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Pangasinan State University ❑

Urdaneta City Campus, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 50
Class/Section: Activity Code: G004F - Country Analysis

Course Title: Global Citizenship (GEE4) Academic Year: 1st Semester, 2023-2024

INSTRUCTION: Accomplish the following template for G004F. Follow each step carefully and create a presentation for the class symposium.
By this time, your group must have already chosen a country to study. The country’s challenges, issues, and problems will be analyzed through
the tool “PESTEL analysis”.
NOTE: This activity must only be printed / photocopied in A4 paper. This activity must be encoded. Convert this document to PDF then submit it on MS Teams.

CRITERIA: 20pts - Creativity & Workmanship 20pts - Relevance 10pts - Concrete Examples/Evidences


Asst. Leader: GARIN, MARC JIM

2. Chosen Country SWITZERLAND

Switzerland is a beautiful country with a great economy and a wonderful geography, located at the heart of Europe. It
3. Brief description is a landlocked country in between France and Italy. This beautiful country can be divided into three distinct
about the country geographical regions. The Alps cover roughly 58% of the country, the Central Plateau around 31% and the Jura 11%.
(Consider the It has 49 four-thousanders – mountain peaks that are 4,000 metres or higher. It is home to 8.703 million people,
following: population, whose majority are Christians and Protestants. According to statistics, 2/3 of the population consists of either
topography, relative Christians or Protestants. The official languages spoken in Switzerland are Romansh, French, German, and Italian.
location, languages,
history, religion, and Switzerland was formed in 1291 as a union of three states and became an independent country in 1815. This country
economy.) has adopted a constitution in 1848 that does not allow its troops to be sent in foreign wars, because of this,
Switzerland has been known to remain neutral in all the conflicts around the world.

Switzerland has one of the highest levels of per capita GDP in the world. Its strong economy is largely affected by its
economic relations with great alliances like the European Union.
4. List down  Growing wariness of immigration and minority groups, which face societal and systemic discrimination.
challenges, issues,  Possible collapse of the framework agreement with the European Union
and problems using  Heated domestic debate on a burka ban.
PESTEL Analysis.  Fate of the Geneva-based WTO and WHO.
 Political Instability - internal conflicts or shifts in leadership can impact
 Regulatory Changes – constant changes in regulations and policies can create uncertainty for businesses.
 International Relations – tensions with neighboring countries can affect trade agreements and foreign

 Inflation – rising inflation rates can affect consumer purchasing power and business operations.
 Unemployment – high unemployment rates can strain social welfare systems and consumer spending.
 Global Economic Volatility – fluctuations in global markets can impact export/import dynamics.
 Unprecedented Economic Downturn – the Swiss economy is experiencing a significant downturn, primarily
attributed to the global repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting trade and demand for Swiss
 Government Support Measures – the Swiss government has implemented effective support measures to
safeguard employment and household incomes, aiming to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic.
 Sectoral Vulnerabilities – despite government support, certain sectors and groups, notably low-skilled and
low-wage workers, have borne the brunt of the economic challenges, facing heightened vulnerabilities
 Supply Chain Challenges – the economy is grappling with supply chain disruptions, contributing to
difficulties in production and distribution across various industries.
 Inflationary Pressures – in addition to supply chain issues, inflationary pressures are affecting the Swiss
economy, posing challenges to price stability and purchasing power.
 Impact of Omicron Variant – the emergence of the new Omicron variant further complicates the economic
landscape, introducing uncertainties and potential setbacks to recovery efforts.
 Strong Franc – the strength of the Swiss franc presents challenges for exporters, affecting competitiveness
in the global market and potentially impacting trade balances.
 Stiff Competition in Pharma and Banking Industries – the pharmaceutical and banking sectors, integral to
the Swiss economy, are contending with stiff competition, requiring strategic adaptation to maintain their
positions in the global marketplace.

 Poverty rates are on the rise despite effective social assistance policies.
 Gender inequality remains a significant issue.
 Healthcare quality and inclusiveness is excellent, but the system is very expensive. The pandemic exposed
a shortage of personnel in the system.
 Health insurance premiums are the biggest worry for people in Switzerland in 2022, with 56 percent of
people citing this as their largest concern. Climate change, the environment and the war in Ukraine rounded
of the top four concerns.
 Demographic Changes – aging populations or shifts in demographics can strain healthcare systems and
impact consumer behavior.
 Cultural Shifts – changing societal values and norms might impact consumer preferences and business
 Income Inequality – disparities in income levels can lead to social unrest and affect consumer markets.

 Cybersecurity Risks – increased reliance on technology amplifies the risk of cyber threats and data
breaches. The main cyber risks for Swiss companies are: [1] Cyber espionage, [2] Malware, [3] Phishing,
[4] DDoS attacks, [5] Ransomware.
 The 6 biggest cyber risks for Swiss SMEs are: Human risk factor and social engineering, phishing and
malvertising on social media, malware and ransomware, gaps in endpoint security, cloud security gaps and
zero-day exploits
 Rapid Technological Changes – keeping up with rapid advancements may pose challenges for businesses
to remain competitive.
 Tech Dependency – overreliance on specific technologies can lead to vulnerabilities if disruptions occur.

 Air pollution from vehicle emissions
 Water pollution from agricultural fertilizers and limited renewable water resources
 Soil degradation from chemical contaminants and erosion
 Loss of biodiversity of animals and plants
 Pesticide use and its effects on health and ecosystems
 Climate Change Impact – environmental changes like extreme weather events can affect infrastructure and
disrupt business operations.
 Resource Depletion – depletion of natural resources can impact production and supply chains.
 Sustainability Pressure - increasing demand for eco-friendly practices can create additional costs for

 Regulatory Compliance – adapting to and complying with evolving laws and regulations can be challenging
for businesses.
 Legal Uncertainty – ambiguity or changes in legal frameworks can create unpredictability for business
 International Trade Laws – changes in international trade agreements can affect cross-border operations
and exports/imports.

5. Chose 1 or 2 Write the chosen challenges, issues, or problems below:

challenges, issues, or
problems from No. 4 Technological Issues
to address.
6. Address the issue I. Country Briefer
by presenting your Switzerland is a beautiful country with a great economy and a wonderful geography, located at the heart of Europe. It
solutions. Relate how is a landlocked country in between France and Italy. This beautiful country can be divided into three distinct
your profession can geographical regions. The Alps cover roughly 58% of the country, the Central Plateau around 31% and the Jura 11%.
take part in It has 49 four-thousanders – mountain peaks that are 4,000 metres or higher. It is home to 8.703 million people,
addressing the whose majority are Christians and Protestants. According to statistics, 2/3 of the population consists of either
concerns. There are Christians or Protestants. The official languages spoken in Switzerland are Romansh, French, German, and Italian.
multiple ways on how
you can do this: Switzerland was formed in 1291 as a union of three states and became an independent country in 1815. This country
 Illustrate a has adopted a constitution in 1848 that does not allow its troops to be sent in foreign wars, because of this,
prototype Switzerland has been known to remain neutral in all the conflicts around the world. Switzerland has one of the highest
invention and levels of per capita GDP in the world. Its strong economy is largely affected by its economic relations with great
explain the alliances like the European Union.
purposes of
design II. PESTEL Analysis
 Develop a POLITICS
program or o Growing wariness of immigration and minority groups.
project and o Possible collapse of the framework agreement with the EU.
detail its o Heated domestic debate on a burka ban.
implementatio o Fate of the Geneva-based WTO and WHO.
n process o Political instability with potential internal conflicts or leadership shifts.
 Create an o Constant regulatory changes creating uncertainty for businesses.
advocacy o International relations impacting trade agreements and foreign policies.
campaign or
coalition and ECONOMIC
outline the o Rising inflation affecting purchasing power and business operations.
game plan o High unemployment straining social welfare systems and consumer spending.
 You can be o Global economic volatility impacting export/import dynamics.
more creative
o Unprecedented economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
in relating it to
your program o Government support measures to safeguard employment and incomes.
or profession o Certain sectors and groups facing heightened vulnerabilities.
o Supply chain challenges affecting production and distribution.
Use this portion to o Inflationary pressures impacting price stability and purchasing power.
write the outline and o Impact of the Omicron variant introducing uncertainties.
content of your o Strong franc challenging exporters and potentially impacting trade balances.
presentation. Follow o Stiff competition in pharmaceutical and banking industries.
the outline format in
the next column. SOCIAL
o Rising poverty rates despite effective social assistance policies.
o Gender inequality as a significant issue.
o Excellent healthcare quality and inclusiveness but with high costs and personnel shortages.
o Concerns about health insurance premiums as a top worry.
o Demographic changes straining healthcare systems and impacting consumer behavior.
o Cultural shifts impacting consumer preferences and business practices.
o Income inequality leading to social unrest and affecting consumer markets.

o Increased cybersecurity risks, including cyber espionage and data breaches.
o Specific cyber risks for Swiss SMEs, including human factors, phishing, malware, and cloud security gaps.
o Rapid technological changes posing challenges for businesses.
o Tech dependency leading to vulnerabilities in case of disruptions.

o Air, water, and soil pollution from various sources.
o Loss of biodiversity and pesticide use affecting health and ecosystems.
o Climate change impacts on infrastructure and business operations
o Resource depletion impacting production and supply chains.
o Sustainability pressure with increasing demand for eco-friendly practices.

o Challenges in regulatory compliance for businesses.
o Legal uncertainty and changes affecting business operations.
o International trade laws changes impacting cross-border operations and exports/imports.

III. Chosen Challenge, Issue, or Problem

Technological Challenges

IV. Solution to the Challenge, Issue, or Problem

As computer engineering students, we play a vital role in addressing technological challenges and mitigating the risks
associated with cyber threats. One way we contribute is by fostering awareness on phishing and malvertising,
particularly on social media platforms, aiming to enhance vigilance among users.

Our profession can contribute significantly to improving technology and solving problems that may arise from it.
Reducing the risks of technological problems such as malware, phishing, ransomware, DDoS attacks, etc., can be
achieved through the expertise of computer engineers. One effective approach is designing security systems, where
we, as computer engineers, can embed features that mitigate cyber threats.
Recognizing the risks associated with overreliance on specific technology, we can provide assistance by maintaining
and developing antivirus programs, backup systems, and intrusion detection systems. These tools serve as the
frontline defense against malware and unauthorized access, actively identifying and preventing potential threats to
digital systems. Furthermore, analyzing errors in security systems, identifying root causes, and staying informed about
the latest security protocols are essential steps in solving or preventing technological problems.

The rapid technological changes pose challenges as they can be a threat to human lifestyle and the environment.
While the fast evolution of technology cannot be stopped, we, as computer engineering students, emphasize the
importance of diversifying technology dependencies to reduce the impact of disruptions. Adopting flexible and
scalable technologies is significant to adapt to the rapid advancements in the tech landscape.

Moreover, we can actively encourage collaboration among Swiss SMEs, advocating for the sharing of threat
intelligence and best practices. By fostering this collaboration, this contributes to creating a united front against cyber
threats, leveraging collective knowledge and experiences within the industry.

While computer engineers play a crucial role in safeguarding data, it is the society that has the power to make a
change. Through the application of our knowledge, skills, and learnings, along with the cooperation of everyone,
technological problems can be solved, detected, and even prevented. Recognizing the need for continuous
professional development, we can stay updated with technological changes, ensuring that as professionals in the
near future, we remain at the forefront of industry advancements, ready to address emerging challenges.
Upload the .pptx and .pdf file to the link below:
7. Create a
PowerPoint for your
presentation. Upload
the .pptx and .pdf to
the link provided.
8. Photo Paste the pictures below:
(Before, during and
after the presentation.
This also includes
your preparation time.
Write a short caption
for each photo.)

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