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Tense (eae IG) Tenge sar mer Raney ate FS BLT SSR Wate Tense. v ; oy Present pense Pas jense. future tenses 1 RIMS aaa vo aay Simple CATE) % conHinuous [progressive | Imperfech~ Carey] ay Sr ) 9 Perfec gor 4) Perfect Continuous (RY) Trey ger) Present Tense © simple Presen Tense t Ane, © Ter sgon Sou ey tA Tg. © Hes she, it, Vishal arch) + Ss SRT Ses ep oman, U— He goed Sega as sot TE. C Time Eapression) [ aeverb 5 occas ecasionally Seokely Seldon never offen elail my Sometime. usual 4 \ fe as ee a even Sunder ete, Pare Be Sees az eB Tey Bay. QD vishal —~ Gses_ Yoo te school vera 2 @ fs Gy @ enp @ ge & gees ) L ge i) te school Steuer [deity . y» L altos déink (olrink) a Cup of fea. 2 Parelga. meets Cmeet) fo archi every it ) Bsbesjni drites (write) a love letter to her Bpporiena Boy Rale® oy Geawey aeayrea- am is are do}does have/heve Ags & ay oe FROST Hey HHH AT aTSITA HT simple present tense. <1 Saar. vi Wo. 3 pe a ah — am jis] are as [were been do tap —d° [does had have Sgt have | has ned aren FT SET TS dv done, example ; ) 2 am ka keacher. 2) Sisha| is "y best Friend. 3 Hshwinf is md pticeet. 4) Thsy gre fm one Family. 9) He does (do) his work daily. 9) She does (do) her homework eveciaey. tpve [has a Use > posses /drink Jeat- D £ have Crave) Four girlfriends . 2 He Aas Chave) a “ey bajaj Scooper, 3) Smita has (have) too bayglowes in Negpar. D He drinks 4 Cup oF coffee ever yal > He has a cup OF coffee ever ydoy . hy 5) PanchaFula, Has Chave) breakfast Sonya at 8 otcleck. OP Sais anes drinks eleghj . = Shyam ahoeys has clesh}. Rule® af ae ae. af day Her 7 ay aeqfae ART © emey ene rere Aer >The €9rH moves (move) around the gun | aster 2 The Sun rises (rise) to fhe east. D water beils_ (boil) ap Jo0%. | — Garter 4) The meen moves Cmove) ground the earth, 8) He is boy. ° Granpat- is good doctor arate 4) We are friends , eb Ergttsh ier a RAP eT OAT F Say ATT aa Garena Ree 1) Born with silver Spoon CHAT ag} sao ath) » ever cloud has a gilver lines. Que: choose the correct Speen sentense . Sar coarsy ash trary Fey ame. Stil) Dater runs deep . do} does helping verb 2) Stil) joer TUN deep. reas ard ae ~ 2), fill waters run deep. Simple present tense 7 4) Stil] waters THNS deep. elo| does | did aT Saree ules ay ay aemaezy do/does & helping erb FEIsT er sider A AT ETT IS GIT EY ATHTITST saat do [doas ajay array YES rare rd- AT wy card oes does +g° qo do nee o He ares te schoo! everssay. > He does nob go to Schoo} everydey (not use a%eT) a) Does he Work hard ? dimple Present tense Te may. 3) De qee work hard 9 yu. mh. we oaT atears} aeatq- tere @ there. a &a ee a SaSt aqmaras flee Ae sta (1) aT d aT STE ectraarererd - rar. 2gO Here he Come (come) | ® ‘There She am Qo! @® Present Continuows Temse. ee Sub + amlisfare + 0+ ig +0 Te. Now, Righr nous ot this Hime zak His movement , at present Hime ,at me ,at present , ab present momen , at ever moment oa & Te wareey area Ber FAT AT TTT Sw sey ademas” Hath. 2 Gopal aloes goes. ge ta schoo) by bug bur Fight ow he is Walking (walk) te school as . 3) Sopan alaneys has Chave) clegh} but rigor noas he is ai (have) Rum. Rale@ wary cenge aca PARA asony ater F sips TY GaTeFHIGTIT ATT RATT Pe ° © Tam aching (meek) Hoe cor. today SDT ® eis Acing @® be settle rumba} . @ present Perfect Tense dub + have [has +V3 Te.t— Tush , Just now | recently , 80 far, Jer, toda SWOT this GRAIL d 40 T have,_had Chave) a Cup of tesmecrret ® Ye has Just talked Ctalk) to me Phone. ® Gopal has read (read) revit yunjoy novel this month. © « have passed (passed) the aegrse: ‘exam this year. © He has completed ceomplele) his work todey- ® seek the error 19 the Foltod ing sentence. cqopal has read mrityunjay novel last manth. — sb d I c ag AnewerD ® presen} Perfee- ConHnuouly Tense. Sou —— ‘ae Sub+ have/hag + been + vio ' ) Hehas been Bin Poy) cricker Since ae for 3 hours, 3) TREE been Working Cork) tn the field ance morning for ahoung, ® She has been coorking Caderk) On HIS projeck Since last month. arson eet Not? IT amy Ae enh ear ap Sar Pay sae aR MSH are. ©, Select the error of the Heel sentense. She has not been posting on this Project —— 8 - Bince lagt month . No error. & dq sol? 1- @ is on Qdear wer Aamga 4 aaay shay stern ea SH porns centr ary ae, Ber AL oral Bay affaoureg- ay ayerar atay Har. Past Fense SS © simple Past Tense age, ARTES before TOT aTee last BTey Tee ase ay esterday. D darjka ctended (attend) ma tecture. las month. Te. 2) Gopal always comes Ccome) late Cs-present tense) ciopal aneas came Ccome) lake last week . 8) Govinda. hed (have) His lunch some Hime Be. 4) Archi mer Cmeek) me beyore an hour. s) I ote (eat) 4 mango aeserey- 6) columbus discovered Celiscover) america in 1yq2. Rule® was were did had & az arg eT Hay HT AS Hee oT ASTER TENT SHAH oT. ) Pandit Jawaharlaf Nehru Was the first prime | mivister ot Andi. 7 Shiweli O28 __ the qrest king ©} maratha. Empire, aisha] did (do) his work last month, 4) Z _had Chave) 6 girlfriends i my college life. s) we had (have) our Lunch &ome Hme. ago: © had Chave) a glass of wisk? daily last — Rule® ae AaerAe- acer D Mahatma Phule started (stark) the first achoel of Airis at pune in 1848. 2) Maharshi Ff. R. Shinde ¢ounded — (gound) agian in 1923, D Pandit Tawahar al Nehra _qounded (qound) te Piss commission in laso. @ past continuows | Progressive. |] Imperfect tense. Sub + wWas/wWere + B+ ig x AT AHS sTUAaG morning evening aflernoery qos AT egy AHA His IMS TAHT SHA, OSS agqremraer wand) ray-aeg aratteapas} ap eresray aT oer. #008 Golds (He) to schoo! le Rai ATH SES » Dring was cord g Corite) a Jove letter to hae his girifriend last sundo evening, PT ® — dhen + STET STEN + AT AHS when his lunch. {® sr when cp Clause waq> omar sqqmes- oar a Ty 4RRIT sudden far asia) stor OTITT dear clouse = ere sameiegr one D when a opened the doo =) ped 2 Gaus Csee) the nese a) when IT Saus the Kiger > 7 "an Crun) auser Va. Va g : Past Perfect Tense salae] God Dory il gah airy Csimple Past) e) Siac ee} ajony * Fill io He blanks | Manuard sus clay ald Bay ged wd, (aR ay Aedy have had has cicdy AA. Sub t+ had + Vg OF eR ar araaier aay SANT we Ans Fee Tear HaHa apy BAT, ) The doctor discovered that , the patent had dunk we sas : hee — (drink) the poison. D she said tome," I failed # > He told jet me that he hod fells. vo % He ended his life because he hed lost Cloose) all Interest in life. Se + rep argaTe + FCT HAAS © Sefore +3 ve 9 Before I went qo) to Sjenmany > T hod lemenk Clears) vo. German | » Sefere I came to home, my Father had had Chave) 9, ~ his luneh. © Before he wrote to his Father jhe had spent Cspend) al) money . ® BPlen + yeh egeraee 4 TTEIT spa PT sau him flex he had erosred Ccvoss) the road. %) AFler I had learnt Clearn) Glerman ,T Went to SE ® SR CWT clause wee Noticed 6] agp Verh Fa Sr aatteyr cOMAT ACIP clause ney rss D when J came home ¢ NoWiced that omy Father 2 I noticed that 51 had| Forgotten Comer) "4 Engst fexh book. ye oer’ “e gor." efor ‘ oe ag SOD Past Perfect Cootinyous Tense S+ had + been + ¥ + ipg ae. ay por S} phrase Sf apreniler stecrataer Bee GAS AT OT aTRIHIT BT Past posfeck conk. tense J Fay D Rajesh had been reading Cread) the morityunjay novel for an hour Yesterday. 4 Gopal had been Datching Cedateh) the film ‘Brees for four houns last week. 3) Ashdini hod been comiiag Cutite) a love letter to her boyfriend for someHme last di Q. Select Ihe error of folloiny queshor) | Amol had been nat a beak ince gomeHime a _ b C d =— Ans; Cc Fue re Jens e © simple, Future Tense. Sub + Shall fasill 4 Ry Vy t | we +Gnall) you | you He | she|it/ they fusill TE qomorrous , aftes TART coming ae ae Next oaraTey , srQueraspqé ade D Sopan ail come Ceome) here pies) Sometimes. 2 Gopal asill a wl appear Corpem) tre mpee exon Tn(oeak jem) » Parsi esill_meep_ (weet) Archi Gein) sundig D Rejesh ual! waite Ceovite) a love letien to His ae (ommend, D4 shall sein” Cain) oy college: exh jar) ® Future continuous lense . Bub + Shall [usil) + be + ott fog AT mosning evening afteanoan 2 ape site gems” Sr seer AT AT aTRURTT anne -arey, ARTETA ; hool tommorow (Mornin of shall be going _ ge) fe 4 tommorow (@orripy (wakeh) a film next monday evenin 5 she ell be, studing tad) coming andy evening . + tomorrows Night 7 BIRR AT TOOT 7 Aer ae . aa earth Bur any aor sete Sey ar GRIT TY HOUT . thah type no. que. in future perfecr Tense Sub+ Shall |will + have +3 8. aT By df phrase Vatasie smasy ala. by + Time - FP. by + Sub — passive, D ey the end oF this month of Shall have Completed Complete) ™Y project, 2) @y the end of this june i will 2 He call have completed ( complete) his, desiree educatian . D Sopan osill have uxitten 0 sos, Catite) the thesis(Bp) next month 4”) th ji , ® e end of this week she wi have Jeph Tones Sl Cleave) pune. > &) in i ©G) the and of is Metth oT Shall have finished ¢ je0 R is’ me mes ee BIS IS C tins) Sour syllabus _ Future. Perfect Confinuows Tense. Subt Shall /usil] + have + been + uring TE. © For dt phrase srfdermres ter steamer: Ber ser a Fp. Ser, 0) They gsill have been acting caer) on this Stage(for)a. decade. Desh year . y He will have been acl Cdo) research (for)a month. Sf Shal) have been OS Cheoork) On His Project (fon nex} hoo year. achive to Passive Voice. (cha the ooice) = To {whome osrens}—by aan PT ae - with 1 damn avert Passive olotce cpxctiaff- fg amg aes Sey aaa ae 2) passive voice aaaatay eater end carta arated oTaTé cesta PAECHT What A aT whom A wee fara. 8) ay ohat F fSar ghom BH sey aq sae ar az arrarie eS Cobject) SH. ®) ay Rarer chat S eee Panay sar aT Brey sory ReSer Mek ary Red Ma Direct objech FETA. CHa Ser) 9 aq Bae whom A aaa Pasy AAT F ATG THT SIA AEST Safe grohy GAY, Stes Indivect opject FETIATT. (auras) * ar amr aes sah a teem ee eae © f[rchi rites « love letter to Parshja. —— SF ae] What 2 — wh love letter — Tair aEg (cisect objec See (Oho 2 — pavshya. — sefier wrof(sndivect objech) (sachin plays cell, —> saetay == oi S = 3 ap ee passive ayoice @Whom 9 & era ay. @ Sachin Plays evicker- a] Ob) > Alar. whale» occa Oe ere @ The moon Shines yn Ine. Ly ese adverb ow ob (HEP abc aurotr] cdhen where Wow owrmucdh Sunasr oy Be ® I Know : whom? —f object ©) The dog chased the boy- s v obj cohorn 2._/ change The Voice. © Present Tense © Simple Present Tense av—t Sub+ V(eles) +Obj PY. —> Obj + amJisjare +%g +by + Sub Go ov. —+> £ eat qa mango Pv. A mange is eaten by ME. © av te writes a letter. PY —> 4 letters is unjtten by him . ® present continuous tense Av sub + amlisfare + a Ling) + obj \ be; Pv—+ Obj + am | is|are + being +03 + yd +8ub 4 AV — He is eositing aleteg. Pv» # lettes is being written by reehim . @ present Perfect Tenge Ave Sub + Gavel hag) + 93 + obj Pu—* obj + have has + (Geen) +V9 + byt Sub. G AV— He has asiten a letter. P+ A leer has been usiitten by him. + ® present pewfecr continuous lenge 5Y¥— sub+ have has + been + V+ in + Obj PY sub+ have |has -+ Cs +03 —» pry. Serer. Qa ake. Past “Tenge Sse. DSS Post tee gy Sub + 92 + obj PV —> b&b) + was/were +03 + byt sub “A 8-V-—» He wrote a letter PV.—s 6 letter eas edatten by him, D Past continuous tense. BV» sub + wags /were + V+ Tn +0bj PV obj + was} were + being +3 + by 4 Sub GPU He wag writing a letter. PV —+ 6 letter wag being assitten by Him. 3 Past Pewfect tense BV— sub + had + 3 +0b) PV —> obj + had + been + o/g + by + Sub. He had writen a letter. P'I—> A letter had been asmiten by him . past pesfect conHnuous lense BY -—> Sub + had + been + pking + Ob) P-¥-—* obj + had + Seen > Geing 2 = pu. ete ae. ‘] cy Fujare “Tense =—— Simple future Tense. Wg nedel awallary sige esr gamer? 6b -dub + Shal} Jusill +.) + bf aus a Pot» obj + Shall jusill + be +a + bYt qo At He will write a leer. py 4 letter asill be written by cee him. fukire cCondinuous Tense 4.¥.—% Sub + shall [will +be + Oris obf pe.» Subt Shall Jusill + be ing + ---- err are Sr dead clouble ‘pe! ao TAG are Future Perfect Tense A-¥ —+ Subt Shall / will + have + Vg + Obj P-B—s Sab+ Shall /will + have + been +3 + by + Sub “qu He will have written a letter. P-v.+ A letter will have been written by him. uture Perfect continu tT Future Perfeck conlinuows Tense Av—* Sub + Shall /adill + have + been + aebinig+ obj P¥—> sub4 shall [will + have + bed Being —+ pow. Aer anf. omy ae Change Whe Voice sheer paatien sSentense. CoRINTE aTAT) Mes-No Guestiongs Wh” GuesHons vST TRIN TRAIT Helpin way arRITey Gea th ° Word rhe Sey 3 Aq aes a ame Das Ses-No gaat Gree dey other Sueshon late. aT Gieareay Syafh menfas Bar 287 aay sm. AT UAT Wh Que Feat]. q when @Eyyou geigg te y VU oS : cos Sergnar fen 1 Nibrarg @ 2 Ho Fou underskand my Larquages ey [eg = TET Ete » pid +1 = V2 = TET BIOS doldoes > am\is\are did 3 was\oere » Do does + ¥1 a ) Does he Write letter 9 bv.» aserive]> He writes a letter: PI A letter Ie coriten by him .f 1s a letter ms written by him ? 4% @— Did he write a letter PE CHET AIT) pb Was a leHer written 4 him ¢ ® 9v¥-—+ Is he corey a letters 9 pve Area letters being Written 4 him 9 Sule \ aren dfnaTay 89.4 Do [Does + gibt 11 +04) ? pe oe am Jig] are + obj +93 + bY SP e SHE FAST B-V--% Did + Sub+ v) + 0b) 2 PY —+ Was] were + obj + V3 + by +sub ? ig aoe] OV am fis lare [eoas | were + subt +4 a + obj @ 3 +03 TE, AHS py + I] is] are | was | were + obj + + by +Sab ? gf adarrare] PY Have [has|had + Sub t ola +0bj ? AT py» Have |has| had f obj + Geent vs + OY sub? cq Has he critten a letter ? Pv. Has a leer been writen bf him ? aren afters” AV Shoal) /usill + Sub + Vit Obj 2 pv shall Jasill + obj Gat V3 + by + Sub e gy ovr Dil he wrile o leHer g pa. will 4 Jeter be writen by him 2 | | Shall eae or wold avalany aime ester can | ° +h overt wet Com ‘ae. vill | 09 may | might must | dare ought to | NSS used to] 12 5m pv. Shail] | Shoutd Shalt) | Should can |could carn | could i would wsill | woulg wil | igh [oes9y] m meg Imig) + Mi mg mg mus dq ae 4 oye te shee ave da 7 © Nee used te » te “esate ots G avis Can T help Kou e P-t— Can you be helped by me 2 @ Av. coulg Sou ploy cricket 9 PV Could : ® 6-9-~+ You had worked 3 hours on this Project @®@ ava Shall T help You eg Shall you be helped b Gf BES "Wh ~ Question ° ah Question ‘ah word? 4p hy. + Sub +7 sob] +? Pv “oh ward? + ( pv. OAT ) 49 © Av. Why Doeg he write a leter P P¥.—* Why is a letter written by bim © ® pv.—s When Did he write a leHer e P-v.—+» When wasga letter ooritten by him 9 ® p.y.—+ why can T help you @ P.a}.—> wry Can 404 be helped by me @ Q Command Carrer 7 ) ls command wa MU + obj +be +3 P.Ve— > Leb +b} mmanded to +™.¥. + ORF p.ak-——» fou are co gar TEU wary For Parmar (mv) ay act af arey arash are spay, aT avrart Pv aarpeert etch © #sv.— Close the door | Ob) P.v¥.—* You are commanded to elose Whe door. pv.—s Let the door be closed, @ sv-—> change the ooice. pv.—s You are commanded to change the ooice. Pv—> Lek the voice be changed. ee @ avs Dive slowly . v P-Y-—* You ave commanded bo drive Slowly. ele START Obj present wer dX our anraray ST Pea. STAT 5 lek iT Pon- yer Arey. @Q@ AN—-+ Write a lettenr. —- You are. commanded to Write a letter. PVey Leh a letter be. writen | © 9-V-—> Release the Prisnor | P-v.—» You are commande) to welease the prisner. P-v—» Lek the prisnor be rea’ released. Request cea” 'D Please close He door. Pv. You are requested to close the door. 2 please , drive slowly, Pv» sou are vequasied fo drive slowly « 8) please , Git down. Pu Mou are requested tO sit down Q Inoteuch or Caarath) 2) Dorit {Close the door, Pv. —+ You are instructed Not to close the door. — Let the door not bte be closed. 2 Dont, drive testy : PY. —* “ou are Instructed not to drive pasty at 3) Don't , speak . P-¥-—» you are Instructed not bo speak. hv Dont +M-v -+ Obj pv. Leb +obj + not tobe +V3 PV. You gre instruced nat to + mv - +04) © Please. donk close the door. PU—* Sou are Tequegted nok to close the door- @ please ,dont open the door. Py-— You are requested not bo open he door. D command s You are commanded to 2) Please + You are requested to a) Don't 2 You ave Jnshucted ke Not to ) Please dont? You are requesked nok te q de Anpersonal assive ) Gropal sae thak sopan has a qietfatesel Obj CTH) pas 3 (is said) that gopan has a Gisifriend. Simple conHnusws Precent- 6y-* Sub + v, (eles) 0b} Sub + am] isfare + ting 044 nse pe ObjFamt is lare +¥q Obj + am] isjare + bein +V3 +by + Sub ¥ Tey +.8ub Past Sub + Vo +0b} Sdb} was fwere + V+ Ing +04j tense z Ob} . Obj+was}were + vg }+ wasfwere + being +9 thy +8ub thy +SUb future dub + Shall | will 4-v,+ obj “S oes M ++ obj Sub+ shaiyeuil] +65 Gay a. obj + Shall asi!) +be +3 Noe; . U bei tby 4 sub Pv: &epa sy 4 SN pesfeck Pewfed- Continuoay ‘s loein; Sob + have has 4+V3 40) sub+ have [hay + been +(@ting 3 ~ + obj ab + hve Inas heen onieaais +by + sub mS N Sub + had +vg + obj sub shed Gig . ~whbeen +0b' Ges Rig, éing 0b) + had + been +vV3 “+ by +sub py. dearer, Ss Sub + shal) [asi}] + have + V3+ obj eb shat Les + have {bea} ; bi ob} + shall fesill + have + been+ Vs By 9, “NL + byt Sub bag. a fe = Ky Aw. Pv. ) Le }es)}] ———— aw |i] are + V3 do [does+v, 2 va[didiv, ——_——._ das] were + V3 3) amisfare} was were am [isl are| was [were + being +Va tvting 4) have |has|had +¥3_ ———— have [has |had +been +g 5) Shall , Should Shall , should can , Could ean , could will , would asill 5 Dould 7 may . might be4vr must, dare must, dare, ought to ,need Shae to , Need USed to ,4o Used +o, to Arve. Pw, mn a me tm 9 reward —+ He. was given 4 reward) ~ “ee by the King 4 rewarg Das gro) hin by the king 4 2 know hi . J 7M oe ——+ He is resets me. 3 I beyghh my present sister —y @ present +> 9 Presen : F was boug ht (gor) my sister by me, My sister was bought a presenh by me. | » Smoke tilled the room ——> ; > oer ice ee The room was filled bye smoke. Pence. —+ The fence have. to be: vepeired ky us. 5) we have to vepair the © My unde qave Me me some goed advice —> < Va “Obj ~» «Twas given some geod advice by my unde. — gome geet advice, was giver @yre by mq uncle. aboub it ——> it Y we do somethin oygnk_to de " 4 . cometting about Tt ougnt to Ge dond) by us thak emygglers ake —? Jb is said thal- Sg lene a 2) They sd ames —— odke: a lor ea) . @_lob of money, bj Cit). . is maale by smugg Tt is satd thak a lor of Pa] ‘ J AB es, Y please go te the hall ——+ you are requested te go be the 4 hall job + \) They offered the boy a goed jo ad SS C8 a good job was offered () the bey by them, vy ode 71 e] A , —* The boy was offered a Gpod (joe by them. ") Prepares! Soursele for be Worst. > ou SSE Suggested to Prepare YeurseiP Foy the worst, > eb} yourserr Ge) Prepared for the worst, : ¥. yg Ce) to Oy By homesite. > Mg duty must be done hones ‘gate la) Someone saw you. eo ae AL. Some one Hey anyone eS a Pvagctiay one 2! 204 Da ot A - ~ tis clear tral You were seen. a) zene) Saas gee. — > You wWere seen fe “AN ebvoTeng} amar one ar Cone someone. Anyone , Noone, exemane Parte adh) Is) ‘They are are, nop goin: fo hold the conterence, d seam " > He cet the eonkerence fs nok ag bo be held by them. Ye Claimes that ae is 4 d fer Ne sicad fitness loo: a Pl ie . > Th Is claimed tha} Yoges is geod For piyeie dithese. SCout fog aay HGS IT t are SH at 4) Please épeak loud. — You are ~requested to speak ari People gar that he treders hea created’ a an artificial Qcsrcl) = Ma LFF cau = Aes set tah bradems hasl created an arikicial seartity, me > was pub Hak an artiticios si leart Scarcity hod beenweated 4 %) Stale thar fod cleat ihe (ders. o J a eonine fac be Clearly dteed. fate Hnet code clearly, gre commanded ig era: co —> rou are COMUSRS ——— 30) wh, > a5) eople at him ba ? Ry P Pie. ewe: 4 oy is he Layghked at by people g a) ; ? hy Sq that he is related ‘to (a senfor MEMEET Cf the loted fo “a senior Cabinek. Tt By <= - Ge. Th, said thak he is related to a senior membey % ‘s the cobineh. AG@—+ This said that a senior member of the. CabineR relabeg him. — ~ 22) Did his conduek shock your + were qou shocked 4 his condud- i) ig would fing t+ coe. — > It would be tindlad ye: hes ¢ “4 4 them, 24) You can ask her te cng, She can be eokeal te gi 2 aeerle AIS Us Ro slish | re ae we , Are teased english by Mr. kavale , English “is hough 1 ute bg Mr. Karate. a8) Dont fouch jp —* You are ‘instructed nok to touch tr. ~? Ler it be mot touched 97) Can we send this *8 Parcel ) air.@ — cad this m4 farce) be sent by air oo 2 28) They have added two hundred bookg to Me library | —+ Two hundred! books eae bee) added te the lib by them, 2) 5p eqineer is supervising the Dork. Asi sneer ‘ “ super visied *} an et —> The cork is_being ‘ K Nous, Swe cank bake up tris oor Gris work 62" not be taken up nou ly us. — 16 a) corresk fhe answer. _y Sou are cormman dest to corre > Let the answer be corrected . ct the ansurer- the college boll . ar) the vtudenty were decorakin, - - “ey 0 85 — The obj coege hall wag being decorates by the. Students . se) please. clon keep it mind, >You are requested not to keep ir. 34) Th decleared all the old houses in te Foun unsafe. + AN the old houses Yn the tawn Deve decleared unsafe by tem. as) Oho wroke Hamlek © — & Whom was Hemler writen ? Aon ayeurQ) Andi Oh Dard ‘8a aro d car tgardid hod Ya Bd cB cunteal P-U> opectini| By oho een. 46) Who broke tne glass R +t hom Was the glee broken 9 37) who wrote tHis letters @ —+ Sy When was this letter conten @ “) Aho. did jh 9. “* RY hom was 4 done @ © (re) should keep (ones) Promise % > Premise sheild be kepr . © This Shop sell radios | > Radios are sold in this Shep . ® the news Suprised me, + T was suprised ct this News | @® ed! covered He furniture —+> te Punnityre Was covered! ‘ cost | rect @ séiéot thet passive srom he above sentense | DO Unhaviolet lithts kills bacderta . options @ bacteria is killed «sit ullraviolee light. 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