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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675


Inconel 718 produced by laser powder bed fusion: an overview

of the influence of processing parameters on microstructural
and mechanical properties
Ana Marques1,2 · Ângela Cunha1,2 · Mariana Rodrigues Silva1,2 · Maria Isabel Osendi3 · Filipe Samuel Silva1,2 ·
Óscar Carvalho1,2 · Flávio Bartolomeu1,2

Received: 31 May 2022 / Accepted: 4 July 2022 / Published online: 27 July 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2022

The substantial growth of laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) technology has partly been driven by its opportunity to provide
high-performance complex design solutions with outstanding benefits for the aerospace industry. The key opportunities
for metal additive manufacturing in aerospace applications include significant cost and lead-time reductions in addition to
the possibility of highly efficient complex and lightweight designs. Inconel 718 (IN718) alloy is one of the most common
materials usually employed in rocket engines, turbine blades, and turbocharges. The high geometrical complexity of the type
of components demanded a detailed exploration of the LPBF of IN718 parts in the last years. As-built and post-processed
IN718 LPBFed parts are covered both in terms of the processing parameters as for the metallurgical and physical properties
and the mechanical properties (tensile, hardness, and fatigue properties). These complex inter-relations are presented in such
a manner (graphs and tables) that can act as engineering tools for helping engineers and designers to obtain near-net-shape
parts made of IN718 with the desired properties. This comprehensive overview of the influence of LPBF processing param-
eters on the final properties of IN718 alloy allows understanding that there is no straightforward relation between energy
density and final properties of LPBFed IN718 parts. Thus, the combination of different parameters must be considered and
studied individually based on the requirements of each final application. Based on these observations, challenges and future
opportunities are also highlighted for the LPBF production of multi-functional IN718 aerospace parts.

Keywords Laser powder bed fusion · Inconel 718 · Mechanical properties · Microstructural properties · Aerospace

1 Introduction strength, corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures, and

excellent wear resistance. Moreover, the oxidized protective
Nickel-based alloys are usually used in aerospace compo- layers formed in nickel-based alloys are known for enhanc-
nents, such as rocket engines, turbine blades, and blisks that ing mechanical performance [3].
are subjected to extremely demanding operating conditions IN718, one of the most common alloys employed in
in terms of temperature and pressure [1, 2]. These alloys are the aerospace field, is a Ni–Cr-Fe alloy with a composi-
considered unique, over titanium or steel, due to their high tion of 50–55 wt% of Ni, 17–21 wt% of Cr, 4.8–5.5 wt%
of Nb, 2.8–3 wt% of Mo, 0.65–1.15 wt% of Ti, 1 wt% of
* Ana Marques Co, small additions of Al (0.2–0.8 wt%), and Fe (bal- ance) [2]. Conventionally, IN718 alloy has been produced
1 by wrought, cast, and powder metallurgy methods [4].
CMEMS – Center for Microelectromechanical Systems,
University of Minho, Azurém 4800‑058, Guimarães, However, these manufacturing processes revealed some
Portugal severe disadvantages, such as excessive tool wear (due to
LABBELS – Associate Laboratory, Braga, Guimarães, the presence of abrasive carbides) and low removal rates
Portugal due to IN718 high hardness and low thermal conductiv-
CSIC – Institute of Ceramics and Glass, Campus ity. Moreover, traditional manufacturing processes are not
Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain efficient to produce complex IN718 structures with high

5652 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

dimensional precision (e.g., turbine blades with internal The mechanical properties are strongly affected by the
cooling channels) [4]. Due to the high demand for IN718 microstructure and it is known as extremely important to
complex specimens’ high mechanical properties at ele- know how the laser processing parameters influence men-
vated temperatures, LPBF technology has attracted much tioned properties. In opposition, the literature lacks a review
attention in several industrialized exigent fields including correlating microstructural and mechanical properties of
aerospace and automotive, among others. LPBF is one of LPBFed IN718 specimens. In this sense, this paper can be
the manufacturing techniques that use high-energy laser useful as engineering tool for researchers and designers who
(continuous or pulsed) to melt metallic powdered beds. intend to produce high-quality IN718 specimens by LPBF.
After solidification of the melt pool, a new powder thin
layer is deposited, and the laser melts the new powder
bed. This cyclic process is repeated until the part is built 2 LPBF: processing parameters
up [5, 6].
IN718 specimens obtained by the LPBF technique have A laser is used as heat source in LPBF process aiming to
unique advantages compared to other techniques, such as heat up and fuse metallic materials [20]. There are three
design freedom and dimensional precision. These com- main types of lasers: ­CO2 laser, Nd: YAG fiber laser, and
ponents are generally designed with complex geometry to Yb: YAG fiber laser. The Yb: YAG fiber laser has bigger
implement their functions, and additive manufacturing has absorption bandwidth than the Nd: YAG which contributes
irreplaceable advantages in fabricating these components to lower the thermal requirements, and thus, increase the
[7–9]. Laser-based additive manufacturing techniques have lifetime for diode lasers. In this sense, the Yb: YAG crystal
also revealed some disadvantages such as pores, unmelted lasers are projected to substitute the Nd: YAG for high power
powder, and lack of fusion between built layers that influ- diode-pumped laser [5, 20].
ence the densification of the specimens leading to powder The microstructure and mechanical properties of LPBFed
contaminations or voids, and consequently, leading to a IN718 specimens are strongly influenced by the following
decrease in the mechanical properties [5, 10]. Some stud- processing parameters: laser power (P), layer thickness (t),
ies have reported that the mechanical properties of LPBFed scanning speed (v), and hatch spacing (h) and are schemati-
IN718 specimens are comparable to conventional manu- cally represented at Fig. 1a. These processing parameters
facturing methods (cast or wrought) [7–9]. In this regard, and the absorptance of powders to the laser irradiation
processing parameters, such as power and scanning speed, strongly influence the energy density that is disposable to
strongly affect the microstructure and, consequently, the heat and fuse the IN718 powders. During LPBF process, the
mechanical properties of the specimen. heat capacity and latent heat must be considered since they
IN718 alloy comprises a face-centered cubic (fcc) matrix are greatly influenced by the material properties and pro-
of γ-Ni, which is considered the base phase, with interme- portional to the amount of IN718 powder to be fused. When
tallic phases, such as fcc γ′ ­Ni3 (Al, Ti, Nb) and ordered the selected processing parameters’ combination results in
tetragonal γ″ ­Ni3Nb. The microstructure could also contain low input energy (usually when low laser power, high scan-
needle/plate-like δ phase, composed of ­Ni3Nb, that precipi- ning speed, and large layer thickness are employed), ball-
tates at grain boundaries and irregularly shaped Laves (Ni, ing effect is observed due to the absence of wetting ability
Fe, Cr)2(Nb, Mo, Ti) and precipitates MC carbides (Nb, Ti) of molten pool with the previous layer [21]. On the other
C [11, 12, 157, 159]. hand, low scanning speed and high laser power values often
The microstructural and mechanical properties can be result in a large amount of material evaporation and keyhole.
improved by applying post-processing methods such as Moreover, low hatch spacing may lead to some porosity in
heat treatments (solution, aging [13], or hot isostatic press- as-built specimens because close melt lines do not fully melt
ing (HIP) [14]) or surface treatments (shot peening (SP), together. Therefore, the adequate combination of scanning
ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT), or barrel finishing (BF) speed, laser power, layer thickness, and hatch spacing is cru-
[15–18]). cial for LPBF processing to build highly densified parts [5]).
In this sense, heat treatment processes are frequently used As shown in Fig. 1b, the LPBF is a manufacturing process
to increase the precipitation of γ″ and γ′ phases. Moreo- based on a laser beam interaction with a powder bed leading
ver, in high-temperature conditions, Niobium segregation to melting and formation of a liquid pool. This interaction
is potentiated, which leads to the formation of Laves phase leads to the occurrence of several physical and microstruc-
having the main elements (Ni, Fe, Cr)2(Nb, Mo, Ti) needed tural phenomena - there are gas expansion, solid-liquid-vapor
for precipitation strengthening (γ″ and γ′). It is essential transition, and intrinsic heat treatment. The combination of
to improve the material’s strength, ductility, fatigue, and both thermal fluid and powder particle dynamics enhances
creep-rupture properties and to avoid easy crack initiation the incident of damage mechanisms such as cracking [22].
and propagation [7–9, 19, 155]. The heat employed by the laser source is partially gone by

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675 5653

Fig. 1  a LPBF process param-

eters: laser power, scanning
speed, hatch spacing, and layer
thickness (based on [5]). b
Scheme of the physical and
microstructural phenomenon
and main defects generated
during the LPBF process (based
on [22])

evaporation, convection, and radiation on the surface. The phase, and low amount of alloying element segregation. On
evaporation (represented by metal vapor in Fig. 1b) occurred other hand, a high LED can increase the size and shape of
when the boiling temperature is surpassed and thus should be the melt pool [25].
controlled mainly when applying high laser power and low The energy density affects significantly the size and shape
scan speeds. The convective phenomenon occurs due to the of the melt pool as well as the microstructural features of
fluid flow inside the metal pool and is impelled by the ther- LPBFed IN718 specimens. Consequently, the mechani-
mal gradients in the free melt surface. The radiation effect is cal properties of the final specimen are also influenced by
usually negligible stating that the melt pool size is very small the energy density and the number of processing param-
when compared with the entire part [23]. eters is not uniform in the selected studies in this discus-
The energy input in LPBF can be quantified by energy sion; the comparison of the results will be done considering
density (ED). The measure of ED can be determined for linear energy density ( P∕V). The common outputs found
lines, areas, or volume as shown in Table 1 [24]. Some stud-
ies did not present the layer thickness and/or hatch spac-
Table 1  Linear, areal, and volumetric energy density [24]
ing, so the areal or volumetric energy density could not be
calculated. In this sense, the linear energy density (LED), Energy density Equation Unit
as a combination of energy power ( P ) and scanning speed Linear P J∕mm
( v ), was used to compare the studies. It is known that LED v
Areal EDah = P
influences the microstructural properties of LPBFed speci- vh
EDah =
mens. Low LED results in a refined and equiaxed grain, vt
Volumetric EDV = P
high porosity (due to lack of fusion), low amounts of Laves vht

5654 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

in most studies were densification (density, porosity, and 2.2 Machine model, part dimensions, and property
void sizes), microstructural (grain sizes (GS), dendrite arm measurements
spacing (DAS), and phases fraction (PF), among others),
and mechanical (the yield (YS) and ultimate tensile strength Most studies reported other relevant information such as the
(UTS), tensile elongation (TE), Young’s modulus (YM), and machine model, part dimensions, and property measurement
hardness) properties. directions. Different machine models used in the studies col-
lected were EOS [14, 27–58], Renishaw [16, 59–64], SLM
2.1 Powder features 280HL [57, 65–68], SLM250HL [69–71], iSLM 150 [24],
3D Systems2 ProX DMP 320 [72], and EP-M100T [73].
The effects of powder features (particle shape and size dis- NOURA M100 [74, 75], EP-M250 3D [76], and SLM Real-
tribution) on the powder flowability and packing capability izer II 250 (MPC-HEK) [77] equipped with a continuous
were not explored on the studies which reported the pro- wavelength (CW) Ytterbium fiber laser were also reported.
duction and characterization of IN718 LBFed specimens. The property measurement directions have been evaluated
Most of the studies reported a particle size ranging from to assess the anisotropy features originated by the LPBF
15 to 45 µm with spherical shape. However, the correlation process. Some studies have reported the influence of the
between powder behavior and the densification level and anisotropy features of LPBFed IN718 specimens on the final
microstructure and mechanical properties were not reported. properties as well as on the post-processing process (such
The powder characteristics must be a requirement due to its as machining cutting forces) [24, 78, 79, 156]. Liu et al. [24]
influence on the final part quality and mechanical proper- produced three types of specimens - in horizontal, diago-
ties. Gorji et al. [10] compared parts printed from virgin nal (45°), and vertical building directions (as represented
and recycled powders in terms of its hardness and YM. The in Fig. 2) aiming to study the influence on the melt pool
hardness values of as-built parts from virgin and recycled shape, microstructure, and mechanical properties. Regarding
powders decreased by 30%, from 5.34 to 3.78 H, and the YM microstructure features, they concluded that transverse and
decreased by 20%, from 189.3 to 149.8 GPa, respectively. longitudinal cross-sections presented both track segments
The shape of the powders is an extremely relevant aspect and fish scale morphologies and that the ultimate strength
in LPBF process since it influences the contact areas between and ductility were not affected by the texture created dur-
powders and, consequently, the flowability. The spherical ing LPBF process. The specimens revealed mechanical ani-
powders have the minimal contact areas neighboring pow- sotropy, being the specimens produced along build direc-
der particles (when compared with the irregular or angu- tion those who presented the lower YS and UTS (592 and
lar-shaped powders) which create lower internal friction 900 MPa, respectively) and the highest YS and UTS (702
force, needing the least force to flow [26]). Table 2 shows and 999 MPa) along diagonal direction.
the hall flow rate, the density, and the mechanical properties
of specimens produced from both virgin and recycled pow- 2.3 Build platform and protective atmosphere
ders. The hall flow rate was lower in specimens produced
from recycled (29.47 ± 0.42 s (50 g)−1) than virgin powders However, some other relevant aspects should be considered
(28.35 s·(50 g)−1) since recycled powders tend to deform such as the build platform aspects and the type of protective
over time and ceased to have a spherical shape. The density atmosphere. The selection of a suitable build platform mate-
values in the specimen produced from recycled specimens rial is usually considered an important aspect to soften the
(8.1803 ± 0.0035 g/cm3) were slightly higher than from virgin warping and distortion that may arise due to the high pro-
powders. On the contrary, all the mechanical properties evalu- duction temperatures [80]. Distinct build platform materials
ated were higher in specimens produced using virgin powder were reported in the studies collected. Five studies [24, 40,
(microhardness 325 HV, YS of 1210 MPa, UTS of 1404 MPa, 61, 81] used stainless steel, three studies used carbon steel
and elongation of 18.5%). However, the difference was not [28, 71, 82] and IN718 [30, 83, 84], and only one used alu-
significant since the recycled powder was properly sieved and minum [73]. Preferably, the platform material should be the
saved in an environment with the humidity controlled [26]. same as the built part (so, IN718) to ensure a homogeneous

Table 2  Hall flow rate, density, Material Hall flow rate Density (g/cm3) Mechanical properties
and mechanical properties of (s (50 g)−1)
LPBF parts using the virgin and Microhardness 0.2YTS (MPa) UTS (MPa) Elongation (%)
recycled IN718 powders [26] (HV)

Virgin 28.35 ± 0.32 8.1794 ± 0.0059 325 ± 12 1210 ± 25 1404 ± 32 18.5 ± 1.6
Recycled 29.47 ± 0.42 8.1803 ± 0.0035 321 ± 17 1178 ± 31 1369 ± 35 17.4 ± 1.7

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675 5655

Fig. 2  Tensile specimens

with different build directions
(horizontal, diagonal (45°), and
vertical (based on [24])

heat flow and contractions/dilations and a greater chemical protective atmosphere also is relevant to remove the evapo-
affinity at the first printed powder layers and to avoid the dif- rating material by flowing flow of inert gas [94].
fusion phenomenon. The use of supports, which are removed Bean et al. [95] studied the influence of argon and nitrogen
posteriorly, can mitigate the effect of printing materials dif- protective gas influence on microstructure and mechanical
ferent from the platform materials. properties of IN718. It was concluded that the IN718 speci-
The preheating of the build platform is important to mens LPBFed under nitrogen gas revealed a substantially
reduce the thermal gradient, homogenize the microstruc- larger grain size than those printed under argon atmosphere,
ture, and, consequently, improve mechanical properties to which was attributed to the thermal behavior of the gas and
avoid residual stresses on the specimen [85]. The direct its reactivity with the melt pool or weld spatter. Also, each
contact with the build plate promotes a larger cooling type of gas has a distinct potential for attenuation of the laser
rate for the bottom than for the top layers, creating a tem- beam effect which also affects the microstructure features as
perature gradient across sample thickness that affects the grain size. The IN718 specimens built under nitrogen gas
microstructure features [86]. Thirteen studies [12, 36, 40, did not reveal the increase of the number of nitrides or dis-
41, 47, 49, 53, 63, 74–76, 87, 88] reported that the plat- solved nitrogen in the LPBFed specimens. The heated-treated
form was heated to 80 °C, and one study reported 100 °C specimens revealed a similar distribution of nitrides as as-
[71], 150 °C [54], and 200 °C [70]. Moreover, the heat built specimens and it appeared not to have an unfavorable
extraction is also achieved through support structures that impact on microstructure and mechanical properties [95].
fixed the specimen to build the platform, preventing the The obtained porosity under nitrogen atmosphere was higher
emergence of defects. Sometimes, the specimens are heat- than under argon atmosphere, decreasing from 0.23 to 0.05%.
treated while connected to the build platform to relieve The specimens processed under argon atmosphere have 4%
residual stresses. higher YS results than specimens processed under nitrogen,
Another relevant aspect is the protective atmosphere used increasing from 1110 to 1159 MPa. The obtained UTS of the
during the fabrication that aims to limit the level of oxida- specimens produced under argon (1403 MPa) were higher
tion. Usually, an inert gas covers up the powder bed allow- than under nitrogen atmosphere (1383 MPa).
ing it to dilute the existent oxygen or other impurities (e.g.,
humidity) [80]. The majority of studies used argon [12, 14, 2.4 Scanning strategies
16, 25, 31, 33, 34, 36, 39, 42–45, 51, 54, 57, 59, 62, 65, 69,
70, 77, 81, 82, 84, 87–92] as the protective atmosphere. One The design of the scanning strategies strongly influences
study reported nitrogen [28] and another vacuum [93]. The the microstructural properties of the produced specimens

5656 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

and, so, the mechanical properties. The use of different island strategy produced specimens with higher density
scanning strategies can be very beneficial for inducing (8.20 and 8.11 g/cm3) than continuous strategy (8.10 and
different microstructural features (fine and coarse grains) 7.98 g/cm3) and, consequently, lower porosity percentages.
in different zones of the specimens and building micro- Specimens that were fabricated using continuous strategy
structural properties’ gradients between regions [66]. Five revealed pores due to lack of fusion, which can indicate that
studies [29, 71, 96–98] applied strip strategy, eight studies the scanning speed was not adequate to obtain a fully densi-
[55, 74, 75, 93, 97, 99–101] reported island strategy, and fied sample. To reduce porosity, the island strategy should
six studies [28, 31, 38, 45, 58, 91] reported bi-directional/ be preferred to the continuous strategy for lower scanning
zig-zag strategy (Fig. 3). Two studies reported continuous speeds because it reduces heat input and consequently the
[75, 97] and s-cross [36, 39]. Gu et al. [46] and Delcuse evaporation of the powder due to high temperature during
et al. [59] strategies were reported in only one study. the process. Lu et al. [101] considered 600 mm/s, 180 W of
The microstructure and mechanical behavior of LPBFed power, a layer thickness of 30 µm, and linear energy den-
IN718 at room temperature can be optimized by the choice sity of 0.3 J/mm (see Appendix 1) compared different island
of a suitable scanning strategy. The model of a “band” sizes (2 × 2, 3 × 3, 5 × 5, and 7 × 7 ­mm2) in terms of YS and
heating influence across each “island” rather than “moving UTS (MPa) and TE (%) (Fig. 4). The results revealed that
point” heating has been proposed as a potential strategy to the larger the size of the island, the lower the YS and UTS.
reduce residual stress of the LPBFed part once it affects Otherwise, the elongation increases with island size, from
the crystallographic orientation and crack formation [103]. 2 × 2 to 7 × 7 (Table 3).
Wan et al. [39] showed that both the grain structure and The authors reported that small island size potentiated the
size strongly impact the mechanical properties of the pores and cracks and so less dense specimens (98% of theo-
LPBFed IN718. The scanning strategy influences the heat retical density) were obtained than for bigger sizes (99%).
flux direction between successive layers and so allows to The increase in elongation was attributed to the appearance
control of the microstructure features [39]. For example, of shallow dimples with deeper and larger average sizes with
when the specimens are produced by rotating 90° the scan the increase of island size [101]. The morphologies of the
strategy between each layer, the heat flux direction rotates LPBFed IN718 specimens revealed that for 2 × 2 specimens
as well. Moreover, the grain growth is more prominent, (Fig. 6a) the island shapes and the respective borders are
and a strong cube texture was developed. This scanning not visible, and a good metallurgical bonding was verified,
strategy produced a directional columnar grain structure. contrarily to the remaining specimens. For all specimens
Otherwise, if scanning strategy direction is maintained a considered, the melt pool boundaries of the tracks are identi-
bimodal grain structure is developed once the heat flux fied (marked by a white rectangle). Despite the cracks usu-
direction is similar for each layer. ally nucleate and propagate in the overlap zone between two
Amirjan and Sakiani [75] considered scan speed of adjacent tracks, such cracks were not detected in the other
500 mm/s, power of 170 W, a layer thickness of 30 µm, and specimens, suggesting that the 2 × 2 island scanning strat-
linear energy density of 0.34 J/mm (see Appendix 1) and egy is susceptible to trigger defects in overlap areas that
evaluated island and continuous scanning strategies under are high-stress concentration zone. This occurs because the
the same set of processing parameters. It is observed that overlap area is normally exposed to repetitive fast remelting

Fig. 3  Three scan strategies: a unidirectional (strip), b bi-directional/zigzag, and c island scan (reproduced from [102])

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675 5657

Fig. 4  Tensile stress–strain curves of IN718 specimens and respective grain morphologies at a 2 × 2, b 3 × 3, c 5 × 5, and d 7 × 7 island scanning
strategies (adapted from [101])

and solidification processes which results in a larger ten- The core area is usually printed with higher power
sile and compressive stress during LPBF. Moreover, the and spot size when compared with the skin region once it
high number of pores enhances crack propagation which reduces the build rate while maintaining the final mechani-
could easily influence the results. The optical morphology cal properties. The skin area is produced with a small beam
images also showed the elongated microstructure shape in diameter to guarantee the precision and surface quality of the
no defined directions, several fine dendritic grain sizes, and part [105]. In conclusion, it can be concluded that real-life
cellular and columnar structures resultant from fast solidifi- components can be produced with an optimized build-up
cation rate during the LPBF process [101]. rate and, consequently, increase productivity [106].
The skin–core strategy consists of splitting the part
into an inner and outer core, applying distinct processing
parameters to each area (Fig. 5). Usually, the skin scan
3 Influence of processing parameters
defines the boundaries of the part and the interior is ful-
on as‑built specimens’ properties
filled applying a core strategy. The core strategy plays an
important role since it will have the greatest impact on the
This subsection aims to summarize all the relevant aspects
final properties of the part [97]. Three studies [99, 104,
of LPBFed IN718 specimens in as-built condition discrimi-
105] used different parameters when considering skin,
nated in Appendix 1.
core, and contour regions.

3.1 Densification and microstructure

Table 3  Effect of island size on mechanical properties of LPBFed
IN718 alloy [101]
Metallurgy and physical properties are strongly related to the
Mechanical properties Island Size (mm) material final properties. In this sense, this subchapter aims
2×2 3×3 5×5 7×7 to explore and discuss relevant densification and microstruc-
ture aspects for posteriorly being related to the mechanical
YS (MPa) 804.2 800.5 770.5 772.5
properties of the IN718 LPBFed parts.
UTS (MPa) 1076.5 1075.0 1064.5 1065.0
Densification is one of the main parameters considered
TE (%) 16.90 21.05 22.35 25.30
to assure the quality of the LPBFed specimens. The studies

5658 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

Fig. 5  Schematic representation

of skin–core strategy - skin,
core, and contour regions

considered in this review revealed high densification values is favored by the thermal gradient between distinct struts of
ranging from 99.34 to 99.95% [28, 44, 69, 82, 107, 154]. the cellular structure that induces surface tension, extreme
This parameter is also presented in terms of density results evaporation (and so, internal porosities), and high rough-
that varied from 7.98 to 8.20 g/cm3, considering 500 mm/s ness. It is known that the balling effect occurs essentially
of scan speed, 170 and 30 W of power, a layer thickness of at low volumetric energy density values once the sintering
30 µm, and linear energy density of 0.34 and 0.40 J/mm temperature decreases and potentiates the partial melting of
respectively [24, 75, 96], therefore very close to the theoreti- the powder particles, a deterioration of the wetting effect
cal IN718 densified specimens (8.20 g/cm3) [108]. Small, and, consequently, creating large balls of adhered powder
circular, and disconnected pores were observed, resulting to the laser track. On the other hand, the metal evaporation
from processing gas entrapped (gas bubbles) in the molten and sputtering in the melt pool are potentiated by high laser
pool [12, 90]. Moreover, irregularly shaped pores formed power values [113].
due to lack of fusion between built layers were reported [68]. The microstructure of the IN718 parts can strongly affect
Although the majority of the studies revealed porosity val- mechanical properties such as yield and tensile strength,
ues lower than 1% [62, 65, 70, 75], a study [109] achieved ductility, hardness, or fatigue resistance. Huang et al. [114]
a higher value of 7.10% by using a scanning speed value of reported the production of a LPBFed specimen by using a
900 mm/s, power of 370 W, and a linear energy density of scanning speed of 800 mm/s, power of 350 W, a layer thick-
0.441 J/mm (see Appendix 1) [109]. In high-temperature ness of 40 µm, and so, the energy density of 0.438 J/mm (see
operation conditions, the thermal expansion of the entrapped Appendix 1). Figure 6a shows the grain morphology along
gas or lack of fusion between layers enhances the internal the X, Y, and Z planes (build direction) of as-built LPBFed
stresses [69, 110]. IN718 specimens. It is possible to observe the typical colum-
The production of IN718 cellular structures by LPBF has nar grains along the build direction (Z) with rod elongated
been reported in literature aiming to achieve lightweight and shaped grains. In XZ and YZ planes, it is possible to observe
high strength aerospace components [59, 111, 112]. Calleja- equiaxed grains (irregular grain morphology). Figure 6b, c
Ochoa et al. [112] have reported the production of cellular show the laser tracks at the ZY and XZ planes. Literature
structures in low weight but with the needed mechanical have reported that the processing parameters have a great
properties, considering several processing parameters. impact on the melt pool definition. The low power to scan
Delcuse et al. [59] produced a cellular structure, using a speed ration can enhance a discontinuous melt pool or the
scanning speed of 450 mm/s, laser power of 180 W, layer formation of balling [28].
thickness of 30 µm, and linear energy density of 0.4 J/mm. The cooling rate difference between the top and bottom
The cellular structure revealed powder melting and balling layers strongly affects the microstructure. The bottom layers
effect - the creation of spherical drops instead of melt pools have a higher cooling rate due to the contact with the build
along the scan tracks - on struts. The balling phenomenon platform and so, the microstructure differs along with the

Fig. 6  Microstructure of as-

built LPBFed IN718 in three
perpendicular planes - X, Y,
and Z directions (adapted from

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675 5659

building height. The bottom region (with a larger cooling coarse and elongated columnar grains are transformed into
rate) tends to create equiaxed grains and the top region (with equiaxed grains with fine microstructure [25, 122]. When
a low cooling rate) with high thermal gradient tends to create favored the results shown in Fig. 8a, large range of mechani-
planner grains [115]. cal properties for each LED range can be found which can
In Fig. 7a, b, the yellow arrows represent the growth indicate that the energy input is not enough to understand the
direction of dendrites that differs in different zones. In mechanical properties and also each processing parameter
as-built condition, there has been a reported insignificant has its relevance.
amount of γ″ and γ′ (Fig. 7d) when compared with heat- The mechanical properties of the LPBFed specimens
treated specimens [107]. Similarly, the δ phase, which is were slightly higher than DMDed and cast specimens.
formed mainly because of the microsegregation of Nb and However, the ductility measured in the LPBFed specimens
Ti, was not often identified [37, 38]. Some studies reported through tensile elongation at rupture is in the range of the
the occurrence of precipitation of Laves (Fig. 7c) [27, 99] conventional processes [123]. Casted specimens showed an
in interdendritic regions [30, 81, 89] rich in Nb and Mo ultimate tensile strength lower than for the DMDed speci-
[63, 73]. The Laves phases are prejudicial for mechanical mens which can be attributed to larger grains within cast
properties since it promotes segregation of Nb. Usually, heat parts [124]. These coarse grains are promoted by low cool-
treatments are applied to dissolve Laves phase to release Nb ing rates during the casting process which outcomes in a
segregations and precipitate γ′ and γ′′ [114]. reduced amount of grain boundary strengthening and con-
Figure 7c, d present Laves phases in interdendritic regions sequently decreases the material’s strength (according to the
and the EBDS (electron backscatter diffraction) map where Hall–Petch equation).
mainly coarse columnar grains are observed, respectively Some studies compared the YS, UTS, and TE of the LPB-
[114]. Fed parts in three distinct build orientations, vertical, diago-
nal, and horizontal (Fig. 9), to conclude about the isotropy
3.2 Mechanical properties of mechanical properties.
In Fig. 9, it can be seen that the specimens built in the
This subsection relates the processing parameters with the Z direction (vertical) presented lower YS and UTS (and
physical and microstructure properties, previously dis- high ductility) when compared with the diagonal and hori-
cussed, and the final mechanical properties - fatigue, yield, zontal. The tensile property differences between vertical
and tensile properties and hardness - of the IN718 LPBFed and the remaining build directions can be attributed to
parts. The mechanical properties of LPBFed specimens are the variation on cracking mechanisms when the specimens
compared with other competitive techniques (which also were loaded with columnar grains parallel or perpendicu-
allows to build complex design with dimensional precision) lar to tensile load direction (vertical) [126]. The angles
and the conventional techniques (with low removal rates, between tensile load and the directions of the columnar
high tool wear, and design restrictions) (Fig. 8). grain boundaries strongly impact the mechanical proper-
Generally, studies pointed out that high LED leads to ties since columnar grains are a pathway by which stresses
higher densification (low porosity due to lack of fusion), can be accumulated and result in specimen failure.
which induced superior mechanical properties [25]. How- Hardness is a very important property once it influences
ever, it is known that the combination of processing param- the operation lifetime of the component. Figure 10 shows
eters influences the densification and also the increase of hardness results for several linear energy density ranges
the LED leads to relevant changes in microstructure since similarly to tensile results. It can be observed that there

Fig. 7  SEM image of as-LPBFed IN718 microstructure in a XZ and mainly coarse columnar grains and fine grains around them (repro-
b XY planes. c Brittle Laves on XZ plane in the interdendritic region duced from [114])
with chainlike morphology. d EBSD grain map on XZ plane with

5660 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

Fig. 8  Tensile properties - a YS, b UTS, and c TE - of as-built IN718 comparison with other additive technology - DMD (direct metal dep-
manufactured with different linear energy density ranges (LED) [13, osition) - and conventional technology - casting [121]
35, 48, 59, 62, 65, 68, 72, 76, 77, 81, 82, 90, 96, 101, 116–120] and

is no linear relation between the hardness results and the propagation and, therefore, reduce the final fatigue properties
linear energy density (LED), despite most of the results [83, 162]. Yang et al. [107] reported a study in which they
embrace LED ranging from 0.25 to 0.40 J/mm. used 960 mm/s as scanning speed value, power of 285 W,
Samuel et al. [33] considered a scan speed of 950 mm/s, a layer thickness of 40 µm, and linear energy density of
power of 286 W, a layer thickness of 40 µm, and linear 0.297 J/mm (see Appendix 3). They reported the cycles to
energy density of 0.3 J/mm (see Appendix 1) and com- failure obtained in specimens subjected to distinct maxi-
pared the hardness results in the top, medium, and bot- mum stress (Smax) and the failure location that can be
tom of the same specimen and no significant variation was at the surface or in the interior region. The Smax var-
found (top region with 357.7 HV, medium with 362 HV, ied from 440 to 600 MPa and cycles to failure decreased
and bottom ranging between 361.1 and 357.4 HV). The from 6.40 × ­106 to 4.76 × ­105, when the defects were on
increased precipitated hardening at the bottom region is the surface. This study’s results revealed that the fatigue
typically attributed to the superior heating cycles when crack initiation is more affected by high-stress amplitudes
compared to the top region [127, 128]. than low-stress amplitudes and it is resultant from pores
Fatigue cracks are usually triggered by gas pores, lack or lack of fusion originated during the LPBF process.
of fusion, and columnar grains (facets) in the LPBF pro- Regarding the defects in the interior, the Smax increases
cess [73]. Moreover, the high temperature gradients dur- from 440 to 520 MPa and cycles to failure were similar
ing the LPBF process potentiate the crack initiation and for both Smax (4.04 × ­1 0 8 to 1.13 × ­1 0 8). The cycles to

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675 5661

Fig. 9  Tensile test results: a YS, b UTS, and c TE for LPBFed IN718 specimens produced in vertical, diagonal, and horizontal build directions
[13, 24, 48, 77, 82, 125]

failure range values of both situations revealed that the (UIT), or ultrasonic shot peening (USP) can be applied to
specimen lifetime range is much higher when the defects enhance surface finishing, relieve stresses, increase surface
are located at the interior. The most valuable technique to hardness, and improve fatigue properties (see Appendix
enhance fatigue life is to adjust the crack location from the 1) [16]. Moreover, the employment of different scanning
surface to the interior. On the other hand, surface modifi- strategies in distinct regions could provide different micro-
cation treatments such as SP, ultrasonic impact treatment structure features in the same sample. As the mechanical

Fig. 10  As-built hardness of

IN718 manufactured with
different linear energy density
ranges (LED) [14, 16, 25,
27, 32, 33, 36, 40, 46, 50, 56,
62, 65, 69, 70, 77, 88, 89, 97,
98, 101, 104, 117, 119] and
comparison with other additive
technology - DMD (direct metal
deposition) - and conventional
technology - casting [121]

5662 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

response is directly related to the microstructure, fatigue [130]. Figure 11 shows homogenization and solution treat-
strength can be improved by a grain size gradient between ment aimed to control the δ and Laves phase precipitation,
the inner part (fine-grained zone) and the surface (coarse- by dissolving and homogenizing the distribution of Ti, Al,
grained zone). Knowing that the crack initiation is more and Nb in the matrix. Aging treatments potentiated the
critical at the surface, coarse grain in this zone leads to formation of strengthening phases ( y′ and y�� ). The rapid
high deformation and thus avoids crack initiation and solidification and complex cooling process inherent in the
propagation [66]. LPBF process inhibit the precipitation of y′ and y′′ strength-
In summary, at lower energy densities the as-built speci- ening phases The small amount of these phases in the as-
mens revealed a microstructure constituted by coarse and built specimens leads to the low mechanical strength of the
elongated columnar grains which are converted into equi- LPBFed IN718 specimens [131].
axed grains with fine microstructure at high energy density As mentioned before, there is a huge diversity of post-
values. Usually, the as-built IN718 specimens presented processing methods, with distinct temperatures and holding
columnar dendrites aligned with the building direction (Z times found in the literature. Table 4 presents the summary
axis), suggesting that the heat flow direction is parallel to Z of the post-processing treatments employed in as-built LPB-
axis. The top layers presented coarser columnar dendrites Fed IN718 specimens. The temperatures typically ranged
than the bottom due to the difference in the cooling rate in from 620 to 1250 °C (there is a maximum temperature that
different zones. A negligible amount of γ″ and γ′ and a high should be achieved because the IN718 melting point is
quantity of Laves phase in interdendritic zones were often 1336 °C). The holding time varied from 1 to 24 h and the
reported in the analyzed papers. High levels of densifica- specimens were cooled by air, water, or furnace.
tion were achieved (ranging between 7.95 and 8.20 g/cm3) Popovichet al. [65] produced LPBFed specimens with
although some small pores due to gas entrapping during a linear energy density of 2.696 J/mm and evaluated the
LPBF are also reported. respective mechanical properties (YS 531 MPa, UTS
The YS, UTS, and TE reported did not show a linear rela- 866 MPa, and TE 21%). Subsequently, these specimens were
tion with the energy density, so, each processing parameter subjected to a temperature solution of 850 °C for 1 h and
(laser power, scanning speed, hatch spacing, and layer thick- then cooled by air. The mechanical properties (YS 668 MPa,
ness) influences the mechanical properties, independently. UTS 884 MPa, and TE 7%) of these specimens were higher
Regarding the fatigue behavior, the defects proved to have a when compared with as-built conditions, excepting the ten-
great influence when located at the surface or in the interior sile elongation. The study reported the presence of needle
of the specimen. δ–N ­ i3Nb precipitate and undissolved Laves phase due to
low-temperature solution (850 °C) that is not enough to dis-
solve Laves phase and micro-segregated phases.
The effects of temperature and time on homogenization
4 Influence of post‑processing on as‑built treatment (HT) were evaluated by Tucho et al. [88], consid-
specimens’ properties ering LED of 0.283 J/mm, which were subsequently sub-
jected to homogenization solution heat treatment by consid-
The post-processing techniques were reported as effective ering distinct temperatures (970, 1100, 1180, 1250 °C) and
methods to increase mechanical properties, attenuate anisot- holding times (1 and 7 h). In this study, the specimens sub-
ropy, and reduce high residual stresses [129, 158]. All methods jected to 970 and 1100 °C for 1 h revealed higher hardness
found in the literature were divided into three main groups: values (450 and 452 HV, respectively) than those heated for
heat treatment, hot isostatic pressing, and surface treatments. 7 h at the same temperatures (441 and 423 HV, respectively).
Generally, all studies considered in this review revealed that The precipitation of the y′′ phase is described in the litera-
mechanical properties improved after post-processing as a ture as responsible for the variations in hardness between the
consequence of relevant microstructure features. Table 4 specimens treated at 970 and 1100 °C. The difference found
presents the summary of all heat treatments collected by the between holding time is related to the recrystallization phe-
studies selected for this review. nomena. For longer hold times, crystallization was favored
due to coarser grains and the removal of lattice defects (dis-
4.1 Heat treatment locations and subgrain boundaries). Moreover, the increase
in time potentiated the coarsening of age-hardening precipi-
Heat treatment requires the heating or chilling of a part, tates. Thus, the short hold time benefited the mechanical
usually to high temperatures, to reach the required material strength since it revealed smaller precipitates, a large num-
properties such as hardening or softening. The homogeni- ber amount of dislocations, and subgrain boundaries. How-
zation heat treatment is usually employed to enhance the ever, for higher temperatures (1180 °C), the hardness results
number of microsegregations before any other heat treatment were similar for the two different specimens’ holding times

Table 4  Post heat treatment processes employed for as-built IN718 specimens produced by LPBF (AR air cooling, FC furnace cooling, WC water cooling, WQ water quenching) [13, 14, 34–37,
50, 56, 65, 68, 71, 81–83, 88, 90, 96–99, 114, 125, 132]
Homogenization Solution treatment Double aging Author, year

1st stage 2nd stage

Temperature Time (h) Cooling Temperature Time (h) Cooling Temperature Time (h) Cooling Tempera- Time (h) Cooling
(°C) (°C) (°C) ture (°C)

- - - - - - 720 24 FC (55 °C/h) - - - Kouraytem et al. (2020) [125]

- - - - - - 8 620 8 AC Jiang et al. (2020) [14], (2019) [56]; Zhou et al. (2019) [98]
- - - - - - 760 10 FC 650 - - Li et al. (2018) [36]
850 2 AC - - - - - - - - - Popovich et al. (2017) [65]
970 1/7 WQ - - - 760 10 - 650 10 - Tucho and Hansen (2019) [88]
980 1 WC - - - 720 8 FC 620 8 AC Ni et al. (2019) [13]; Gao et al. (2017) [34]; Li et al. (2018)
[36]; Zhou et al. (2019) [98]; Gallmeyer et al. (2020) [81]
1010 1 AC - - - 718 8 FC 621 8 AC Sabelkin et al. (2020) [99]; Laquai et al. (2020) [132]
- - - 720 2 AC - - - - - -
1040 1 WC - - - - - - - - - Ni et al. (2019) [13]
1065 ± 1 1.5 AC - - - 720 8 - 620 8 - Varela et al. (2020) [96]; Zhou et al. (2019) [98]
- - - 760 10 FC 650 AC Li et al. (2018) [36]; Popovich et al. (2015) [68]
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

1010 1 - 720 8 - 620 10 - Schneider et al. (2018) [90]

1070 1 WQ - - - 720 8 FC 620 18 AC Yao et al. (2017) [71]
1080 1 - 720 8 - 620 8 - 650 100 - Zhao et al. (2020) [83]
AC 980 0.25–1 AC 720 8 AC 620 8 AC Fayed et al. (2020) [50]
1080 1.5 FC - - - 720 8 AC 620 8 AC Gao et al. (2019) [34]
980 1 FC
7 AC 0.25–1 AC Fayed et al. (2020) [50]
1100 1/7 WC - - - 760 10 AC 650 10 AC Liu et al. (2019) [13]; Tucho and Hansen (2019) [88]
1.5 AC 960 1 AC 720 8 FC 620 9.5 AC Pei et al. (2019) [37]
1120 1.5/4/16 WQ - - - 720 8 FC (55 °C/h) 620 8 AC Jiang et al. (2019) [56]
1150 2 - - - - - - - 700 12 - Li et al. (2019) [35]
1180 1/7 WQ - - - 760 10 AC 650 10 AC Tucho and Hansen (2019) [88]
1250 - - - - - - - - -

5664 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

Fig. 11  Comparison of the grain

morphology between as-printed
and post-processed specimens
subjected to different heat treat-
ment conditions (reproduced
from [131])

of 1 and 7 h (434 and 432 HV). With the increase of tem- number of lattice defects, and coarse the age hardening
perature to 1250 °C, the hardness for 1 h treatment (442 HV) precipitates.
is lower than for 7 h treatment (448 HV). Heat-treated speci- The influence of temperature and time on direct double
mens at high temperatures (1250 °C) revealed the opposite aging (DA) was evaluated by assessing the hardness results
hardness variation when compared with the specimens above of two specimens subjected to direct double aging treat-
mentioned. A significant microstructure divergence between ments, with distinct temperatures and holding times. The
the two specimens (1 and 7 h) was not observed, except by first study, with LED of 0.297 J/mm, described a LPBFed
the y′′ phase precipitate size that is larger for a hold time of specimen subjected to 760 °C for 10 h and 650 °C for 8 h -
7 than for 1 h. Accordingly, the hardness for 7 h holding time with hardness results of 389 HV. For comparison, Zhou et al.
is higher than for 1 h. [98] evaluated the hardness of specimens (LED 0.222 J/
Gallmeyer et al. [81] studied effect of temperature and mm) subjected to double aging treatments with lower tem-
time on direct aging (DA) by comparing two specimens, peratures and holding times - 720 °C for 8 h and 620 °C
built with the same conditions (linear energy density of for 8 h - and obtained lower values 226 HV. According to
0.200 J/mm), subjected to 620 and 720 °C during 24 h, the TTT diagram of IN718, the decrease of hardness with
and cooled by air. The specimen subjected to 620 °C had temperature is due to the inability to dissolve or alter the
lower mechanical properties - YS of 1120 MPa, UTS of distribution of Laves phase or carbides. However, energy
1500 MPa, and TE of 14.5% - than the specimen subjected density can moderate the quantity of Laves and Nb carbides,
to 720 °C - YS 1300 MPa, UTS 1580 MPa, and TE 9.6%. resulting in the formation of strengthening phases ( y′′), and
These differences are due to some microstructural changes consequently, increased hardness [133]. Schneider et al. [90]
between both heat treatments. During the heat treatment at subjected the specimen (with LED 0.308 J/mm) to the simi-
620 °C, secondary phases are formed (Laves, carbide, and lar conditions as the previous studies - 720 °C for 8 h and
oxides) as well as in the as-built specimen which means 620 °C for 10 h - but evaluated the tensile mechanical prop-
that this heat treatment was not enough to enhance lattice erties. The mechanical properties were strongly higher when
dislocations. During 720 °C, Nb segregation was observed compared with as-built specimens - YS 1269 and 698 MPa,
along cell boundaries which means that the temperature the UTS 1739 and 995 MPa, and TE 15.4 and 33.2%, respec-
was not sufficient to diffuse the Laves particles or dissolve tively. The mechanical property improvement was attributed
the segregated Nb back again into the matrix. Schmeider to residual stresses relief, diminution of the number of voids,
et al. [90] reported the tensile properties of a specimen and precipitation of y′ and y′′ strengthening phases.
built by considering a linear energy density of 0.308 J/ In order to study the effect of adding double aging
mm. This specimen was subjected at 720 °C for 8 h and (DA) to homogenization treatment (HT), Schneider et al.
it measured a YS of 1204, UTS of 1392, and elongation [90] reported specimens were subjected to the same heat
of 17.3%, so lower mechanical properties when compared treatment above mentioned (double aging – 720 °C for
with those subjected to the same temperature during 8 h and 620 °C for 10 h) but they were previously sub-
24 h. This occurred because longer hold time potentiated jected to homogenization treatment (1010 °C for 1 h). The
the recrystallization (coarser grains), eliminated a large results proved that the homogenization did not improve the

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675 5665

mechanical properties when compared with direct aging (YS Anandakrishnan et al. [30] evaluated the wear behavior of
1238 and 1269 MPa, UTS 1379 and 1739 MPa, and TE 19.5 IN718 specimens (see Appendix 3). The authors employed a
and 15.4%). The aging treatment potentiated the precipita- homogenization treatment (980 °C for 1 h) and subsequent
tion of strengthening phases ( y′ and y′′ ) and consequently double aging (720 °C and 620 °C for 8 h). The parameters
enhanced the strength and reduced the ductility. The high considered were 10 N of load, 45° of build orientation, and
homogenization temperature (1010 °C) improved the duc- 1 m/s of sliding velocity where adhesive wear mechanism
tility, hence reducing the strength. Three studies described was observed. Two studies evaluated the creep performance
three homogenized and double aged (980 °C for 1 h and of specimens homogenized and double aged [135, 136]. Shi
720 °C for 8 h at 50 °C/h and 620 °C for 8 h) specimens with et al. [136] revealed that the average grain size of the speci-
distinct laser energy densities (0.444 [13], 0.233 [34], 0.200 mens was similar before and after the creep test and that
[81] J/mm). The mechanical properties decreased with the the improvement of creep rupture is attributed to the larger
increase of laser energy density, achieving YS of 1276, 1084, y′ and y′′ strengthening phase in the homogenized sample.
and 620 MPa; UTS of 1505, 1370, and 1325 MPa; and TE Moreover, the homogenized sample did not present the δ
of 13.3, 10.1, and 28.6%, for LED 0.444, 0.233, and 0.200 J/ phases at grain boundaries leading to grain growth during
mm, respectively. The high mechanical property results creep. The presence of microcrack around δ or Laves phases
at low LED values could be attributed to microstructure was revealed along the grain boundaries that potentiated the
changes - smaller amount of Laves phase and higher y′ and intergranular fracture. Xu et al. [135] evaluated the creep
y′′ precipitation [122, 133]. When the double aging (720 °C behavior of machined - CNC (computer numerical control)
for 8 h at 50 °C/h and 620 °C for 8 h) was added to the speci- and WEDM (wire electrical discharge machining) - and
mens homogenized at 980 °C, a significant improvement of un-machined specimens. The authors concluded that the
the mechanical properties was verified, with corresponding surface quality affected the creep results because the fail-
values of YS 1240 MPa, UTS 1560 MPa, and TE 10.6% ure reasons were related to both surface finish and residual
[81]. The segregations of Nb, Mo, and Ti have been partially stresses. Regarding the machining process, the CNC and the
dissolved during homogenization at 980 °C as well as the CNC + WEDM specimens revealed similar lifetimes. The
eutectic Laves phase [98]. According to the TTT diagram, heat-treated CNC machined specimens showed the poorest
this temperature yields the δ phase but it is not enough to creep results due to the generation of surface defects. The
solve them, carbides and oxides did not dissolve δ phases, CNC machining of heat-treated specimens is a complex pro-
and the needle Nb-rich δ phase was observed. The increase cess due to the toughness of the material.
in the δ phase formation (also due to the poor diffusivity
of Nb atoms which leads to local Nb-rich areas) is potenti- 4.2 Hot isostatic pressing and heat treatment
ated by the presence of reduced amounts of strengthening
phases y′ and y′′ in the matrix. On the other hand, aging heat Hot isostatic processing is a sintering process in which metal
treatment potentiated the formation of strengthening phases, powders are heated under isotropic gas pressure during a
reducing the ductility [134]. dwell time, typically applied before homogenization to close
Gallmeyer et al. [81] compare the mechanical properties the internal pores and remove the porosity. Homogeniza-
of two specimens in which one of them has the tensile speci- tion and aging treatment were employed to relieve the stress
men connected to the build platform during heat treatment. and create the required precipitation in the microstructure.
Lower mechanical properties were verified for the specimen Table 5 systematizes studies included in this review which
connected to the build plate (YS 1135 MPa, UTS 1530 MPa, reported HIP temperatures between 621 and 1280 °C, pres-
TE 10.6%). This specimen experienced slower cooling rates sure from 100 to 175 MPa, and holding time from 1 to 18 h.
between each treatment step due to the thermal mass of the The effects of temperature and pressure on hot isostatic
build plate itself. Needle-like δ phase precipitates intercel- pressing were studied by Popovich et al. [65] that subjected
lular and grain boundaries were observed as well as y′ and the as-built LPBF IN718 to 1180 °C under 150 MPa for
y′′ pprecipitates. Meanwhile, the second specimen was 3 h. When compared to the as-built specimens produced
subjected to higher cooling rates after each treatment and under the same conditions (LED 2.969 J/mm), the HIPed
heterogeneous nucleation of y′ and y′′ precipitates along specimens revealed lower mechanical strength and hardness
cell boundaries was not observed. The same double aging and superior TE. For the HIPed condition, the YS, UTS, and
treatment was employed (720 °C for 8 h and 620 °C for hardness were 481 MPa, 788 MPa, and 262 HV, respectively,
8 h) with previous homogenization at a higher temperature and the TE was 34% while for the as-built condition the
than 980 °C (1020 °C for 1 h), achieving higher mechanical YS, UTS, and hardness were 531 MPa, 866 MPa, and 278
properties (YS 1245 MPa, UTS 1640 MPa, and TE 16.6%) HV, respectively, and the TE was 21%. When regarding the
[81]. This occurred due to suppression of Laves phase and δ porosity, the values decrease from 0.27 to a range of 0.06%
phase and homogenization of Nb and Ti segregation. [65]. Similarly, when considering LED of 0.357 J/mm, the

5666 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

mechanical properties decreased when compared with the

Babamiri et al. (2020) [93]; McLouth et al. (2020) [100]

as-built condition. The YS decreased from 668 to 645 MPa,

Witkin et al. (2020) [137]; McLouth et al. (2020) [100]

Table 5  Post heat treatment processes employed for as-built IN718 specimens produced by LPBF with previously hot isostatic pressing (HIP) [14, 50, 56, 65, 89–91, 93, 96, 100, 132, 137]

Varela et al. (2020) [96]; Babamiri et al. (2020) [93]

the UTS from 1011 to 1025 MPa, the TE increased from
22 to 38.1, and the hardness from 320 to 310 HV [65]. The
porosity reduced from 0.11 to 0.02%. The lower tensile prop-
erties of HIPed specimens are attributed to Laves phase dis-
solution and NbC precipitation. The hardness reduction is
related to the homogenization and dissolution of metastable

Kuo and Kakehi (2017) [91]

Popovich et al. (2017) [65]
phases [65].
Popovich et al. [65] also studied the effect of solution
treatment and double aging on HIPed specimens. Two
specimens with distinct LED (2.696 and 0.357 J/mm) were
Author, year

subjected to 1180 °C at 150 MPa for 3 h and the respective

mechanical properties were evaluated. Then, both specimens
were subjected to homogenization and double aging treat-
ments (1065 °C for 1 h, 760 °C for 10 h, and 621 °C for 18 h)
Cooling Temperature Time (h) Cooling

to evaluate and compare the mechanical property evolution


with the subsequent heat treatments. HIPed specimens pro-


duced with a LED of 2.696 J/mm improved the mechani-

cal properties after HT and DA - the YS increased from


481 to 1065, the UTS from 788 to 1272, the TE from 34 to

15%, the YM 138 to 188 Gpa, and the hardness from 262 to
2nd stage

451 HV. Regarding low LED (0.357 J/mm), the mechani-



cal properties of the HIPed specimens also increased after

HT and DA - the YS from 645 to 1145 MPa, the UTS from
1025 to 1376 MPa, the TE from 38.1 to 19%, the YM from


181 to 190 Gpa, and the hardness from 310 to 468 HV.
This occurs because the homogenization and double aging


conditions promote the dissolution of Laves and δ-phase.


Double aging


Moreover, the precipitation of the strengthening phases ( y′

1st stage

and y′′) during double aging contributes to the increase of


strength [67]. Regarding grain size, no significant differ-


ences were observed in HIPed specimens with and without


subsequent heat treatment which is justified by the number


of NbC particles at boundaries that hinder the grain growth.


Specimens produced considering lower LED revealed higher

Temperature Time (h)

mechanical properties. This is attributed to a low amount of


Laves phases and the high amount of strengthening phase


precipitation ( y′and y′′) at low LED [122, 133].

McLouth et al. [100] compared IN718 specimens, sub-

jected to HIP, homogenization, and double aging heat treat-




ment, considering island and continuous scanning strate-

Time (h) Pressure Cooling

gies with the laser-focused and defocused. As reported for


as-built LPBFed specimens, the scanning strategy strongly


impacts the microstructural properties. For both scanning

strategies, larger grain was obtained in defocused mode.


However, continuous strategy revealed a bigger grain size


difference between the two modes and enhanced the growth

Hot isostatic pressing

of elongated grains. Focused condition allowed a more rapid



solidification and formed fine clusters of aligned dendrites.


On the other hand, the defocused mode revealed a more uni-

form thermal gradient with elongated dendrites parallel to


build direction.

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675 5667

Kuo and Kakehi [91] assessed the effect of tensile test plastic deformation and change the mechanical properties at
temperature on the tensile properties of two specimens a surface and UIT aims to increase the fatigue resistance of
subjected to hot isostatic pressing considering 1180 °C at welded parts by striking a welded zone with a needle [15].
175 MPa for 4 h combined with solution treatment of 980 °C Furthermore, the own laser of the LPBF system can also
for 1 h. The tensile test was performed at different tempera- be used as heat source for producing controllable micro-
tures (25 °C and 650 °C) to evaluate the influence of ten- structures and introduce compressive residual stresses in the
sile test temperature. The HIPed specimens tested at 25 °C surface [20]. BF also aims to improve surface properties by
obtained higher mechanical properties - YS 1125 MPa, UTS rotating a mixture of parts, including procedures such as
1473 MPa, TE 21.2% - than specimens tested at 650 °C - YS deburring, lustering, polishing, and radiusing [16–18]. Usu-
1031 MPa, UTS 1093 MPa, and TE 0.9%. This attributed to ally, the high surface roughness of as-built LPBFed parts is
the easiness of crack nucleation at the grain boundaries of not beneficial under operation conditions, so distinct meth-
the matrix (that contains carbides and oxides) when speci- ods such as polishing [138] or ball burnishing [139] have
mens are at high temperatures (650 °C). also been applied after LPBF production.
Moreover, the BF method revealed higher compressive
4.3 Surface treatment residual stresses (201.4 MPa) than the remaining methods.
Figure 12b shows partially melted metal powder or spat-
The larger thermal gradient LPBFed specimens due to ters, pointed by arrows, that adhered to the surface sample
rapid heating and cooling induce high residual stresses in once it appears inside the heat affected zone. Figure 12c pre-
the surfaces. Some surface treatments have been studied to sents balling phenomenon along the surface due the segmen-
eliminate them and improve the mechanical strength, wear tation effect of the elongated melt pool. Figure 12d shows
resistance, and lifetime [160, 161]. Lesyk et al. [16] reported unmolten powder particles near-surface layer, represented
some techniques such as BF, SP, and UIT that generate com- by arrows. These defects reduce the surface integrity of the
pressive stresses on the surface layers to benefit the surface LPBFed parts, so some surface mechanical methods have
properties (Fig. 12). SP and UIT are two cold work manufac- been used [140–145].
turing processes in which the surface is stroked with shots to Li et al. [146] applied a magnetic abrasive finishing
produce the compressive residual stresses. SP aims to create (MAF) and heat treatment to an IN718 specimen produced

Fig. 12  Images of surface morphology of IN718 specimens near-surface layer of the as-built LPBF specimens (a–d) and BF (e, f), SP (g, h),
USP (i, j), and UIT (k, l) (adapted from [16])

5668 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

by laser powder bed fusion. The YS and UTS obtained were 285 W power, 40 µm layer thickness), which allow to eval-
about 1147 MPa and 1334 MPa and the elongation was uate deeply the influence of other aspects on final proper-
22.9%, so higher than those standard wrought specimens. The ties under the same processing parameters. As some stud-
crack resistance and the fracture failure delay were enhanced ies did not quantify the final properties of the specimens
by MAF since they induced compressive residual stresses and produced, the comparison between similar works becomes
improved the grain refinement. Baicheng et al. [147] stud- a complex process and did not allow to draw more relevant
ied the influence of electrochemical polishing (ECP) on the conclusions.
surface integrity of LPBFed IN718 specimens. The surface The as-built specimens produced with high energy den-
roughness decreased from 6.05 to 3.66 µm after being ECP sity revealed changes in the microstructure because coarse
for 5 min, being obtained a smooth and flat surface. However, and elongated columnar grains are transformed into equi-
the specimens subjected to the ECP process revealed lower axed grains with fine microstructure. Moreover, as-built
hardness results and YM since there was a verified disso- specimens revealed columnar dendrites in XZ and ZY
lution of hardening phase γ and relief of residual stresses planes, indicating that the heat flow direction is parallel to Z
during the surface treatment. Kaynak and Tascioglu [148] axis that corresponded to the building direction. The cooling
evaluated the influence of the finish machining on the micro- rate of the top layers differs to that of the bottom layer and
hardness and surface properties. The microhardness of the influences the microstructure of the specimen. Consequently,
as-built IN718 specimen increased 16% and the surface the bottom layers often display finer columnar dendrites than
roughness increased 92% after being applied to the finish the top layers. Generally, an insignificant amount of γ″ and
machining process which proves the effectiveness of the post- γ′ but high quantity of Laves phases in interdendritic regions
processing method on these properties. were reported. The as-built IN718 specimens achieved high
Chen et al. [149] reported the laser cladding of spherical densifications (between 7.95 and 8.20 g/cm3) but in some
IN718 powder on casted IN718 plate as a surface treatment cases with small and circular pores due gas entrapment dur-
to repair the worn parts in a near-net shape way. A homo- ing the process.
geneous distribution of the thermal stress was reached by Generally, the tensile mechanical properties are reported
depositing the coating into the shape of cylindrical thin wall. and thus, these were the main properties used to compare
Columnar dendrites were created, and the crystal orientation different studies. As IN718 parts are generally subjected to
increased with the cooling effect, during the deposition, due high number of mechanical cyclic loads under use condi-
to a homogeneous heat flow during the solidification of laser tions, some authors evaluated the fatigue resistance of the
casting. Moreover, the brittle Laves phase appears during IN718 LPBFed specimens. The energy density and final
the laser cladding process of IN718 and a few strengthen- mechanical properties (YS, UTS, TE, and hardness) did not
ing phases faced obstacles into precipitate in the forming seem to have a linear relationship, which allows concluding
structure. Xin et al. [150] also studied the suppression of that there is a balance between these parameters indepen-
Laves phase, formed in previous manufacturing processes, dently from the LED. The fatigue performance was harmed
by building and remelting of a single pass cladding layer on when defects were located at the surface as compared to
IN718 parts at different scanning speed values. Although the interior. On this regard, the effect of some surface treat-
low scanning speed values enhance the creation of columnar ments such as laser peening, ultrasonic shoot peening, and
dendrites that grow from the bottom to the top, the high laser barrel finishing (see table Appendix 2) on microhardness
scanning speed values promote a substantial refinement on and reduce the residual stresses was studied. There is a
Laves phase and decrease on Nb segregation. high diversity of post-processing temperatures (from 620 to
1250 °C), holding times (1 to 24 h), and cooling treatments
(air, water, or furnace). Generally, all post-processing meth-
5 Final remarks ods increased the mechanical properties of as-built LPB-
Fed specimens. The aging treatment after homogenization
Regarding the literature review process, some difficulties reduced the ductility and improved mechanical properties
were found to systematize all information found on the of the specimen due the formation of strengthening phases
studies once several parameters and important variables y′and y′′ in the matrix.
related with the LPBF process were not mentioned. The The thermal properties of the IN718 parts can be strongly
lack of information regarding the support structures that influenced by the choice of the fabrication method. Hakeem
attach the part to the build platform which are extremely et al. [151] evaluated the thermal behavior of IN718 parts
important to avoid the distortion due high thermal gradi- produced by three distinct production technologies - there
ents is one example of relevant information that is missing are LPBF, spark plasma sintering (SPS), and casting. The
in literature. A significative number of authors reported authors concluded that the casted specimens yielded better
the same LPBF processing parameters (960 mm/s speed, thermal results. The IN718 LPBFed specimens showed the

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675 5669

lower values (9.1 W/mK) than the casted (10.3 W/mK) and severe stress concentrations zones. In this regard, laser
the IN718 specimens produced by SPS showed a thermal local heat treatments can be an effective strategy to inves-
conductivity value of 10.1 WmK. However, this fluctuation tigate in short coming studies.
in the TC was attributed to the increased interfacial area • The high surface roughness of as-built LPBFed parts
and the creation of more voids in the particles. Considering is a prejudicial feature of this technique; however, laser
that the thermal performance is extremely important for the energy can be further investigated to clean the necessary
aerospace component integrity and the low thermal conduc- surfaces by applying low-energy laser ablation proce-
tivity values found in this article, the thermal behavior of the dures. As well as the compressive residual stress gener-
IN718 LPBFed parts still needs more investigation. ated at the surface might also be reduced by applying
This review provided an engineering overview concern- laser thermal treatments for stress relief.
ing the microstructure, densification, and mechanical of • When regarding thermal performance of LPBFed
IN718 specimens manufactured by LPBF as well as the IN718 parts, it was observed that this aspect is not much
influence of the processing parameters on the final proper- explored in literature. This lack of information is very
ties. The summary tables provided in this review can be use- relevant taking into consideration the importance of this
ful as guidelines for researchers, engineers, and designers. aspect in several application where this alloy is used. In
fact, IN718 components such as rocket engine (as shown
in Fig. 13) but also turbine blades and turbocharges are
6 Challenges and future perspectives generally under extremely high temperature conditions
and thermal cycles, which can lead to destruction of the
Several aspects and routes should be highlighted as future components [152, 153]. 3D multi-material solutions,
perspectives: manufactured by LPBF, might be a future possible strat-
egy to obtain superior heat extraction solutions. This high
• The optimal IN718 LPBFed components should assure energy efficiency solutions might be obtained with Addi-
some relevant properties such as moderate cost, low den- tive Manufacturing components with optimized proper-
sity, good microstructural stability, high strength, ther- ties by strategically incorporating high heat extraction
mal fatigue, and high creep strength in a wide range of materials in the design of components.
temperatures. The optimization of the scanning strategy
according to the mechanical demands of a specific com- In conclusion, the IN718 specimens produced by LPBF
ponent can allow to control the microstructural properties revealed higher mechanical properties than those produced
and, so, to obtain the desired mechanical properties. by conventional techniques which indicates that LPBFed
• As the aerospace components (such as rockets engines IN718 components with high-performance and complex
or turbine blade) usually comprise very complex shape design solutions can potentiate the aerospace industry in
designs, the effects of anisotropy and the response of such a manner that conventional processing routes cannot
the IN718 alloy under multi-axial stresses can generate go further.

Fig. 13  Schematic represen-

tation of actual thermal and
surface drawbacks on an IN718
rocket engine

5670 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 121:5651–5675

Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen- Development of β-TCP-Ti6Al4V structures: driving cellular
tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 00170-0​ 22-0​ 9693-0. response by modulating physical and chemical properties. Mater
Sci Eng C 98:705–716. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/j.​msec.​2019.​01.​
Author contribution A. Marques: methodology, investigation, writing 016
– original draft, visualization. A. Cunha: methodology, writing – review 8. Bartolomeu F, Fonseca J, Peixinho N, Alves N, Gasik M, Silva
and editing, investigation. M. Silva: methodology, writing – review and FS, Miranda G (2019) Predicting the output dimensions, porosity
editing. M. Osendi: visualization, supervision. F.S. Silva: conceptualiza- and elastic modulus of additive manufactured biomaterial struc-
tion, supervision. O. Carvalho: conceptualization, writing – review and tures targeting orthopedic implants. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater
editing, supervision. F. Bartolomeu: methodology, writing – review and 99:104–117. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/j.​jmbbm.​2019.​07.​023
editing, supervision. 9. Bartolomeu F, Abreu CS, Moura CG, Costa MM, Alves N, Silva
FS, Miranda G (2019) Ti6Al4V-PEEK multi-material structures
– design, fabrication and tribological characterization focused on
Funding This work was supported by FCT national funds, under
orthopedic implants. Tribol Int 131:672–678. https://​doi.​org/​10.​
the national support to R&D unit grant, through the reference pro-
jects UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDP/04436/2020, and by the grant
10. Gorji NE, O’Connor R, Brabazon D (2021) XPS, SEM, AFM,
number SFRH/BD/148031/2019 and the project Add: additive -
and nano-indentation characterization for powder recycling
add additive manufacturing to Portuguese industry (grant number
within additive manufacturing process. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci
Eng 1182:012025. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1088/​1757-​899X/​1182/1/​
Availability or data and material All data used in this work have been 11. Parimi LL, Ravi GA, Clark D, Attallah MM (2014) Microstruc-
properly cited within the article. tural and texture development in direct laser fabricated IN718.
Mater Charact 102–111. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/j.​match​ar.​2013.​
Code availability Not applicable. 12.​012
12. Tucho WM, Cuvillier P, Sjolyst-Kverneland A, Hansen V (2017)
Microstructure and hardness studies of Inconel 718 manufactured
Declarations by selective laser melting before and after solution heat treat-
ment. Mater Sci Eng A 689:220–232. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/j.​
Ethics approval Not applicable. msea.​2017.​02.​062
13. Ni M, Liu S, Chen C, Li R, Zhang X, Zhou K (2019) Effect of
Consent to participate The authors declare that all authors have read heat treatment on the microstructural evolution of a precipitation-
and approved to submit this manuscript to IJAMT. hardened superalloy produced by selective laser melting. Mater Sci
Eng A 748:275–285. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/j.​msea.​2019.​01.​109
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