Mini Essays Macbeth - Brian Cheung

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Brian Cheung Jeb Branin


● What does the play say about the concept of evil?

Macbeth showed that the influence of other people could really change your views on the

world and yourself. This play represents evil very well, and the most common use of it:

manipulating people to do whatever you want them to do. It happens every day and we see it

everyday. At home, school, in public, etc… It's hard to avoid, and it’s disgusting to watch. The

concept of evil is well displayed in this production and shows that it just leads to disaster and


Lady Macbeth was very manipulative and controlling in this play, and Macbeth just fell

into her spell as you would say. Seduction was a priority that Lady Macbeth methodically used

on Macbeth. Attacking his weaknesses and giving him a choice on what would happen if he went

through with it or not. For Macbeth’s sake, ended up going with it, and he dealt with the

consequences at the end. Sometimes doing what you desire to be, can lead to you doing

something crazy for something you love. You have to keep your emotions under control and

nothing comes easy. Working hard and not bending the rules into your own way or anybody’s

way is the more ethical way of getting what you want. Lady Macbeth was very evil, and

Macbeth was just as evil with her to get the things they wanted but because of their actions,

never ended up getting it and in this case, living up to even seeing it.

● Who is the greater villain, Lady Macbeth or Macbeth? Why?

Debating whether Lady Macbeth or Macbeth is more evil than one another seems very

obvious. Maybe most people's answers would put the blame on Lady Macbeth because of her

control methods she used to manipulate Macbeth and would not even put any blame on Macbeth

himself, but I would say that they are as both evil as they are both blamed for in the play. Lady
Brian Cheung Jeb Branin

Macbeth is not the only one that should be blamed for her evilness because Macbeth was as

equally as blamed for this, if not more, for his doings in this play.

Surely Macbeth was controlled and seduced by his wife, but Macbeth fell into that peer

pressure. He could’ve easily just walked away and said no to his wife that he will not kill to

become king. I’m not solely putting the blame on Macbeth because of course, Lady Macbeth is

an undesirable, disgusting character in this play as well, but what I’m saying is that all the focus

shouldn’t be shifted to just Lady Macbeth. Both Macbeth and his wife are true bad guys in this

play but Macbeth is a follower of Lady Macbeth’s doings. He had a choice and he chose wrong,

resulting in Lady Macbeth to be seen as the “controlling villain” in this production. Macbeth is a

great play that displays that negativity in the world, including manipulating others, could lead to

serious consequences for yourself and those around you, including the ones that you control. In

this case, it’s how Macbeth was killed by MacDuff and Lady Macbeth dying by suicide.

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