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Information technology
Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and
telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data.
Information technology includes mobile phones, laptops, computers and all other
digital devices which are very addicting in a sense that people can’t live without
them. It has become the necessity of individuals and with increasing population,
I.T is used all over the world in trading, communications, transportations and
other kind of industries and corporations. IT has without a doubt taken over the
world, which is impossible to undo.

Background of the issue:

I.T has become important in business because it is everywhere in almost every
kind of business worldwide. The digital generation is addicted to technology and
we are fortunate enough to have the world at our fingertips. The usage of I.T has
spread vastly worldwide, even in rural areas.

Current situation:
We are living in a globalised world, our day to day activities are based on
information technology. The facilities and services of technology are getting better
everyday for our benefit, but can we survive without information technology?

Numerous Studies show that the digital world is controlling our lives without us
knowing it. It has become a part of our lives that we don’t even realize it has great
impacts on our lives. A research will answer the frequently asked question does
Information technology control/help our everyday life? And without its control
and access, will there be a chaos in the world?
How Does Technology Change Since 1970:
Technology has changed a pretty fair amount just over the last ten years, so
imagine how much it has changes since 1970 to now 2016. In today's society we
can't live without technology, we use it everyday for just about any reason.
We use technology sometimes without even realizing it. How many times have
you looked at your phone to check the time when there is a clock hanging on the
wall or a watch in your room or on your wrist? How many times have you checked
the weather on your phone rather than turn on the T.V. and watch the news? We
do these things because it has become the norm in our society it is faster to
glance at our phone to look at the time rather than reading a clock.

We rely on it to do homework,communicate with friends, and most people use

technology for work. If we did not have technology we wouldn't be able to get
some of our assignments done. We would be failing classes and losing
communication with our friends and peers. As in the 70s they didn't use google
classroom to see what assignments the teacher posted they had to write them
down. They did not type their essays they were handwritten most of the time.
They kept a planer to keep themselves organized and wrote down the dates of
important events they didn't have remind 101. Today most of us don't even know
what a planner is much less own one to keep us organized we shove papers into
our backpacks and binders, and rely on our technology to tell us when our next
test is. Most of us today have no organization in our life because we rely so much
on technology to keep us up to date on the latest news. While technology is a
good thing we still need to keep some of the same values that people in the 70s
had such as organizational skills. We can have and use technology while staying
and keeping ourselves organized. We don't need to rely fully on technology
because at some point we may not have it available to us at the moment such as if
you got grounded, lost your phone, or broke it, and we need to know how to
function and problem solve without it. Our society today is relying too much on
technology. We need to learn to take responsibility for some things we do and not
blame it on other things like technology.

Alternate Assignment -Research Paper Technology has really changed in a massive

amount from 1970 to 2016. The first mobile telephone call was 40 years ago on
the day of April 3, 1973. In 1970 nobody had wondered or even thought that
technology would come to be what it is today. There is something called “Moore’s
Law” the definition of it is that it’s the doubling of internet speed every 18
months. At today’s rate, according to Ray Kurzweil, a human will experience up to
20,000 years of progress in their lifetime, rather than 100 years which was about
the measurement in 1970. Kurzweil wrote this or said this in 2001 so i suspect
the number is way greater now. Kurzweil also says this “Just think about how
much things have changed in the past 10 years—wireless internet, smart phones,
Facebook and Twitter—and then try to imagine how vastly different things will be
in 2021, or even 2100.” In the year 2016 we have bluetooth and iphones.We even
now have watches that act like a phone and have most of the qualities that a
phone does, or at least the iphone. In 1970 they had block phones and black, grey,
and white tv’s. We now have tv’s with color but not only color, we have some that
have high definition and an edge or curve.A edge or curve is a tv that kinda makes
the screen pop out at you is is more clear to see or easy on the eyes, as if it were
in real life but glows more and looks a little better.

How Does Computers Change The Way We Think Essay:

Technology Is What You Make It The articles “How Computers Change the Way We
Think” by Sherry Turkle and “Electronic Intimacy” by Christine Rosen argue that
technology is quite damaging to society as a whole and that even though it can at
times be helpful it is more damaging. I have to agree and disagree with this
because it really just depends on how it is used and it can damage or help the
user.The progressing changes in technology, like social media, can both push us, as
a society, further and closer to and from each other and personal connections
because it has become a tool that can be manipulated to help or hurt our
relationships and us as human beings who are capable of more with and without
technology.Calculators, computers, appliances, and many more things were
created to help us. “The tools we use to think change the way in which we think”
(Turkle). This point that Sherry Turkle made in her article and it is true, in a way.
Computers do things for us and to us, that is also true. Some people like to blame
technology for a lot of things and they could be in the right or in the wrong for it.
“Technology does not determine change, but it encourages us to take certain
directions” (Turkle). Calculators, for example, are only a tool and people will
blame them when the answer they get is wrong. They are wrong though, since
calculators are only a tool, it means that they are the ones that messed up. If they
had done it by hand, there is a 99% chance that they would have done it wrong

Some people think faster than they can write or type but if you are a fast typer,
you could be faster on a computer and keep up with your thoughts and it will still
always be legible as opposed to paper where you most likely will have made some
chicken scratch trying to keep up with your thoughts. We live in a world where
simulation can be used for pretty much everything which can sometimes be
considered a bad thing, but honestly it is a necessity for a lot of things because it
is helpful. Computer simulations can help doctors train and learn to diagnose
patients. Simulations are or can be used in so many things like education, science,
entertainment, etc. and they are usually beneficial to us because they make us
capable of doing more things that we could have possible never been able to
without technology. Technology does seem to move too fast and maybe we
should mourn what we are leaving behind. But then again, people that like to
reminisce about the past can also be left behind like it. Sometimes, it is important
to stop living in the past and better your future. The articles “ How Computers
Change the Way We Think” and “ Electronic Intimacy” both made amazing
arguments, but like I said, it all depends on how technology is used.

Is Technology Detrimental to Society?

The more advanced technology becomes, the more of a toll it has on our daily
lives. Lee Siegel states that “we shop, work, play, love, search for information,
seek to communicate with each other and sometimes with the world online. We
spend more time online than ever before. Yet people are not arguing about this
startling new condition." It is my belief that due to the control technology has
taken over society, technology is ultimately detrimental to society as a whole.
As you are looking at a screen for hours at a time, you begin to stop “thinking”
foresay and get lost in the world of television, the internet, or whatever else you
are using with your piece of technology. Siegel refers to this lack of thinking as the
mind’s “placeless place”. Due to this lack of thinking and brain stimulation, the
intelligence of society is decreasing. On average, children from ages 8 to 18
partake in some sort of screen time for 7.5 hours a day, a record high. With the
including of multitasking with other devices such as cell phones, they spend about
11 hours a day. That’s more than the amount of time a day that student aged
children are in school on any given day. Consequently, the heaviest screen users
report feelings of boredom and depression, as well as family, school, and social
problems.Yet, somehow, we as a society accept this amount of technology usage
despite all of the consequences that are brought about due to high usage. Instead
of spending their time gaining knowledge and expanding themselves as
individuals, children spend an extreme amount of time in their “placeless place”
which may be highly detrimental to not only their social lives, but their grades. In
fact, it is proven that children who spend an excessive amount of time st...

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... of Needs. Actually, due to technology, we are hindered from meeting all of our
needs. With the ability to just text someone when you need them, you lose to
interpersonal connection brought on by communication. Our needs are not an
acceptable trade off for the conveniences of modern technology.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology:

Technology has changed modern society drastically, both positively and negatively.
Technology has influenced every aspect of our life, making it simpler but not
necessarily better. Albert Einstein was concerned about the advancement of
technology. "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction."1
Undoubtedly, what has changed the most are communication, the spread of
information, and how business is practiced. Consequently, practically everyone
knows how to use a computer, connect to the Internet, or use a smartphone. This
is demonstrated by the way the Internet is used daily by millions of people to
communicate, to sell, advertise, retrieve, and share information. Thanks to the
Internet, information from anywhere in the world is at our fingertips. As a result,
the advancement of technology has changed our life in many ways including;
sharing of information, communication, business, education, social interaction,
simplifying everyday tasks, replacing basic skills and jobs.

The Internet has made access to information easier. Information is stored

efficiently and organized on the Internet. For example, instead of going to our
local library, we can use Internet search engines. Simply by doing a search, we get
thousands of results. The search engines use a ranking system to help us retrieve
the most pertinent results in top order. Just a simple click and we have our
information. Therefore, we can learn about anything, immediately. In a matter of
moments, we can become an expert.

Society has seen many benefits and opportunities from technology. Examples of
the list of the benefits and opportunities include: keeping in touch with our
friends and family, making new friends, learning from a distance, and much mor...

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...ive for businesses because it helps them make more money and serve
customers on time, but it is a negative for those who are losing their jobs.
Society has been impacted both negatively and positively by technology. As a
result, every aspect of our lives has been influenced by technology. Hence, life is
easier, yet it has taken away some of the enjoyment. For example, remember the
days of less stress and more personal interaction, when there were no online
messages, no emails, social media or cell phones. We have become excessively
dependent on technology. As a result, we need to rely less on technology even
though it has made learning fun, and business, daily tasks, work, travel, shopping,
making new friends and staying in touch easier.

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