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Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

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A comparative study of oriented perforating and fracture initiation in seven

shale gas plays
Andreas Michael, Ipsita Gupta *
Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA


Keywords: Oriented perforating strategies have been proposed as a method of suppressing fracture initiation pressures and
Orientated perforating optimizing the orientation of the initiated fractures, including a semi-empirical approach for predicting the
Fracture initiation pressure fracture initiation pressure for given in-situ stress conditions and the orientation of fracture initiation (longitu­
Fracture orientation
dinal or transverse-to-the-wellbore). In this study, a comparative analysis is made on the fracture initiation in
Shale gas
Reservoir stimulation
stress conditions found in seven prolific shale gas plays, Barnett, Bakken, Fayetteville, Haynesville, Niobrara,
Horizontal wells Marcellus and Vaca Muerta, for cases of horizontal wells drilled parallel to the least horizontal principal stress.
The developed semi-empirical approach is employed to determine the optimal perforation direction for each
play, targeting transverse fracture initiation and fracture initiation pressure minimization. This involves a nu­
merical model used to derive correction factors for closed-form analytical approximations from the literature,
which are used to evaluate the stresses acting on the perforation base. While the leak-off and breakdown
pressures can easily be pointed out from pressure monitoring, the fracture initiation pressures are not easily
distinguishable. Reliable fracture initiation pressure estimations are of importance to stimulation engineers
planning a treatment, as it controls the number and capacity of the injection pumps needed as well as being a
major input for computational modeling. For normal faulting stress states, transverse fracture initiation is best
promoted by perforations on the side of the hole, while for strike-slip faulting stress states, by perforations on the
top of the hole. When only longitudinal fracture initiation is possible, the fracture initiation pressure is mini­
mized from perforations on top of the borehole in normal faulting stress states and from the side of the borehole
for strike-slip faulting stress states. Fracturing fluid leakage around the wellbore makes transverse fracture
initiation harder and can also impact the fracture initiation pressures.

1. Introduction models underestimate pi , a parameter observed in laboratory and

field-scale studies to be highly sensitive to the pressurization rates
The industrial impact of hydraulic fracturing has been massive and is (Zoback et al., 1977; Weijers, 1995; Zhuang et al., 2018).
responsible for the advances in the development of tight unconventional Three-dimensional numerical models have been employed to assess
resources such as shale gas, which would otherwise be non-producible the validity of the model for fracture initiation from perforated well­
(Economides and Martin, 2010). Oriented perforating strategies have bores due to approximations involved in its derivation (Michael et al.,
been proposed for optimizing hydraulic fracturing treatments in hori­ 2020). Results of numerical simulations have been employed to develop
zontal wells (Kurdi, 2018; Michael, 2019; Michael et al., 2020). Accurate correction factors for analytical expressions for evaluating the tangential
prediction of the formation fracture initiation pressure, pi , is important stresses at the extreme positions on the perforation base, representing
in designing of a hydraulic fracture stimulation treatment and a major the longitudinal and transverse fracture initiation stresses (Michael and
factor to the treatment’s eventual success (Michael and Gupta, 2020a). Gupta, 2019, 2020a). The well is modeled as an openhole completion
Hydraulic fracturing operations in wells perforated at a single phase (microannulus between the cement and the surrounding rock, after
angle, can achieve treatment pressure minimization and optimal frac­ Behrmann and Nolte, 1998) with a cylindrical perforation. In-situ stress
ture initiation geometry maximizing the stimulation treatment’s net state, wellbore pressure, pw , and the formation’s geomechanical prop­
present value (Balen et al., 1988; Michael, 2019). Current analytical erties are considered as independent variables, all controlling pi , which

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (I. Gupta).
Received 12 October 2020; Received in revised form 13 December 2020; Accepted 6 January 2021
Available online 16 January 2021
1875-5100/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

is the pw value at which the tensile failure criterion is exceeded. The For a horizontal well, initiated fractures can assume arbitrary ori­
general semi-empirical approach for estimating fracture initiation entations but with reference to the wellbore can be bounded by longi­
pressures and the orientation of fracture initiation employed in this tudinal and transverse configurations. Following Hossain et al.‘s (2000)
study was first presented in Michael and Gupta (2020a). assumption that fractures initiate from the perforation base (i.e. the
In this study, seven prolific shale gas plays from the United States intersection point between the perforation tunnel and the wellbore),
namely the Barnett, Bakken, Fayetteville, Haynesville, Marcellus, and which is backed by the experimental results of Behrman and Elbel
Niobrara, and Vaca Muerta (Argentina) are modeled using predictions (1991), the orientation of fracture initiation is determined by the
from the true-3D numerical models (Michael et al., 2020). Values of pi magnitude of the tangential stress on the perforation base, σθθp (Fig. 1b),
for each play are predicted for fracture treatments in horizontal wells. in two extreme locations; parallel and orthogonal to the axis through the
Breakdown pressure, pb values from the seven shale gas plays are center of the wellbore. θp (Fig. 1b) is the positive angle on the perfora­
taken from the literature (Ketter et al., 2006; Hammes et al., 2011; Barth tion base, taken clockwise from the y-axis (the wellbore axis, parallel to
et al., 2012; Kosset et al., 2014; Schlumberger, 2014; Koskella et al., Syy and σ yy ). The tangential stress on the perforation base orthogonal to
2015; Lynk et al., 2017) and are used to predict pi values and the σ yy (θp = 0◦ on Fig. 1b) is the stress that should be overcome in tension to
respective orientation of fracture initiation for the shale gas play. Be­ generate longitudinal fracture initiation, hence called the longitudinal
sides wellbore trajectory, the results depend on perforation direction as fracturing stress, σθL . Similarly, the tangential stress on the perforation
well as the orientation of the resultant fracture initiation. For horizontal base parallel to σ yy (θp = 90◦ on Fig. 1b) is the stress that must be
wells drilled parallel to Shmin in strike-slip faulting regimes, the preferred overcome in tension for transverse fracture initiation to take place and is
perforation alignment (PPA) for promoting transverse fractures, thus called the transverse fracturing stress, σ θT (Hossain et al., 2020; Michael
along the preferred fracture plane (PFP) that maximizes the wells and Gupta, 2019; Michael et al., 2020). Fractures parallel to the well­
post-stimulation productivity. bore axis are longitudinal/“axial”, while fractures that propagate
Dimensionless plots are used to illustrate the results including orthogonal are transverse/“lateral” (Fig. 1c).
comparative analyses. The numerically-corrected analytical approxi­ Hydraulic fracture orientation impacts well performance following a
mations can be used to predict the pi in oilfield fracturing operations for stimulation treatment with transverse fractures enhancing the produc­
a given wellbore trajectory, perforation direction, and resultant fracture tivity compared to longitudinal (relative to a horizontal wellbore), un­
initiation orientations. less the latter are in higher permeability zones and frac-and-pack
operations (Economides and Martin, 2010). In this study, pb is used as an
2. Theoretical background independent variable for predicting pi and orientation for given in-situ
stress conditions.
2.1. Near-wellbore stress state and fracture orientation

The earliest derivation of stress concentrations for a circular hole 2.2. Fracture initiation, propagation, and closure
under uniform compression were given by Kirsch (1898) and were later
modified by Hubbert and Willis (1957) to incorporate biaxial stress Hydraulic fracture treatments need bottomhole pressure (BHP) and
loading and fluid pressure inside the hole. For a horizontal well drilled injection flowrate monitoring. At a steady injection flowrate, BHP in­
parallel to the y-axis, which is assumed to be parallel to the least hori­ creases linearly with time, but becomes non-linear when the injected
zontal principal stress, Shmin , and perpendicular to the overburden and fracturing fluid begins leaking into the formation (Fig. 2). The pressure
maximum horizontal principal stresses (Sv and SHmax , respectively) in a at which the leakage begins is called the leak-off pressure (LOP) and can
homogeneous, isotropic rock, the stresses on the wellbore radius, r = rw be measured reliably using data from “leak-off tests” performed during
were analytically defined by Zoback (2007) and are summarized on drilling. Despite the leak-off, the BHP continues to build up until a
Table 1. Fig. 1a shows the configuration of the radial, tangential, and sudden, distinct drop (Fig. 2) occurs at pb . Fracture initiation (initial
axial effective stresses (σrr , σθθ , and σ yy , respectively) on the radius of the crack) occurs at pi , at LOP < pw = pi < pb .
horizontal well. After breakdown, further injection makes the initiated fracture(s) to
θ is the angle around the wellbore cross section taken clockwise from extend from the induced crack(s). This happens at fracture propagation
Sv and ν is the Poisson’s ratio for the rock formation. Srr , Sθθ , and Syy pressure, pprop . Once injection stops the pressure drops, leveling off at
represent total normal stress concentrations and can be converted to the fracture closure pressure, pfc , which is considered a good proxy for the
corresponding effective stresses, σ rr , σ θθ , and σyy (fourth column) least compressive stress. For normal and strike-slip faulting stress states,
respectively by subtracting pore pressure, pp from the third column (Eq. the least compressive principal stress is Shmin .
(1)-(3)). Shear stress, σrθ (sometimes denoted by τrθ ), is zero at the While LOP and pb are distinct and easily observable by the practi­
wellbore radius (Eq. (4)). tioner on the surface during pressure monitoring, the pi magnitude is
often unclear, yet required for fracture modeling considerations. As
mentioned previously, fracture initiation occurs at pi , which can range
Table 1 from LOP to, and is often lower than, pb (Detournay and Carbonell,
Summary of the near-wellbore cylindrical stresses after Hubbert and Willis 1997; Lecampion et al., 2017; Bunger and Lecampion, 2017). One of the
(1957) modification of Kirsch (1898) solutions.
primary factors the pi value depends upon, is the orientation of the
Stress name Symbol Stress Effective Equation resultant fracture initiation with respect to the wellbore axis (Weijers,
concentration at stress number
1995; Hossain et al., 2000; Michael et al., 2018; Kurdi, 2018).
r = rw (r ≥ rw )
Multiple experimental studies using porous media (Zoback et al.,
Radial Srr Srr |r=rw = pw σrr |r = (1) 1977; Weijers, 1995; Zhuang et al., 2018) showed the pi and hence pb
Srr |r − pp magnitudes to be highly dependent on the injection flowrate used. Thus,
Tangential Sθθ Sθθ |r=rw = Sv + σθθ |r = (2) the higher the injection flowrate is, the higher the pi and pb are, for a
(“hoop” or SHmax − 2(SHmax − Sθθ |r − pp
given set of in-situ conditions.
circumferential) Sv )cos 2 θ − pw
⃒ ⃒ Operators are highly motivated in keeping pb as low as possible.
Axial Syy Syy ⃒r=rw = Shmin − σyy ⃒r = (3)
⃒ Formation breakdown in hard rocks exhibiting high tensile strength
2ν(SHmax − Sv ) Syy ⃒r − pp
cos 2 θ
values, under high in-situ stresses can be challenging, thus suppressing pb
Shear Srθ Srθ |r=rw = 0 σrθ |r ≡ Srθ |r (4)
will be highly convenient. Moreover, high pb values can compromise the
efficiency of perforation clusters in initiating fractures, leading to

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Fig. 1. (a) Stresses configuration on the radius of a horizontal well drilled parallel to Shmin . SHmax , Shmin and Sv are then along the x, y and z-axis, respectively. Shear
stress is not shown (σ rθ |r=rw , pw = 0). (b) Longitudinal σ θL and transverse σθT fracturing stresses on the perforation base (θp = 0◦ and θp = 90◦ , respectively). The well
is parallel to the y-axis with perforations parallel to the x-axis. (c) Fracture orientation configurations from a horizontal well, longitudinal (red) and transverse-to-the-
wellbore (blue). The variable r represents a distance from the center of the wellbore. This figure is modified from Michael and Gupta (2019).

uneven flow distribution between the clusters (McClure et al., 2020). If with PFP (El Rabaa, 1989; Weijers, 1992; Olson, 1995). This reor­
breakdown occurs in some perforation clusters earlier than others and ientation is induced by the magnitudes of the in-situ, far-field principal
pw decreases, it becomes more difficult to induce breakdown in the stresses (Sv , SHmax and Shmin ), which as the fracture propagates away
remaining perforation clusters. This is because pprop is lower than pb from the well, become more dominant as the near-wellbore stresses
(Fig. 2); the fracturing fluid following the path of least resistance would (Kirsch, 1898 modified by Hubbert and Willis, 1957) diminish (El
“prefer” to propagate an existing fracture than initiating a new fracture Rabaa, 1989; Hallam and Last, 1991; Owens et al., 1992; Weijers, 1992;
within the stage. Higher pb values accentuate this problem, leading to Olson, 1995).
inactive perforation clusters yielding no fractures (Miller et al., 2011; Fracture reorientation creates tortuosity in the near-wellbore region,
Michael, 2016). Limited entry techniques (Lagrone and Rasmussen, which can trigger serious completion-related problems, such as early
1963) are often employed to mitigate such effects, nevertheless if pb is screenouts. The reorientation point restricts proppant flow, which is
too high, then the effectiveness of these limited entry techniques is carried in the treatment fluid, something observed at the surface as a
challenged (Weddle et al., 2018; McClure et al., 2020). sudden rise in pump pressure. Another problem caused by the near-
wellbore tortuosity is fracture fluid leakages across adjacent stages
2.3. Problems triggered by longitudinal fracture initiation from horizontal during multi-stage fracture treatments. The results of a tracer test
wells (Barree and Miskimins, 2015) show fluid used in the stimulation of a
stage appearing in adjacent stages, despite all stages separated from
The PFP of a horizontal well drilled parallel to Shmin is transverse to each other using packers. Barree and Miskimins (2015) explain this by
the wellbore (Hubbert and Willis, 1957). Thus, longitudinal fracture longitudinal fractures, which penetrate an as of yet untreated stage,
initiation from these wells, in what is a non-PFP orientation, is expected providing possible paths of low resistance for fluid entry.
to lead to fracture reorientation at some point as the fracture is propa­ The aforementioned completion-related issues suppress the effi­
gating away from the wellbore in order for the fracture to get aligned ciency of a hydraulic fracture treatment, giving rise to production-

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

development (Barnett, Bakken, Fayetteville, Haynesville, Niobrara,

Marcellus and Vaca Muerta) are used to evaluate fracture initiation and
orientation. The values of σ θL |pw and σ θT |pw were calculated using pub­
lished in-situ stress state data (Prioul et al., 2011; Moos, 2012; Yang and
Zoback, 2014; Koskella et al., 2015; Kowan and Ong, 2012) shown on
Table 2 and are displayed on a stress polygon (Zoback, 2007) on Fig. 4.
The in-situ stress state of each shale gas play, is quantified by A∅ after
Simpson (1997), which varies from zero for extreme normal faulting
stress states to three for extreme reverse faulting stress states (Fig. 4,
modified from Lund Snee, 2020). For strike-slip faulting stress states,
1 < A∅ < 2 (Fig. 4). The parameter A∅ relates to the absolute stress
magnitudes by
( ) ([ ] )
1 S2 − S3 1
A∅ = n + + (− 1)n − (5)
2 S1 − S3 2

where, S1 , S2 , and S3 are respectively the most compressive, interme­

diate and least compressive in-situ principal stresses. Following Simpson
(1997), for normal faulting stress states, S1 = Sv , S2 = SHmax , and S3 =
Shmin , with parameter n = 0. Similarly, for strike-slip faulting stress
states, S1 = SHmax , S2 = Sv , S3 = Shmin , and n = 1. Finally, for reverse
faulting stress states, S1 = SHmax , S2 = Shmin , S3 = Sv , and n = 2 (Eq.
Frictional failure stability is determined by the Mohr-Coulomb fail­
ure limit which defines the bounds of the polygon on Fig. 4. This is given
Fig. 2. BHP variation with time during a typical hydraulic fracture treatment
by Jaeger et al. (2007) as
(modified from Zoback et al., 2003).
S1 − pp ([ ]1/2 )2
< 1 + μ2 + μ ≈ 3.12 (6)
related problems, such as poor, below expectations post-treatment well S3 − pp
performance. As a result, the overall net present value (NPV) of the
fracture treatment is negatively impacted (Balen et al., 1988). where μ is the friction factor for the rock fault. Byerlee (1978) estimated
μ ≈ 0.6, which sets the RHS of Eq. (6) equal to 3.12. If the fraction on the
LHS of Eq. (6) exceeds 3.12 fault slippage will take place, as a result of
2.4. The seven shale gas plays in this study shear failure, making the in-situ stress state considered (S1 and S3 ), un­
stable and virtually impossible to exist in the Earth’s subsurface.
Seven unconventional shale formations (Fig. 3) under current

Fig. 3. Map of the counties/provinces active on the development of the seven shale gas plays studied (Source:, filled using information from the
U.S. EIA).

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Table 2
Summary of the in-situ stress states and the formation pore pressure (pp ) of the seven shale gas plays studied (data taken from Ketter et al., 2006; Hammes et al., 2011;
Barth et al., 2012; Kosset et al., 2014; Schlumberger, 2014; Koskella et al., 2015; Lynk et al., 2017).
Shale play Location Sv (psi) SHmax (psi) Shmin (psi) pp (psi) S2 − S3 A∅
S1 − S3
Barnett TX 7215 4550 3900 3055 0.1961 0.1961
Bakken MN, ND, and Canada 10,605 10,302 8080 6666 0.88 0.88
Fayetteville AR and OK 5085 4388 4050 1913 0.3266 0.3266
Haynesville AR, LA, and TX 13,320 12,600 12,000 10,200 0.4545 0.4545
Niobrara CO, KS, NE, and WY 7102 5360 5025 3283 0.1613 0.1613
Marcellus NY, MD, NJ, OH, PA, VA, and WV 9152 9568 6656 4576 0.8571 1.1429
Vaca Muerta Argentina 8692 8856 6724 5330 0.9231 1.0769

Fig. 4. The in-situ stress state of each of the seven shale gas plays displayed on a stress polygon. The frictional limits on the polygon are drawn for a hydrostatic pp
gradient of 0.43 psi/ft.

Table 3 summarizes depth and pb values for each of the seven plays 3. Modeling of the longitudinal and transverse fracturing
using published data from published literature. These pb values provide stresses
the upper-bound of the “pi range” that is the pw range containing pi . Due
to unavailability of consistent LOP data for the seven shale gas plays, pp The semi-empirical approach used in this study for calculating the
replaces LOP as the lower-bound, such that pp < pi < pb . This leads to a fracturing stresses from perforated wells was first presented in Michael
wider pi range compared to the yellow-shaded region on Fig. 2. How­ and Gupta (2020a). Numerical modeling is employed to develop
ever, the authors advice caution when doing this, since low pi pre­ correction factors for closed-form analytical expressions describing the
dictions that are only marginally higher than pp could be unrealistic, due variation of the longitudinal and transverse fracture-inducing stresses
to these pi values been smaller than LOP (i.e. LOP > pi ), which cannot be with pw .
3.1. Closed-form analytical approximations

Hossain et al. (2000) proposed an approximation of the stresses on

the perforation base by performing a second “Kirsch analysis” using σ yy

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Table 3 ⃒ ⃒ ( ⃒ )
Summary of the average depth and pb values for the seven shale gas plays. σ θθp ⃒θ = σ yy ⃒θ,r=rw + σθθ |θ,r=rw − 2 σ yy ⃒θ,r=rw − σθθ |θ,r=rw cos 2θp + pp − pw
Shale play Average Fracture Estimated pb Source (7)
depth (ft) gradient (psi)
(psi/ft) with the longitudinal and transverse fracturing stresses (σ θL and σθT ,
Barnett 6500 0.60 3900 Ketter et al. respectively) hence defined (after Hossain et al., 2000) as
Bakken 10,070 0.90 9063 (2006) ⃒
Fayetteville 5000 1.10 5500 Schlumberger σ θL |θ,pw ≡ σθθp ⃒θ,pw ,θp =0◦ (8a)
Haynesville 13,000 1.00 13,000 (2014)
Niobrara 7500 0.85 6375 Lynk et al. ⃒
σ θT |θ,pw ≡ σ θθp ⃒θ,pw ,θp =90◦ (8b)
Hammes et al.
(2011) These quantities represent the tangential stresses on the perforation
Koskella et al. base (Fig. 1b) inducing longitudinal (σθL ) and transverse (σ θT ) fracture
(2015) initiation, when they become more tensile than the tensile strength of
Marcellus 6250 1.10 6875 Barth et al.
the rock. Michael et al. (2020) presents derivation of analytical ap­
Vaca Muerta 9500 1.18 11,210 Kosset (2014) proximations for σθL and σ θT from Eq. (7).
Kirsch’s (1898) theory is purely two-dimensional, assuming a state of
plane strain. Hossain et al.‘s (2000) idea of applying this theory twice in
and σ θθ as inputs (Eq. (7)) to derive an expression for σθθp . Assuming that an attempt to simulate a three-dimensional problem could not yield
the pressure in the perforation tunnel is equal to pw for a specific analytically-exact solutions for σ θL and σ θT . Hence, the derived expres­
perforation angle, θ sions (Eq. (8a) and (8b)) are called the “approximated” solutions of the
two fracturing stresses.
The fracture initiation equations are examined using numbers typical

Fig. 5. Variation of σ θL and σ θT with pw for the Marcellus Shale stress state. For perforations parallel to Sv the pb window is wider compared to perforations parallel to
SHmax (from Michael and Gupta, 2020b).

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

for the Marcellus Shale. The tensile strength of the rock formation, T, is on FLAC3D (Fast-Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions by the
assumed to be zero with ν at 0.32. The graphical solution of the two Itasca Consulting Group), was presented in detail by Michael (2019) and
fracturing stresses against pw , σ θL |pw and σθT |pw , is shown on Fig. 5 for the Michael et al. (2020). The true-3D numerical model was used to calcu­
Marcellus Shale, demonstrating the effect of pw on the two fracturing late the fully-exact solutions of σ θL |pw and σθT |pw , which features a 1/8th
stresses. The blue dash line on Fig. 5 (σ θT |pw from the top of the borehole block model of height, H, length, L, width, W and includes a cylindrical
along Sv ) is almost overlapped by the solid blue line (the dash is slightly wellbore of radius, rw , intersected by a cylindrical perforation tunnel of
lower than the solid line), that’s why it is virtually not visible. The radius, rperf . The block model’s relative geometry is stated in Fig. 6.
reason why the solid/dash line pairs (red and blue) are so closed to each The simulations performed using the true-3D numerical model
other for the Marcellus compared to other plays (later on Figs. 10 and showed the stresses on the perforation base with variation in the pw
11) is because the SV − SHmax anisotropy in the Marcellus is small (this differing considerably with Hossain et al.‘s (2000) analytical expressions
study focuses on horizontal wells drilled parallel to Shmin ). According to (Michael, 2019; Michael et al., 2020). In all simulations, pperf = pw .
this analytical solution (Fig. 5), as pw increases the σθT indicated with the Increased compression with increasing pw for σθT was interpreted to be
blue line stays constant but σ θL , indicated by the red line, becomes more caused by the interaction between the σrr around the wellbore and the
tensile (negative). The vertical axis range (from − 6 to +6 on Fig. 5), was σ rr around the perforation. The way those σ rr mutually interact alters the
chosen considering the values of σθL |pw and σ θT |pw for pw ranging from stress field around the wellbore, which in turn changes σ θθp from which
0 to 2.5Sv . Field-scale pb observations – highest pressure during a frac­ σ θL and σθT are calculated.
ture treatment – for the Marcellus Shale (Barth et al., 2012) are within The numerically-calculated exact solutions of σθL |pw and σ θT |pw for the
this range (Table 2 for the seven shale gas plays used in this study). geomechanical parameters of the Marcellus Shale (Fig. 7) shows σ θT
Being the highest pw reached during a hydraulic fracture treatment, becoming more compressive (positive) as pw increases and σθL becoming
the magnitude of pb is used to determine the orientation of fracture more tensile (negative), but at a shallower slope than what the analytical
initiation and constrain the pi range, along with LOP which for normal approximation (Hossain et al., 2000) dictates. This creates an additional
and strike-slip faulting stress states is an approximation of Shmin (thus, constraint to transverse fracture initiation besides the pb window. That is
LOP ≈ Shmin ≤ pi ≤ pb ). Following Michael et al.’s (2018) “pb window” critical tensile strength, Tcrit , which is equal to σθT |pw =0 and represents
concept, if pb (which is the highest pressure achieved during the hy­ the maximum T at which transverse fracture initiation is possible
draulic fracture treatment) falls within the region on the left of the σ θL (Fig. 7). At T > Tcrit , transverse fracture initiation is impossible, inde­
and σ θT lines (red and blue, respectively) on Fig. 5, transverse fracture pendent of the pb .
initiation occurs because within this region, σ θT < − T = 0 and σθT = Fig. 7 suggests that pressurization of the wellbore yields to transverse
σθL . For all purposes of this study, T = 0. If pb is higher than the inter­ fracture initiations from the top of the hole (θ = 0◦ , Sv direction) at pw /
section of the σθL and σ θT lines on Fig. 5, longitudinal fracture initiation Sv = 0.72, which justifies the use of oriented perforating in this direction
would occur because σ θL is more tensile than σ θT (i.e., σ θT > σ θL ). If σ θT > for the Marcellus Shale, despite the low anisotropy between Sv and
− T = 0 (i.e., compressive), no pb window exists for transverse fracture SHmax . The effectiveness of oriented perforating strategies is expected to
initiation. increase with (Sv − SHmax ) anisotropy (Kurdi, 2018; Michael et al.,
2020). Despite both σθL and σθT being less tensile than the rock’s tensile
3.2. True-3D numerical solutions of σ θL |pw and σ θT |pw strength for the entire pi range (σθL |Shmin ≤pw ≤pb > − T and σ θT |Shmin ≤pw ≤pb >
− T), transverse fracture initiation is expected because the σ θT remains
Numerical assessment performed using finite volume modeling more tensile than σ θL within the pi range (σθT |Shmin ≤pw ≤pb < σ θL |Shmin ≤pw ≤pb ).
(Michael, 2019; Michael et al., 2020) indicated these approximated Furthermore, for the entire pi range (pw /Sv = 0.72–0.75), σ θT from
solutions to be error-bearing. A “true-3D” numerical model (Fig. 6), built

Fig. 6. The true-3D numerical model written in FLAC3D and used to calculate σθL |pw and σ θT |pw for the seven shale gas plays.

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Fig. 7. Variation of σθL and σθT with pw for the in-situ conditions of the Marcellus Shale calculated by the true-3D numerical model with the yellow region indicating
the pi range (Shmin ≤ pw ≤ pb ).

perforations on top of the borehole (θ = 0◦ ) is more tensile than σθT from 3.4. Orienting perforations to promote transverse fracture initiation or
perforations on the side of the borehole (θ = 90◦ ). This makes θ = 0◦ the minimize pi
optimal perforation direction for the stress conditions on Fig. 7; the
perforation direction which promotes transverse fracture initiation best. The preferred perforation alignment (PPA) is a concept introduced
by Michael and Gupta (2019), where a perforation direction is identified
3.3. Numerically-developed correction factors as optimal considering the promotion of favorable fracture initiation
vis-à-vis orientation (transverse to a horizontal well drilled parallel to
Because the Hossain et al.‘s analytical approximations yield straight Shmin ). The PPA direction (Fig. 8) depends on the in-situ stress regime
lines for σ θL |pw and σθT |pw just as the three-dimensional exact solutions (Anderson, 1951). For normal faulting stress states such as the Barnett
do, the approximated expressions can be made to match the numerical Shale, PPA is parallel to SHmax (side of the hole), whereas for strike-slip
solutions by one hundred percent via the application of a set of faulting stress states such as the Marcellus Shale, PPA is parallel to Sv
correction factors. (top of the hole).
For each play at a fixed well trajectory, these correction factors vary Kurdi (2018) developed a computational model for predicting pb in
with perforation direction, θ. Therefore, two sets of two correction unconventional shale plays. The simulation results indicated minimum
factors are necessary to evaluate σθL |pw and σ θT |pw from the two perfo­ pb to occur for perforations parallel to SHmax for normal faulting stress
ration direction extremes; a total of four for a specific θ. For a well states and parallel to Sv for strike-slip faulting stress states – same as
drilled parallel to Shmin and perforated along SHmax (θ = 90◦ ), σθL |pw and PPA. Oriented perforating (Fig. 9) is a practically easy-to-implement
σ θT |pw are given by technique that can potentially exploit the performance variation be­
tween different perforation directions in order to promote favorable
σ θL |θ=90◦ = 9Sv − 3SHmax − Shmin + 2ν(SHmax − Sv ) − pp − 4pw + [Cm ]σθL |θ=90◦ pw fracture initiation, optimizing for either transverse fracture initiation
promotion or pi and thus pb minimization.
+ [Cc ]σθL |θ=90◦
Although the pb window concept implies that transverse fracture
(9a) initiation, when possible, occurs at lower the pb values, perforations
along PPA would not yield the lowest pi and subsequently the lowest pb ,
σ θT |θ=90◦ = 3Shmin − SHmax − Sv − (2 − 6ν)(Sv − SHmax ) − pp + [Cm ]σθL |θ=90◦ pw
presuming a direct correlation between the two (Zoback et al., 1977;
+ [Cc ]σθL |θ=90◦ Weijers, 1995; Zhuang et al., 2018) in scenarios were transverse fracture
(9b) initiation is impossible. When longitudinal fracture initiation is the only
possible outcome due to the upper-bound of the pb window being lower
where, Cm is ths correction factor on the slope of the σθL or σθT line with than LOP, then pi will be minimized from perforations orthogonal to
pw and Cc is the correction factor on the vertical intercept at pw = 0. PPA, in what is called the non-PPA direction (Michael and Gupta, 2019).
Similar expressions with their respective correction factors Cm or Cc can
be written for any well trajectory, as well as perforation direction.

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Fig. 8. The preferred perforation alignment (PPA) configurations for horizontal wellbores drilled parallel to Shmin under normal and strike-slip faulting stress regimes
(modified from Michael and Gupta, 2019).

Fig. 9. Oriented perforating configurations for horizontal wells drilled parallel to Shmin in locations under stress regimes that obey Anderson’s (1951) theory.

4. Results (Table 2) are shale formations located in the United States (Fig. 3) that
are under normal faulting in-situ stress states where Sv > SHmax > Shmin .
4.1. Normal faulting stress states The PPA for these formations is thus in the SHmax direction (Fig. 8).
Table 4 summarizes the Cm and Cc values for these five shale gas plays.
The Barnett, Bakken, Fayetteville, Haynesville and Niobrara Fig. 10 shows the graphical solutions of σ θL |pw and σθT |pw and the pi range

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Fig. 10. The exact three-dimensional solutions of σ θL |pw and σθT |pw for the five of the seven shale gas plays studied, which are under normal faulting stress states. The
yellow-shaded region shows the pi range (Shmin < pw < pb ).

bounded from Shmin (Table 2) due to absence of reliable and consistent initiation is expected from perforations at the top of the borehole, which
LOP data to pb (Table 3). This is because the Shmin represents the least is the non-PPA direction for normal faulting stress states (along Sv , θ =
compressive in-situ for either normal faulting stress states. 0◦ ), while for the Vaca Muerta Shale, fracture initiation is expected from
perforations on the side of the borehole (parallel to SHmax , θ = 90◦ ); the
4.2. Strike-slip faulting stress states non-PPA direction for strike-slip faulting stress states. The cases of the
Haynesville and Niobrara Shales are more complex (Fig. 10) with none
The Marcellus in the United States and Vaca Muerta in Argentina of the four fracture initiation lines crossing the line for T = 0 within the
(Table 2, Fig. 3) are two shale formations where the in-situ stress state is pi range. Thus, the most tensile of the four fracturing stresses dictates
strike-slip faulting with SHmax > Sv > Shmin . The PPA for horizontal wells fracture initiation and orientation. Hence, longitudinal fracture initia­
aligned with Shmin in these plays is parallel to Sv (Fig. 8). Table 5 sum­ tion is expected from the top of the borehole (Sv direction, θ = 0◦ ) in
marizes the Cm and Cc values for these two shale gas plays. The graphical both the Haynesville and Niobrara Shales (Fig. 10), which is the non-
solutions of σ θL |pw and σθT |pw is shown on Fig. 11, with the pi range PPA direction.
shaded in yellow bounded by Shmin and pb (Tables 2 and 3, respectively). The longitudinal fracture initiation predictions for the five of the
seven shale gas plays (Bakken, Fayetteville, Haynesville, Niobrara, and
Vaca Muerta), is expected to lead to either (i) premature termination of
4.3. Orientation of fracture initiation, pi , and optimal oriented perforating
the fracture growth, or (ii) reorientation as the fracture propagates away
from the wellbore (Economides and Martin, 2010; Michael, 2019;
Michael et al., 2020), when the in-situ (far-field) stresses begin to
Figs. 10 and 11 can be used to provide an indication of the (i) pi
gradually dominate over the near-wellbore stresses (Kirsch, 1898). This
value, (ii) orientation of fracture initiation, and (iii) the perforation di­
subsequently generates near-wellbore tortuosity, which can be
rection at which the fracture initiation takes place from each shale gas
problem-bearing yielding short-term completion-related problems, such
play. Table 5 summarizes these results for T = 0 and ν = 0.32. Trans­
as early screenouts and long-term production-related problems such as
verse fracture initiation is predicted only for two of the seven shale gas
poor post-stimulation well performance (Barree and Miskimins, 2015).
plays; the Barnett and the Marcellus (Figs. 10a and 11a), from perfora­
The modeling results provide motivation for the use of oriented
tions parallel to the respective PPA for each play (along SHmax , θ = 90◦
perforating strategies (Fig. 9) for either promoting transverse fracture
for the Barnett and along Sv , θ = 0◦ , for the Marcellus Shale).
initiation, or when transverse fracture initiation is impossible, mini­
Longitudinal fracture initiation is predicted for the Bakken and
mizing pi and hence suppressing surface pumping horsepower and
Fayetteville Shales (Fig. 10) as well as for the Vaca Muerta Shale
stimulation treatment costs. The flowchart on Fig. 12 presents the
(Fig. 11). However, for the Bakken and Fayetteville Shales, fracture

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Fig. 11. The exact three-dimensional solutions of σθL |pw and σθT |pw for the two shale gas plays that are under strike-slip faulting stress states. Similarly to Fig. 10, the pi
range (Shmin < pw < pb ) is shown by the yellow-shaded region.

procedure followed to determine the optimal perforation direction which σθL = − T), yielding minimum values at the corresponding non-
considering stress conditions from each shale gas play. These predictions PPA point for each play; θ = 0◦ for the Barnett and θ = 90◦ for the
are useful for completion engineers; fracturing operations in wells Marcellus. The four red points added on Fig. 13, indicate the numerically
perforated at a unique phase angle, can achieve treatment pressure corrected values at the two extreme perforation directions, for which
minimization or optimal fracture initiation orientation maximizing the correction factors were calculated (Tables 4a and 5a). Although not
stimulation treatment’s net present value. The fourth column on Table 6 overlapping the line, the relative trend is preserved with the non-PPA
indicates the optimal oriented perforating direction with the reasoning direction resulting in the lowest pi for longitudinal fracture initiation.
the reasoning stated on the fifth column. Due to the non-corrected version of σθT not containing pw terms, pi
Determining the optimal perforating strategy for promoting trans­ values for transverse fracture initiation cannot be calculated. The blue
verse fracture initiation may not lead to the minimum pi and vice versa. points added on Fig. 13 indicate the pb,upper (the smallest pw value at
Promotion of transverse fracture initiation suppresses near-wellbore which either σ θT = − T or σθT = σθL ) in regards to transverse fracture
tortuosity, which as mentioned earlier, can be highly problematic for initiation for the two extreme perforation directions for which correc­
fracture treatments (Economides and Martin, 2010; Barree and Mis­ tion factors were calculated (Tables 4a and 5a). For each shale gas play,
kimins, 2015; Michael, 2019; Michael et al., 2020). Nevertheless, there pb,upper is maximized along the PPA direction, suggesting that perfora­
are also numerous incentives for keeping pi minimum regardless of the tions oriented in this direction (θ = 90◦ for the Barnett and θ = 0◦ for the
orientation of fracture initiation. In extreme stress state magnitudes and Marcellus) enhance the likelihood of achieving transverse fracture
especially hard (high T) rock, fracture initiation per se, is difficult. High initiation. For practicality, all pi and pb,upper values reported are
pi leads to high pb , which can negatively impact perforation efficiency in normalized by Sv .
a multi-stage fracture treatment, where a main goal is to accomplish
uniform fluid flow between clusters. Reservoir layering and heteroge­ 5. Discussion
neity of elastic properties generate variance in pi and subsequently pb
across different areas of the reservoir even within the horizontal lateral 5.1. Leakage of fracturing fluid around the wellbore
of a well. If pb values are high, once fracture initiation is induced within
a few perforation clusters, pw falls off, making further fracture initiation For situations where fracturing fluid may leak around the cross-
from the remaining perforation clusters harder. Limited entry is often section of a wellbore (Alabbad, 2014; Barree and Miskimins, 2015;
employed to help mitigate this, but as pb increases, more and more Michael, 2016) generating possibilities of fracture initiation from all
limited entry is required, resulting in lower perforation efficiency and around the wellbore, the presence of the perforation must be “ignored”
eventually lower production. and the problem’s geometry is simplified to the extent at which a
Fig. 13 shows the variation of two types of fracture stresses against fully-analytical solution can be defined. If the perforation is ignored,

perforation direction (given by θ) for the Barnett and the Marcellus; pi σ yy ⃒pw and σ θθ |pw will determine the orientation of fracture initiation
for longitudinal fracture initiation and pb,upper in regards to transverse
substituting σθT |pw and σ θL |pw respectively, as the transverse and
fracture initiation. These are the two shale gas plays, where our analysis
longitudinal-inducing fracturing stresses (Fig. 14a and b). This “reduces”
suggested that oriented perforating can be used to promote transverse
the problem to that of drilling-induced tensile fractures (DITFs) for
fracture initiation. The two lines show pi for longitudinal fracture
linearly-elastic rock model (Nelson et al., 2005) and pi can be given only
initiation calculated without the correction factor set (the pw value at

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Table 4 for longitudinal fracture initiation, as

Numerically-developed correction factors for the shale gas plays, studied that [ ]
are under normal faulting stress states. pi |θ = min Sv + SHmax − 2(SHmax − Sv )cos 2 θ − pp + T (10)

(a) Barnett Cm Cc Perforation direction Using the Marcellus Shale as an example, σ yy ⃒pw > 0, thus both the pb
σθL |θ=0◦ 2.6752 − 13,157.54 Non-PPA
window and Tcrit constraints for transverse fracture initiation vanish,
suggesting that transverse fracture initiation is impossible for oriented
σθT |θ=0◦ 0.5226 1657.6 Non-PPA
perforating either along Sv (Fig. 14a) or along SHmax (Fig. 14b). Addi­
σθL |θ=90◦ 2.6794 − 28,013.4 PPA
tionally, the intersection point of σθθ and σ yy represents a compressive
σθT |θ=90◦ 0.5221 424.8 PPA
(positive) stress. This leads to longitudinal fracture initiation taking
(b) Bakken Cm Cc Perforation direction place at pw /Sv = 1.45 (Fig. 14a) and pw /Sv = 1.64 (Fig. 14b) for wells
σθL |θ=0◦ 2.5948 − 36,951.7 Non-PPA perforated along Sv and SHmax , respectively. This translates to a 190%
σθT |θ=0◦ 0.2513 2231.04 Non-PPA (Figs. 14a) and 228% (Fig. 14b) increase compared to pi expected when
σθL |θ=90◦ 2.6015 − 38,615.1 PPA no fracturing fluid leaks around the wellbore (Fig. 7).
σθT |θ=90◦ 0.2532 2121.06 PPA For the Barnett Shale, the fracturing fluid leakage analysis is pre­
sented on Fig. 15a and b. Similar to Fig. 11a and b, fracturing fluid
(c) Fayetteville Cm Cc Perforation direction leakage around wellbores perforated along Sv (Fig. 15a), makes the pb
σθL |θ=0◦ 2.5284 − 13,359.4 Non-PPA window to vanish, making transverse fracture initiation impossible
σθT |θ=0◦ − 0.0211 1152.86 Non-PPA during leakage. Longitudinal fracture initiation takes place at pi =
σθL |θ=90◦ 2.5289 − 17,090.3 PPA 1.97Sv (Fig. 15a), a 294% increase from the pi of the no fracturing fluid
σθT |θ=90◦ − 0.0207 892.44 PPA leakage scenario (Fig. 7). Nevertheless, for perforations along SHmax
(PPA for the Barnett Shale) the pb window does not vanish, yet still
(d) Haynesville Cm Cc Perforation direction
shrinks by 12% (Fig. 15b) compared to the pb window when no frac­
σθL |θ=0◦ 2.6829 − 46,534.3 Non-PPA turing fluid leakage occurs (Fig. 7).
σθT |θ=0◦ 0.5252 − 30.96 Non-PPA
2.6812 − 50,522.1 PPA
σθL |θ=90◦
5.2. Rock anisotropies and natural fractures
σθT |θ=90◦ 0.5231 − 345.66 PPA

(e) Niobrara Cm Cc Perforation direction Stress and elastic properties anisotropy will strongly impact fracture
propagation. Fracture initiation, which is the focus of this study, the
σθL |θ=0◦ 2.6826 − 16,631.7 Non-PPA
stress and elastic property values to the analytical expressions (Eq. (9a)
σθT |θ=0◦ 0.5244 420.59 Non-PPA
and (9b)) must hold true for the fracture initiation location, assumed to
σθL |θ=90◦ 2.6693 − 26,333.1 PPA
be the perforation base. Rock formations such as shale tend to exhibit
σθT |θ=90◦ 0.5244 − 365.28 PPA
vertical transverse isotropy (VTI) with E parallel to the bedding layers
PPA: along SHmax and Sv for a well drilled parallel to Shmin in a normal and strike- often much higher than perpendicular to the bedding (Waters et al.,
slip faulting stress regime, respectively. Location where transverse fracture 2011; Sone and Zoback, 2013). Studies (Karpfinger et al., 2011; Zhu
initiation is promoted the most. et al., 2014; Sesetty, and Ghassemi, 2018) showed that VTI in the elastic
Non-PPA: along Sv and SHmax for a well drilled parallel to Shmin in a normal and properties of the rock formation (such as ν) influences the magnitudes of
strike-slip faulting stress regime, respectively. Location where transverse frac­ σ θθ and σyy on the wellbore radius impacting DITF initiation. Conse­
ture initiation is least promoted. quently, σθθp on the perforation base will be influenced (and hence the
magnitudes of σ θL and σθT ), impacting fracture initiation from perforated
Table 5
Interactions between induced hydraulic fractures with natural frac­
Numerically-developed correction factors for the shale gas plays studied that are
under strike-slip faulting stress states. tures were examined in experimental and numerical studies (Lee et al.,
2015). The presence of a propagating hydraulic fracture may lead to
(a) Marcellus Cm Cc Perforation direction
either (i) crossing, (ii) divergence, or (iii) step-over, depending on
σθL |θ=0◦ 2.6824 − 33,289.8 PPA various parameters such as the angle at which the fractures meet and the
σθT |θ=0◦ 0.5243 875.22 PPA minerals present in the natural fracture, for instance calcite. Nonethe­
σθL |θ=90◦ 2.6815 − 30,979.2 Non-PPA less, this falls into topics related to fracture propagation, beyond the
σθT |θ=90◦ 0.5243 1068.98 Non-PPA scope of this study, which focuses on initiation. Concerning fracture
initiation per se, a natural fracture will have an impact only if it is located
(b) Vaca Muerta Cm Cc Perforation direction
on the perforation base, the fracture initiation point. This is a rare, but
σθL |θ=0◦ 2.6818 − 31,138.2 PPA possible situation and numerical models can be used to predict the
σθT |θ=0◦ 0.5235 1085.58 PPA outcome of such a unique occurrence.
σθL |θ=90◦ 2.6817 − 30,863.8 Non-PPA
σθT |θ=90◦ 0.5235 868.72 Non-PPA 6. Conclusions
a PPA: along SHmax and Sv for a well drilled parallel to Shmin in a normal and
strike-slip faulting stress regime, respectively. Location where transverse frac­ The goal of this study is to develop a predictive model for pi pre­
ture initiation is promoted the most. diction and the orientation of fracture initiation from perforated wells.
b Non-PPA: along Sv and SHmax for a well drilled parallel to Shmin in a normal and Numerically-developed correction factors are presented for closed-form
strike-slip faulting stress regime, respectively. Location where transverse frac­ analytical expressions for σθL |pw and σ θT |pw for stress conditions found in
ture initiation is least promoted. seven prolific shale gas plays. Based on the forgone analysis, the
following conclusions can be warranted:

• An oriented perforating strategy can be effective for optimizing

fracture treatments by either promoting transverse fracture initia­
tion, or suppressing pi and hence treatment pressures. An appropriate

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Fig. 12. The procedure used to determine the optimal perforation direction (Table 6, fourth column) considering stress conditions from each of the seven shale
gas plays.

• Only longitudinal fracture initiation is possible for the Bakken,

Table 6
Fayetteville, Haynesville, and Niobrara Shales and pi is minimized
Predicted orientation of fracture initiation, pi and optimal oriented perforating
for perforations in the Sv direction (non-PPA for normal faulting
direction for the shale gas plays studied.
stress states). Similarly, even though transverse fracture initiation is
Shale play Fracture pi (psi) Optimal Objective
impossible from the Vaca Muerta Shale, however pi is minimized
initiation oriented
when perforations are in the SHmax (non-PPA for strike-slip faulting
direction stress states). The predicted pi for the Bakken, Fayetteville, and the
Vaca Muerta Shales are respectively, 6,689, 3,643, and 6711 psi. The
Barnett Transverse <4754 SHmax (PPA) Transverse
Bakken Longitudinal 6689 Sv (non-PPA) fracture pi values for the Hayneville and Niobrara Shales are estimated to be
Fayetteville Longitudinal 3643 Sv (non-PPA) initiation higher than 10,200 and 3283 psi, respectively.
Haynesville Longitudinal >10,200 Sv (non-PPA) Minimize pi • Leakage of fracturing fluid around the wellbore, hinders transverse
Niobrara Longitudinal Sv (non-PPA) Minimize pi
fracture initiation and can significantly increase pi . For the Marcellus
Minimize pi
Minimize pi
Shale, fracturing fluid leakage is shown to shrink the pb window for
Marcellus Transverse <4615 Sv (PPA) Transverse
transverse fracture initiation by 12% and in other cases yield longi­
fracture tudinal fracture initiation at pi 190–294% higher than without any
initiation leakages around the wellbore. These effects can compensate multi-
Vaca Muerta Longitudinal 6711 SHmax (non-PPA) Minimize pi stage fracture treatments leading to short-term completion and
long-term production problems.
• Anisotropies in the rock formation and presence of natural fractures
level of caution in the basin-wide application of the results is advised,
should be put into consideration, especially if fracture initiation of an
as those are based on a single reference of the in-situ stresses, pp , and
unexpected orientation is observed. In this study, the impact of for­
pb for each of the seven shale gas plays.
mation anisotropies and natural fractures on pi and orientation was
• Transverse fracture initiation is possible in the Marcellus and the
not quantitatively evaluated.
Barnett Shales at pi lower than 4615 and 4754 psi respectively, and is
best promoted by perforations in the PPA direction (along Sv for the
Marcellus and along SHmax for the Barnett Shale).

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Fig. 13. Diagram showing two types of fracture stress; the pi for longitudinal fracture initiation and the pb,upper for transverse fracture initiation. In both cases
presented (the Barnett and Marcellus Shale gas plays), the pi for longitudinal fracture initiation is minimized for perforations in the non-PPA, while the pb,upper for
transverse fracture initiation is maximized for perforations in the PPA direction.

Fig. 14. Comparison between the longitudinal fracture-inducing σ θθ and the transverse fracture-inducing σ yy (dash-dotted lines) and σ θL and σθT for (a) perforations
parallel to Sv (PPA) and (b) perforations parallel to SHmax (non-PPA), for the Marcellus Shale. During fracturing fluid leakage, both the pb window and Tcrit for vanish
making transverse fracture initiation for the Marcellus Shale impossible.

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

Fig. 15. Comparison between the longitudinal fracture-inducing σ θθ and the transverse fracture-inducing σ yy (dash-dotted lines) and σ θL and σθT for (a) perforations
parallel to Sv (PPA) and (b) perforations parallel to SHmax (non-PPA), for the Barnett Shale. During fracturing fluid leakage, both the pb window and Tcrit for vanish for
(a) making transverse fracture initiation impossible, while for (b) both the pb window and Tcrit decrease, making transverse fracture initiation harder to achieve.

Credit author statement interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
Andreas Michael: Writing, Conceptualization, Methodology, Visual­
ization, Investigation, and Formal Analysis. Ipsita Gupta: Conceptuali­ Acknowledgements
zation, Writing, Investigation, Reviewing, Formal analysis, Supervision,
Funding acquisition. This research is supported by the Craft and Hawkins Department of
Petroleum Engineering at the Louisiana State University (LSU). Andreas
Declaration of competing interest Michael acknowledges graduate student support from Chevron. The
authors would like to thank Mark W. McClure of ResFrac Corporation for
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial helpful discussions.


A∅ relative stress magnitude

Cc vertical intercept (offset) correction factor
Cm slope correction factor
H simulation block height, L [ft]
L simulation block length, L [ft]
lperf perforation length, L [ft]
LOP leak− off pressure, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
n parameter used to claculate A∅ varying from 0 to 3 according to the stress regime
pb formation breakdown pressure, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
pfc fracture closure pressure, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
PFP preferred fracture plane
pi fracture initiation pressure, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
pp formation pore pressure, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
PPA preferred perforation alignment
pprop fracture propagation pressure, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
pw wellbore pressure, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
pperf perforation tunnel pressure, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]

A. Michael and I. Gupta Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88 (2021) 103801

r distance from the center of the wellbore, L [ft]

rperf perforation radius, L [ft]
rw wellbore radius, L [ft]
S1 most compressive in− situ principal stress, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
S2 intermediate in− situ principal stress, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
S3 least compressive in− situ principal stress, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
SHmax maximum horizontal principal stress, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
Shmin minimum horizontal principal stress, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
Srr total radial stress concentration, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
Sv vertical principal stress (overburden), ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
Syy total axial stress concentration parallel to the y− axis, ML− 1T− 2
Sθθ total tangential/"hoop” stress concentration, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
T formation tensile strength, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
W simulation block width, L [ft]

Greek Symbols
θ angle around the wellbore taken from Sv [deg]
θp angle around the perforation from Syy [deg]
μ friction factor (tangent of friction angle)
ν Poisson’s ratio
σθL longitudinal fracturing stress, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
σθT transverse fracturing stress, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
σθθ effective wellbore tangential stress, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
σ θθp tangential stress on the perforation base,ML− 1T− 2[psi]
σrr effective wellbore radial stress, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
σyy effective wellbore axial stress (y− axis), ML− 1T− 2 [psi]
σrθ effective wellbore shear stress, ML− 1T− 2 [psi]

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