Detailed Lesson Plan in 21st Century Literature From The Philippines and The World 11

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Detailed Lesson Plan in 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World 11

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identify the geographic, linguistic and ethnic dimensions of Philippine Literary history
from pre-colonial to the contemporary.
b. Discover the features of the dimensions of the periods of Philippine Literature.
c. Discuss the three dimensions of Philippines Literature History.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Dimensions of Philippine Literature History

b. Reference: Philippine History Book (pp. 81-85)
c. Materials: Laptop, flash drive, projector
d. Values: Citizenship

III. Procedure:

A. Learning Activity

Teacher’s Activity Student Activity

A. Prayer
Let us pray first, anyone who wants to lead (One student will lead the prayer)
the prayer?

B. Greetings
Good morning class! Students: Good morning Sir!

C. Checking of Attendance
Miss secretary may I know who are the Class Secretary: (The secretary will stand and
absent for today? tell the absent)

D. Setting of Agreement
Ok class! Before we will start our lesson,
let me ask you first. What will you do if your
teacher here in front? Justin: Listen carefully Sir!

Very Good! Justin.

How about if you have an activity? Marrie: We should cooperate Sir!

Remarkable! Marie very well said.

E. Unlocking of Difficulties
Ok! Let’s move on to our first activity.
Marie kindly read the directions? Marie: Arrange the jumbled letters to form a

Ok! Did you understand the directions? Students: Yes Sir!

Jumbled Letters

IV. Motivation
Ok class! Let’s move on to our next
activity, our next activity is called Rock,
Paper, Scissors. I want you to choose your
partner, then hold your partner tightly. Listen
first my instructions.
(Teacher possess a question or a problem
and the learners discuss it with their partner.
Pairs will play “rock, paper, scissors” to
determine who will share the answer to the
big group.)


What can you say about Literature?

Pair 1: Answer the question and share to their

What can say about Literary? Pair 2: Answer the question and share to their

What can you say about history? Pair 3: Answer the question and share to their

V. Presentation
Out from the given activity that we have
done earlier, who can guess what is our topic
this morning?
Yes Alfred! Alfred: Our topic this morning it’s all about
Alfred, your answer is almost correct, who
has another answer?
Yes Dianne! Dianne: It’s all about Dimension of Philippine
Literary History.
Remarkable! You got the correct answer
Dianne, let’s give Aling Dionisia clap to
Dianne. Students: 1,2,3,1,2,3 very good 3x

Our topic this morning it’s all about,

Dimensions of Philippine Literary History.

In your own opinion, what is Literary?

Yes! Christian.
Christian: (Answer the question)
Very good! Christian, very well said.

How about history?

Yes! Marie Marie: (Answer the question)
Absolutely! You got the exact answer Marie,
let’s give wow clap to Marie. Students: 1,2,3,1,2,3 Wow!

Do you know what are the Dimensions of

Philippine Literary History?

Yes, Clint!
Clint: The three Dimension of Philippine
Literary History are Geography, Language
The three Dimensions of Philippine Literary
History are Geography, Language Ethnicity.

Geography – The study of places and the

relationships between people
and their environments.
Language – A system of commotional
spoken, manual (signed), or
written symbols by which
individuals express themselves.
Ethnicity – A nation that refers to social
entities sharing real or putative
ascriptive feature like a common
origin or cultural – linguistic

Do you have questions about the Three
Dimensions of Philippine Literary History?
Students: None Sir!
Ok! Very Good!

Again, what are the Three Dimensions of

Philippine Literary History?
Justin: Sir!
Yes, Justin! You are raising your hand!
Justin: Three Dimensions of Philippine
Literary History are Geography, Language
Remarkable Justin! and Ethnicity.

What is Language?
Carl: Sir!
Yes, Carl!
Carl: Language is a system conventional
How about Geography? spoken, manual.
Yes, Sheila!
Sheila: Geography is the study of peaces and
the relationships between people and other
Can you give me an example of geography environments.
Martha: (Answer the question)
How about ethnicity?
Yes, Marie! Marie: Sir!
Marie: (Answer the question)
What is the example of ethnicity?
Arnold: (Answer the question)
Ok! Do you have any question about the
Three Dimensions of Philippine Literary
Ok! Since none, let’s move on to the next
activity. Are you ready? Students: None Sir!

Students: Yes Sir!
Our next activity is called circle the sage.

Ok! Listen first my instructions I will group

you into three groups, group 1, 2, 3.

First, the teacher polls the class to see which

students have special knowledge to share.

The teacher will group the class into three. Group 1: Geography

Those students (the sage) stand and spread out

in the room in their designated area.

After going to the sage members will go back Group 2: Ethnicity

to their group and share what they have
learned from the different sage and they will
share to the class what they have learned. Group 3: Language

Did you understand?

Students: Yes, Sir!

Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of your answer in the blank before each

_________1. It is considered the imaginative works of poetry and prose.

a. Literature b. Convention c. Genre d. Art
_________2. This dimension of Literature tells us about places and the relationship between
people and their environment.
a. Ethnic b. Geographic c. Linguistic d. Form
_________3. This dimension of Literature refers to social entities sharing real or putative
features like a common origin or cultural – linguistic legacy.
a. Ethnic b. Geographic c. Linguistic d. Form
_________4. This dimension of literature is related to a system of conventional spoken, manual
a. Ethic b. Geographic c. Linguistic d. Form
_________5. This period can be associated with religion and propaganda.
a. Pre-colonial b. Spanish c. Japanese d. America


Directions: Research about Pre – Colonial Period (10 pts.)

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