6.1 Layout and Wireframing

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1. What is the primary purpose of wireframing in web design?

- A) Adding detailed graphics and content to a webpage.

- B) Creating a visual representation of a website's structure and layout.
- C) Implementing complex interactions and animations.
- D) Conducting usability testing with end-users.

Answer: B) Creating a visual representation of a website's structure and layout.

2. Why is consistency important in website layout design?

- A) It makes the website visually appealing.
- B) It ensures a seamless user experience and aids recognition.
- C) It reduces loading time.
- D) It is a requirement for search engine optimization (SEO).

Answer: B) It ensures a seamless user experience and aids recognition.

3. Which wireframing technique is best suited for quickly brainstorming ideas and
- A) Digital Tools
- B) Prototyping
- C) Sketching
- D) User Testing

Answer: C) Sketching
4. What does a responsive website layout mean?
- A) It adapts to different devices and screen sizes.
- B) It includes large images and videos for a visually appealing design.
- C) It has a fixed layout that does not change.
- D) It focuses on user interactions and animations.

Answer: A) It adapts to different devices and screen sizes.

5. What role does wireframing play in the design process?

- A) Adding final colors and styles to the website.
- B) Defining the structure and layout of the website's elements.
- C) Conducting market research for the target audience.
- D) Writing the code for website functionality.

Answer: B) Defining the structure and layout of the website's elements.

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