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Electric Traction Systems

• The system which use electrical power for traction system i.e. for
railways, trams, trolleys, etc. is called electrical traction.
• The track electrification refers to the type of source supply system
that is used while powering the electric locomotive systems. It can
be AC or DC or a composite supply.
• The three main types of electric traction systems that exist are as
1. Direct Current (DC) electrification system
2. Alternating Current (AC) electrification system
3. Composite system (Trams)
1- DC Electrification System

• The choice of selecting DC electrification system encompasses

many advantages, such as space and weight considerations, rapid
acceleration and braking of DC electric motors, less cost compared
to AC systems, less energy consumption and so on.
• In this type of system, three-phase power received from the power
grids is de-escalated to low voltage and converted into DC by the
rectifiers and power-electronic converters.
2. AC Electrification System

• An AC traction system has become very popular nowadays, and it is

more often used in most of the traction systems due to several
advantages, such as quick availability and generation of AC that can
be easily stepped up or down, easy controlling of AC motors
3. Composite System

• Composite System (or multi-system) trains are used to provide

continuous journeys along routes that are electrified using
more than one system. One way to accomplish this is by
changing locomotives at the switching stations.

• In olden days, first traction system was introduced by Britain

in 1890 (600-V DC track).

• This traction system was introduced in India in the year 1925

and the first traction system employed in India was from
Bombay VT to Igatpuri and Pune, with 1,500V DC supply.
• Indian railways was introduced on 52-kV, 50-Hz single-phase
AC system in 1957; this system of track electrification leads to
the reduction of the cost of overhead, locomotive equipment,
Special features of traction motor:

• The general features of the electric motors used for traction

purpose are classified into two classes as:

1. Mechanical Features

2. Electrical Features
Mechanical Features of Traction Motors

• Robustness - A traction motor must be mechanically strong and

robust so that it can be capable of withstanding severe mechanical
• Small Size - The overall dimensions of the traction motor must be
minimum, especially the traction motor must have small diameter
so that it can be arranged easily beneath the motor coach.
• Completely Enclosed - The traction motor should be completely
enclosed type so when it is placed beneath the locomotive, the
enclosure protects it against dirt, dust, mud, etc.
• Minimum Weight - The traction motor must have minimum weight
so the weight of the locomotive will decrease. Consequently, the
load carrying capability of the motor will increase, also it results in
low energy consumption.
• High Efficiency - The traction motor should have high mechanical
and electrical efficiency, i.e., it has low losses like windage losses,
frictional losses, copper losses, iron losses, etc.
Electrical Features of Traction Motors

• High Starting Torque - An electric motor which is being used as the

traction motor must have high starting torque. It is required to start
the motor on load during the starting conditions in urban and sub-
suburban railway services.
• Easy Speed Control - The speed control of the traction motor must
be simple and easy. This is required for the frequent starting and
stopping of the motor in traction application.
• Can Withstand High Temperature - As the traction motor is highly
subjected to the transient conditions due to frequent starting and
stopping which results in temperature rise of the motor.
Electrical Features of Traction Motors

• Able to Operate in Parallel - In traction applications, a

number of electric motors need to run in parallel to carry
more load.
• Electric Braking Ability - The traction motor should be able to
provide easy and simple dynamic and regenerative braking so
that the energy efficiency can be improved.
• Ability to Withstand Voltage Fluctuations - As the starting
current of the motor is high. Therefore, the traction motor
must have the capability of withstanding the fluctuations in
supply voltage.
• Good Commutation - The traction motor should have the
feature of good commutation so that the sparking at the
brushes and commutator segments can be avoided.
Electrical Braking:
• Electrical braking is used in applications where frequent,
quick, accurate or emergency stops are required.
• Brakes are used to reduce the speed of motors. We know that
there are various types of motors available i.e. DC motors,
Induction motors, Synchronous motors, Single Phase motors
• There are three types of Electric Braking in a DC motor. They
1. Dynamic or Rheostatic Braking
2. Plugging or Reverse Current Braking
3. Regenerative Braking
Dynamic or Rheostatic Braking:
• In this method of braking the motor which is at a running condition is
disconnected from the source and connected across a resistance.
• This method is also known as Rheostatic Braking because an external
braking resistance Rb is connected across the armature terminals for
electric braking. During an electric braking, the kinetic energy stored in the
rotating parts of the machine and the connected load is converted into
electric energy, when the motor is working as a generator. The energy is
dissipated as heat in the braking resistance Rb and armature circuit
resistance Ra.
• Ia 
R  Ra

• Eb α φN or Eb = KφN
Ia 
R  Ra

• Breaking torque
K 1N
T = K1 φ Ia
Tb  K
R  Ra

• Tb = k2φ2N/(R+Ra) where K+K1=K2

• For shunt motor flux is constant then Tb α N
• If breaking torque is decreases then motor speed is decreases.

• A 200V dc shunt motor running at 1000rpm takes an

armature current of 17.5A. It is required to reduce the
speed to 600rpm, what must be the value of resistance
to be inserted in the armature circuit if the original
armature resistance is 0.4Ω ? Take armature current to
be constant during the process.

Ans: R= 4.4Ω
2.Plugging or Reverse Current Braking:

• It is also known as reverse current braking.

• The armature terminals or supply polarity of a separately
excited DC motor or shunt DC motor when running are

• In this method the terminals of supply are reversed,

Therefore, the supply voltage V and the induced voltage Eb i.e.
back emf will act in the same direction. The effective voltage
across the armature will be V + Eb which is almost twice the
supply voltage.
• During plugging external resistance is also introduced into the
circuit to limit the flowing current.
• The main disadvantage of this method is that here power is
V  Eb V Eb V KN
Ia     
Ra  R Ra  R Ra  R Ra  R Ra  R

• A 20hp , 220v shunt motor takes a full load current of 82A,

speed 1000rpm and armature resistance 0.1Ω, shunt field
resistance 110Ω. It is to be braked by plugging. What is
resistance must be placed in series to limit the current to
120A. Find initial value of starting torque.

• Ish=V/Rsh =2A
• Ia=I-Ish = 82-2=80A
• Eb = V – IaRa = 212v
• Voltage across armature while braking = V+Eb =
• Total resistance required to limit current 120A is = 432/120
Output 20  746
• Full load torque = 9. 55  = 9.55  = 142.5N-m
N 1000
• initial braking torque = 142.5 (120/80) = 213.8N-m
Regenerative Braking:

• In Regenerative Braking, the power or energy of the driven

machinery which is in kinetic form is returned back to the
power supply mains.
• Under this condition, the back emf Eb of the motor is greater
than the supply voltage V, which reverses the direction of
motor armature current.

• The machine now begins to operate as a generator and the

energy generated is supplied to the source.
• Regenerative braking can also be performed at very low
speeds if the motor is connected as a separately excited
• Regenerative braking is used to control the speed of motors
driving loads such as in electric locomotives, elevators, cranes
and hoists.
• Regenerative braking cannot be used for stopping the motor.
It is used for controlling the speed above the no-load speed of
the motor driving.
Mechanics of Train Movement :

• The process of moving a vehicle

by means of the driving force is
known as traction. The motion of
the vehicle can be obtained by
transferring the tractive effort
from the edge of the pinion in the
motor armature to the driving
wheel through the gear wheel.
• Assume that the torque of the
motor is T, then the tractive effort
at pinion is given by,
• T = force × distance = F1 × (d1/2)
or F1 = 2T/d1
Mechanics of Train Movement :

• The tractive effort transferred to the driving wheel is given by,

F2 = Tractive effort at driving wheel, F1 = Tractive effort at pinion,
T = Torque developed by motor, D = Diameter of driving wheel,
d = Diameter of the gear wheel, d1 = Diameter of pinion,
η = Transmission efficiency,
γ = Gear ratio = d/d1.

• A curve plotted with time in seconds or minutes in the abscissa (x-

axis) and speed in km/h as ordinate (y-axis) at different instants
from start to stop of a train is known as the speed-time curve.


• There are mainly three types of passenger services, by which the

type of traction system has to be selected, namely:

1. Main line service.

2. Urban or city service.

3. Suburban service.

• When the distance between two stations is more than 10 km

then the traction service is called mainline service.
Constant Acceleration Period :
Before this period starts the train will be at rest position (assume the train
is at a station). Now the train is propelled by giving acceleration and is
maintained constant. This is obtained by maintaining constant current and
voltage across the motor by cutting out the starting resistance.
Acceleration on Speed Curve Period :
• In this period, the current and torque decrease with an increase in
speed. It happens when full voltage is applied to the motor.
Free Running Period :
• At the end of the accelerating speed curve period, the train attains
maximum speed. During the free-running period, the train runs
with constant speed which is attained in the accelerating period.
Coasting Period :
• During this coasting period, the power supply to the motor is
switched OFF and the train is allowed to run on its own
Braking Period :
• In the braking period, brakes are applied to the wheels of the train
to bring it to rest i.e., to stop the train when it reaches the next
Speed-Time Curve of Sub-Urban Service :
• If the distance between two stations is in the range of 1 to 7
kilometres, then such type of traction service is known as sub-urban
Acceleration Period :
• The train at a standstill position is accelerated by the motor for its
motion. For sub-urban service, high acceleration (between 1.5 to 4
km/hr/sec) is maintained for attaining rapid speeds. By varying
starting resistance, the value of current is limited and the voltage is
gradually increased until a high tractive effort is obtained

Coasting Period :
• As the distance between two stations is small as compared to
mainline service, the free-running period is absent in sub-urban
service. As soon as the train attains maximum speed, the power
supply is turned off. From there, the train will be in motion because
of its momentum.
Braking Period :
• In the braking period, the train is brought to a standstill position by
applying brakes. In this period, high retardation of about 3 to 4
km/hr/sec has to be maintained by the train.

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