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IELTS Modular

Natural vs Artificial - Pearl Production

Natural / Artificial - Active / Passive

Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the verb.

Pearls are valuable white gems that are produced by oysters. They

are produced (produce) in two different ways - one is a natural process and the

other is artificial. A pearl grows (grow) naturally when an oyster opens (open)

its shell and a grain of sand enters (enter) it. The sand irritates (irritate) the

oyster. The oyster then releases (release) a white fluid which covers (cover) the

sand. This fluid protects (protect) the oyster. Slowly the fluid hardens (harden)

and eventually a pearl forms (form). Throughout this process, which takes

(take) about six or seven years, the oyster remains (remain) in the sea.

The Japanese have developed an artificial process of making pearls. These

pearls are called 'cultured pearls'. In this process, first an oyster is removed

(remove) from the sea by the pearl manufacturer. Then the oyster shell is

opened (open) by force. Next a grain of sand is inserted (insert) artificially into

the oyster. After that it is returned (return) to the sea. The process then

follows (follow) the same sequence as the natural formation of pearls i.e. the

oyster releases (release) the white fluid to protect itself and the pearl slowly

hardens (harden). The pearls which are created (create) by this process

however, are thought to be of inferior quality.

IELTS Modular

Sequencing - Drying out a mobile phone

The process of drying out a mobile phone begins with removing the phone

from the water as soon as possible. The next step is to place the phone on

paper towels. Following this, the case should be removed and the back of the

phone taken off. The next step is to dry the phone with a soft cloth. Then the

battery and the SIM card should be removed and then dried off. After this, a

vacuum cleaner can be used to remove remaining water from the inner sections

of the phone.

The final stage is to place the phone in a bag of uncooked rice overnight to

soak up any remaining water.

IELTS Modular

How something works – Canning fruit

Process Genre
General introduction
The flow chart shows the process by which fruit is put into cans.

Overview (= features)
Overall, we can see that the process consists of a large number of steps, which can be
divided into four main phases, namely delivery to the factory, pre-canning, canning
itself, and distribution to the consumer. The process starts in the fruit orchard and ends
with cans of fruit at a retail outlet.
Process description
To start with, fruit is picked by hand in an orchard and then delivered to a canning
factory by truck. Once it arrives at the factory, it is washed in order to remove dirt
and pesticides. After that, the quality is checked to eliminate the sub-standard
fruit. The fruit that pass this stage is then stored at a low temperate to keep it
In preparation for canning, the fruit is weighed and graded. After the fruit has been
peeled to remove the skin, it is cored and sliced so as to get rid of the seeds. Then
it is ready for canning. On a conveyor belt, it is placed inside cans and each can is
sealed. Having been sealed, the cans are heated to sterilize them.
Before being distributed, the cans are labeled and stored.

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