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Fair warning, this story contains anthropomorphic characters having sex with human

ones, a disobedient stance on realism and physics, not-so-subtle character references, and a

blatant disregard for the concept of economic inflation. TL:DR, this author relishes over-the-top

sexual storytelling and strives to make his fictional multiverse as ridiculous a utopia as possible.

Sonny was not at all used to the luxurious life. Despite the anthropomorphic coyote's best

efforts to appear fancy, red button shirt and black pants around his smoothed fiery fur, he still

shifted slightly in his ebony shoes nervously for being out of his element. It wasn’t that he had

never been in a fancy setting before, having made his own lucrative career in adventuring, each

success leading him to some valuable treasure that he could later sell to vendors. No, such wealth

wasn’t uncommon for him to use to treat his friends to reputable restaurants or relax in a nice

hotel. But rarely had the canine dealt with a luxury setting on such a scale in which only the one

percent could afford. That was a rarity, and even then, it was mostly to be briefed on a contract

by the wealthy owner to do mercenary work or more treasure hunting.

So when he was being taken for a ride inside an elegantly designed limousine, it was a bit

of an overwhelming experience for the young man. There exists Lamborghinis, yes, and as rare

as it was, Sonny has witnessed the wealthy elite drive by with them once or twice. But a

Lamborghini limousine which was exorbitantly decorated with a gold body plate? And

excessively large diamond studs on its rims? Its exterior body being completely covered with

glittering diamonds like it was cheap glitter? It was as if one needed an excuse to further parade

the garish expenditure of wealth they had to throw at such an already expensive vehicle.

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Those bright, vermillion eyes of his couldn’t help but glance at all the glittering gems and

valuable metals the decorated the interior of the long car, wondering just how expensive such

customization had to cost the owner. While Sonny was completely stunned by such lavishness,

he didn’t have much of an opportunity to admire such ostentatious decoration due to the fact that

he was surrounded on nearly all sides by beautiful women. Three beautiful and quite famous

women, for the perceptive among you, that were making no little effort to show their

unexpectedly lustful desire for the blushing male.

To his left and right were the Lexis Twins, Vivian and Melody respectively. Two

beautiful sisters who enjoyed a lucrative porn career, always working together in scenes which

had them combining their already orgasmic skills —which either sister by herself could reduce a

man to a brain-racked heap of shuddering bliss— on whatever lucky stud they happened to film

with for the week. The level of technique they implemented in the arts of pleasure was a sight to

behold, and it wasn’t uncommon for them to compete against each other to see who could make

the male actor they were toying with to blow his load the fastest and in the most mind-melting

fashion. And with the voluptuous figured the sisters had, it wasn’t hard to image just how lucky

said stud must have felt being serviced by them.

Although they were twins, Vivian decided to make herself stand out a little more from

her sister, her already naturally mocha colored skin tanned slightly darker, just enough to make

out tan lines from a bra that was probably a few sized too small for her large, head sized breasts.

Even now her custom-made lingerie squeezed against her overflowing bust, her tan, bulging

cleavage jiggling as she rubs them against Sonny's body. Her short, golden hair almost risked

bordering on a boyish bob cut in contrast to Melody’s shoulder length strands of strawberry

blonde femininity.

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With only these small differences to tell them apart, the title of ‘twins’ truly did belong to

them. From the ocean blue eyes that twinkled with mischievous intent, to the pouty, lush lips that

parted oh so seductively to whisper teasing words of the pleasurable acts they wish to partake

with Sonny, all the way down to their equally identical – and equally exaggerated – hourglass

figure, they were look-alike in all but hairstyle choice and level of dedication to tanning. Many

men dreamed of being in a threesome with them, but their high asking price and even higher

expectations ensured that only the wealthiest and most virile of studs could share a bed with


And yet here they were, moaning lustfully as their soft lips and long, experienced tongues

teased Sonny's face. Pinning his hands under their fat, soft rears as they sat on them, the two

beauties took to smooching the shy anthro every second they could. Wet, sucking kisses pressed

up against his cheeks, and the occasional lick found its way inside his ears, sending a shiver of

pleasure down his back. Their hands knew all the right buttons to press as well, delicate fingers

gliding along his warm furred chest under his shirt, moving down his toned abs and sneaking

along his thighs. They would have gone even further, had his crotch not been occupied by the

bobbing head of one exotic African beauty.

Between his legs and servicing his sensitive shaft was Jasmine, a world-renowned fighter

and bodyguard for the sisters. While the Lexis Twins had bimbo-like figures of a soft, hourglass

shape —artificially darkened thanks to carefully timed bouts of sitting in one place under the sun

for too long— their guard was a true exotic goddess of chocolate complexation. Toned and fit,

her tall body, at least a head taller in comparison to the lustful twins, was defined by muscle that

was hard, yet still kept her shape curvaceous. Along with this, she had quite a bountiful, natural

bust that dwarfed even twins, despite their penchant for plastics. Normally her attire would

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consist of a simple tank top and cargo pants and boots, but those were stripped away during the

car ride to reveal a leopard pattern thong that snuggled deep between her large rear and tassels

that barely covered her nipples.

All of this was certainly not what Sonny had expected when he was invited by his friend

Lanif to his mansion to “play a game made just for Sonny”. For one thing, just where in the

world did he find the money to rent a limousine, much less one made of pure gold and so

ridiculously showered with three-carat diamonds to the point of blinding. Lanif never seemed

like the exuberant type. He was a simple unicorn, as plain as the white of his silky equine fur.

Well, as simple as one could be for a magical, anthropomorphic unicorn, but as far as money was

concerned, Sonny had him beat in that department by far. Even if he was to play devils advocate

and add the fact that the equine did have a wealthy friend named Fraisa, a bovine who had quite

a large mansion of her own, it would seem extremely uncharacteristic of him to invite Sonny

over to her mansion as if it was instead he that owned it, which was far from true despite the fact

he did live with her. And then there was this Special Game he was talking about. It’s not like his

close friend to be so secretive—

The coyote’s perplexed thoughts were cut short by the loud, wet slurping of the exotic

bodyguard between his legs sucking him off, making him flush even redder than normal as he

suddenly remembered the situation he’s in right now. Those thick, glossy lips of Jasmines were

sealed tight around his length, sucking eagerly as her tongue caressed the underside of the

canines thick, warm shaft. Not a single inch of his cock was unattended by her lustful licks,

gliding from his base to the tip of the head in a slow, circling motion, even occasionally sticking

out between her lips to impress him with their length as they caressed his balls. Stifling a moan,

Sonny tensed from the wonderful pleasure of her oral skills, causing his still pinned hands to

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inadvertently grope the fat, squishy rumps of the twins sitting on them. The two girls seemed to

enjoy watching Sonny squirm in ecstasy, as they encouraged their guard with loving strokes

along her ebony hair, tied up in a hip-length ponytail.

“I think he likes your service, Jazzy~” Teased the tomboy sister Vivian, who was busy

sitting on Sonny’s left hand, alternating between planting loving, long kisses along his neck and

giving it a nearly vampiric sucking, one that would inevitably result in a dark hicky if she

persisted. “Just make sure you save some of that juicy looking meat for us. If his body is this

unnaturally warm, I bet that dick of his is going to feel very hot when its ramming into a nice,

tight pussy like ours.”

“You aren’t kidding about the heat, sis!” Cooed Melody on the right side of the coyotes

lap. Her silky long strands of hair tickling his now exposed abs, as she leaned into grope his soft,

pent up balls. “His nuts feel like those Hand Warmers you squeeze when it’s winter out. I bet

he’s really fun to snuggle with during such a chilly night like that. Is your whole body this

feverish all the time, or are we actually getting you so hot and bothered this easily?”

“I'd say I'm just being generous, but this kind of attention is definitely building up an

inferno inside.” Replied Sonny, when he had time to breathe from the deep clashing of tounges

Vivian was having with him. An oral skirmish the sister was clearly dominating the coyote

against with a lustful smirk. He didn’t know if he should explain that he wasn’t exactly ‘normal’

per see, being from a line of beings called Tenshi, creatures that could manipulate the elements.

He was a Tenshi that had control over fire, with one of the quirks being his glowing fiery eyes

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and unnaturally warm body, which also happened to heat up depending on his mood. At the rate

these three women were treating him, Sonny was surprised he hadn’t burst into flames from all

the affection. Of course, he had such control over his fire that it would never harm anything he

didn’t want it to, but that was neither here nor there.

As of right now, his most pressing matter was the churning sensation of his cum sacks,

signaling his approach to an explosive orgasm he was on the edge of experiencing. Or at least he

would have if not for the harsh squeezing Jasmines hand had on the base of his manhood. Her

strong fingers clenched around the bottom of his shaft, ensuring that no matter how good things

felt for the lust driven doggie, his release was dictated by the warrior woman. The fate of his

climax was quite literally in her hands, so to speak, and she wasn’t done playing with him yet.

Knowing full well her strong grip wasn’t going to let Sonny cum any time soon, Jasmine

went to town on his sensitive shaft, bobbing up and down furiously along his length as she made

the most lewd of slurping sounds, as if trying to suck a popsicle off it’s stick. Had it not been for

the African goddess’s powerful grip, the young man would have exploded many times over from

the sheer pleasure overload, and yet she only sucked faster and faster despite his moans of

frustration and ecstasy. It had got to the point where was such sucking so hard that, by the time

she finally let his cock slip from between her pillow soft, glossy lips, his shaft had to break free

from her oral heaven with a wet, loud ‘POP!’. Sonny couldn’t be blushing any more red if he

wanted to, panting in needing lust as he tried to thrust against her hand, needing just that little

edge more before he could finally feel that wonderful release. But Jasmine was stronger, able to

hold him down and prevent him from achieving orgasm until she was good and ready to let him


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“Let me have a taste!” Chimed in Melody, and before the coyote had even a minute of

relief from one hungry mouth on his dick, another had quickly taken its place, slurping and

sucking with even more vigor than Sonny had thought humanly possible. From tip to base, the

curvy blonde was a blur of bobbing and sucking, and he could almost feel the cum being pulled

out of his balls from the sheer intensity of her hungry slurping. It was obvious from the start that

the sisters was in a whole higher tier when it came to sexual feats, and that’s not to say anything

belittling of Jasmine, who was by far no slouch.

Another wet “Pop!” later, and Melody was gasping for air, saliva and precum dripping

from her mouth, a lot of satisfaction on her face. “Wow, I would use a hot dog pun for your cock,

but that would be beneath me.”

“Not for me!” Intruded Vivian, looking like she wanted to try her hand at tasting every

inch of Sonny, too. “That shit is practically steaming with how hot it looks! How is your tongue

not burnt?”

The longer haired sister could only shrug in response. “Give it a shot.”

And give it Vivian did, even going the extra mile on his shaft to gorge not just every inch

of his shaft, but to bury her face against his furred crotch. Sonny could have sworn that he could

even feel her throat tightening around the head of his cock, and not once did the sister so much as

cough. In one slow, agonizing slurp, she lifted her head until on the tip was trapped between

those pillowy lips, further harassing the head with long, circling licks that rapidly teased the

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sensitive tip, only to repeat the entire process faster and faster on the squirming coyote,

becoming a blur of licking, sucking and bobbing.

And therein was another difference between the two sisters; unlike Melody, who enjoyed

a slow and tender session of lovemaking that builds up to a climax that melts mind and body

alike, Vivian delighted in rough, fast and explosive sex, wanting to bring out the most intense

orgasm out of her target as quickly as possible. If there were philosophers of sexual delights that

still existed in the universe, there would be no doubt they would argue over which sister gave the

best experience of orgasmic bliss, debating not unlike fandoms over which fictional character

could best the other. However, even despite Sonny’s best efforts to cum from such an

overwhelming experience, the bodyguard affectionately called “Jazzy” held her grip on his

attempt to ejaculate, leaving on the maddening edge of blowing what would have been the

hottest load of his life in the eager, practically parathrophic mouth of a porn star.

Like the others, she eventually released Sonny’s cock from the oral assault with an

explosive smack of her lips, leaving his shaft covered with drool, lipstick and thoroughly

frustrating amounts of precum. “Damn, your cock is hot!” The tomboy purred as she gave a few

affectionate strokes to Sonny’s throbbing, lust driven malehood. “I can’t wait for you to fuck us

with it once we get to Lanny’s home.”

“Looks like we don’t have to wait long, sis. We’re here.”

If by ‘here’, they meant the ridiculously large garden that lay just beyond the fancy

golden gate in front of the limousine, the sister was correct. There was no other way Sonny could

describe this gate; it was truly a work of art, or at least a representation of the overindulgence for

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the obviously flamboyant owner. On each side of the gate was a gold statue of a nude woman,

identical in their goddess-like beauty and heavy breasted curvature. Both were posed in equal but

opposite postures of some lewd display that had them rubbing their bodies against the pole—a

pole which also seconded as the device that rotated the intricate gilded gate open— as if in

worship to some great phallic pillar, backs arched as if in the throughs of an intense orgasm.

As the limo drives past the gate, Sonny couldn’t help but be amazed by the arching

garden overhead of the car, like a long tunnel of nature's green protection. Godly rays of sunlight

peaked through the many leafy gaps of the overshadowing branches, the occasional petal falling

free from the trees arms to meet its family that was littered across the polished, flawless


“This has got to be the biggest garden I’ve ever seen.” The coyote said in amazement,

distracted even by such beauty of nature to look away from the lewd acts of pleasure being

brought upon him.

“Oh, this isn’t a garden, plaything.” Jasmine interjected, planting a playful kiss on

Sonnys malehood as she tucks away his meat, still throbbing its frustration from not being

allowed to have its release. “This is just a fancy driveway for the statue.”

“Statue?” Before he could even ask what statue she was referring to, he saw it; just as the

elongated vehicle finally left the subway of forestry into the sunlight, they were at the feet of a

towering marble statue. It was as if carved by the masterful sculptors of antient Greece, albeit

one that obviously had a thing for women of the full-bodied hourglass variety. Rivaling even the

Statue of Liberty in height, Sonny had to crane his neck as he looked out the window to be

greeted by the porcelain nudity of one voluptuous goddess, a beautiful, buxom woman with her

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eyes closed in content bliss, her arms raised as in praise to the very sun beaming its gentle spring

warmth upon them.

And then there was the mansion itself, standing elegantly even in the shadow of the

curvaceous ivory titan in front of it. While it did seem at first that at least the owner had some

sense not to have their building be as tall as the marble goddess statue in front of it, only being

half its height, that still meant half the height of the statue of liberty. What’s more was that the

owner’s fetish for having everything luxurious did not spare any expense upon the home. The

mansions lavish decorations was a menu in the obscene, with gold bricks as the main course, and

diamonds its side dish. There was no denying that the expenses of living here would easily be in

the millions. Monthly.

This was certainly not the same Lanif that Sonny was thinking of, not by a long shot.

Fraisa’s mansion, as large and fancy as it was, is designed with elegance and subtly in mind. By

comparison, this...palace...was simply excessively expensive for the sake of being excessively


“Don’t look too impressed, fireball.” Teased Vivian as she, her sister and the bodyguard

walked side by side along the amazed Sonny up the polished steps. “You should see his


“Wait...isn’t this the mansion?” The coyote asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, certainly not!” Melody responded. “This is just a... formality, so to say. Set

dressing, really. For his teleporter.”

Sonny had to blink at that. Teleporter? What was she going on about? It became apparent

soon enough. Or at least as soon at it took to pass through the massive, self-opening doors into

the equally wide hallway, take flight along a lavish stairway with golden rails and steps with a

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glass surface that contains hundreds of tiny diamonds inside them, and to finally open the doors

to a very high tech looking room. From a realm of luxurious fantasy to one of science fiction?

Sonny thought to himself. This Lanif person sure knows how to surprise people.

The room as an incandescent place of pure white walls, completely devoid of all objects

besides a window outside with the view of the backside of the statue and garden driveway, and a

curious podium with an even more strange device next to it. It was a circular platform of

polished platinum, backed by a curved wall of similar metal, as if people couldn't be trusted not

to fall off it backwards. It was large enough to hold at least ten people, so Sonny doubt anybody

ever fell into the way, but probably some decorator thought it looked better that way. This room

looked so different, so uncharacteristically strange and out of place compared to the rest of the

mansion, as if the entire building was made first, and then this room was installed later. Then it

dawned on him; that’s exactly what happened, and it was done on purpose.

“Wait...you’re telling me that all THIS...” He gestured to the mansion, to the garden and

lastly to the large, naked statue of pearl opulence, who substantial posterior was in full display

just outside the glass- or is that also diamond...-windows. “...was just so this guy could have a

room for his teleporter prop!?”

“Yeah, he does that a lot when he’s bored.”

“When he’s bored. Right.” Sonny couldn’t help but sigh internally. He could never

understand the mental gymnastics the extremely rich must go through to justify such

conspicuous consumption. “Just how much money does this guy have?”

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“Trust me: Enough. And this is no prop.” She said as she approached the device. To the

right of it was the podium that had an array of buttons—Made of diamond. A gold podium with

diamond buttons. Of course. Is there anything he owns that DOESNT have some form of

diamond on it?—that controlled the machine in front of it. With a few simple button presses from

the sister, the ornate platform comes to life, the floor glowing with a soft, white hue. Guided onto

the podium by the curvy twins and their bodyguard, the light quickly envelops them all, and

Sonny feels an odd, tingling sensation like his entire body was being pulled into the lucent


Before the coyote could so much as yelp in shock, entire worlds and galaxies whiz by

him, a blur of the colorful cosmos blazing by at an accelerating rate. Stars and planets become

like lights on a passing highway, lightyears of distance achieved in seconds. And as soon as it

happened, it ended; the floating sensation was gone, and he felt the solid surface of the platform

he was on just a minute ago once again.

Feeling slightly lightheaded from the experience, Sonny gets off the teleporter as he tries

to find his bearings. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust from the bright beams of the

machines mass-transporting technology. Once they do, he was greeted with what can only be

considered an extravagant sight, straight out of science fiction and fantasy.

The first thing he noticed was just how incomprehensible the sheer space he stepped into.

Sonny was inside a lounge room large enough to contain an entire four-bedroom house, with far

too much room to spare. Beneath Sonny’s feet, the floor was a chessboard pattern of meter long

tiles, of which white plates were carved of smooth pearl, the ebony slates a glossy stone of

flawless onyx. Above, an exorbitant, golden chandelier hung in a dazzling display, large enough

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to barely fit in an apartment room. Countless diamonds glitter with their incandescent brilliance

under its many rows of gilded rings. Of any of them, even the smallest were bigger than most

people's heads.

After straining one’s neck to see the ceiling of which this audacious, shimmering

decoration hung from was a beautiful, if extremely lewd painting depicting a biblical orgy of

women floating upon a sea of clouds. The curvaceous females were performing a myriad of

erotic acts, some alone, most with two women or more, but each wearing the same expression of

sexual pleasure that had reached a cataclysmic crescendo. Sonny had to tear his eyes from such a

gratuitous composition, for had his gaze lingered too long on the erotic canvas, he could have

sworn he heard a cacophony of orgasmic moans that could have shattered the heavens

themselves, such was the paintings vividness and shocking attention detail.

In the middle of the room, beneath the glimmering chandelier, sat two large, golden

sofas, an assortment of fist-sized gems of various colors embedded in their frames and lush, red

leather padding as cushions and arm rest. A large rug, also crimson in color, laid under the

chairs, one of such fine silk that Sonny didn’t dare think of how expensive a mere inch of it

could be, much less the entire thing. Upon this tapestry of luxury was a vast sum of money

stacked like a mountain of leaves on a cool autumn day. One could have flopped onto this hill of

cash, and with the sheer volume of dollar bills laid out on the floor, they wouldn’t have hurt

themselves, even if they landed face first in it.

However, what could have been an even more astonishing sight was not the luxuries of a

massive lounge room, but instead the breath-taking view just outside its tall windows. A single

sparkling pool, large enough to swallow an entire football stadium with room to spare, served as

little more than a back porch for the impossibly extravagant mansion. A golden bannister

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guarded the edge of this alabaster balcony, leading to a majestic view of gorgeous, fertile valley.

It was a lovely scene, seemingly straight out of the painting of a science fiction artist, of verdant

forests and clear rivers that surrounded the base of two mighty, snowcapped mountains. But what

set this picturesque landscape apart was what practically took up half the horizon; blocking a

large portion of what little space Sonny could see were two enormous planets.

To the east, and filling a quarter of the horizon at that, was a hazy red planet that slowly

churned with smoldering clouds, a shining amber ring surrounding the cosmic orb as it slowly

sets. Its opposite sister, further in the distant solar system, was a quiet teal sphere, a planet that

seemed to be of only water, floated harmlessly like a full moon, its timid rise still dominating a

sizable display of the horizon. Two planets that were either massive in size, or extremely close to

the one he was on now, or some combination of the two, was facing him upon the horizon of

some guys wealthy mansion. At this point Sonny was so deep in this bizarre new world of

ridiculous wealth that he didn’t question it.

Still, Sonny would have been awe struck by any one of these things, be it the glittering

gold and rare gems, the majestic view outside, or even the colossal conglomeration of currency

on the floor. Most bets would probably have succeeded if they choose the money on the floor.

But an even more grand sight had taken the anthros’ eyes and glued them to it. Something so

mind blowing that he still could not register exactly what he was seeing.

It was a pallet.

Of course, it wasn’t the pallet itself. No one would be left at a stupor over a pallet.

Granted, it was, like everything in the room, gaudy and ostentatious. A golden, finely crafted

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pallet, one could admit. Professional craftsmanship and what have you. But no, it was what was

on top of said pallet that would forever change Sonny’s life, for it was a stack of cash so large, so

piled on high in its neat order that no person could ever hope to carry it. Having the length and

width of a two king sized beds together, and stacked so high that it could reach Sonnys chin, and

he was nearly six feet himself, was rows upon rows of mint dollar bills.

And in front of this monumental mountain of money, was a platinum plaster that was

engraved with words Sonny never even dreamed of reading:



Fifty. Billion. Dollars.

Sonny squinted at the plaque, his mind not really registering what his eyes was seeing.

But once the revelation finally processed in his mind, it hit him like a freight train. Eyes almost

as wide as his jaw was slacked, the coyote slowly approached the stack of cash, almost

neglecting that he was stepping on the bed of millions littering the floor. “This can’t be real.” He

murmured as his hands reaches for one of the tightly wrapped wads of banknotes. It was heavy

and thick in his palm, with countless number of mint, hundred dollar bills sliding across his

thumb as he flipped through them.

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“Oh, it’s all real.” Said a masculine, but kind voice some distance behind him. “And all

for the Fireball. Fireball is what they call you, right?”

When Sonny turned around to see who spoke, and once again the coyote learned that the

wealthy have no limits to how far they are willing to go to flaunt their wealth. Stepping off of the

teleporter was two people, the first being a brown skinned young man with short, black hair. His

face was smooth, besides a trimmed goatee that encircled his mouth and covered his chin.

Perfectly normal, if not for the glittering gold suit that adorned his slender figure.

Not one inch of what this person was wearing anything but expensive. The suit jacket and

pants was truly made out of the rare material, and even the shoes glittered with golden brilliance.

He was wearing the net worth of millions of average citizens combined into her very fabric of

clothing. Sonny was surprised that this rich stranger didn’t have his eyes of gold, instead of the

plain dark brown he had for irises. Whoever this wealthy person was, he certainly wasn’t the

close friend that Sonny was expecting to meet.

“You’re…you’re not Lanif?” Sonny said, not really sure himself if that statement was


“Oh, but I am! Not exactly your unicorn friend, specifically. That would be Lanif of

universe Three-One-Seven-Three. I’m a little something different entirely.”

Sonny could only look at him confused, and the gold suited man shrugged. “It’s tricky,

and I don’t think you have time to listen to the semantics of multiverses and timelines. Not when

it’s time for our little game.” Lanif smiled. It should have been a smug smile, being the sheer

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amount of clout this guy potentially had, but this man's grin was calming. Loving, even, able to

put the coyote at ease, as if his very smile said ‘I’ll take care of you. Don’t worry about a thing’.

His presence felt similar to Sonny like his unicorn friend, kind and warm, only with an air of

luxury and grace to set him apart from the feeling of familiarity he had with the unicorn Lanif.

Next to Lanif, and clinging almost obsessively around his arm was a woman who looked

straight out of a comic book. Her skin was of albino complexation, and while she wasn’t nearly

as busty as the Lexis Twins, this strange young girl had curves enough in all the right places

despite looking barely twenty years of age. Light blond hair was tied up in two high ponytails on

the side of her head, the tips dyed pink on the right side, and blue on the other. Bright blue irises

twinkled with a hint of a hidden psycho within, the color brought out by the conflicting

eyeshadow done in the same color as her dyed hair, pink around one eye and blue on the other.

Thick, bee-stung lips were glossy with the coat of blood red lipstick, and for some reason never

seemed too far away from Lanif’s face or neck with smiling kisses to deliver. Further

exaggerating the colorful appearance of this woman was her choice of attire.

In stark contrast to Lanif’s formal, if eccentric outfit, the clothing this schoolgirl-like

stranger was more akin to something off the streets. One couldn’t even be blamed for making the

shallow assumption that the girl was trying to cosplay a prostitue. Tight, glittering latex shorts

that would even make Daisy Duke blush snuggle the wide hips of the lady, with blue on one half

of the outfit and red on the other side. Fishnet stockings cling to the exposed long legs of the girl,

ending in white and black footwear that was a mix between sneakers and boots with red, six-inch

heels. A torn up white top showed off her fit figure, with the words ‘Daddy’s Lil Monster’

printed on the front, and a shimmering jacket of, of course, red and blue was worn over it. If the

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lettering on her gold chocker was anything to go buy, Sonny assumed her name was Hayley,

which did sound familiar, yet somehow wrong at the same time...

As Lanif stepped toward Sonny and the pornstars, he gently kissed the hands of the twins,

as Hayley hugs them both, the latter preferring more provocative kisses upon their lips.

“I hope the girls were accommodating, Sonny?” The former said, taking a seat on the

squishy leather seat of the left golden sofa. The colorful street girl was quick to take her seat on

the rich mans lap, snuggling him up close as her thick rear playfully nests against his crotch.

“Oh, very accommodating, and then some...” replied the coyote, his face red as the Lexis

twins giggle at his flustered response, both of them giving the warm canine anthro a loving hug

as he was guided to the narrower, throne-like golden chair on the right. The lustful bimbo twins

shared a seat on Sonny’s lap, playing teasing him with either scratches on his ears or idle strokes

against the still throbbing bulge in his pants. The bodyguard Jasmine leans in from behind the

seat he was on, further toying with the coyote’s arousal by resting her immense breasts on top of

his head with a wobbling squish, enjoying the erotic display of the twins beneath her.

“Are all ya’ friends this cute, Mistah L?” Hayley teased as she gave a kiss to Lanif’s

cheek, passing a wink to the already blushing Sonny. Her voice was high pitched and childlike,

broken syllables layered with a Brooklyn accent so thick that the canine wondered if some would

find it grating. In response, the black man squeezed that tight, firm rear of the girl, making her

moan slightly before she closed those lips around his neck, sucking on him lustfully as he

continued to grope her. Sonny could tell those two had a very playful, albeit weird relationship to

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each other. But something else was on his mind besides the complex history of the interracial


“Listen, all this attention is great and all,” He said cautiously, at least when he could

between getting kisses from the twins. “But what exactly is going on here? Mansions? Different

planets? Sexy twins? A huge pile of money for me? This is a little hard to process so suddenly!”

As if in response, Vivian smirks and slides between his legs, unzipping his pants to have a go at

that juicy shaft of his. Sucking in slow, loving slurps and grinding her tonged around his

sensitive head, it was getting hard for Sonny to voice his concerns while he was moaning in


Lanif took this moment to reply, keeping his gentle smile as if such sexual debauchery

going on in front of him was completely casual. “Like I said from the message I sent you, I

wanted you here for a sexy game. The fifty billion over here is just a welcoming gift; some

throwaway cash that was taking up space, and there is no more room in the banks in the galaxy

for me to store it, so I’m giving it to you. I have much more for you where that came from. It was

either that or build another home out of money, and I got bored after making the fifth palace out

of leftover thousand-dollar bills.”

“Yeah, my Puddin’s really rich!” Chimed in Hayley with a giggle, gently scratching

Lanif’s head as she rests her own against his shoulder. “I mean, it’s not like ya’ couldn’t tell,

with the mansions an’ gold an’ diamonds and whatevah’. You see those two planets ova’ there?

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He bought em’ for me! They match my hair dye, don’t they?” She idly twirls a finger around one

of her aforementioned pony tails with a giggle as Lanif continues.

“So, this little amount is yours no matter what. In fact, for agreeing to come here, I’ll

throw in a gift of one hundred million.” Sonny would have been slack jawed again from the

sudden donation, if not for his mouth being occupied with the lips of a porn star “But there’s a

catch; I want to make my donation a little more fun. The ladies around weren’t just here for

escorting you to my little abode.”

Here we go, Sonny thought, even as he started to melt to the affections of all the women

around him. Always a catch. I knew this was too good to be-

“I want you to fuck these lovely pornstars.”


“And their guard too.”


“Oh, and every time you cum, I’ll double the donation.”


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Lanif loving expression didn’t change once, but Sonny was once again having his mind

explode from such a proposition. Of course, this was before his own cock did the same inside

Vivian’s mouth due to the shock, and no small effort of her oral skill of course. The pent up

pleasure from all the teasing he suffered in the limosine was released in a thick wad of hot,

creamy fluid, which the sister easily swallowed, even going to far as to gently massage his balls

to coax out every last drop as she slurped on his shaft.

“That’s a good start.” The black man grinned. “Two hundred million it is.~” With a snap

of his fingers, the painted ceiling of orgasms opened up, and a shower of money rained its green

bills all over the group like a confetti of currency. A large TV monitor, over one hundred inches

in dimension and encrusted with glittering gems, also slowly descended above the neat stack of

money, displaying Sonny’s name, and the $200,000,000 he just won. “Every orgasm doubles it,

like I said. Two hundred million to four hundred. Four hundred to Eight. Eight to Sixteen, to

Thirty-Two, to Sixty-Four and so on and so forth, until you can’t fuck anymore.”

Sonny was completely lost between the confusion of his bizzare surroundings, pleasure

from the beautiful women, and excitement from the motherload of money that just keeps

appearing out of nowhere thanks to this strange man in gold. This was becoming a bit too much

for his mind to process, and with great effort, he tore away from the lustful lips of Melody to ask

The Big Question. It would have been named The Million-Dollar Question, but Sonny felt such a

Question would have had feelings of insecurity compared to this guy.

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“Why!? Why me!? This is WAY too much money!”

This time it was Lanif’s turn to blush. “All I can say is that it’s because you are a good

friend to that Lanif, the 3173 version. And because...” He smirks as he looks Sonny directly in

his fiery eyes. “...you’re my sweet Doggiebutt.~”

Sonny gasped. No one ever called him by that secret nickname before. No one but his

Lanif. So this guy must have been telling the truth about the alternate worlds thing, and he just

happens to be a ludicrously wealthy Lanif that likes to spend and give money generously. This

was still a little confusing, but at least he was starting to get the context of the situation. Starting

to somewhat catch on to Lanif’s sexy, odd gift, he lets himself go, falling into that lustful desire

that’s been building up ever since the ride with these sexy bimbo stars.

For a moment, Sonny enjoyed sharing deep, tonging kiss from the more feminine

Melody, who couldn’t keep her hands off his toned, hard abs. Her soft lips embraced his own in

a marriage of oral matrimony, her tongue pushing deep into his mouth and nearly coiling his. By

the time she finally released the kiss, a thin trail of saliva formed a bridge between the two horny

couple. But first, before he enjoyed the services of the famous twin porn stars he wanted to get

back against the teasing bodyguard.

Reaching above his head, he brings Jasmines closer to him, catching her by surprise as he

buried his tongue deep into her mouth. “I want Jasmine, first.” Said the coyote after breaking the

kiss, making the guard blush. Although she did have her fans in the fighting arena where she

dominated, he never expected anyone to like her over the more famous, and more sexual skillful


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“Oh, looks like someone likes his chocolate!” Melody said, getting up along with Vivian

to let Jasmine take Sonny by the hand to the bed of money on the floor. Her thick rear wobbled

teasingly in front of him as her wide hips swayed left and right.

“Who doesn’t, tho'~” Replied Hayley, hugging her sweetheart even tighter, as impossible

as it seemed from her obsessive clinging.

Now on her knees, Jasmine wiggles her hips at the blushing Sonny, coaxing him over as

she uses her fingers to spread the lips of her pussy wide open. The coyote needed no more

incentive. Stripping out of his clothing, he was quick to pounce on that juicy booty and drive his

hard, hot shaft deep inside her, making the curvy bodyguard moan in pleasure. All eight inches

of his throbbing meat felt like a warm rod, heating up her walls with his meaty girth. But such

intense heat didn’t feel at all painful to her, no. Instead the steaming cock brought her great

pleasure as he started to thrust into the chocolate goddess, melting her into a nearly orgasmic

ecstasy. His hips crashed against the fat cheeks of Jasmine, ramming every inch of his hung self

into her as his hands groped those juicy cheeks. The softness and sheer size of her ass causes his

fingers to sink into the flesh quite a bit, feeling like soft pillows all around his digits.

The twins, not wanting to be left out of the fun, surrounded him on both sides, kissing the

horny canine author as he pounded into their black bodyguard, and coaxing him further with

playful, encouraging whispers.

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“Tear that ass up, doggie.~” Vivian smirks as she gropes Sonnys tight rear, pushing him

deeper into the hot, tight walls of the black beauty. “Show that bitch who’s boss.”. The added

push grinds his cock against Jasmines most pleasurable spot, making her gasp out loud in sexual

bliss, her hands gripping handfuls of hundred-dollar bills as she tenses from the hot penetration.

The fat cheeks of the African warrior claps hard from the furious slamming of Sonny’s hips,

wobbling from each hearty impact as he thrusts into her with gusto.

“Fuck, that dick is so hot! I’ve never felt so warm and full in my life!” Eyes rolling up, it

was obvious Jasmine was thoroughly enjoying the pounding from eager coyote, squeezing her

walls tighter around his length as it slides back and forth across her walls at a faster and harder


Wanting a better view of the action, Melody slides under the two lovers from behind,

letting Sonny’s meaty balls slap her chin as she licks the bodyguard’s clit. The added pleasure of

the man’s hot, pistoning shaft and the skillful tonguing of one of the sisters was too much for

Jasmine, and before long, she climaxed with a satisfied groan that would have rivaled the

orgasmic painting above. “Oh my god, it’s literally steaming!” Mel exclaimed as Jasmines

climactic juices coated Sonny’s heated cock, and true enough, quickly evaporated. A naughty

thought crossed Melody’s mind. If Sonny’s cock was that hot, then maybe...

Her lips curiously wrapped around one of Sonny’s pent up nuts, and was rewarded with a

surprised gasp from the canine, along with the salty, warm taste of his sack as her tongue rolled

across it. His balls were well and truly hot, even more so now that he was getting busy with one

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of the ladies. “Now I know why they call you Fireball.” She teased before sucking on his nuts

even more, her skilled tongue licking over his sack as her lips sealed around them.

This pushed Sonny even more beyond his limits, and soon enough, hot loads of cum fired

out of his shaft into the wet walls of Jasmine. His dick pulsing in ecstasy, thick wads of white

cream flooded her womb to its fullest. In fact, by the time his first of many eventual orgasms

faded into a relaxing afterglow, Sonny had crammed so much cum in Jasmine that it started to

ooze out of her tight sex, dripping on the eager face of Melody as she worshipped his balls.

“Damn, you filled her up good!” Melody giggled, licking the excess cream off her lips as

she gets up from under Sonny and Jasmine.

Groaning pleasure, the coyote looked up when the monitor above his oversized stack of

cash started to add in additional income, the numbers rolling rapidly as it quickly doubled from

it’s original two hundred million to four hundred. Once again, cash started raining from above, a

snowfall of hundred-dollar bills, and even some notes in the occasional thousand or ten thousand.

All it took was just one sexy session with a hot girl, and he’s already halfway to becoming a

billionaire. Again.

“My turn!”

Distracted by his exponentially growing wealth, Sonny wasn’t paying attention when

Jasmine suddenly slammed her strong hips against him. Losing his footing, the canine fell on his

behind on top of the growing bed of money, causing it to fly up everywhere. He blushed bright

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red as he saw the African beauty tower over him, a look of hunger and dominance in her eyes as

she kneels over his body.

“I probably should have mentioned that I’m more of an Anal gal.~” Jasmine revealed,

leaning in to lock lips with the surprised Sonny before he had the chance to respond. Her

naturally thick lips caressed and pressed against his, parting his maw to let her warm tongue push

it’s way inside. She grabs his cock, still wet and sensitive, with her left hand, and guides it

between her fat, dark cheeks, letting the head gently rub against the tight pucker of her hole.

Already soaked with the love juices of both of them, Sonny’s shaft was perfectly lubed more

than enough to make entering her thick rear a smooth and pleasurable process for Jasmine.

“Ooooh GOD! It feels so warm inside me!” She gasps in pleasure as that throbbing, hot

meat is embraced by the equally warm walls of her squeezing anus. Clamping down on him,

Jasmine suddenly slams her rear down, crashing those wobbling cheeks onto his lap, making

them both moan in ecstasy as she repeats the process, milking him with increasing friction. A

rise and fall of frantic twerking causes those cheeks to wobble and slap together in a sweaty, loud

display of erotic applause.

Originally Sonny thought her pussy was the tightest one he’s ever penetrated, but her ass

was in a league of its own, squeezing down on every inch him like an obsessed lover as she

bounced up and down on his lap. With each slam of her powerful hips, she clenches ever so

tighter across his length, her anal muscle massaging his sensitive shaft from base to tip and back


Leaning forward, Jasmine hugs the coyote between her heavy, soft breasts, concealing his

muzzle deep between her sweaty, warm cleavage. Even within the depths of her fat bosom,

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Sonny could hear the rising volume of moans the black guard was broadcasting, her loudness

matched only by the frequent clapping of heavy, chocolate cheeks.

“Give me a nice, big load, Fireball~” Jasmine coos to her smothered partner. Faster and

faster she slams down on him, the tight sensations making Sonny’s legs twitch as the pleasure on

his loins builds. The young man tries to get a grip on that fat rear of his rider, but there was no

holding on to such untamable lust. Despite his fingers sinking in deep into the brown flesh, the

pace of her twerking was too much to handle. Under so much power and pleasure, it wasn’t long

before the TV display calculating Sonny’s wealth suddenly spiked to Eight hundred million, a

thick stream of cum gushing out of the tight orifice of Jasmines portly posterior as his muffled

moans was drowned out by the climaxed scream of his rider.

With blissful exhaustion, Jasmine unmounts the panting, drained canine, the offerings of

his pleasured cock dripping out of both her well stretched holes. “I’ve had a few big cocks in my

life,” She purred. “But never any that was as hot as yours!” And his shaft truly was hot right

now. Even as he lay under the shower of countless dollar bills piling like autumn leaves around

him, drained and panting, his shaft was red-hot, his fire-based body causing his shaft to heat up

the more aroused and stimulated it was. At this point, it looked like glowing metal pipe left too

long in the furnace, steaming like a hot dog lifted from boiling water.

But instead of the usual single bun one would place such edible meat between, a pair of

fat, tanned rears suddenly squished around his cock as the Lexis Twins shared a seat on Sonny’s


“Don’t forget about us now.” Chimed in Melody, her face still having some residue of the

coyote’s previous load.

“Yeah, we want a piece of that Fireball cock, too!” Vivian smirked.

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Together, the sisters teased the overwhelmed coyote with an a double assjob, those fat,

bubble-round rears sliding and squishing against each other in a slow, agonizing collision of

pornstar booty.

“I bet you want to take me first~.” Melody purrs, her hips rotating left and right along his

cock from his left side. “I’ll take good care of you, doggie boy.”

“Oh please.” Vivian playfully retorted. “You saw how he was with Jasmine. He wants it

hard and fast!” To emphasize her point, the tomboy’s motions were much more aggressive,

grinding her thick behind up and down from his right.

The two sisters started to battle with their big bottoms, with Sonny’s erection being the

stimulated Field of Honor, his hot pillar of throbbing meat assaulted on both sides with

bombardments of bootilicious intensity. Repeatedly the fat rears squished and smothered his

shaft, sliding all over his sensitive length as pools of precum drooled along their tanned asses.

With each cheek nearly the size of basketballs, it was easy for the twins to completely overpower

his cock with their soft, jiggling flesh.

This goes on for quite some time, with Sonny helpless to the assault of their assets as the

girls kept his hands firmly on their squishy breasts, tempting him further over which one had the

better tits. Melody even tried to pour oil on her ass to win Sonny’s choice, but Vivians greedy

grinding only intensified as she used her plump posterior to get some of that oil on herself.

While the victor was not obvious, the clash, as with all wars, was having its effect on

Sonny’s proverbial battlefield. The colliding backsides of the twins grew more vigorous and

intense, a pillowy paradise around his cock, and he throbbed and pulsed with increasing desire.

Soon his fat balls tightened as he approached his orgasm, driven to climax from the sensations

before even having the chance to choose a girl.

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“G-girls, please! If you keep going, I’m gonna—” Being between a pair of soft, large

rumps was too much for the young man, and with a howl of lust, his hot cock discharged a

voluminous amount of cream along the backside of both of them. The warm fluids shot up high

in the air, splattering the hair of the playful twins as the giggled at the panting, pleasure-ridden

face of Sonny.


Sonny was now a billionaire. An exhausted billionaire after experiencing the delicacy of

the Lexis Twins Sandwhich, but a billionaire none the less. And from the looks of the sisters,

they were barely getting started having fun with him.

“Oops, too much for the fireball?” Melody giggled.

“Too bad! You still haven’t chosen one of us!” Vivian smirked, twerking those soft

cheeks of hers to smudge Sonny’s syrupy thick seed between the sisters.

A little too drained to handle another double session from both sisters, Sonny looked

toward the tomboy. “I guess I’ll take you first then.” He smirked in spite of his currently sweaty

appearance. Experiencing two sexually skilled sisters really takes it out of you. Who would have


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“Saving me for last, are you?” Melody says with a blush, giving the horny canine a wink.

“How sweet of you!”

“Alright, doggie boy,” Vivian grabs Sonny’s still hot shaft, guiding it to her wet pussy.

“Give me that yummy dick!” Sitting sideways on his hips, she guides his cock into the tight folds

of her sex, riding him hard as she claps her ass on top of his lap. With each impact, those round

jiggle wobble like jello with the force of her slamming hips, her pussy squeezing tight along his

length as she milks him. Every upward motion felt like her cunt was trying to suck every drop of

cum out of his balls, and each downward slam brought a higher pitched moan out the woman as

his cock penetrated her deeper. Sonny’s cock felt perfect to her; not the biggest she had, nor the

smallest, but she loved how his girth was just the right size to push all her inner buttons without

the pain she had to endure from larger men. And the heat his cock was giving off was a first for

her; the added warmth made every sensation all the more intense as she bounced off of him.

As she rides his cock for every inch it was worth, Sonny groped the fat, jiggling cheeks

of the curvy pornstar, once again amazed at just how deeply his fingers was sinking into them.

“You like this ass, don’t you boy~?” Vivian teased, leaning forward to kiss the coyote on his

lips. Sonny could only nod, moaning into her mouth as that wonderful pussy squeezes and

strokes him tighter. Throbbing in lust, he thrusts as much as he can up against her, giving her ass

a slap that causes quite a ripple across her rear. Vivian breaks the kiss with a moan of her own in

reaction to the slap, a thin trail of saliva leaving a bridge between her pouty lips and his blushing

muzzle. “Mmm, naughty doggie~”

Reaching down with her left hand, she playfully gropes those warm, fat balls of the

coyote, giving them a playful squeeze as she pushes her self down harder on his lap, a groan of

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lust escaping her lips as that throbbing cock of his slides against her most pleasurable spots. The

soft, heavy sack of his emanated considerable heat in the palm of her hand, churning with

another load of seed ready to fill her waiting womb.

“I hope your cum is as hot as your balls, doggie~” She teases as her pace starts to


“You’re about to find out!” Sonny groans in pleasure, caressing Vivian’s curvy, creamy

figure as he thrusts in time with her twerking hips. The clapping of her thick ass on his lap picks

up frequency, as well as the lewd wet friction between them. Soon enough, another huge load of

cum gushes out of the canine’s cock, flooding Vivian with it’s hot, sticky liquid. The gooey

cream quickly fills her womb to full with it’s steamy volume, making her shiver as the warmth

and fullness brings her to orgasm.


Moaning in satisfied bliss, the tomboy lifts herself off of that thick shaft, Sonny excess

fluids pouring down her trembling thighs. “I don’t think I can get enough of you, fireball.”

Basking in the pleasure of that intense orgasm, Sonny takes a moment to stand up,

covered in sweat, cum, and a quite a few dollar bills stuck to his fur. “I could say the same about

you.” He responds, kissing the lovely pornstar before he turns to the blushing Melody. Having a

second wind, he pounces the curvy woman, locking lips with her intensely in the deep pile of

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money surrounding them. “And now for you…” Sonny whispers in a teasing tone, his warm

body pressing up against hers as he spreads her legs. The tip of his shaft was already pulsing

with need once again, that heated cock poised to ravage the moist walls of the pinned beauty.

And, guiding himself deep inside her, he did just that, pounding away at the now moaning

Melody. He holds her down in a deep missionary position, his arms at her sides as the rest of his

body pushes her legs onto her shoulders. And once he has her completely at his mercy, Sonny

gives her none, thrusting with frantic, hungry lust.

The rapid, pleasurable friction sends shivers of bliss all over the woman’s body, further

amplified by the extreme heat of Sonny’s cock. Legs trembling, she gasps over and over in

ecstasy as that fiery pillar grinds and slides against all her sweet spots, toes curling with each

hard, hungry thrust of the coyote. She locks lips with her partner, grabbing his back and nearly

scratching it as his hips slap loudly against that fat bubble butt. The repeated impacts cause her

breasts to bounce and jiggle wildly, and Melody groans louder as Sonny starts to pick up his


Fucking her deeper and faster, the coyote’s hands explore the creamy, thick curves of the

blissful vixen. The soft mounds of her ass forms around his fingers as he squeezes them. The

hard nipples of her supple breasts as he sucks on them. All the while enjoying the increasing

pitch of Melody’s moans as she approaches her explosive climax.

“O-oh fuck…your cock is so hot inside me!” She exclaims in bliss as her pussy clenches

tight around that warm, throbbing meat. Her eyes start to roll up as that pleasurable dick pushes

her to her limits, and with a cry of pure bliss, she releases a gushing climax that squirts out like a

steaming geyser. This only makes Sonny smirk as he doubles down on his efforts, wanting to

make her orgasm the most intense she’s ever had.

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That dick pistons in and out of that sensitive pussy like blur of savage rutting, the wet

slapping of his fat balls on her ass clapping louder with each impact. Drooling with thick

precum, the head of his shaft repeatedly rubs and grinds against her cervix, already bringing her

pleasure nerves far beyond ‘Overloaded’. The sensation was too much for the bimbo pornstar,

who loses herself in the endless climax Sonny intent on giving her. More of her wet juices squirts

out over the bed of money they were on, and Melody’s legs tremble as Sonny fucks her faster


“Oh god…YES! FUCK me with that hot dick!” She yells at the top of her lungs. Her

lower half spasms as the stud drills her with relentless fervor, toes clenching hard as each thrust

causes her another explosive orgasm that nearly fries her mind. The meaty sack of Sonny’s balls

tightens, and she could tell he was moments away from experiencing his very own explosive

force. “Yes, give me that hot fucking cum! Breed me!” She demands, bringing his sweaty, hard

body as close to hers as she could muster in her position.

Obliging her, Sonny pushes himself as deep as he can inside her, his pulsing cock

throbbing hard against her pleasured cervix. The sheer fullness and warmth she felt from that

made Melody cry out in pleasure, only for it to be cut short by the coyote locking lips with her.

With a rough groan of his own, that thick cock discharges hot, sticky torrent of cum deep inside

her, making the curvy pornstar moan in pleasure. His gooey seed floods her womb, filling her to

the limit with it’s heated fluids before the excessive nut batter spills out of her pussy and coats

the bed of money they were on.


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Sonny felt rather intoxicated from all the pleasure he delved into with the three beautiful

women, and especially proud that his efforts with the lovely Melody was rewarded with such

ecstatic cries of pleasure. Groping her fat ass with a free hand, he uses the other to pull her into a

deep kiss before his cock pulls out of her thoroughly raw pussy. “I hope you enjoyed that, miss

Melody.” He teases with the occasional peck on the cheek.

“Oh yes,” She purrs. “I can’t wait for round two~”

“Round Two..?”

Before Sonny had time to realize it, Vivian and Jasmine sneak up behind him to pounce

him into the lake of money that surrounded them. What followed was a marathon of fucking and

riding Sonny was far beyond handling. For hours the girls took turns having their way with the

coyote, sucking him off…


…milking him with skilled, loving hands…


…riding his dick until he was sore, only to ride it even more ferociously…

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…and even having Melody join in on the fun once she had her second wind, with all

three of them smothering his warm cock with a titjob even the most famous porn studs can only

dream of.


The coyote was wondering if the girls were somehow trying to bankrupt Lanif, not

realizing that he'd 'suffer' "Death By Snu-Snu" long before such a thing was even possible, let

alone likely...

And so the erotic display went on, with Lanif and Hayley the horny audience members,

until even they were too aroused to ignore their desires for each other. Eventually, the display hit

its peak for the both of them, and the two lovers were lost to each other’s intimacy, making quite

a mess on the very expensive couch they were on.

Over time, the computer display that was counting Sonny’s bank account started to

accumulate bigger numbers with each mind-blowing orgasm his was having. The monitor started

to heat up slightly from calculating and re-calcuating such ridiculously high numbers, and the

screen started to visably crack in the process. But if Lanif was concerned for the livelihood of his

diamond encrusted TV, or the massive amount of money Sonny was making from all this

nonstop sex, he showed no expression of it, sharing a kiss with Hayley. Over and over the girls

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went to work milking every drop of cum out of Sonny, until eventually he had to tap out,

completely drained in every possible way, panting in sweaty, cum drenched exhaustion.

He was left with mere, measly, and positively miniscule fifty-two trillion dollars.


A trillionaire. Sonny thought with weary, but very palpable shock. I just had sex with

some of the hottest women in the world – er, the other world, not this one – and that made me a

god damn trillionaire! The coyote would have been even more excited, but the afterglow of so

many consecutive orgasms from three very experienced women was starting to get to him.

With exhausted breath, he propped himself up by the shoulders to thank Lanif for such a

wonderful, and very sexy gift. He was a strange fellow, and not the Lanif that Sonny knew, but

the canine was never going to forget such overwhelming generosity. But when Sonny looked

upon the black man’s face, he saw that both he and his partner Hayley had a look


“Oh dear, that’s far too little.” Lanif said with a sigh as he looked up at the fancy gold

monitor. The two of them were in a cowgirl position together, but had stopped their frolicking

upon seeing the amount on the screen.

“Yeah! At dis rate, we’ll neva’ lose enough!” Hayley put on a thinking face for a

moment, until a devious idea popped into her mind. “Oh, I know exactly how to really rev up

dat’ cock of his!”

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“Wait…y-you don’t mean—” Did…did Lanif have a look of worry on his face? For

someone that seemed so uncomfortably calm, seeing him look apprehensive about whatever

Hayley was planning made Sonny feel just a little unsettled…

“Yes! It’s time for the O-Ring~”

And the worry on Lanif’s face turned to fear. Sonny was not liking where this was going,

but was currently too exhausted from all the sex to interject.

With one last kiss on her lovers lips, Hayley left the room with a brisk, exaggerated

swing of her hips that was flirty, yet somehow still entirely natural to her. With each step causing

a slight jiggle on that bubble butt of hers, it was hard for anyone not to take a glance at those

curvy hips, women included.

She returns later with a curious pair of devices in hand. The first was a small, elastic band

that looked like the ring of a condom, pink and transparent in color. In the other was an equally

pink, rectangular switch with a single pink diamond in the shape of a button and a dial that could

be turned from 1 to 11. She hums to herself as she casually slides the ring around the base of

Sonny’s cock, and skips over to plop herself back onto Lanif’s lap.

“Dear, are you sure you want to do this? The O-ring is still a prototype. It might be a bit

too much for him…” The rich man said with obvious nervousness on his face.

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“Of course I’m sure, puddin’!” Hayley wiggles on his lap. “Besides, it’s not like it’s

gonna’ kill him. Okay, maybe it will, but whatevuh’.”

Sonny’s eyes grew wide upon hearing that. But before he was able to try to pull the weird

cock ring off, Hayley pushed the diamond button.

Sonny had experienced orgasms before. Weither it’s tending to himself to relieve some

arousal, or engaging in some deep fucking with a hot girl during a quest, the coyote had many

wonderful, intense climaxes over the years as a mercenary. Of course, very few could compare to

the wonderful pleasures of twin pornstars riding your cock for all it’s worth, but this…this ring…

The cock ring just took all the orgasms he’s ever experienced combined – today included

– and completely blasted past them in both it’s figurative and literal sense. It felt as if his dick

was desperately attempting to fire off every possible drop of cum he had in his fertile balls all at

once. His balls tightened hard as they did all they could to force out every drop of cum inside

him. Like a volcanic eruption, hot white fluid gushed out in thick, meter long ropes that

splattered against the platinum plaque in his name. His whole body surged with overwhelming

pleasure far beyond anything he could hope to handle; his brain was overloaded with every

pleasurable nerve shocked beyond it’s limits, causing his body to lock up as massive wads of

seed shot out of his cock like a geyser. The intensity never dulled, not for a second; every iota of

his body was feeling the peek of his climax with no hint of it fading, an entire minute passing of

brain-melting paradise before Hayley finally released the button.


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“Yay! It works, puddin!”

Covered in a small puddle of his own ejaculation, Sonny twitches in the tingling

afterglow that dominates his entire body. Unable to form words due to his mind being clouded

with pleasure, he shifts onto his hands and knees trying to get Hayley’s attention. The pleasure

was too much, too good. His cock felt sore, throbbing with red heat like it just plowed through

hundreds of women non-stop.

“Just go easy on him, okay?” Said Lanif, with a blushing look of worry on his face.

“Hmmm…” She thought about it for a moment, taping a finger on her painted, glossy red

lips. Experiencing over a hundred orgasms all at once can be a bit overwhelming. She should

take it slow, let him get used to such a mind-melting experience before he loses his mind to such

a non-stop, infinite climax.

“…Nah.” She took the dial, which originally was set to 1, and cranked all to the

maximum setting of 11, and pressed the button again. Multiple times.

Sonny would have screamed from the now brain-melting pleasure he was assaulted by,

but his throat was practically sore from all the moaning prior. Overwhelming pleasure stimulated

his cock far beyond anything he’s ever experienced. His shaft throbbed hard, spitting out a thick

volume of cum with each twitch and pulse of his cock. It was too much for him; the all

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encompassing sensations, the pleasure that felt like his dick was being stroked a million times a

second. His body tensed as one climax sent him to paradise and back, only for another, more

powerful orgasm to dominate him a second after. It was an endless cycle of pleasure upon

pleasure without mercy or care from the simple looking device around his cock.

He felt like he was penetrating hundreds of perfectly crafted pussies all at the same time,

a sensation of orgasmic warmth enveloping his throbbing meat as another hot load blasted all

over the rapidly piling mountains of money he was surrounded by. Money he was doubling with

each butt-clenching, mind numbing climax. Sonny felt dizzy, drowning in perpetual bliss as his

mind tried to go numb, tried to shut down to escape this onslaught of cascading ecstasy. But

there was no escape from the endless pleasure. Hyperventilating, the coyote gasps for air as

another, more intense orgasm washed over him, firing his seed with powerful force, only to lose

his breath soon after by another climax.

“Aw, look at the poor doggie. It’s too much for our little Fireball!” Melody giggles,

approaching the spasming Sonny while he was still on his hands and knees. With a delicate,

skilled hand, she wrapped her fingers around his hot, pulsing meat, and proceeded to give it

loving strokes of her own, further adding to the already oversensitive cocks pleasure. Her hands

milk him with quick, pumping motions, making sure to take an extra half second over the head

of his meat to yank out an extra gooey load from him. She even leans in to wrap her lips around

his fat, dangling balls, giving them a sloppy slurping as she moans lustfully.

All this further pushed Sonny over the edge of pleasure, his poor cock assaulted with

orgasmic shocks from the device as Hayley pushes the button over and over. And while this was

going on, the screen calculating his wealth was starting to get hotter and hotter as larger, more

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absurd numbers define his current wealth. Haley watched with a giddy smile as Sonny’s bank

account skyrocketed, pressing the orgasm button faster and faster as she tries to make the

numbers go even higher. Of course she completely neglected that she was making Sonny

experience hundreds of mind shattering orgasms. Or simply didn’t care; more entertained by the

quite frankly, ludicrous amount of wealth she was making Sonny generate.

The computer whined and sparked as it struggled to calculate the rapidly growing

numbers. Trillions became quadrillions, and then quintillions, until Sonny’s bank account

reached numbers not even she knew of, further overloading the computer. Alarms blared out as

the gold borders grew hot, the screen cracking in various places as the monitor was pushed far

beyond its computational limits, booming it’s warning.


“Now we’re talkin’!” With a crazy laugh, Hayley doubled her efforts to push the button

as fast as she humanly can, ignoring the howls of orgasmic overload Sonny was experiencing.

The Lexis twins didn’t help in the matter either; Vivian giving his sensitive cock deep, long

sucks as she swallowed his loads with no struggle, and Melody – with a bit of effort – fitting

both of his juicy balls into her mouth to slurp and suck on.

Eventually the computer screen could take no more, and in a dazzling display of

electricity and heat, the massive monitor exploded from the sheer amount of money it had

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calculated Sonny to have. And just as similarly overwhelmed, Sonny finally passed out, the last

things he was able to hear before blacking out was Hayley’s disappointment.

“Aw! And I was just gettin’ started, too!”

* * *

With groggy eyes, Sonny wakes up in a luxurious bedroom. Walls painted a calming

cream color held beautiful paintings of women in various sexual positions. Curtains of golden

silk decorate crystal clear windows, arched over the glass in a way to allow just enough of the

morning light in without it being annoying to those lacking the early bird mentality. Equally as

gold was the wonderfully comfortable bed the coyote was in, mattresses so posh and soft that he

felt like he was sinking slightly on a fluffy cloud.

“Ah, the little doggie is awake, I see~” Said a seductive, throaty voice.

Looking to his right, Sonny witness the personification of Sex enter the bedroom. At

least, that’s what the coyote could best describe the goddess-like beauty that he was seeing. She

was a nurse, or at least, that’s what the attire of white platform heels, a white cap with a red cross

and the terribly strained buttons of her white top gave away. And strained was an

understatement; with the impossibly hourglass figure the woman had, her top was in the middle

of a long and grueling war against her massive bosom. A one-sided war the shirt was losing

without any contest, as her cleavage overflowed – no, more like flooded – the already wide-open

top. With only one lone surviving button holding back the tit-tacular display, all the woman had

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to do was inhale just a little too hard and the nipples that were barely covered by her shirt would

be for all to see.

Blood red hair traveled down back, briefly tickling the wide hips and protruding rear of

the nurse. A rear that was barely covered by the far-too-mini skirt that clung to her cheeks,

revealing endlessly long, creamy legs that ended with open-toe white platform heels.

Sonny gulped visibly at so much erotic beauty, and quite a large tent was making camp

under the covers of his bed.

“A good morning to you too, Mr.Asahi.” She smiles warmly with glossy, thick lips as she

approaches the blushing Sonny. The coyote could practically hear the cheesy jazz music playing

in his mind as the far too sexy nurse approached him. Her emerald eyes briefly glanced at the

throbbing bulge under the blankets and smirked, pretending to not notice as she leans over him to

touch his forehead. “And here I was worried that my poor Fireball was injured.” She coos, even

as her massive bosom envelops Sonny’s throbbing meat. “Hayley can go a bit overboard at times

when she’s having fun. But I guess that is to be expected of someone who dedicated themselves

to being as ‘Harley Quinn’ as possible for her Lanif.”

Sonny could only bite his lip as he tried his best not to give into instinct and thrust against

those soft, warm melons. Instead, he tried to distract himself by asking the nurse a question.

“Um…where am I?”

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“You’re home, silly.” She said in a matter-of-fact tone as she nonchalantly removes the

covers off of Sonny, exposing his throbbing hard on. “Oh, right. There’s quite a bit to explain to

you.” As if it was an everyday thing, the nurse removes a small vial from between her breasts,

the action causing her cleavage to wobble slightly, which in turn made the protesting last button

her top groan under the heavy strain even louder. She pours the contents of the bottle into her

hand, a clear, thick liquid that was completely transparent, and rubs them casually all over

Sonny’s cock as she talks. Those delicate hands massaged his meat with seductive skill, and it

was all he could do to not moan in pleasure as she effortlessly milks him to paradise and back

without batting an eye.

“After you passed out, the Lexis twins and their guard brought you back to Lanif’s

mansion – the one with the beautiful statue in the middle of the driveway – for me to take care

of. You’ve been out for about two days now, and I’ve been using this potion to take care of that

soreness your cock must have been feeling.”

Which was true. Sonny was expecting that his dick would feel as if on fire after that

orgasmic ordeal, but he was actually feeling quite fine, if only slightly warmer in that area.

Though that simply might be because while talking, the nurse wasn’t paying attention, and was

idly stroking the lower half of his cock. The upper half was trapped between that ocean of

cleavage that weighed down the overstretched blouse.

“Lanif and Hayley left to go who knows where, but left this mansion under your care.”

“MY care?”

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“Mmmhm. As an apology for breaking your bank account. It seems that, once again,

Lanif’s generous wealth is a bit…over-the-top for some. Your bank had no more room for all the

money he gave you, and quickly flooded all their vaults with far too much gold, gems and cash

then they can contain. It got to the point where Lanif simply bought all the banks you have an

account in, and commissioned them to begin construction of a city-sized vault to store all your

currency. You have access to all your money, mind you. but I’d stick with making your

transactions online for a little while.”

Just how much money does this guy have!?

“Enough.” The nurse smirked, easily reading Sonny’s shocked face. She reached into the

depths of her cleavage and pulled out another object. It was a gold plated credit card with

diamond letters printed on it, spelling Sonny’s name. “This is another gift from him, as

compensation. Along with new wealth you already have, this card grants you access to 0.1% of

Lanif’s own bank account. You are more than welcome to use this for all your purchasing needs

until your vault construction is complete.”

“Along with that, the rights of this mansion is yours now. This is your new home now, all

expenses paid by Lanif of course. He got bored of this and is having another one being built on a

different world he bought recently. His only condition is that you meet a monthly sexual quota.”

“Sexual quota?” Sonny was getting a little tired of repeating everything he hears like

some anime character, but there was no end to all this new information he was getting.

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“Yes, dear. All of the housemaids in the mansion work for you now, me included. And

we have very strong sexual needs that must be met.”

Sonny gulps again, blushing at such a prospect.

“There’s only about 200 of us, so it shouldn’t be too hard for you to satisfy all of us each


Sonny blushed even redder. “Two-HUNDRED!?”

The nurse giggles, letting her right hand gently caress and massage his balls. “Sounds like

the perfect dream life, isn’t it, Mr.Asahi?” she winks. “Endless wealth, and a beautiful mansion

filled with horny women. We’ll take good care of you, I promise you that.”

And she certainly kept her promise. A few days later and Sonny was completely

recovered and living the luxury life of sex, splurging and other forms of wanton debauchery. It

was a bit overwhelming at first to have to pleasure nearly seven different women on a daily

basis, but after meeting his scheduling manage – and thoroughly fucking her –, the coyote was

able to organize the sex sessions into his routine. There was not single day where there wasn’t a

beautiful woman riding his lap or moaning his name in pleasure, be it during yatch rides,

traveling the world in a luxurious personal plane, or simply relaxing at his new home to game on

the latest consoles.

And it seemed that no matter how much he spent with Lanif’s gift card, there never

seemed to be an end to the money. Inflation be damned, Sonny tried to spend billions in a single

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day in an attempt to bottom out the card, only to have his financial manager mention that he was

barely scratching the surface. It got to the point to where he dedicated the next few years trying

to buy everything his mind could think of.

“A gold-encrusted Lamborghini with diamond studded rims?”

Sonny would then be introduced to the underground garage he owned beneath the

mansion. A football field sized garage filled with Lambo and other pointlessly expensive

automobiles. All gold. All littered with diamonds in one form or another.

“Another mansion?”

Over the new few weeks Stuart Hughes himself was hired to help develop Sonny’s new

home. Unfortunately, hindsight was a bitch to Sonny, for having a 690,000-square-foot mansion

made entirely of gold got a tad hot during the summer for some inexplicable reason...

“A meeting with the president!? There’s no way I can buy THAT—”

Not only did he get to meet the president, but the powerful political woman found Sonny

so adorable that she scheduled for him to date her daughter, who was quite a bombshell of a

supermodel. This eventually cascaded with him having many sexual relations with the majority

of the women that ruled the world he lived in.

“My own city?”

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He got a city under his name.

“My own State!?”

He got a state.

“My own country!?!”

This one was by accident, but he now had to add political ruling to his life schedule.

“God damn it! At this rate, I might as well buy the whole damn world!”

By the time Sonny had to explain to his advisors that it was just a joke, he was made

dictator of the entire planet. So not only did Sonny had to bust his balls fucking every women he

had working for him, but now had to manage shaping the world to his image. My, what a terrible

fate he’s landed himself in, if sarcasm had anything to say about it.

And even after all this, Sonny had not even so much as put a dent in Lanif’s 0.1% card.

After every attempt, he would ask the same, age-old question.

“Just how much money does this guy HAVE!?!”

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And the women would always give the same, age-old answer.



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