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Non Toxic Star Wars Fan Base

Starting Guide Edition

English Composition I
Welcome My Young
We The non toxic Star Wars fan
base where a bunch of fans just
talk and show things about Star
Purpose for this guide

The Purpose of this guide is to

present you on how to find us and
how to get in , Basically just help
you navigate through our group and
understand the slang or language.
I hope you find this helpful and to
help you find your side Are you A
sith or a Jedi?
How To Find us
You can find us on Facebook is
the main base for the rebellion , I
am going to try to leave a little
video on how to access it Easily
Also I’m going to leave some
steps for you.
How to get in

First as you can see you can get in by invite or Just clicking on becoming a member
they will Just ask a few quick questions about your knowledge on the franchise.
Even if you don’t know a lot just the basics it will take a few hours or a day for it to
get through don’t worry if they don’t accept it immediately.
And Then When you get in you get an insight of a bunch of nerds like myself super
hype to talk about Star Wars.
Our Groups
(Other Social Medias)

We have a few groups on different platforms

But to each of these groups you have to get an invite that the admins have pin pointed
on the page.
How to and What to
You can post anything you want to
know , ask Questions or just upload a
picture or a video as long as you be
mindful and aware not to offend ,
hurt or discriminate someone in the
process or you will be removed from
the group. Also you can choose to
post as yourself or Anonymously.
How we Talk
(R2-D2 is the most precious thing ever)

You might see people talking

backwards as in “Not victory this is
obi wan it has begun the clone wars”
This is for Yoda the most awesome
Jedi master.
We also joke around a lot with the high
ground and “Hello There , General
But mostly there’s memes or someone
with a story
Ask questions a lot and The
younglings jokes beware they are a lot.
May the force be with you

If you got this far that means you’re

willing to give us a try I really hope
you join
Thank You For watching.

First picture (canvas Guide )

Luke vs Vader(

Video(my gallery)
Last 3 pictures ( )

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