Final Exam in Eucational Planning and Management - JENINA DINAMPO

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DINAMPO Subject: Educational

Med- I and Management

Professor: Dr. Mary Joy Agsalon

Final Examination in Educational Planning and Management

1. What is the impact/role of planning and management as regards education in this time of
The impact/ role of planning and management as regards education in this time of pandemic is
nudge and pushed education for change and it could lead to innovations.In this time of pandemic,
education is one of the most affected institutions so through planning and management, we can come
up with alternative solutions for us to still provide quality education to our learners. Innovations in
terms of using technologies like online classes and assessments. It also pushing our learners to learn
and improve their digital skills.Through planning and management, we can provide our learners “New
Normal” way of education without decreasing its quality.

2. Suppose you are the chairman of a planning committee in your district training, what are
the key elements are you going to consider in preparing your plan.explain your answer
If I’m going to be a chairman of a planning committee in our district trainging, the key elements
that I’m going to consider in preparing my plan are the current curriculum(K-12), Gathering
information about the participant ,The Resourse speaker- This chosen speakers should be expert
in their topics fro the training, Resources needed in the district training,the expertise of the teacher-
you should consider if this district training is applicable of he abilities of the teacher’s participant,
Time- I should know the limits in terms of realizing my goals like how much time allotted in the
training ?, Appropriate sequencing-there should be a natural flow of my design, Variety- I should
know tha not all the participants learn from or are motivated by the same mean, and Fun- In any
trainings always remember that learning idoes not have to be painful. think of some ice breakers to
be inserted in some parts of the training.Learning will be hindered if the attention of participants is

3. As a teacher, How can you adopt to the new normal set up? What is your greatest
As a teacher, I can adopt the new normal set up by planning alternative ways how to help my
learners to provide quality education. My gratest contribution in this new normal set up is to construct
a system that meets learners where they are and gives them what they need inside and outside the
school.Ditigal education is a very good way to educate children in terms of pandemic As a teacher in
the mountain area, I always consider my leaner’s livelihood status so some of them, online classes is
impossible. So my solution is to give them printed module for them to study at home and I also want
to access with their parents by engaging them to their children’s education in this new normal set up.

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