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T.E. - (Mechanical) (Sem-VI) (Revised Course 2019-2020)
Open Elective - Alternate Energy Sources

[Time: 3:00 Hours] [Max. Marks: 100]

Instructions: 1) Attempt questions from each part.

2) Attempt 2 questions each form Part A and Part B, 1 question form
Part C.
3) Assume missing data if any.


Q1 a. Write short note on beam and diffused radiation 5

b. State in brief the objectives of Jawaharlal Nehru National solar mission 5
c. Explain Pyrheliometer for measurement of solar radiation. 5
d. With respect to Indian context, explain the need & characteristics of renewable 5
energy source & challenges encountered in utilization it.

Q2 a. wind at 1 standard atmospheric pressure and 20° C temperature has velocity of 6

10 m/s. The turbine has diameter of 100 m and its operating speed is 40 rpm at
maximum efficiency. Calculate:
(a) The total power density in the wind stream
(b) The maximum obtainable power density
(c) The total power
(d) Maximum torque
b. Explain the Standalone mode of wind generators. 5
c. How flashed steam geothermal system is different from binary cycle system? 4
d. Explain Solar Still with neat sketch. 5

Q3 a. Explain Savanious and darrieus type wind turbine with neat sketch. 6


b. Find out an incident angle made by beam radiation with normal to flat plate 8
collector on 1st December 2019 at 9 A.M. The collector is located at a place
(28.58° N and 77.20° E) and tilted at an angle 38° with horizontal and pointing
due south.
c. Discuss advantages and different applications of Geothermal Energy source. 6
What are the prospectus of geothermal Energy in India?

(Answer any 2 questions)

Q4 a. Explain with neat sketch working principle of biomass gasifier. 8

b. List down and explain in brief different wave energy converting devices. 12

Q5 a. Describe an MHD open cycle system. What are the main advantages of an MHD 8
power generation?
b. Discuss working principle of fuel Cell. What are the applications of fuel cell? 6

c. Discuss benefits and prospects Biogas as alternate energy source in Rural India. 6

Q6 a. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Floating dome biogas digester. 8
b. Describe with neat sketch Claude Ocean thermal conversion system. 6
c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tidal power? 6


Q7 a. With neat sketch explain Solar vapour absorption refrigeration system. 5

b. Explain the components of fixed dome type biogas plant. 5
c. Explain Pyranometer with neat sketch. 5
d. Write short note on biomass briquetting. 5

Q8 a. A) Define the terms: 6

(i) Latitude (ii) incident angle (iii) Zenith angle
(iv) Solar azimuth angle (v) declination angle and (vi) hour angle.
b. Write a short note on "Vapour Dominated Geothermal System" 6
c. Describe the "closed cycle" OTEC system, with its advantages over "open cycle" 8

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