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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

South La Union Campus

Agoo, La Union


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define what is a computer software
b. cite the types of computer software
c. classify the examples of types of software

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Computer Software
References: Grade 9 Module- ICT- Computer Software
Tools/materials/equipment: Laptop, Projector, Internet connection

III. Procedure:

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

A. ROUTINARY Activities
a. Prayer

b. Greetings

c. Checking of attendance

B. Motivation

Before we start our discussion for the new

lesson. I had prepared a game. Let’s have a
short game called PICTO WORD.

Are you familiar with this game class? Yes, Ma’am

In this game. Your participation and

attentiveness are needed because if you got
the first correct word for every two different
pictures I will present, will have a plus 5 points
to our activity later on. You need to guess what
are the two different pictures I will present in
one word. Your can use the chat box to
comment your answers. Are you ready class? Yes, Ma’am

(The students will be playing)

Did you enjoy our game class? Yes, Ma’am

What are the words you encountered earlier? Ma’am, we have the RedHat, Google Docs, Apple’s
Safari, Antivirus, Software, Dr. Web and Keynote.

Yes! Thank you! So, based on the words you Ma’am, I think our lesson for today is about
encountered earlier in our PictoWord game. Software
What do you think class is our next lesson for

Very good class! Our lesson for today is all

about Computer Software

C. Lesson Proper

So, what comes first in your mind if we talked Ma’am it is use for games and research works.
about or heard about software?

Very good! Any other idea about computer Ma’am, it operates the computer into different
software? instruction using different applications


Very good! Will you please read the meaning? A set of instructions, data or programs used to
operate computers and execute specific tasks.
It is the opposite of hardware
A generic term used to refer to applications, scripts
and programs that run on a device
Computers cannot do any useful work without
instructions from software.

Thank you! Software is a program that operates

and tell the computer works.

Why do you think software is the opposite of Ma’am because software is a program while
hardware? computer hardware is the equipment that we can
use when we are using the computer software.

Nice idea! Software is a part of the computer

which we cannot touch because it works inside
our computer, but it is presented in our
computer, unlike computer hardware, they are
the equipment that we will use like keyboards,
mouse, cameras, monitors, CPU & etc. Did you
understand what computer software is? Yes, ma’am

Now that you know what a computer software Ma’am, Windows 10

is. Let’s move on to the types of computer
software. Please identify what is this picture?

Very Good! Windows 10 is an example of a

system software or operating system.

So, what do you mean by system software, will System software helps in running the computer
you please read the meaning? hardware and the computer system.

Next, Sophia. Operating system is designed to run a computer’s

hardware and provides a platform for applications
to run and responsible for the management and
coordination of activities and the sharing of the
limited resources of the computer.

Thank you! System software or Operating system

designed to run a computer’s hardware and
application programs and responsible for
management and coordination of activities in the
computer. Do you think a computer can still Ma’am no because computers cannot do any useful
function properly without the system software or work without instructions from software.
operating system?
Ma’am no because system software helps in
Nice idea! Another answer? running the computer hardware and the computer

Very good! No, because the system software or the

operating system itself runs the computer. Without
the system software the application software will
not work as well as the other software of our Yes ma’am.
computer. Also, it is the brain of the computer
software while in the computer hardware, the brain
is CPU. Is it correct class? Ma’am, android

So, I have here examples of operating system

software. Can you describe it? Ma’am, iOS

Correct! Can I have other examples?

Ma’am, Windows
Very Good!
Another example. Can you guess? Ma’am, Apple

Another example?
Yes, Ma’am it is Linux

Nice one! Can you describe it?

Ma’am, Ubuntu

What about this one?

Yes ma’am, it’s Windows 3.1
Great job! Another example of operating system is
the evolution of windows. Please describe it class. Ma’am, Windows 95

Correct! What about this one? Ma’am, Windows XP

Very good! Another. Ma’am Windows Vista

Next example? Windows 8 Ma’am.

Next? Windows 10 Ma’am

And for the last example?

Ma’am, applications, or programs.

Thank you for answering!
So, class what do we call on the icons installed in
your mobile phones or computers?
Ma’am, application software are the applications
uses in the computer. It fulfills a specific need or
Very good! The next type of software is application performs tasks
software. Lou, can you please read the meaning of
application software.

Thank you! So application software or app for short

is software that performs specific tasks for end
user. When we say end users, for example, in
business, we will buy food from the grocery store.
The grocery store is called the producer because
they provide food while the people who buy food
from the grocery store is called the consumer, just
like for the applications we used. The applications
we are using is the producer while us, using those
applications are called the end users. Yes ma’am

So, class, did you understand what is an end user

and the meaning of application software?
Ma’am, it is a software that uses application to surf
Okay! If you understand what an application the internet.
software is, let’s move on to the different types of
application software. First type is the web-browsing
software. Any idea what is it all about?

It allows one or perform to surf the Web.

Very good! Will you please read the meaning Xyra?

Thank you! Web-browsing software is an

application use to surf the net. Example for the web
browsing software is MS Internet Explorer.

I had here another example of web browsing Ma’am Google Chrome

software. Can you name me one?
Ma’am. Safari
What about the second picture?
Ma’am. Browser.
For the third picture?
Ma’am, Opera
Next picture?
Ma’am, internet explorer
Correct! For the last example?

Ma’am to surf the net and search anything

Great job class! So why do we use those Web

browsing application software?
It allows users to create and edit a document.

Very good! Next application software is the Word

processing software. Will you please read the
meaning Connie?

Thank you! It is the application that helps us create

documents. Example for this one is the very famous
Microsoft Word.

I have another example of Word processing


We have the Word pad which it is simpler to use

than the MS Word.

Another example is, Notepad, is a small and fast

app to create and edit text, it is like a sticky note.

And for the last example, we have the Word

perfect was best known for its availability and it
uses for architectures streaming codes and uses in
different countries. Ma’am Microsoft Excel.

So, now that you know what word processing

software is. Let’s move on to the other types of
application software. Can you guess what computer
application is it?
It allows users to create document and perform
Very good! Microsoft excel is a good example of
Spread sheet Software. What do we mean by
spreadsheet software will you please read the
meaning Andrea?
Thank you! Spreadsheet software is to create any
document into calculation like the MS Excel. I have
here other examples of spreadsheet software.

We have the Google Sheets which we can access it

through Google and can be shared for people too.

Another example is the Smart Sheet which we can

accessed it and we can manage it over the internet
that allow users to create, manage and share
projects, tasks & processes under authorized

And last example, is the Air table which is a

relational database tool that is also an online
collaboration and can use it to manage work, track
& organize inventories, plan an event and much
more. Ma’am, to create documents form into calculation.

So, what is the purpose of a spreadsheet software?

Very good! Ma’am Microsoft PowerPoint

Next class! Last type of application software. Can
you guess the image Ruby?

Ma’am, to create excellent presentation

Excellent! Microsoft Powerpoint is an example of
Presentation graphic software. Class, what do you
think about the use of this app?
It allows users to create visual presentation

Awesome! Will you please read the meaning?

Thank you! Presentation graphic software is used to

create visual presentation with different
applications and websites like the MS Power point.
So, I have here another example of Presentation
Graphic Software? Ma’am, Adobe Photoshop

Can you recognize the first picture?

Very good! Adobe photoshop is more complicated

than the MS Power point because it has more

Another example is the Slide bean, which is it is the

easiest slide creation and an ideal tool used,
wherein small businesses who will start their
businesses can used it.
Ma’am, Prezi

What about this one class?

Excellent! So, Prezi is a presentation graphic

software where we can see it through the internet
wherein it is used as an alternative to traditional
slide making program such as PPT and let’s you
zoom out or in to see big pictures to examine
support details.
And last example is the Keynote which is suited
only for Apple Inc and for MAC.
Yes, Ma’am

Did you understand what are the 4 types of

Application software class?

Ma’am, they are the one who manage the

Awesome! So class, the last type of software is the
Utility Software. Anyone have an idea about this
software? From the word itself Utility. Ma’am, they help clean unwanted files in the
Nice idea! What else?
Utility software helps in the management of
computer hardware and application software. It is
Excellent! Clarence will you please read the designed to help analyze, configure, optimize, or
meaning? maintain a computer.

This utility makes a copy of all information stored

on a disk and restore either the entire disk or
Thank you! Utility software are the ones who selected files.
manage the computer hardware and its
applications. So, class there are two types of utility
software. First type of Utility software is Backup.
When we say Backup, will you please read the
meaning Crissa Monica?

Correct! Backup makes a copy of your files either a

document, presentation, pictures, or videos. Ma’am, it helps make a copy of your documents or
any presentation that you create.
So, class what do you think is the advantage of
having a backup into your computer or mobile
Ma’am, the advantage of having a backup is it’s
easy to restore files.
Excellent! Can I have another advantage of having a

Nice try! Yes, having a backup to your computer is

very applicable to us, especially if you have loads of
file because it can backed-up at once then it is easy
to find and restore. Example of backup software is
IDrive. It is an online backup for iPhones, PC’s and
even for our android phones.

Just like for example, we have here the IDrive. So,

IDrive is an online backup uses for iPhone, iPad,
your computers and even your mobile phones.
Ma’am, Antivirus

So class, next is for the last type of Utility software.

What are these apps?

These utilities scan computer for viruses

Yes, very good! We have the Antiviruses. So, what
is the use of antivirus. Will you please read the
Thank you! Antivirus helps to detect, scan and
clean viruses to your computer. I have here
examples of antivirus.

We have the VIPR, AVG, AVAST, MacAfee, PANDA,

F-secure and the Norton, which that is one of the
antiviruses that I used until now because it is so
applicable to my laptop and computer and should
try it too. Ma’am it helps to clean junk files in your computer
or cellphones
So, what is the use of Antivirus?

Ma’am it helps protect the computer to clean and

detect viruses.
Excellent! What else?

Ma’am, if we do not have antivirus, our computer

Awesome! So, those are the examples and uses of system can slowdown
antivirus. Let me ask you class. What are the
disadvantages of not having antiviruses?

Ma’am, it can slowdown the speed of the computer

So how can viruses slow down your computer especially the applications you used.

Very good! Viruses can slow down our phones or

computers. Just like when we have fever or we got
sick, we got viruses. Viruses can also slow down our
body, we can experience weakness, cough & etc.

Ma’am, there is no protection for your computer

Another disadvantage can you please name one? system

Very good!
So class, any questions and clarifications? None, ma’am!

E. Generalization
Identify the following words into the specific
types of software. Operating System
1. iOS Spreadsheet Software
2. Google Sheets Web-browsing Software
3. Google Chrome Operating System
4. Android Operating System
5. Linux Antivirus
6. Avast Operating System
7. Windows Presentation Graphic Software
8. Adobe Photoshop Backup
9. IDrive Word Processing Software
10. Google Docs

In ½ sheet of pad paper.

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which software is useful for students in creating documents?
A. Microsoft Word
B. Google Sheets
C. Opera
D. Microsoft Power Point
2. It is a program which consists of a set of instructions that tells the computer how to
perform an operation.
A. Software
B. Word Processing Software
C. Spreadsheet Software
D. Browser
3. Microsoft word is an example of what software?
A. Spreadsheet Software
B. Google Docs
C. Air table
D. Application Software
4. Avast, AVG and McAfee is an example of what software?
A. Backup
B. Presentation Graphic Software
C. Utility Software
D. Smart Sheet
5. The evolution of Windows is an example of what software?
A. Adobe Photoshop
B. Operating System
C. Utility Software
D. Antivirus
II. True or False
6. A computer is still function properly without system software.
7. The four types of Application Software are Web-browsing Software, Word
processing Software, Presentation Graphic Software and Spreadsheet Software.
8. Software is anything that we can’t touch.
9. Back up are for scanning computer viruses.
10. Is Google Chrome, Safari, MS Internet Explorer and Opera are examples of
Spreadsheet Software.


1. What are the different types of file formats?

Prepared by:


Practice Teacher

Checked by:

Mr. Vladimir Joy Cariaso

Cooperating Teacher

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