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Advances in Structural Engineering

Form-finding and analysis of an Ó The Author(s) 2017
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alternative tensegrity dome
DOI: 10.1177/1369433216689570


Fatih Uzun

Geiger domes are composed of cable and strut elements. This property of cable domes is the same as tensegrity structures, but in
contraction to tensegrity structures, strut elements do not have a function that balances tension in cable elements with compression.
In this study, a new cable dome configuration, that mimics the form of tensegrities, is proposed which is able to spread effect of an
applied load into all elements of the dome and reduces its local impact. Form-finding and analysis of the Geiger and new dome config-
urations are performed based on the principle of minimum potential energy. Self-equilibrium forms with minimum potential energy
are determined using genetic algorithms. The ability of genetic algorithm based potential energy minimization approach to perform
form-finding of loaded or load free cable domes is investigated. Performance of the proposed configuration is tested and compared
with the Geiger configuration under various loading conditions.

cable domes, form-finding, genetic algorithm, energy minimization, potential energy

Introduction energy minimization approach. Achievements in com-

putation power supported that process and search
The idea of tensile integrity structures dates back to methods have been developed for the design of tensegr-
the beginning of 20th century (Fuller, 1962). After this ity structures (Li et al., 2010). Paul et al. (2005) intro-
invention, Snelson (1965) practised new configurations duced evolutionary algorithms for the determination
as continuous tension and discontinuous compression of tensegrity structures with non-regular forms. Xu
structures. The first non-regular tensegrity structure and Luo (2010a, 2010b) converted the form-finding
was invented by Buckminster (1975) and further stud- problem of non-regular tensegrity structures into a
ies were focused on form-finding of tensegrity struc- constrained optimization problem and also developed
tures (Tibert and Pellegrino, 2003). Different methods a simulated annealing algorithm to perform pre-stress
for the design of tensegrity structures were developed optimization and form-finding. Koohestani (2012) pro-
such as dynamic relaxation (Belkacem, 1987; Day and posed a genetic algorithm form-finding method based
Bunce, 1969; Motro and Nooshin, 1984), force density on minimization of eigenvalues of the force density
(Linkwitz, 1999; Linkwitz and Schek, 1971; Schek, matrix and developed analytical and numerical form-
1974) and reduced coordinates (Sultan et al., 1999). finding methods (Koohestani and Guest, 2013).
Computational methods were also developed by vari- Faroughi et al. (2014) used a genetic algorithm based
ous authors (Chen and Feng, 2012; Estrada et al., on the rank deficiencies on the geometry, the pre-stress
2006; Li et al., 2010; Masic et al., 2005; Pagitz and coefficients and the semi-positive definite condition
Tur, 2009; Zhang et al., 2006; Zhang and Ohsaki, of the stiffness matrix. Ant colony systems were used
2006) for the design of complex tensegrity structures. by Chen et al. (2012a) to perform form-finding of
Connelly used and developed energy methods
(Connelly, 1982, 1993; Connelly and Back, 1998;
Connelly and Terrell, 1995). These studies showed that Chemical Engineering Department, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey
energy methods can be used to perform form-finding
Corresponding author:
of tensegrity structures. Pellegrino (1986) proposed Fatih Uzun, Chemical Engineering Department, Yeditepe University,
nonlinear programming method that performs form- Atasxehir, Istanbul 34755, Turkey.
finding of tensegrity structures using a constrained Email:
2 Advances in Structural Engineering

tensegrity structures. A node-based method was devel- form-finding and analysis of this structure. The inner
oped by Gan et al. (2015). Lee and Lee (2014, 2016) ring of Geiger domes is composed of cable elements
used frequency constraints for optimum self-stress supported with horizontal strut elements. In spite of
design of cable–strut structures and developed a using horizontal strut elements, the configuration of
method for topology design of tensegrity structures. this form is changed in a way to create a tensegrity
Another study based on optimization of force density structure. Same elements are used and it is aimed to
is performed by Cai and Feng (2015). Ohsaki and gain the most important advantage of tensegrities, dis-
Zhang (2015) used a nonlinear programming approach tribution of the effect of applied load to all elements
to investigate the stability of the self-equilibrium shape. rather than having a local effect with high impact, to
Studies show that different numerical methods were cable domes. Form-finding and analysis of the Geiger
developed to determine the self-equilibrium state of and new dome configurations are performed using the
tensegrity structures. Metaheuristic techniques and same parameters. The performance of the new dome
energy methods were used for the purpose of form- configuration is compared with that of the Geiger
finding of tensegrity structures; however, minimization dome configuration. Self-equilibrium forms are deter-
of total potential energy (TPE) have never done using mined in a way to satisfy fair conditions for both struc-
metaheuristic techniques in order to perform form- tures and analyses are performed at various loading
finding of cable domes. conditions. Self-equilibrium states are determined
Dome design of Geiger is composed of nested circu- using only the basic information about cable domes
lar structures that contain vertical strut elements con- which are nodal joints and element properties. All
nected to cable elements. Various configurations of solutions are performed using a computer with Intel
this design were studied. Pellegrino (1992) investigated Core i7-3610 CPU that works at a maximum clock
the structural behaviour of pre-stressed cable domes speed of 3.3 GHz.
under different loading conditions. Kawaguchi et al.
(1999) investigated optimum shape to gain maximum
stiffness in a full-scale elliptic cable dome. Yuan and Form-finding of tensegrity domes
Dong (2002) performed nonlinear analysis of cable
dome structures. Lazzari et al. (2003) developed a Ziegler (1968) stated that equilibrium configuration of
finite element code for geometrically nonlinear analy- a conservative system is stable when the potential
sis. Yuan and Dong (2003) presented a specific equili- energy of the system demonstrates a minimum. This
brium state of integrally feasible pre-stressed cable principle can be used in a way to determine the equili-
domes. Fu (2005) analysed cable domes using a brium configuration of a structure (Timoshenko and
numerical method. A numerical method is also pre- Gere, 1961) based on the fact that the stability of
sented for form-finding of cable–strut structures and structures is inversely proportional to potential energy
applied to domes by Tran and Lee (2010). Tran et al. (Alfutov et al., 2013; Gambhir, 2004; Godoy, 1999).
(2012) proposed a numerical method for the initial The development of metaheuristic algorithms enabled
pre-stress design of cable dome structures with multi- application of the minimum energy principle to civil
ple independent pre-stressed modes. engineering problems, without requirement of differen-
Stability of pre-stressed structures was investigated tiation of energy function or incremental techniques,
using different computational methods (Chen et al., by carrying a search to find the stable form with mini-
2012b, 2015; Guest, 2010; Sultan, 2013). The use of mum potential energy. In this study, self-equilibrium
evolutionary algorithms and principle of minimum form of tensegrity domes, with or without load, are
potential energy on form-finding (Uzun, 2016) and determined by minimization of TPE using genetic
analysis (Toklu and Uzun, 2016) of tensegrity structures algorithms. Starting from a random structural form,
was previously investigated and the proposed method genetic algorithm increases the stability of the struc-
provided accurate solutions based on the relation between ture by decreasing the TPE.
stability and potential energy. Energy method is success- The form-finding process of tensegrity domes,
fully applied to form-finding of free-form tensegrities and under load or without any external load, is performed
analysis of well-known tensegrity structures. This study is based on a set of assumptions (Feng and Guo, 2015;
an application of the previously proposed method for the Ohsaki and Zhang, 2015). Elements of the structure
development of a new tensegrity dome configuration that are assumed to be straight, self-weight of the structure
meets evolutionary algorithms with the principle of mini- is neglected, element failure related to yielding and
mum potential energy for the first time in order to deter- buckling is not considered and no external loads are
mine the stable form of cable domes. acted on the system. The process requires simple infor-
This study aims to develop a new cable dome design mation about elements of the structure which are ele-
and apply principle of minimum potential energy on ment type (cable or strut), nodal joints, material
Uzun 3

Figure 1. Single units used to construct Geiger and new


Table 1. Formulation of number of nodal joints of ith unit.

Geiger configuration New configuration

ai = i ai = i
bi = i + ns bi = i + ns
ci = 2ns + i ci = 2n
8s + i
di = 2ns + i < 2ns + i + 2 i ø 3
di =
8 8 3ns + i  2 i\3
< i + ns + 1 i\ns <i+1 i\ns
ei = ei =
: :
8 i+1 i = ns 8 i + 1  ns i = ns
< i+1 i\ns <i+3 i\(ns  2)
fi = fi =
: :
i + 1  ns i = ns i + 3  ns i ø (ns  2)

properties (modulus of elasticity), stress-free element Figure 2. General procedure for TPE optimization using
lengths and cross-sectional area of elements. metaheuristic optimization techniques (Toklu and Uzun, 2016).

Tensegrity dome configurations from 2ns + 1 to 3ns{(2ns + 1), (2ns + 2), ., 3ns}
are used to define the fixed joints of supporting cable
Tensegrity structures are composed of cable and strut
elements. In this study, single units are used to con-
struct Geiger and new dome configurations. Both con-
figuration types are composed of one strut and four Genetic algorithm for TPE minimization
cable elements. Two cables have the function of sup-
porting units that hold the inner ring and the other two TPE minimization is performed in order to determine
cables are used to construct the inner ring of the dome. the Self-equilibrium form of tensegrity domes, under
The main difference between the two configurations load or without load, using evolution process of the
is the connection of elements. As illustrated in Figure genetic algorithm. For this purpose, the basic and well-
1, Geiger configuration has two cable elements con- known steps of the simple genetic algorithm are used.
nected to each end of strut element while new config- Principles of this process can be found in the study of
uration has one and three cable elements connected Uzun (2016) where form-finding of free-form tensegr-
to conjugate ends of the strut element. Both of the ity structures was performed using the principle of
units have five nodal joints and they are denoted as minimum potential energy. Difference in this study is
a, b, c, d and e. modifying the fitness function by adding work done by
Nodal connections in a configuration are numbered applied forces. Flowchart of this process is adapted
according to the formulation given in Table 1. In these from the study of Toklu and Uzun (2016) and given in
equations, ns is used to define the quantity of strut ele- Figure 2.
ment in a configuration and i represents the number of Parameters of the evolution process are determined
the unit to be identified. ns also defines the number of according to the results of the study of Grefenstette
units. Based on this information, a configuration can (1986). Genetic algorithm operators, elitism, selection,
have 3ns number of nodal joints. First 2ns number of crossover and mutation, are applied to base configura-
nodal connections {(ns + 1), (ns + 2), ., 2ns} are tions, after evaluation of the fitness, during the cre-
assigned to joints of inner ring and nodal connections ation of new configurations. A dynamic mutation
4 Advances in Structural Engineering

range with a convergence limit is used. The process Table 2. Parameters of TPE minimization process.
ends when the convergence limit is reached.
Genetic algorithm process finds the optimum solu- Population size 30 members
tion using a set of solutions called population of mem- Elitism (percent of elite members) 10%
bers. Each member corresponds to a solution which Crossover rate (probability) 0.95
determines coordinates of nodal joints of tensegrity Mutation rate (probability) 0.04
dome. Nodal joints of chromosome of a member are Initial mutation range (IMR) MEL 3 1024
Mutation range expansion factor 1.1
represented as genes. ith member of the population (Mi )
Mutation range reduction factor 0.9
with n number of nodal joints is defined with a vector Convergence limit IMR 3 1023
where genes are nodal joints (Nj ) which are composed
of axial coordinates, xj , yj and zj . In this study, a popu- TPE: total potential energy; MEL: maximum stress-free element length.
lation is composed of 30 members
h i X
m X
Mi = Nji= 1 , Nji= 2 , . . . , Nji= n ð1Þ F= sl Al Ll 
Fk u k ð3Þ
h i l=1 k=1
Nji = xij , yij , zij ð2Þ X
m X
F= s l Vl  Fk u k ð4Þ
In all, 10% of fittest members in the population are l=1 k =1

determined to be elite members. The selection process Strain energy density of an element is calculated
of mating members is performed using pie graph selec- using equation (5) where s is stress and e is the strain.
tion method. The number of selected members is deter- Stress is defined in terms of modulus of elasticity (E)
mined to be 90% of all members. After the selection and strain. Tensegrity structures have some restrictions
process, a one-point crossover is performed at each in the case of structural analysis. Cable elements can-
mate with a probability of 0.95. Non-elite child mem- not be compressed and accordingly deformation of
bers are mutated according to a predetermined muta- them cannot be negative. Strain energy density of a
tion rate. Mutation probability of this process is cable element is determined to be zero if its strain is
determined to be 0.04. A gene is mutated by changing less than zero
axial coordinates (xj , yj , zj ) of the node within a
dynamic spherical mutation range. In this study, initial < 0 e\0
mutation range is determined to be 0.01% of the s= Ðe Ðe 2 ð5Þ
stress-free maximum element length (MEL). Mutation : sde = Ee de = Ee =2 eø0
0 0
range is increased after an improvement in the fitness
of the best member of the population by a factor of The strain of an element is defined in equation (6)
1.1 and decreased if the fitness is not changed by mul- where L0 is the stress-free length and L is the length of
tiplying with 0.9. Minimum mutation range in this the lth element. The final form of the fitness function
study is 0.1% of the initial search limit which is also which determines the TPE as a function of strain is
the termination limit. Summary of genetic algorithm given in equation (7)
parameters is listed in Table 2.  0 
Ll  Ll
el = 0 ð6Þ
Fitness function
m X
Fitness function of a cable–strut structure is the sum F ðeÞ = Vl Ee2l =2  Fk u k ð7Þ
of strain energy densities of all cable and strut ele- l=1 k=1
ments. In the case of application of external loads on
the structure, work done by these loads is also added. Form-finding of tensegrity domes with
The sum of potential energies of m number of elements
eight units
and applied loads are calculated using equation (3)
where s is the strain energy density, A is the cross- Form-finding of eight-strut tensegrity domes with
sectional area, L0 is the stress-free length of lth element, Geiger and new dome configurations are performed
F is the load and u is the displacement corresponding separately after determination of nodal joints using
to the kth load among q number of loads. In this equa- equations given in Table 1. Initial element lengths of
tion, Al Ll determines the volume of an element. The both designs are identical. The length of struts, hoop
volume of lth element is determined as Vl and modified cables and support cables at rest are 100, 50 and
fitness function is given in equation (4) 150 mm, respectively. Structural properties of Geiger
Uzun 5

Table 3. Properties of the cable dome with Geiger configuration after form-finding process.


1 S 100 1-9 11 S 100 3-11 21 S 100 5-13 31 S 100 7-15

2 C 50 1-2 12 C 50 3-4 22 C 50 5-6 32 C 50 7-8
3 C 50 9-10 13 C 50 11-12 23 C 50 13-14 33 C 50 15-16
4 C 150 1-17 14 C 150 3-19 24 C 150 5-21 34 C 150 7-23
5 C 150 9-17 15 C 150 11-19 25 C 150 13-21 35 C 150 15-23
6 S 100 2-10 16 S 100 4-12 26 S 100 6-14 36 S 100 8-16
7 C 50 2-3 17 C 50 4-5 27 C 50 6-7 37 C 50 8-1
8 C 50 10-11 18 C 50 12-13 28 C 50 14-15 38 C 50 16-9
9 C 150 2-18 19 C 150 4-20 29 C 150 6-22 39 C 150 8-24
10 C 150 10-18 20 C 150 12-20 30 C 150 14-22 40 C 150 16-24

S: strut; C: cable; ET: element type; IL: initial length (mm); NJ: nodal joints.

Table 4. Properties of the cable dome with new configuration after form-finding process.


1 S 100 1-9 11 S 100 3-11 21 S 100 5-13 31 S 100 7-15

2 C 50 2-9 12 C 50 4-11 22 C 50 6-13 32 C 50 8-15
3 C 50 4-9 13 C 50 6-11 23 C 50 8-13 33 C 50 2-15
4 C 150 3-17 14 C 150 5-19 24 C 150 7-21 34 C 150 1-23
5 C 150 9-17 15 C 150 11-19 25 C 150 13-21 35 C 150 15-23
6 S 100 2-10 16 S 100 4-12 26 S 100 6-14 36 S 100 8-16
7 C 50 3-10 17 C 50 5-12 27 C 50 7-14 37 C 50 1-16
8 C 50 5-10 18 C 50 7-12 28 C 50 1-14 38 C 50 3-16
9 C 150 4-18 19 C 150 6-20 29 C 150 8-22 39 C 150 2-24
10 C 150 10-18 20 C 150 12-20 30 C 150 14-22 40 C 150 16-24

S: strut; C: cable; ET: element type; IL: initial length (mm); NJ: nodal joints.

and new dome configurations are given in Tables 3 be clearly seen that the increase in radius causes accu-
and 4. The cross-sectional area of cable and strut ele- mulation of strain energy density in the elements. TPE
ments are 10 and 100 mm2, respectively. Modulus of increases in both the configurations as a result of the
elasticity of cables and struts are independently deter- increase in dome radius. TPE of Geiger configuration
mined to be 110 and 210 GPa. exceeds 307,838,929.440 N mm when the radius is
Tensegrity structures have a Self-equilibrium form determined to be 300 mm. The new configuration has
where the tension in cable elements is balanced with 344,507,669.993 N mm TPE at this radius. It can be
compression in strut elements. TPE is a measure of stated that new configuration has a wider span with
strain energy within elements of a structure. Based on higher radius when both the configurations are set to
this background information, it is aimed to have dome the same magnitude of TPE. This is the first advantage
structures with minimum positive TPE that sustain a of new configuration over the Geiger configuration.
balance between tension and compression elements. It is aimed to set the radius of both configurations
The radius of the outer ring, where support cables to a value that will provide positive TPE with mini-
are connected, is another structural property of ten- mum strain energy density within the elements.
segrity domes that affects strain density of elements. Investigations showed that TPE of Geiger configura-
The increase in radius raises strain density while lower- tion is minimum between radius values of 210 and
ing the radius causes formation of strain-free unstable 220 mm. Fine tuning within this section provided TPE
shape. In order to determine the tensegrity form that of 10.094 N mm when the radius is 214.120 mm. After
provides minimum required strain density within ele- a series of similar tests, the new configuration with
ments, the radius of tensegrity domes is investigated in 206.767 mm radius is found to have 10.687 N mm
terms of TPE. TPE. Storing similar magnitude of potential energy in
Results of radius investigation of Geiger and new self-equilibrium form of both dome configurations
dome configurations are illustrated in Figure 3. It can satisfies fair condition while testing both structures.
6 Advances in Structural Engineering

Figure 3. Effect of outer radius on TPE.

Figure 4. Self-equilibrium form of dome structures with Geiger and new configurations.

For this purpose, TPE is taken as a measure because it connections are listed in Tables 5 and 6. The thickness
is also an average measure of level of initial pre-stress/ of inner ring seems to be lowered with the new config-
strain in the members. uration which has a thickness of about 40 mm. The
Among the configurations with similar TPE, new thickness of Geiger configuration is analogous to the
configuration has a wider span. The shape of self- length of horizontal strut members which is about to
equilibrium forms of both configurations is illustrated be 100 mm.
in Figure 4. Nodal connections and element types are Element lengths of the self-equilibrium form of both
given in these illustrations. Coordinates of nodal configurations are given in Tables 7 and 8. Results
Uzun 7

Table 5. Coordinates of nodal joints of Geiger configuration, in millimetres, as distance from the origin.

No Initial Final No Initial Final

x y z X y z x y z x y z

1 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.32 20.06 249.95 13 0.00 0.00 0.00 265.33 20.06 49.98
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.24 46.16 250.03 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 246.16 246.24 50.01
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 65.36 250.08 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 265.36 50.08
4 0.00 0.00 0.00 246.15 46.29 250.09 16 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.23 246.20 50.08
5 0.00 0.00 0.00 265.34 0.11 250.02 17 206.77 0.00 0.00 206.77 0.00 0.00
6 0.00 0.00 0.00 246.28 246.11 249.99 18 146.21 146.21 0.00 146.21 146.21 0.00
7 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.10 265.30 249.92 19 0.00 206.77 0.00 0.00 206.77 0.00
8 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.12 246.23 249.92 20 2146.21 146.21 0.00 2146.21 146.21 0.00
9 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.35 0.00 50.04 21 2206.77 0.00 0.00 2206.77 0.00 0.00
10 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.19 46.19 49.97 22 2146.21 2146.21 0.00 2146.21 2146.21 0.00
11 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.02 65.30 49.92 23 0.00 2206.77 0.00 0.00 2206.77 0.00
12 0.00 0.00 0.00 246.20 46.15 49.91 24 146.21 2146.21 0.00 146.21 2146.21 0.00

Table 6. Coordinates of nodal joints of new configuration, in millimetres, as distance from the origin.

No Initial Final No Initial Final

x y z x y z x y z x y Z

1 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.15 265.35 19.23 13 0.00 0.00 0.00 265.35 0.21 219.26
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.05 246.35 219.15 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 246.30 246.10 19.16
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.35 20.16 19.24 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.21 265.35 219.22
4 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.35 46.05 219.14 16 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.09 246.31 19.18
5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 65.33 19.05 17 214.12 0.00 0.00 214.12 0.00 0.00
6 0.00 0.00 0.00 246.04 46.33 219.00 18 151.41 151.41 0.00 151.41 151.41 0.00
7 0.00 0.00 0.00 265.33 0.14 19.12 19 0.00 214.12 0.00 0.00 214.12 0.00
8 0.00 0.00 0.00 246.33 246.04 218.99 20 2151.41 151.41 0.00 2151.41 151.41 0.00
9 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.33 20.21 219.11 21 2214.12 0.00 0.00 2214.12 0.00 0.00
10 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.31 46.07 19.03 22 2151.41 2151.41 0.00 2151.41 2151.41 0.00
11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 65.33 219.07 23 0.00 2214.12 0.00 0.00 2214.12 0.00
12 0.00 0.00 0.00 246.08 46.29 19.01 24 151.41 2151.41 0.00 151.41 2151.41 0.00

Table 7. Element lengths of Geiger configuration in millimetres after form-finding process.

No Length No Length No Length No Length

1 99.99987 11 99.99987 21 99.99987 31 99.99987

2 50.00450 12 50.00450 22 50.00450 32 50.00450
3 50.00453 13 50.00453 23 50.00453 33 50.00453
4 150.01096 14 150.01095 24 150.01096 34 150.01097
5 150.01102 15 150.01103 25 150.01103 35 150.01101
6 99.99987 16 99.99987 26 99.99987 36 99.99987
7 50.00450 17 50.00450 27 50.00451 37 50.00450
8 50.00453 18 50.00453 28 50.00452 38 50.00452
9 150.01095 19 150.01095 29 150.01097 39 150.01098
10 150.01102 20 150.01103 30 150.01103 40 150.01101

show that all cable elements are in tension and all strut Analysis of tensegrity domes with eight
elements are in the compression state. Joint coordi- units
nates and element lengths of the self-equilibrium form
of both configurations are assigned as initial condi- Self-equilibrium form of tensegrity domes is analysed
tions on further analyses. at varying loading conditions. In order to accomplish
8 Advances in Structural Engineering

Table 8. Element lengths of new configuration, in millimetres, after form-finding process.

No Length No Length No Length No Length

1 99.99989 11 99.99988 21 99.99988 31 99.99989

2 50.00528 12 50.00540 22 50.00536 32 50.00526
3 50.00462 13 50.00464 23 50.00450 33 50.00448
4 150.00985 14 150.00987 24 150.01009 34 150.01009
5 150.00944 15 150.00958 25 150.00910 35 150.00904
6 99.99989 16 99.99988 26 99.99989 36 99.99989
7 50.00560 17 50.00567 27 50.00565 37 50.00562
8 50.00483 18 50.00491 28 50.00489 38 50.00484
9 150.00933 19 150.00953 29 150.00925 39 150.00910
10 150.00993 20 150.01015 30 150.01016 40 150.00999

Figure 5. Illustration of the loads and the joint configuration (dashed lines do not represent elements).

this, TPE minimization is performed at each loading Results show that TPE of the dome with Geiger
condition. Deformations and nodal displacements are configuration is lower at each loading condition. This
determined after loads are applied. Structures are means that deformations and nodal displacements are
loaded from a single nodal joint of each configuration lower in the new configuration. The difference in mag-
as illustrated in Figure 5. Loads are varied from 2500 nitude of TPE increases with increase in the magnitude
to 500 N parallel to the z-axis. Same loads are applied of the load. This is the second result of this study,
to both dome configurations. which proposes another advantage of the new config-
TPE variation related to applied load is given in uration. In order to prove that outcome, axial displa-
Figure 6. Results show that TPE decreases with cements of the load applied joints are investigated
increasing magnitude of the negative and positive separately as illustrated in Figure 7.
loads. As it is stated before, TPE is a measure of strain Deformation of the load applied node of the Geiger
energy, but in this case, it also includes the effect of configuration is higher than the new configuration.
applied load. Deformations directly affect the magni- Positive loads cause displacement in the positive direc-
tude of TPE. It can be stated that TPE can be seen as tion of z-axis while the reverse is observed with nega-
a measure of deformations and displacements occurred tive loads. The magnitude of displacements in z-axis
in the dome structures. Applied load has a negative increases with increasing magnitude of the load and
effect on TPE, and its effect is much more than strain the difference of displacement between two configura-
energy density. In the case of structures with identical tions also increases with increasing magnitude of the
elements, the same number of cable and strut elements load. Displacement in x-axis and y-axis is much lower
with same cross-sectional area and strength, the lower in the new configuration when compared to the Geiger
magnitude of TPE means higher nodal displacement configuration and they are in opposite directions.
and element deformation. Negative loads cause displacement in the positive
Uzun 9

Figure 6. TPE variation related to the applied load to the domes with Geiger and new configurations.

direction of the axes in new configuration while the Geiger configuration. Lowest deformation is observed
direction of load and displacement are identical in at joint 16 when the applied load is 2500 N.
Geiger configuration. All in all, results show that dis- Linear displacement of joints of the new configura-
placements along the coordinate axes in the new con- tion is highest in the load applied joint and its counter
figuration are lower than that occurred in Geiger at the same strut element. The maximum displacement
configuration. is lower than the one in the same class with Geiger con-
Displacement of nodal joints is illustrated in figuration. Lowest deformation is observed at joint 12
Figure 8 for both Geiger and new configurations. when the applied load is 500 N.
These illustrations are results of loading at 2500 and In order to get an estimation about the overall dis-
500 N. Displacements are visualized using the pale image placement of joints, the sum of displacements in all
of the initial condition of structures before the application four cases is also provided. The sum of displacements
of loads. Changes in the elements around the load shows that total displacement of the new configura-
applied nodes can be observed, but displacements at tion is less than half of the total deformations of
other nodes are hard to comprehend so that nodal displa- Geiger configuration. This is another advantage of
cements of all joints are listed in Tables 9 and 10. the new configuration when compared to the Geiger
Results show that opposite end of loaded strut ele- configuration.
ment has the next higher magnitude of axial displace- Previously, it is stated that new configuration distri-
ments in both configurations. Nodal displacements butes an applied load to the whole of the structure.
are identical in Geiger configuration. The new con- Results show that this does not occur as the arithmetic
figuration also has a high axial displacement at oppo- allocation of the impact of the applied load to other ele-
site end of loaded strut element, but the magnitude of ments. This new design uses strength and resistance of
displacement is lower than the loaded end. This is other elements in order to lower the effects of the
caused by the natural property of tensegrity struc- applied load. The impact of the applied load is reduced
tures. The effect of applied load is distributed in all by the resistance of all elements. As a result of this, mag-
other elements, and a local effect of applied load is nitude of deformations of elements and nodal displace-
prevented. This property of tensegrities is also the ments at joints are much lower in the new configuration
result of the low magnitude of displacement in load when compared to the Geiger configuration. It can be
applied joints. stated that using the principles of tensegrity structures
Linear displacement of nodal joints after the appli- improved the durability of cable dome structures.
cation of loads is given in Table 11. The load applied
to 10th joint of Geiger configuration caused highest
deformations at the joints 10 and 2. Second joint is Conclusion
connected to the same strut element with 10th one. The design of a new tensegrity dome configuration is
Deformations are similar at both loading conditions in done using the basic principles of tensegrity structures.
10 Advances in Structural Engineering

Figure 7. Axial displacements of load applied node of Geiger and new dome configurations.

The inner ring of the new configuration is built as a new design is investigated by testing it under various
regular tensegrity structure, in spite of vertical strut loading conditions. Analyses showed that the new
elements connected by cables. The performance of the design is stronger than the classical Geiger
Uzun 11

Figure 8. Illustration of deformations in the Geiger and new dome configurations (pale lines represent initial form).

Table 9. Displacements, in millimetres, of joints of Geiger configuration from their self-stable coordinates at two different loading
conditions of joint 10.

No 2500 N 500 N No 2500 N 500 N

x y z x y z x y z x y z

1 0.556 1.477 21.818 20.691 20.936 1.770 13 20.800 20.632 2.423 0.928 0.926 22.399
2 1.624 1.707 26.503 21.619 21.542 6.591 14 20.712 20.628 2.820 0.727 0.801 22.847
3 1.342 0.517 21.707 21.060 20.732 1.885 15 20.738 20.768 2.333 0.836 0.962 22.495
4 1.333 0.637 1.119 21.032 20.677 20.914 16 20.631 20.995 0.937 0.688 1.372 21.101
5 0.949 0.773 2.452 20.782 20.793 22.371 17 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
6 0.842 0.686 2.841 20.597 20.747 22.826 18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
7 0.981 0.917 2.361 20.594 20.816 22.467 19 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
8 0.796 1.419 0.975 20.525 20.954 21.064 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
9 20.724 21.010 21.857 0.528 1.398 1.733 21 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 21.580 21.593 26.612 1.657 1.659 6.487 22 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
11 20.975 20.684 21.745 1.413 0.569 1.848 23 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
12 20.981 20.544 1.082 1.372 0.764 20.951 24 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

configuration. The success of this new dome is accom- This reduces the local impact of a load like dividing
plished by tensegrity-based configuration, by spreading strength of it into small pieces and applying them to
out the local effect of a load into the whole structure. different elements. However, the load applied to the
12 Advances in Structural Engineering

Table 10. Displacements, in millimetres, of joints of new configuration from their self-stable coordinates at two different loading
conditions of joint 14.

No 2500 N 500 N No 2500 N 500 N

x y z x y z x y z x y z

1 0.292 20.044 0.553 20.626 0.104 0.109 13 0.000 0.458 21.050 20.009 20.499 20.266
2 20.240 0.039 0.664 0.285 0.114 21.191 14 0.822 0.104 26.073 20.573 20.407 5.612
3 20.114 0.453 20.479 20.161 20.269 20.523 15 20.235 20.031 20.978 0.299 0.077 0.240
4 20.258 0.013 0.577 20.264 0.265 20.419 16 0.164 0.311 20.397 20.456 20.195 20.675
5 20.592 0.032 0.640 20.116 20.179 20.633 17 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
6 20.376 0.546 24.963 0.047 20.795 4.691 18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
7 20.014 20.658 0.431 0.030 20.391 0.577 19 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
8 20.115 0.368 0.287 0.104 20.446 22.002 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
9 20.096 0.034 0.031 20.207 0.286 1.150 21 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 20.440 0.348 20.095 20.061 20.170 20.513 22 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
11 20.285 0.022 20.917 20.441 20.086 0.280 23 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
12 20.416 20.463 0.189 20.129 20.282 20.096 24 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Table 11. Linear displacement of nodal joints.

No Geiger configuration New configuration No Geiger configuration New configuration

2500 N 500 N 2500 N 500 N 2500 N 500 N 2500 N 500 N

1 2.407 2.118 0.627 0.644 13 2.629 2.734 1.146 0.566

2 6.917 6.960 0.707 1.230 14 2.976 3.046 6.129 5.656
3 2.232 2.283 0.669 0.610 15 2.565 2.802 1.006 0.391
4 1.853 1.536 0.632 0.562 16 1.505 1.889 0.530 0.838
5 2.741 2.620 0.872 0.668 17 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
6 3.042 2.983 5.007 4.758 18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
7 2.716 2.665 0.787 0.698 19 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
8 1.897 1.522 0.481 2.054 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
9 2.234 2.288 0.106 1.203 21 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 6.982 6.898 0.569 0.544 22 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
11 2.113 2.395 0.961 0.529 23 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
12 1.559 1.836 0.650 0.325 24 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Sum 46.367 46.575 20.880 21.274

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