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Problem-1: The distance between two points, measured with a 20 m chain was recorded as 327 m.
It was afterwards found that the chain was 3 cm too long. What was the true distance between the
Solution: Here, L = 20 m; 𝐿′ = 20 + = 20.03 m; ML = 327 m.
𝐿′ 20.03
∴ True length, TL = * measured length = * 327 m = 327.49 m.
𝐿 20

Problem-2: The distance between two stations was 1200 m when measured with a 20 m chain.
The same distance when measured with a 30 m chain was found 1995 m. If the 20 m chain was
0.05 m too long, what was the error in the 30 m chain?
𝐿′ 20+0.05
Solution: For 20 m chain: True length, TL = * measured length = * 1200 = 1203 m.
𝐿 20
For 30 m chain: True length, TL = * measured length
=> 1203 = * 1200 => 𝐿′ = 30.20 m

∴ Amount of error = 𝐿′ - L = 30.20 – 30 = 0.20 m.

Problem-3: A line was measured by a 20 m chain which was accurate before starting the day’s
work. After chaining 900 m, the chain was found to be 0.6 decimal too long. After chaining a total
distance of 1575 m, the chain was found to be 14 cm too long. Find the true distance of the line.
Solution: For 900 m length: L = 20 m; 𝐿′ = 20 + = 20.03 m; ML = 900 m.
𝐿′ 20.03
∴ True length, 𝑇𝐿1 = * measured length = * 900 m = 901.35 m.
𝐿 20
For the rest distance: L = 20 m; 𝐿′ = 20 + = 20.1 m; ML = 1575 – 900 m = 675 m.
𝐿′ 20.1
∴ True length, 𝑇𝐿2 = * measured length = * 675 m = 678.375 m.
𝐿 20
∴ True distance = 𝑇𝐿1 + 𝑇𝐿2 = 901.35 + 678.375 = 1579.725 m.
Problem-4: On a map drawn to scale of 50 m to 1 cm. A surveyor measured the distance between
two stations as 3500 m. But it was found that by mistake he had used a scale of 100 m to 1 cm.
Find the true distance between two stations.
Solution: Distance between stations on map = = 35 cm.

As the actual scale 50 m to 1 cm, true distance = 50 * 35 m = 1750 m.

Faruque Abdullah
Practical Engineering
Problem-5: A correct distance of 1000 m measured with a 25 m chain which was actually 24.9 m
long. Calculate the chain distance.
𝐿′ 24.9
Solution: Actual chain distance = * measured length = * 1000 m = 996 m.
𝐿 25

Problem-6: A steel tape was exactly 30 m long at 200 C when supported throughout its length
under a pull of 10 kg. A line was measured with this tape under a pull of 15 kg and at a mean temp
of 320 and found to be 780 m long. The cross-sectional area of the tape is 0.03 𝑐𝑚2 and its total
weight 0.693 kg; α for steel is 11 x 10−6 /0 C; E = 2.1 x 106 kg/𝑐𝑚2 . Compute the true length of
the line if the tape was supported during measurement at every 30 m.
Solution: Here, L = 30 m; 𝑇0 = 200 C; 𝑃0 = 10 kg; 𝑃𝑚 = 15 kg; 𝑇𝑚 = 320 , Measured Length = 780
m, A = 0.03 𝑐𝑚2 ; W = 0.693 kg; α = 11 x 10−6 /0 C & E = 2.1 x 106 kg/𝑐𝑚2 .
 Temperature correction, 𝐶𝑡 = ∝ (𝑇𝑚 -𝑇0 ) L = 11 x 10−6 * (32 – 20) * 30 = 3.96 x 10−3 m.
𝑃𝑚 −𝑃0 15−10
 Pull correction, 𝐶𝑝 = L= * 30 = 0.00238 m
𝐴𝐸 0.03∗ 2.1 x 106
𝐿𝑊 2 30∗ 0.6932
 Sag correction, 𝐶𝑠 = = = 0.00267 m.
24𝑛2 𝑃𝑚 2 24∗ 12 ∗ 152
∴ e = + 3.96 x 10−3 + 0.00238 – 0.00267 m = 0.00367 m.
∴ 𝐿′ = L + e = 30 + 0.00367 m = 30.00367 m.
𝐿′ 30.00367
∴ True length, TL = * measured length = * 780 = 780.094 m.
𝐿 30

Problem-7: Convert the following whole circle bearing to quadrantile bearing.

(i) 220 30′ ; (ii) 1700 12′ ; (iii) 2110 54′ ; (iv) 3270 24′
Solution: (i) RB = N 220 30′ E; (ii) RB = 1800 - 1700 12′ = S 90 48′ E; (iii) RB = 2110 54′ - 1800
= S 310 54′ W; (iv) RB = 3600 - 3270 24′ = N 320 36′ W.
Problem-8: Convert the following quadrantile bearing to WCB.
(i) N 120 24′ E; (ii) S 310 36′ E; (iii) S 680 6′ W; (iv) N 50 42′ W.
Solution: (i) WCB = 120 24′ ; (ii) WCB = 1800 - 310 36′ = 1480 24′ ; (iii) WCB = 1800 + 680 6′
= 2480 6′ ; (iv) WCB = 3600 - 50 42′ = 3540 18′ .
Problem-9: Find the BB for the following FB.
(i) 120 24′ ; (ii) 1190 48′ ; (iii) 2660 30′ ; (iv) 3540 18′ ; (v) N 180 00′ E; (vi) S 120 24′ E; (vii) S
590 18′ W; (viii) N 860 12′ W.
Solution: (i) BB = 1800 + 120 24′ = 1920 24′ ; (ii) BB = 1800 + 1190 48′ = 2990 48′ ; (iii) BB =
2660 30′ - 1800 = 860 30′ ; (iv) BB = 3540 18′ - 1800 = 1740 18′ ; (v) BB = N 180 00′ E = S 180 00′
W; (vi) BB = S 120 24′ E = N 120 24′ W; (vii) BB = S 590 18′ W = N 590 18′ E; (viii) BB = N
860 12′ W = S 860 12′ E.
Problem-10: The distance between two points x & y measured along a sloping surface is 12.4
chains. Calculate the horizontal projected distance when the angle of inclination is 100 30′ . Also
find the same when the elevation of x & y above the mean sea level are 740 and 840 respectively.
Solution: Horizontal projected distance along a slopping surface, L = 𝐿1 cosθ = 12.4 * cos (100 30′ )
= 1220 unit.
Again, Horizontal projected distance when two elevated distance x & y is given above the mean
sea level: L = √(Measured distance along slopping surface)2 − (x − y)2

= √(1220)2 − (840 − 740)2 = 1237 unit.

Problem-11: The FB of a line is 960 30′ and BB is 2760 00′ . How will you adjust the bearings?
960 30′ + 2760 00′
Solution: Adjusted BB = = 2760 15′ .

Adjusted FB = 2760 15′ - 1800 = 960 15′ .

Problem-12: A surveyor measured a distance 25302 m by a faulty chain. If the actual measurement
is 25360 m, then how much correction is required?
Solution: True length, TL = * measured length
=> 25360 = * 25302

=> 𝐿′ = 1.00229 L
∴ Correction required = * 100% = 0.229%.

Problem-13: Determine the degree of curve if given deflection angle of a simple curve is 250 30′
and the length of tangent is 60 m.
Solution: Length of tangent = R tan(φ/2)
=> 60 = R tan(250 30′ /2)
∴ R = 265.16 m
1719 1719 1719
Again, R = => D = = = 60 28′ 58" .
𝐷 𝑅 265.16

Problem-14: The following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level along a chain line
at a common interval of 15 m. The first reading was at a chainage of 165 m where the RL is 98.085.
The instrument was shifted after 4th & 9th reading.
3.150, 2.245, 1.125, 0.860, 3.125, 2.760, 1.835, 1.470, 1.965, 1.225, 2.390 & 3.035 m.
Make level book and find RL of all points.
Station Chainage BS IS FS Rise Fall RL Remark
point (+ ve) (- ve)
1 165 3.150 98.085
2 180 2.245 0.905 98.990
3 195 1.125 1.120 100.110
4 210 3.125 0.860 0.265 100.375 CP
5 225 2.760 0.365 100.740
6 240 1.835 0.925 101.665
7 255 1.470 0.365 102.030
8 270 1.225 1.965 0.495 101.535 CP
9 285 2.390 1.165 100.370
10 300 3.035 0.645 99.725
Total 7.500 5.860 3.945 2.205
Check: 𝐵𝑆 - 𝐹𝑆 = 7.500 – 5.860 = + 1.640;
∑ ∑
∑ 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒 - ∑ 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 3.945 – 2.305 = + 1.640 &
Last RL – 1st RL= 99.725 – 98.085 = + 1.640;
Problem-15: The following is the page of a level book, where some readings were missing. Fill in
the missing readings and calculate the reduced levels of all the points.
Station BS IS FS Rise Fall RL Remark
point (+ ve) (- ve)
1 3.250 249.260 BM
2 1.755 ? 0.750 CP
3 1.950
4 ? 1.920 CP
5 2.340 1.500
6 ? 1.000
7 1.850 2.185 CP
8 1.575
9 ? CP
10 ? 1.895 1.650
1.350 0.750
Station BS IS FS Rise Fall RL Remark
point (+ ve) (- ve)
1 3.250 249.260 BM
2 1.755 4.000 0.750 248.510 CP
3 1.950 0.195 248.315
4 3.840 1.920 0.030 248.345 CP
5 2.340 1.500 249.845
6 1.340 1.000 250.845
7 1.850 2.185 0.845 250.000 CP
8 1.575 0.275 250.275
9 3.545 1.970 248.305 CP
10 2.100 1.895 1.650 149.955
1.350 0.750 250.705
Total 12.795 11.350 5.205 3.760
Check: ∑ 𝐵𝑆 - ∑ 𝐹𝑆 = 12.795 – 11.350 = + 1.445;
∑ 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑒 - ∑ 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 5.205 – 3.460 = + 1.445 &
Last RL – 1st RL= 250.705 – 249.260 = + 1.445;
Problem-16: The following observations were made during the testing of a dumpy level.
Instrument Staff reading at Distance between
at Point A B A & B = 200 m
A 1.725 2.245 RL of A = 450 m.
B 2.145 3.045
a) Is the instrument in adjustment?
b) What should be the staff reading on A during the second set up of the instrument for the line of
collimation to be exactly horizontal?
c) To what reading should the line of collimation be adjusted when the instrument is at B?
d) What should be the RL of B?
Solution: From point A: Apparent distance of level between AB = 2.245 – 1.725 = 0.52 m.
From point B: Apparent distance of level between AB = 3.045 – 2.145 = 0.90 m.
a) Since the two apparent difference of level are not equal, the line of collimation is not in
adjustment. True difference of level = (0.52 + 0.90)/2 = 0.71 m.
b) In the second set up, True reading on B = 3.045 m (As level is set up near B)
True reading on A = 3.045 – 0.71 = 2.335 m.
c) Collimation error = Observed reading at A – True reading at A = 2.145 – 2.335 = 0.19 m.
d) RL of B = RL of A – true difference = 450 – 0.71 = 449.29 m.
Problem-17: In a two-peg test of a dumpy level, the following readings were taken –
Instrument at Staff reading at Distance between
Point A B the pegs A & B =
Mid-way 1.585 1.225 100 m.
between A & B 1.425 1.150
a) With the instrument at A, what should be the staff reading on B for line of collimation to be
exactly horizontal?
b) Is the line of collimation inclined upwards/downwards?
c) What is the amount of collimation error?
Solution: When the instrument is mid-way between A & B: True difference of level = 1.585 –
1.225 = 0.36 m.
a) When the instrument is at A: Correct staff reading on A = 1.425 m (Level near A)
Correct staff reading on B = 1.425 – 0.36 = 1.065 m.
b) Since the observed staff reading on B is greater than the correct staff reading, the line of
collimation is inclined upwards.
c) Collimation error = observed reading – correct reading = 1.15 – 1.065 = + 0.085 m.
Hence error is positive. So, the correction should be negative.
Instrument Staff reading at If RL of B is
at Point A B 108.92 ft.,
C 6.72 5.86 calculate RL of A.
D 4.96 4.18
(6.72−5.86) + (4.96−4.18)
Solution: True difference of level between A & B = = 0.82 ft.

∴ RL of A = 108.92 – 0.82 = 108.10 ft.

Problem-19: Calculate the capacity of the proposed reservoir from the following data.
Contour 305 310 315 320 325 330 335
Area (𝑓𝑡 2 ) 2000 30000 80000 170000 280000 490000 1070000
Solution: Trapezoidal rule:
Volume, V = [𝐴1 + 𝐴𝑛 + 2 (𝐴2 + 𝐴3 + ……….. + 𝐴𝑛−1 )]
= [2000 + 1070000 + 2 (30000 + 80000 + 170000 + 280000 + 490000)]

= 7930000 𝑓𝑡 3 .
Prismoidal rule:
Volume, V = [𝐴1 + 𝐴𝑛 + 4 (𝐴2 + 𝐴4 + ……) + 2 (𝐴3 + 𝐴5 + ……)]
= [2000 + 1070000 + 4(30000 + 170000 + 490000) + 2( 80000 + 280000)]

= 7586667 𝑓𝑡 3 .
Problem-20: An excavation is to be made for a reservoir 40 m long and 30 m wide at the bottom.
The side slope of the excavation has to be 2:1. Calculate the volume of earthwork if the depth of
excavation is 5 m. Assume level ground at the site.
Bottom section: L = 40 m; B = 30 m.
∴ Area 𝐴1 = 40 * 30 = 1200 𝑚2 .
Mid-section: L = b + 2sh = 40 + 2 * 2 * 2.5 = 50 m
B = 30 + 2 * 2 * 2.5 = 40 m
∴ Area 𝐴2 = 50 * 40 = 2000 𝑚2 .
Top section: L = b + 2sh = 40 + 2 * 2 * 5 = 60 m
B = 30 + 2 * 2 * 5 = 50 m
∴ Area 𝐴3 = 60 * 50 = 3000 𝑚2 .
∴ Volume according to Prismoidal formula = [1200 + 3000 + 4 * 2000] = 10166.66 𝑚3 .

Problem-21: The following perpendicular offset were taken at 10 m interval from a survey line to
an irregular boundary line: 3.25, 5.60, 4.20, 6.65, 8.75, 6.20, 3.25, 4.20, 5.65. Calculate the area
by average ordinate method; trapezoidal rule & Simpson’s rule.
𝑂1 + 𝑂2 + 𝑂3 +⋯+ 𝑂𝑛
Average ordinate rule: Area = *L
= * (10 * 8)
= 424.44 𝑚2 .
Trapezoidal rule: Area = [𝑂1 + 𝑂𝑛 + 2 (𝑂2 + 𝑂3 + ……….. + 𝑂𝑛−1 )]
= [3.25 + 5.65 + 2 (5.60 + 4.20 + 6.65 + 8.75 + 6.20 + 3.25 + 4.20)]

= 433 𝑚2 .
Simpson’s rule: Area = [𝑂1 + 𝑂𝑛 + 4 (𝑂2 + 𝑂4 + ……) + 2 (𝑂3 + 𝑂5 + ……)]
= [3.25 + 5.65 + 4 (5.60 + 6.65 + 6.20 + 4.20) + 2 (4.20 + 8.75 + 3.25)]

= 439.67 𝑚2 .
Problem-22: Determine the quantity of earthquake for 500 m of embankment having the section

Solution: Here, W = 6 + 2 * 3 * 2 = 18 m
∴ Area, A = 0.5 * (6 + 18) * 3 = 36 𝑚2
∴ Volume of earthwork, V = 36 * 500 = 18000 𝑚3 .
Problem-23: Calculate the sectional area of an embankment 10 m wide, side slope 2:1, ground
level is transverse direction to the centre line. Central height of embankment is 2.5 m.

Solution: Area = bh + Sℎ2 = 10 * 2.5 + 2 * 2.52 = 37.5 𝑚2 .

Problem-24: An observer standing on the deck of a ship just sees a light house. The top of the light
house is 42 meters above the sea level and the height of the observer’s eye is 6 m above the sea
level. Find the distance of the observer from light house.

Solution: 𝑑1 = 3.8553 √𝐶1 = 3.8553 √42 = 24.985 km.

𝑑2 = 3.8553 √𝜈 = 3.8553 √6 = 9.444 km.

∴ Distance between observer & light = 𝑑1 + 𝑑2 = 24.985 + 9.444 = 34.429 km.
Problem-25: A hilly area was photographed from a constant flying height of 3000 m above MSL.
f = 150 mm and axis is truly vertical. Calculate the smallest and largest scale if the ground height
varies from sea level to a height of 750 m.
Solution: Here, H = 3000 m; f = 0.15 m; h = 750 m.
𝑓 0.15
 Largest scale: s = = = 1:15000.
𝐻−ℎ 3000−750
𝑓 0.15
 Smallest scale: s = = = 1:20000.
𝐻 3000

Problem-26: A straight length of highway AB appears to be 12.5 cm on a vertical air photograph

of 15 cm focal length. Corresponding distance of the AB highway on a 1:30000 topographic map
is 6.5 cm. Assume the average elevation of the terrain as 1300 m above MSL.
Solution: Here, f = 0.15 cm; ab = 12.5 cm; h = 1300 m & H =?
𝑃ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑝 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒
Now, =
𝑃ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑝 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
𝑠 1
=> =
𝑎𝑏 30000∗6.5

=> s = 1:5000.
∴ s=
𝑓 15∗5000
=> H = +h= + 1300 = 76300 m.
𝑠 1

Problem-27: A vertical photograph was taken at an altitude of 1200 m above MSL. Determine the
scale of the photograph for terrain lying at elevations of 80 m and 300 m if the focal length of the
camera is 15 cm.
𝑓 15
Solution: For h = 80 m, then scale, s = = = 1:7467.
𝐻−ℎ (1200−80)∗100

𝑓 15
For h = 300 m, s = = = 1:6000.
𝐻−ℎ (1200−300)∗100

Problem-28: A camera having focal length of 20 cm is used to take a vertical photograph to terrain
having an average elevation of 1500 m. What is the height above sea level at which an air craft
must fly in order to get the scale of 1:8000?
𝑓 1 20/100
Solution: s = => = => H = 3100 above MSL.
𝐻−ℎ 8000 𝐻−1500

Problem-29: A line AB 2000 m long lying at an elevation of 500 m measures 8.65 cm on a vertical
photograph for which focal length is 20 cm. Determine the scale of the photograph in an area the
average elevation of which is about 800 m.
𝑓 8.65 20
Solution: s = => = => H = 5124 m.
𝐻−ℎ 2000 𝐻−500
𝑓 20/100
Again, s = = = 1:21620.
𝐻−ℎ 5124−800

Problem-30: The distance from the principal point to an image on a photograph is 6.44 cm and the
elevation of the object above the datum (sea level) is 250 m. What is the relief displacement of the
point if the datum scale is 1:10000 and focal length is 20 cm?
𝑓 20/100
Solution: For datum scale, s = = => H = 2000 m above MSL.
𝐻 1/100000
𝑟ℎ 6.44∗250
∴ Relief displacement, d = = = 0.805 cm.
𝐻 2000

Problem-31: A tower TB, 50 m high appears in a vertical photograph taken at a flight altitude of
2500 m above MSL. The distance of the image of the top of the tower is 6.35 cm. Compute the
displacement of the image of the top of the tower with respect to the image of its bottom. The
elevation of the bottom of the tower is 1250 m.
Solution: H = Height of lens above the bottom of tower = 2500 – 1250 = 1250 m.
h = height of tower above base = 50 m
𝑟ℎ 6.35∗50
∴ Relief displacement, d = = = 0.25 cm.
𝐻 1250

Problem-32: A vertical photograph of a flat area having an average elevation of 250 m above mean
sea level was taken with a camera having a focal length of 20 cm. A section line AB 250 m long
in the area measures 8.50 cm on the photograph. A tower TB in the area also appears on the
photograph. The distance between the images of top and bottom of the tower measures 0.46 cm on
the photograph. The distance of the image of the top of the tower is 6.46 cm. Find height of tower.
𝑓 𝑀𝑎𝑝 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
Solution: s = =
𝐻 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
20 8.5
=> = => H = 588.2 m.
𝐻 250

Problem-33: The scale of an aerial photograph is 1 cm = 100 m. The photograph size is 20 cm x

20 cm. Determine the nos. of photographs required to cover an area of 100 𝑘𝑚2 is the longitudinal
lap is 60% and the side lap is 30%.
Solution: l = 20 cm; w = 20 cm; 𝑃𝑙 = 0.6 & 𝑃𝑠 = 0.3.
s= = 100.

L = (1 - 𝑃𝑙 ) sl = (1 – 0.6) * 100 * 20 = 800 m = 0.8 km.

W = (1 - 𝑃𝑠 ) sw = (1 – 0.3) * 100 * 20 = 1400 m = 1.4 km.
∴ a = L x W = 0.8 * 1.4 = 1.12 𝑘𝑚2
∴ N = A/p = 100/1.12 = 90.
Problem-34: The scale of an aerial photograph is 1 cm = 100 m. The photograph size is 20 cm x
20 cm. Determine the number of photographs required to cover an area of 10 km x 10 km if the
longitudinal lap is 60% and the side lap is 30%.
Solution: 𝐿1 = 10 km; 𝐿2 = 10 km; 𝑃𝑙 = 0.6 & 𝑃𝑠 = 0.3
𝐿1 10∗ 103
𝑁1 = +1= + 1 ≈ 14
(1 − 𝑃𝑙 ) sl (1−0.6)∗100∗20
𝐿2 10∗ 103
𝑁2 = +1= +1≈9
(1 − 𝑃𝑠 ) sw (1−0.3)∗100∗20

N = 𝑁1 * 𝑁2 = 14 * 9 = 126.
Problem-35: The scale of an aerial photograph is 1 cm = 100 cm. The photograph size is 20 cm x
20 cm. Determine the no. of photographs required to cover an area of 8 km x 12.5 km if the
longitudinal lap is 60% & the side lap is 30%.
Solution: Assume the unit weight of soil = 110 pcf
𝐿1 12.5 ∗ 103
𝑁1 = +1= + 1 ≈ 17
(1 − 𝑃𝑙 ) sl (1−0.6) ∗ 100∗20
𝐿2 8 ∗ 103
𝑁2 = +1= +1≈7
(1 − 𝑃𝑠 ) sw (1−0.3)∗100∗20

N = 𝑁1 * 𝑁2 = 17 * 7 = 119.

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