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Phasor Transforms

18/04/2020 1

1. Understand the concepts of sinusoids and phasors.

2. Apply phasors to circuit elements.

3. Introduce the concepts of impedance and admittance.

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 Any steady-state voltage or current in a linear circuit with a
sinusoidal source is a sinusoid.

 This is a consequence of the nature of particular solutions for

sinusoidal forcing functions.

 All steady-state voltages and currents have the same

frequency as the source.

 Usually, an AC steady-state voltage or current is given by the

particular solution to a differential equation.

18/04/2020 3
• We do not have to find this differential equation from the
circuit, nor do we have to solve it.

• Instead, we use the concepts of phasors and complex


• A phasor is a complex number that represents the magnitude and

phase of a sinusoidal voltage or current.

• Complex impedance describes the relationship between the voltage

across an element (expressed as a phasor) and the current through
the element (expressed as a phasor).

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Advantages of using phasors in ac steady-steady analysis

i. Phasor convert problems involving differential equations

into simple circuit analysis problems.

ii. allow us to use Ohm’s law with complex numbers to

compute current from voltage, and voltage from current.

We start by learning how we can represent sinusoidal voltages

and currents as phasors.

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Sinusoids Waveform - A sine wave or a cosine wave
A sine wave or a cosine wave may be thought of as the projection on a
plane of the path of a point moving around a circle at uniform speed.
Consider a point P on a circle of radius VM and moving around the circle at
a uniform speed of ω radians per second, as shown in Figure 1. If point P
makes an angle Ɵ with x axis and projection to the vertical y axis at time t
= 0, then the height of the projection of point P on the vertical axis can be
expressed mathematically by the time function:

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The length of the projection of point P on the
horizontal x axis, on the other hand, can be
expressed mathematically by the time function

T = period of the sine wave (time needed by point
P to go through one full circle)
f = temporal frequency. Unit for frequency is
cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz)
f = 1/T
ω = angular frequency (rads/sec) = 2πf
VM = amplitude
Ɵ = Phase angle at time t = 0

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Forward Phasor Transform (FPT)

FPT is a mathematical operation of converting a sinusoidal or

cosinusoidal time function into a phasor.

Consider a cosinusoidal function of time, v(t) = Vm cos (t + ).

Using Euler’ s identity, ei  cos  j sin   real  imaginary

v(t) = Vm cos (t + ) can be written as

v(t )  Vm Re e j t   

 Vm Re e jt e j 

 Vm Re e j e jt 
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Term Vm can be moved into the bracket to yield

v(t )  Re Vm e j e jt 

We can write v(t )  Re Vme j .e jt  in the form

v(t )  Re V  e jt 
where V  Vm e j .

Note : Re… is read “The real part of” ..

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V .e jt
 rad/s


Figure 3

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y -axis


x -axis

 rad/s


Figure 4

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v(t) =Vm sin(ωt + θ)

at t = 0


θ Re t

ω rad/s

Figure 5

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V .e jt


18/04/2020 Figure 6 13

● Pv(t )  V  V is read “The phasor transformation of v(t)”.

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Example 1

Obtain phasor transformation of the following expressions in polar

and rectangular form.

(i) 
v(t )  170 cos 377t  40  
(ii)  
i(t )  10 sin 1000t  20
(iii) i(t )  5 cost  36.87   10 cost  53.13 
 

(iv)   
v(t )  300 cos 20000t  45  100 sin 20000t  30 

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(i) 
Given v(t )  170 cos 377t  40 . Then, 

V  Pv(t )  P 170 cos 377t  40 o  
 Re 170e - j40o
.e j377t 
 170  - 40 o
(ii ) Given 
i(t )  10 sin 1000t  20 . Then 

I  Pi (t )  P 10 sin 1000t  20 o  
 
 P 10cos 1000t  20 o - 90 o 
 Re 10e  j1000t
.e  j 70o

 10 - 70 o

Note: sin(ωt + Ɵ) = cos(ωt + Ɵ - 90o) 16

(iii )  
Given i(t )  5 cos t  36.87   10cos t - 53.13o . Then, 
I  Pi(t )

  
 P 5 cos t  36.87   10 cos t  53.13  

 Re 5e j 36.87
e jt
 Re10e  j 53.13
e jt 
j 36.87  j 53.13
 5e  10e

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        
I  5 cos 36.87   j sin 36.87   10 cos  53.13  j sin  53.13 
 50.8  j 0.6  100.6  j 0.8

 4  j 3  6  j8

 10  j5

 11.18  26.57  

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  
(iv) Given v(t )  300 cos 20000 t  45  100 sin 20000 t  30  . Then 
V  Pv(t )
   
 P 300 cos 20000 t  45  100 sin 20000 t  30  
   
 P 300 cos 20000 t  45  100 cos 20000 t  30   90  
   
 P 300 cos 20000 t  45  100 cos 20000 t  60  

  
   
 P Re 300 e j 45 e j 20000t  P Re 100 e  j 60 e j 20000t 
 
 300 e j 45  100 e  j 60

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        
V  300 cos 45  j sin 45  100 cos  60   j sin  60  
 3000.7071  j 0.7071  1000.5  j 0.866 

 212 .13  j 212 .13  50  j86.6

 162 .13  j 298 .73

 339 .8961.51

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 
v(t )  P 1 V  P 1 Vm e j 

 Re Vm e j  e jt 

 Re Vm e  jt   
v(t )  Vm cost   

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• Taking the inverse phasor transform of a phasor V (say) simply
amounts to, first, multiplying the phasor with the exponential term
ejωt, and then, taking the real part of the terms in the curly
In mathematical notation, we write

Vme jθ → {V jθ
me . ejωt } <=> Vmcos(ωt + θ)
(Phasor) (Time function)

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Example 2

Obtain time domain expression for each of the following phasors.

(i) V  86.326

(ii) I  1030  2560

(iii) V  60  j30  100  28

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(i) 
Let v(t )  P-1 V . Then

v(t )  P 1 86.326  

 Re 86.3e j 26
e jt 

v(t )  86.3 cos t  26  

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(ii) Given I  1030   2560 . We can simplify t he given
expression for I as follows :
I  10(30   2560 
         
 10 cos 30   j sin 30   25 cos 60   j sin 60 
 8.66  j 5  12.5  j 21.65
 21.16  j 26.26

 34.03 51.55 
I  34.0351.55o

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Let i(t )  P 1 I . Then

i(t )  Re 34.03e j 51.55
e jt 
i(t )  34.03 cost  51.5 

(iii) Given V  60  j 30  100   28. We can simplify t he given

expression for V as follows :

V  60  j 30  100  28
  
 160  j 30  100 cos  28  j sin  28 
 60  j 30  1000.8829  j 0.4695 
 60  j 30  88.29  j 46.95
18/04/2020 26
V  149 .26 6.52  

Hence, if v(t )  P 1 V then

v(t )  Re 149 .26e  j 6.52 e jt

 149 .26 cost  6.52  

v(t )  149 .26 cos t  6.52  

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Phase Relationships

Consider the voltages

 
v1 t   3 cos t  40   V1  340 
 
v2 t   4 cos t  20   V2  4  20 

The angle between V1 and V2 is 60 .

Because the complex vectors rotate anticlockw ise, we say that

V1 leads V2 by 60  , or V2 lags V1 by 60 .

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Phase Relationships

Figure 7. Phase relationsh ip between phasors V1  340 o and V2  4 - 20 o.

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State the phase relationsh ip between each pair of voltages below :

 
v1 t   10 cos t  30 
v t   10 cost  30 

v t   10 sin t  45 

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Phasor Addition

Phasors can be used to simplify the process of adding sinusoidal

quantities as the following simple proof shows.

Suppose v(t )  v1 (t )  v2 (t )  v3 (t )  ...  vn (t )

where v1(t), v2(t), v3(t), ….. are cosinusoidal functions of time of the
same frequency.


Pv(t )  Pv1 (t )  v2 (t )  v3 (t )  ...  vn (t )

 Pv1 (t )  Pv2 (t )  Pv3 (t )  ...  Pvn (t )

V  V1  V2  V3  ...  Vn
V  Pv(t ); V1  Pv1 (t ); ...... Vn  Pvn (t )
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This result shows that by converting the sinusoidal variables to phasors
we can add these variables as complex numbers. The expression for the
sum in the time domain is obtained by simply finding its inverse phasor

Adding sinusoids of the same frequency is equivalent to adding their

corresponding phasors.

V  V1  V2

Figure 8

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Example 3

  
Let i(t), i1 (t)  15cos t  36.87 o and i 2 (t)  10cos t - 53.15 o 
refer to the currents at the node A, as shown in the figure below. Find i(t).



Figure 9

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Application of KCL to node A yields the current equation

it   i1 t   i2 t   0
Rearranging terms, we obtain

it   i1 t   i2 t 
In the phasor domain, we can write the above equation as

I  I1  I 2

where I , I 1 , and I 2 are the phasor transforms of i (t ), i1 (t ), and i2 (t ),


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   
Thus, given that i1 (t)  15cos t  36.87 o and i 2 (t)  10cos t - 53.15 o ,
I1  Pi1 (t )

 
 P Re 15e j 36.87 e jt

j 36.87
 15e

  
 15 cos 36.87   j sin 36.87   
I1  12  j 9

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I 2  Pi2 (t )

 PRe10e  j 53.15
e j t 
 j 53.15
 10e

 
 10 cos  53.15  j sin  53.15  
I 2  6  j8

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I  I1  I 2
 12  j9  6  j8
 18  j1
 18.033.118 

The corresponding time domain current for I is

i(t )  P 1 I

 Re 18.03e j 3.18
e jt 

i (t )  18.03 cos t  3.18 

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Example 4

Find total voltage v(t) across terminals A and B, given that

 
v1 t   300 cos 20000 t  45 ,
v t   100 sin 20000 t  30 


Figure 10

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Application of KVL to the circuit of Figure x yields

vt   v1 t   v2 t 
In phasor domain,

V  V1  V2

where V , V 1 , and V 2 are the phasor transforms of v(t ), v1 (t ), and

v2 (t ), respectively.

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The phasor transform for v1(t) is V1  Pv1 t 

 P300 cos20000 t  45 

 300 e j 45

 
 300 cos45   j sin 45 

 212 .13  j 212 .13

To find the phasor transform for v2(t) we first convert it to the equivalent
cosine form as follows:

 
v2 t   100 sin 20000 t  30 
 100 cos20000 t  30  90 
 

 100 cos20000 t  60  

18/04/2020 40
V2  Pv2 t 
 
 P 100 cos 20000 t  60  
 j 60
 100 e
  
 100 cos  60   j sin  60   
 50  j86.6
V  V1  V2
 212 .13  j 212 .13  50  j86.6
 162 .13  j 298 .73
 339 .8961.51

v(t )  339 .89 cos t  61.51 
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Exercises: Adding Sinusoids

(i)    
Given v1 t   20 cos t  45 and v2 t   10 sin t  60  ,
reduce vs t   v1 t   v2 t  to a single term.

(ii) Reduce the following expressions by using phasors :

(a) v1 t   10 cost  + 10sin t 
(b)   
i1 t   10 cos t  30  5 sin t  30 

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