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Jalan Raya Mantrianom Km.07 No.Telp.(0286)597301 Bawang Banjarnegara 53471



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (LM) Hari, tanggal :

Jurusan : Keagamaan, IPS Jam :

Kelas : XI Waktu :

1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
2. Isikan identitas diri peserta ujian kedalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian (LJU) yang tersedia.
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian kalua terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau
tidak lengkap.
5. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir soal pilihan ganda
6. Untuk jawaban soal pilihan ganda: pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang Anda anggap paling benar
dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, c, d, atau e pada lembar jawaban.
contoh: a b c d e
untuk meralat jawaban:
jawaban semula: a b c d e diubah/diralat: a b c d e
7. Tulislah jawaban Anda dengan menggunakan bolpoint berwarna hitam.
8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
9. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. Which one from these following words is NOUN words?
a. Buy, read, walk d. Book, bag, pen
b. Talk, eat, hot e. Sweet, see, apple
c. Yellow, red, orange
2. Which one from these following words is ADJECTIVE words?
a. Buy, read, walk d. Book, bag, pen
b. Talk, eat, hot e. Sweet, see, apple
c. Yellow, red, orange
3. Which one from these following words is VERB words?
a. Buy, read, walk d. Book, bag, pen
b. Talk, eat, hot e. Sweet, see, apple
c. Yellow, red, orange
This text is for number 4-8
Mr. Fandi : If we open the café near the school, will students like it?
Miss Rian : Definitely. Students like hanging out in cafes these days.
Mr. Fandi : I have an idea for a café with vintage concept.
Miss Rian : It sounds like a good concept. It can be either that or a library concept. If you have
book on shelves that the customer can read, I think they will like it.
Mr. Fandi : That’s actually an excellent idea. Thanks for encouraging me. I really appreciate it.
Now I’m going to look ideas for menu.
Miss Rian : Yeah that’s a good idea. Let’s find out on the internet.
4. What kind of business does Mr. Fandi intend to open?
a. Shop d. Restaurant
b. School e. Cafe
c. Canteen
5. What does Miss Rian suggest Mr. Fandi to do?
a. To provide books for customer to read.
b. To provide bookshelves in the café.
c. To prepare the menu soon.
d. To find employees.
e. To cook well.
6. What concept does Mr. Fandi envision for his future café?
a. Vintage d. Gothic
b. Classic e. Modern
c. Garden
7. What will they do next after the conversation?
a. Browse the internet
b. Write a menu
c. Buy some foods
d. Cook some foods
e. Prepare the menu
8. “…I think they will like it.” The underlined word refers to…
a. Books d. Concept
b. Customers e. Cafe
c. Teachers
This text is for number 9-15!
Joshua : I heard that you’ll be going to Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Gerry?
Gerry : Yes, I will visit my aunt’s family there.
Joshua : How long will you stay there?
Gerry : About a week. Why?
Joshua : Well, if you visit Banjarmasin, don’t forget to enjoy the floating market. It’s a unique
market. I’ve been there and it is so memorable.
Gerry : Do you think so?
Joshua : Yeah, just prove it.

9. What is the conversation about?

a. Joshua’s idea to have trip to Banjarmasin together.
b. Gerry’s plan to have trip to Banjarmasin.
c. A plan to visit floating market.
d. Joshua’s plan to visit his uncle’s family.
e. Gerry’s holiday last week.
10. What should Gerry do if he visit Banjarmasin?
a. Buying traditional foods.
b. Exploring the Banjarmasin city.
c. Shopping some souvenirs.
d. Visiting at floating market.
e. Enjoying the trip.
11. Why Joshua suggest Gerry to visit floating market?
a. Because it is a unique place.
b. Because the things are cheap there.
c. Because his aunt family live there.
d. Because they want to meet there.
e. Because Gerry want to shop.
12. How long Gerry will stay at Banjarmasin?
a. About three days
b. About seven days
c. About five days
d. About a month
e. About four days
13. “…if you visit Banjarmasin, don’t forget to enjoy the floating market.” This sentence is express…
a. Asking opinion
b. Offering help
c. Refusing help
d. Giving suggestion
e. Asking help
14. The word visit has similar meaning with…
a. Leave d. Come
b. Attend e. Hang out
c. Go
15. Which one is NOT TRUE based on the dialogue?
a. Joshua and Gerry are friends.
b. Gerry’s family is in the Banjarmasin
c. The market is floating on the river
d. Joshua doesn’t like floating market
e. Banjarmasin is in South Kalimantan

This text is for number 16-25!

Gina : My laptop was …16 this morning.
Jess : Oh, really?
Gina : Last night I used it, and it still functioned normally; but when I turned it …17, it didn’t turn
Jess : I think you should bring it to a computer technician.
Gina : Do you think so? But I don’t know who the good computer technician is.
Jess : Why don’t you bring it to Andy’s father? I heard that he is …18
Gina : That’s really a good idea.
Jess : Sure.
Gina : Okay then. I will bring it to …19 this evening.
Jess : Okay. Anyway, Gina, I find …20 with my Sociology paper.
Gina : What is it?
Jess : My paper is lack of sources. I think it needs more sources. But I don’t know …21
Gina : You’d better …22
Jess : I have, but I couldn’t find …23
Gina : I suggest that you go to the city library. I think …24
Jess : Yeah, …25. Thanks Gina.

16. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?

a. Some difficulties
b. Suddenly broken
c. go to library
d. where to find them
e. Andy’s father
17. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. On this morning
b. A good computer technician
c. Some difficulties
d. Where to find them
e. Why I didn’t think of that
18. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. Where to find them
b. The book is more complete there
c. On this morning
d. A good computer technicians
e. Go to library
19. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. Suddenly broken
b. Andy’s father
c. the appropriate source
d. where to find them
e. the book is more complete there
20. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. a good computer technician e. suddenly broken
b. go to library
c. some difficulties
d. why I didn’t think of that
21. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. why I didn’t think of that
b. suddenly broken
c. Andy’s father
d. the appropriate sources
e. where to find them
22. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. a good computer technician
b. go to library
c. some difficulties
d. Why I didn’t think of that
e. suddenly broken
23. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. suddenly broken
b. Andy’s father
c. the appropriate sources
d. where to find them
e. on this morning
24. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. the book is more complete there
b. on this morning
c. a good computer technician
d. go to library
e. some difficulties
25. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. a good computer technician
b. go to library
c. some difficulties
d. Why I didn’t think of that
e. suddenly broken

This text is for number 26-35!

Let Her Go by Passenger
Staring at the …26 of your glass
Hoping one day you'll make a …27 last
But dreams …28 slow, and they go so …29
You see her when you close your …30
Maybe one day, you'll …31 why
Everything you touch surely dies
But you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to …32
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been …33 when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
…34 at the ceiling in the dark
Same old empty feeling in your heart
'Cause love comes slow, and it goes so fast
Well, you ...35 her when you fall asleep
But never to touch and never to keep
'Cause you loved her too much, and you dived too deep
26. a. fast b. come c. dream d. snow e. bottom
27. a. fast b. come c. dream d. snow e. bottom
28. a. fast b. come c. dream d. snow e. bottom
29. a. fast b. come c. dream d. snow e. bottom
30. a. snow b. high c. staring d. eyes e. understand
31. a. snow b. high c. staring d. eyes e. understand
32. a. snow b. high c. staring d. eyes e. understand
33. a. snow b. high c. staring d. eyes e. understand
34. a. snow b. high c. staring d. eyes e. understand
35. a. see b. high c. staring d. eyes e. understand
Arrange these jumbled words into meaningful sentences!
36. five years(1) – in the next(2) – University(3) – from(4) – will have graduated(5) – my brother(6)
a. 6-5-4-3-2-1
b. 6-5-3-2-1-4
c. 6-4-5-3-2-1
d. 6-4-2-3-1-5
e. 6-5-1-2-3-4
37. now(1) – two years(2) – dream house(3) – will have built(4) – his(5) – my uncle(6) – from(7)
a. 6-4-7-5-3-2-1
b. 6-4-5-3-7-2-1
c. 6-5-4-3-7-2-1
d. 6-5-4-7-3-2-1
e. 6-4-5-3-2-1-7
38. tomorrow morning(1) – his paintings(2) – will not have finished(3) – by(4) – Mr. Saputra(5)
a. 5-3-4-1-2
b. 5-3-1-2-4
c. 5-3-2-4-1
d. 5-2-4-3-1
e. 5-4-3-2-1
39. this morning(1) – 9.00 a.m(2) – will have landed(3) – by(4) – the plane(5)
a. 5-3-4-1-2
b. 5-3-1-2-4
c. 5-3-2-4-1
d. 5-3-4-2-1
e. 5-4-3-2-1
40. attention(1) – to what(2) – pay(3) – the teacher(4) – says(5) – the students(6) – ought to(7)
a. 6-7-3-2-4-5-1
b. 6-7-3-1-5-2-4
c. 6-7-3-2-1-4-5
d. 4-7-3-1-2-6-5
e. 6-7-3-1-2-4-5
This text is for number 41-50!
Raymon : Hi, Sally. What’s the matter with you? You …41 so pale. Are you OK?
Sally : Not really, actually, I …42 a stomachache. It really hurts.
Raymon : I’m sorry to …43 that. Have you taken any medicine?
Sally : Yes, I have, but …44 hasn’t gone away.
Raymon : I think you …45 to the doctor.
Sally : I want to, but we have physical …46 in about an hour.
Raymon : I think you …47 to Mr. John that you won’t be able to take the test and would like
to have a makeup test another day.
Sally : Okay, do you think Mr. John …48 his permission?
Raymon : Well …49 talk to him as soon as possible.
Sally : Okay, I’m going to the …50 then. Thanks for your advice, Raymon.
Raymon : You are welcome, get well soon, Sally.

41. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?

a. look
b. hear
c. should go
d. should tell
e. you’d better
42. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. the pain
b. have
c. lesson
d. will gave
e. teacher’s room
43. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. teacher’s room
b. look
c. hear
d. should go
e. should tell
44. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. should tell
b. you’d better
c. have
d. the pain
e. lesson
45. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. will give
b. teacher’s room
c. look
d. hear
e. should go
46. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. lesson
b. will have
c. teacher’s room
d. look
e. hear
47. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. should go
b. should tell
c. you’d better
d. have
e. the pain
48. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. the pain
b. lesson
c. will give
d. teacher’s room
e. look
49. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. hear
b. should go
c. should tell
d. you’d better
e. have
50. What is the most appropriate expression to complete the dialogue?
a. have
b. the pain
c. lesson
d. will have
e. teacher’s room

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