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Expense Manager

Team 10: NeoMavs

Atul Upadhye (Team Captain), Aishwarya Tupe,
FNU Deepshikha ,Pratiksha Lokare, Rishi Katakam
Iteration 1
CSE 5324 - 002 Software Engineering: Analysis, Design, and Testing

• Project Description
• Overall Design Approach
• Requirements
• Use Cases
• Increment Matrix
• Domain Model
• Summary

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Project Description
• Money management is never simple, and you frequently find yourself wondering
where all your money went and what you were using all your funds for.
• To answer all these questions, we decided to develop a user-friendly expense
manager application that focuses on quality, simplicity, and friendliness.
• Expense Manager will keep the track of customers' daily expenses in the simplest
way possible.
• Application aims to relieve the customer from the stress of manual calculation and
provide an integrated set of features to keep the track of expenditure.
• Create and save reports in place of keeping a diary or expense log.

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Overall Design

Goal Requirements Use Cases RUCTM


Increment Domain Expanded Sequence Verify &

Matrix Model Use Cases Diagrams Validate


Class Test and

Diagrams Deploy

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Req ID Requirement Statement Weightage

R1 The system shall provide sign up functionality to the user. 1

R2 The system shall provide authenticated login using email id and password into app. 1

R3 The system shall provide functionality to login directly using Gmail account. 1

R4 The system shall provide logout functionality to the user. 1

R5 The system shall provide password enabled or biometric enabled access to 1

application for security purpose.

R6 The system shall provide reset password functionality to the user to change 1

R7 The system shall allow user to add expense manually by entering amount, category, 2
payment method, date, description(optional).

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Req ID Requirement Statement Weightage
R8 The system shall allow user to manually update previously added expenses. 2

R9 The system shall allow user to manually delete existing expenses. 2

R10 The system shall provide a home screen for the user to view expenses overview with 3
respect to categories like total expenses related to food, rent, electricity, grocery.

R11 The system shall allow user view expenses by applying filters on expenses based on date, 3
week or month.

R12 The system shall provide authenticated users to access the application to manage(add, 2
update, delete) the expenses without internet connection.

R13 The system shall provide charts/graphs like pie chart, bar graph of the expenses according 4
to different categories like Food, Rent, Electricity, Grocery as well as expenses by day,
week, month.

R14 The system shall allow the authenticated user of the application to export/share the report of 4
the expenses that contains available information like date, category, amount, type of
payment in form of PDF.

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Use Cases

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High Level Use Cases
• UC 1: Sign Up
– TUCBW the user by clicking the signup link and by entering details to create an account.
– TUCEW the user gets registered successfully.
 UC 2: Login
– TUCBW the user enters his login Id and password and clicks on sign in button.
– TUCEW the user gets signed in and Home Screen is displayed.
 UC 3: Logout
– TUCBW the user clicks on ‘Logout’ button to exit from the application.
– TUCEW user exits from the application and login page is displayed.
 UC 4: Lock Application
– TUCBW the user by enabling or disabling either password based or biometric based
authentication the application.
– TUCEW the user enables or disables the authentication settings.

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High Level Use Cases(Continued)
 UC 5: Manage Expenses
– TUCBW the user adding a new expense , updating the old expense or deleting a specific expense.
– TUCEW the user successfully completing adding a new expense , updating the old expense or
deleting a specific expense.

 UC 5.1: Add Expenses

– TUCBW the user clicks on add expense button.
– TUCEW the user completes adding expenses and navigating back to the home screen.
 UC 5.2: Update Expenses
– TUCBW the user clicking on the edit button on a specific expense card.
– TUCEW the user completes updating the expense by clicking on the update button and updates the
expense by confirming the changes.
 UC 5.3: Delete Expenses
– TUCBW the user clicking on the delete button on a specific expense card.
– TUCEW the user completes deleting the expense by confirming.

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High Level Use Cases(Continued)
 UC 6: Expense Overview
– TUCBW the user launching the application.
– TUCEW by showing the home screen to the user , displaying information related to overall
expenses by category, charts showing information related to expenses , by day, week, or
 UC 7: Export Expenses
– TUCBW the user clicking on the expense history item from the navigation and user clicking
the export button on the expense history screen.
– TUCEW the application downloading the expenses report in form of PDF.
 UC 8: Reset Password
– TUCBW the user clicks on reset password link on the profile screen and enters the new
– TUCEW the user successfully creates a new password.

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Priority UC 1 UC 2 UC 3 UC 4 UC 5 UC UC UC UC 6 UC 7 UC 8
Weight 5.1 5.2 5.3
R1 1 X
R2 1 X
R3 1 X
R4 1 X
R5 1 X
R6 1 X
R7 2 X X
R8 2 X X
R9 2 X X
R10 3 X
R11 3 X
R12 2 X
R13 4 X
R14 4 X
Score 1 2 1 1 6 2 2 2 12 2 1

Note: Priority 1 is highest priority.

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Increment Matrix
Use Priority Effort Depends On Assigned Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3
Case (Person- To (10/10/22) (10/31/22) (12/05/22)
UC 1 1 3 None PL 3
UC 2 2 2 UC 1 AT 2
UC 3 1 2 UC 2 DL 2
UC 4 1 2 None AU 2
UC 5 6 3 UC 1, UC 2 AU,PL,R 3
UC 5.1 2 3 UC 5 AU 3
UC 5.2 2 2 UC 5, UC 5.1 DL, AT 2
UC 5.3 2 3 UC 5, UC 5.1 RK 2 1
UC 6 12 4 UC 5 AU,DL,R 1 1 2
UC 7 2 3 UC 5.1 AU, PL 3
UC 8 1 3 UC 1, UC 2 PL,AT,RK 1 2
Total Effort 30 10 12 8
1-Person Weeks = 5 hrs.
Team Members: Atul Upadhye (AU), Aishwarya Tupe (AT), FNU Deepshikha (DL), Pratiksha Lokare (PL), Rishi Katakam(RK).

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Domain Model

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• This application is helpful for the users who are frustrated with the
daily budget management and will help to overcome wastage of
• Efficient way of dealing with all the daily business & personal
• Overall, it enables users to have greater management control and
bring transparency to expenditure.
• All your expenses in one place, we help you track your financial
activity efficiently.

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Thank You
Any Questions ?

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