Travel and Tourism Revision Research

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11/5/2023 Nathan Stone Revision

An analysis of the marketing and promotion methods used by the Zimbabwe Tourism

You have just landed a new job as a Marketing Manager for the Zimbabwe Tourism
Authority. Your CEO has tasked you with investigating the various marketing and promotion
methods used by the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority and analyse the impact these methods
have on both Domestic and International Tourism numbers. The results of your investigation
will be used to encourage increased promotion and marketing of visitor service provision to

1. Identify at least three forms of primary research you could undertake to support this
2. Suggest at least two sources of secondary information you could access for the
purpose of this investigation. Give reasons for your choice and explain how this will
be used.
3. Collect the necessary evidence upon which to base your investigation.
4. Make sure that you have included information about:
 The operation and function of a tourist board in promoting visitor services
 The range of products and services available in Zimbabwe
 How and why marketing research is used in the travel and tourism industry in
 Which promotional methods have been successfully implemented in
 Visitor services for leisure visitors
 Visitor services for business visitors.

5. Produce your work in the form of a report with the following sections:
a. Introduction
b. Aims
c. Methods used to collect evidence.
11/5/2023 Nathan Stone Revision


My name is Nathan Stone and in this report I will be showing you information about travel and
tourism in Zimbabwe. This Report explores and investigates different ways in which tourism services
are provided throughout Zimbabwe.

My Aims in this investigation are to gain as much information as I can about the travel and tourism
industry in Zimbabwe, I would also want to find out more about tourism destinations. I would like to
find out more about Zimbabwe’s marketing strategies and also what products and travel and tourism
businesses there are on offer for tourists travelling to Zimbabwe.

Methods Used To Collect Information in this Report

In This report I have used reports and internet research to gain the necessary information to complete
it, the information used in the report is factual and I can assure that it has all come from trustworthy
and interesting websites which give you insight into the travel and tourism industry of Zimbabwe.


1. First hand experiences, interviews and reports.

2. Files and documents about the tourism and also past reports to gain more information.
3. They provide information about the area, including transportation, popular
attractions, and where to stay.
4. There are many TIC’S and travel agents within Zimbabwe as well as tour operators,
there are many tourist destinations and products provided all throughout Zimbabwe.
5. Marketing in Zimbabwe is mostly done through the internet on websites and whilst
doing research on Zimbabwe you would find many links to helpful websites which
would insight you on tourist destinations within Zimbabwe. Marketing research is
used to help promote these places and the travel and tourism industry of Zimbabwe.
6. Promotional methods that have been successful in Zimbabwe are through websites
and online promotion, also the fact there are world heritage sites and tourist
attractions that draw many tourists to Zimbabwe.
7. There are many luxurious holiday getaway destinations in Zimbabwe which cater to
those that might be on a leisure holiday.
8. There are many conference areas and professional places to hold business
conferences for those who might be here for business purposes.

Thank You

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