External Control of Mouse Cursor Using Eye Movements

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External Control of Mouse Cursor using Eye Movements

1. <Name 1> 2. <Name 2> 3. <Name 3>

4. <Name 4>

With College Name

<College Name>

With the growth of attention about computer vision, the interest in HCI has increased proportionally. As we mentioned before different human features and monitoring devices were used to achieve HCI, but during our project we were interested only in works that involved the use of facial features and webcams. We noticed a large diversity of the facial features that were selected, the way they were detected and tracked, and the functionality that they presented for the HCI. Researchers chose different facial features: eye pupils, eyebrows, nose tip, lips, eye lids corners, mouth corners for each of which they provided an explanation to choose that particular one. Different detection techniques were applied (e.g. feature based, image based) where the goal was to achieve more accurate results with less processing time. To control the mouse pointer various points were tracked ranging from the middle distance between the eyes, the middle distance between the eyebrows, to the nose tip. To simulate mouse clicks; eye blinks, mouth opening/closing, and sometimes eyebrow movement were used. Each HCI method that we read about had some drawbacks, some methods used expensive equipments, some were not fast enough to achieve real-time execution, and others were not robust and precise enough to replace the mouse. We tried to profit from the experience that other researchers gained in the HCI field and added our own ideas to produce an application that is fast, robust, and useable.

Problem Statement
This graduation project aims to present an application that is able of replacing the traditional mouse with the human face as a new way to interact with the computer. Facial features (nose tip and eyes) are detected and tracked in real-time to use their actions as mouse events.

Previous Options
1. Miracle Mouse: Designed by Enable Mart Technology Disadvantages:
1. Needs a heavy wearable pointing device. 2. Expensive. 3. Requires additional power supply.

2. Virtual Mouse: Designed by Political Enterprise Inc.. Disadvantages:

1. It needs a special device to be attached with the keyboard. 2. It is tedious to switch in between virtual & real mouse.

Proposed Solution
Face detection has always been a vast research field in the computer vision world, considering that it is the backbone of any application that deals with the human face. It includes SSR Filter Intergal image Svm Training

Skin color model 1.1 Image-based methods:

The second is based on scanning the image of interest with a window that looks

for faces at all scales and locations. This category of face detection implies pattern recognition, and achieves it with simple methods such as template matching or with more advanced techniques such as neural networks and support vector machines.

Before over viewing the face detection algorithm that was applied in this work, here is an explanation of some of the idioms that are related to it.

1.2 SSR Filter

SSR Filter stands for: Six Segmented Rectangular filters (see fig. 1). The sum of

pixels2 in each sector is denoted as S along with the sector number

1.3 Integral Image

Fig1 SSR filter

In order to facilitate the use of SSR filters an intermediate image representation called integral image will be used. In this representation the integral image at location x, y contains the sum opixels which are above and to the left of the pixel x, y.

Fig 2 Intergal Image

With this representation calculating the sectors of the SSR filter becomes fast and easy. No matter how big the sector is, we will need only 3 arithmetic operations to calculate the sum of pixels which belong to it (see fig. 3). Sector = D B C + A.

So each SSR filter requires 6*3 operations to calculate it.

1.4 SVM 1.4.1 Theory

SVM stands for Support Vector Machines, which are a new type of maximum margin classifiers. In learning theory there is a theorem stating that in order to achieve minimal classification error the hyper plane which separates positive samples from negative ones should be with the maximal margin of the training sample and this is what the SVM is all about. The data samples that are closest to the hyper plane are called support vectors. The hyper plane is defined by balancing its distance between positive and negative support vectors in order to get the maximal margin of the training data set. Fig 3: Calculating the sum of pixels in the sector.

Fig4: Hyper plane with the maximal margin.


Benefit 1
Needs no heavy wearable pointing device.

Benefit 2
Not expensive as needs only a simple web-cam

Benefit 3
No need of sensors of any kind for the movement of the mouse.

Benefit 4
Does not require any additional power supply.

Benefit 5
NO need of any special device to be attached with the keyboard, in fact use of onscreen keyboard.

Application Of HTM
New and Unique Mouse for physically handicapped person.

This software encapsulates users with alternate, easier and more comfortable mouse interface. This software opens new era in the field of Human Computer Interface. The only software mouse that completely replaces traditional mouse with limited resource and minimum hardware interface.

Hardware Requirement:
Web Camera

Hardware Requirement :
JMF 2.1 JDK 1.5 JCreator 2.1 LE

Platform :
Windows Xp / 2000

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