of epigenetics in terms of an analogy. Our genes can be thought of as a
series of light switches. Imagine the genes that you inherit from your parents as the light switches in
a house. Now imagine that each room in the house has one or more light switches. Depending on
where you spend your time in the house, some of those light switches will be turned on more often
than others.”

A.Our genes will determine if we get sick.

B.We have no control over our lives and if and when we get sick.

C. We have complete control over our lives and if and when we get sick.

D.We have some control over our lives and if and when we get sick.

12: What is the professor’s purpose in giving the lecture? introduce a scientific concept encourage students to change their diet describe how genes affect our behavior explain how genes function in our bodies

13: According to the professor, which of the following has the least impact on genetic



C. behavior


14: Why does the professor mention identical twins as adults? explain how genes may increase the likelihood of suffering from a disease explain how genes never change from birth describe how genes are affected by lifestyle choices encourage healthy living

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