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Subject: Notice of Delayed Submission - Quarterly Sales Report

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you about a delay in the submission of the
Quarterly Sales Report, which was originally scheduled to be submitted on September 30, 2023. I
apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and would like to provide you with an update on the
revised submission timeline.

Here are the details related to the delay:

1. Project/Report Details:

- Project/Report Name: Quarterly Sales Report

- Original Submission Date: September 30, 2023

2. Reason for Delay: Due to unexpected technical issues with our data analysis software, we
encountered delays in compiling and validating the sales data for the report. This unforeseen
circumstance has impacted our original timeline.

3. Revised Submission Date: We are committed to ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the
Quarterly Sales Report. Therefore, the revised submission date is now October 15, 2023. We are
confident in our ability to meet this new deadline.

4. Mitigation Plan: Our IT team is actively working to resolve the software issues, and we have
allocated additional resources to expedite the data analysis process. We are taking all necessary
steps to mitigate any further delays.

5. Communication: We will provide regular updates on our progress and notify you immediately of
any changes to the revised submission date. We value transparency in our communication.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause, and we want to assure you that
we are making every effort to expedite the completion of the Quarterly Sales Report to meet the
revised deadline. We value your trust in our ability to deliver high-quality work.

If you have any questions or require further information regarding this delay or the report's
progress, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
John Smith

Senior Analyst

Global Sales Insights


Phone: (555) 123-4567

Thank you for your understanding, and we appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this
matter promptly.


John Smith

Senior Analyst

Global Sales Insights

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