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2 I want to take my two parents to Mecca and Medina because these two cities are dreamed of by many

Muslims, one of which is my parents, but I want to take my parents to Mecca and Medina using the
money I earn from my own work because it's my biggest dream. I saw my parents crying with emotion
seeing my work achievements and I wanted to give happiness to my parents because from childhood
until now my parents' love has never faded. Apart from Mecca and Medina, I also want to take my
parents around the world

3 I want to have friends who are nice to talk to who are not selfish and the most important thing is that
my parents can trust me. I once had a friend who my parents trusted, every time we wanted to go out
when my parents found out that I was going out with this friend, without further ado my parents let me
go. but because of the distance we rarely see each other now and I want a friend like him again.

4. I want to learn about how life is in the outside world so that I don't fall into the evil of the outside
world and also I want to learn how I can become a doctor to make my parents happy because my biggest
dream is to make my parents happy no matter what.

1. I want to become a doctor when I grow up and this is the dream that I have wanted since I was little
and my parents also supported me in becoming a doctor because my parents supported me in becoming
a doctor. I am very enthusiastic about pursuing my dream and My parents also wanted their child to
become a doctor. When I was little, I once wanted to be a policewoman and everything disappeared
because my parents had high hopes of making me become a doctor.

saya ingin menjadi seorang dokter di saat saya sudah beranjak dewasa dan ini adalah cita cita yang saya
inginkan dari saya kecil dan kedua orang tua saya juga mengukung saya menjadi seorang dokter karna
orang tua saya mendukung saya menjadi dokter saya sangat semangat untuk mengejar cita cita saya dan
org tua saya juga menginginkan anak nya menjadi dokter dulu saat saya kecil saya pernah ingin menjadi
polwan dan semua nya hilang karna besar harapan kedua orang tua saya untuk bisa menjadikan saya
menjadi seorang dokter

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