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S.No. Name of the Experiment Date

A Self -Study 8-1-24
Experiment A : Self -Study

Prerequisites : Database, Python

Aim : To perform a self study on Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Data Science (DS)

Procedure : Is to study the following questions and write a summary using available resources

1. Define Artificial Intelligence .

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can
perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning,
reasoning, problem-solving, understanding natural language, speech recognition, and
computer vision, among others.

2. What is a Agent ?

An agent is a program or system that is capable of independently acting in an

environment to achieve its goals. Agents can be simple or complex, and they are a
fundamental concept in artificial intelligence, where they are designed to perceive their
environment and take actions to maximize the chances of achieving their objectives.

3. What are the types of Agents ?

o Simple Reflex Agents

o Model-Based Reflex Agents
o Goal-Based Agents
o Utility-Based Agents
o Learning Agents

4. What are the five applications and case studies on AI ?

 Natural Language Processing (NLP): Chatbots and virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa.
 Computer Vision: Image and facial recognition systems.
 Healthcare: AI for disease diagnosis and personalized medicine.
 Autonomous Vehicles: Self-driving cars and drones.
 Finance: Fraud detection and algorithmic trading.

5. What are the domains/areas of AI ?

 Machine Learning
 Robotics
 Natural Language Processing
 Computer Vision
 Expert Systems
 Speech Recognition

6. What are the components of AI ?

 Machine Learning: Algorithms that enable systems to learn and improve from experience.
 Natural Language Processing: Processing and understanding human language.
 Computer Vision: Enabling machines to interpret and make decisions based on visual data.
 Expert Systems: Rule-based systems that emulate the decision-making ability of a human

7. What is Data Science ?

Data Science is a multidisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms,
and systems to extract insights and knowledge from structured and unstructured data.

8. How Data Science is connected to AI or vice-versa ?

Data Science and AI are interconnected. Data Science provides the methods and tools to
analyze and interpret data, while AI utilizes these insights to make intelligent decisions and
predictions. AI often relies on machine learning algorithms, a subset of data science, to
learn from data and improve performance.

9. What is the logical connect AI , ML , Data Science and Statistics ?

 AI is the broader concept of creating intelligent machines.

 Machine Learning is a subset of AI that focuses on creating algorithms that allow machines
to learn from data.
 Data Science involves extracting knowledge and insights from data using various scientific
 Statistics provides the foundation for data analysis and plays a crucial role in both machine
learning and data science.

10. What do you mean by exploratory data analysis (EDA) ?

Exploratory Data Analysis is an approach to analyzing datasets to summarize their main

characteristics, often with the help of statistical graphics and other data visualization
methods. The primary goal of EDA is to understand the data's structure, identify patterns,
and uncover relationships between variables before applying more formal statistical

Conclusion : Thus for the above questions answers were found and thoroughly understood by me .

Reference :

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