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• Machines can do tasks faster and more efficient

Information and Communications Technology • A computer is an electronic device operating under the control
of instructions stored in its own memory that can accept data,
manipulate the data according to specified rules, produce results,
and store the results for future use.
• Advancement in communication and how information is • Automation is defined as “the technique of making an
handled. apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically.”
Information and Communications Technology • Intelligent systems are far more complex and are capable of
• Related to technologies that facilitate the transfer of learning.
information and various types of electronically mediated
communication. HISTORY OF COMPUTER
• First-generation computer (1946-1959)
➢ Designed by J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly
➢ Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC)
➢ ENIAC was a modular computer, composed of several
panels capable of performing different functions.
➢ Can do arithmetic operations such as addition and
subtraction of up to 10 digits.
IT VS ICT ➢ The computer was roughly 167 sqm in size and weighed 27
ICT tons.
• Second-generation computer (1959-1965)
• Using computers and other digital technologies to assist ➢ Using transistors as the inter sections of the computer.
individuals or institutions in handling or using information. ➢ Transistors were much smaller, faster, and more
• Supports activities involving information such as gathering, dependable than the vacuum tubes of the first-generation
processing, storing, and presenting data. computer.
➢ They generated less heat and consumed less electricity but
IT were still very costly.
• Third-generation computer (1965-1971)
• Industry that involves computers, software, networking and ➢ Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit (IC) that was
other IT infrastructure to help relay or manage information used instead of transistors as the interior sections to build
important in modern-day living as seen primarily in large the computer.
companies or corporations. ➢ A single IC has many transistors, resistors, and capacitors
• IT is a subset of ICT as the technology used in the field of IT that even the full circuit board of a transistor can be replaced
aids in the use of ICT. entirely with one chip.
• Fourth-generation computer (1971-1980)
➢ Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits were used to
Breakdown of ICT build computers.
INFORMATION ➢ Has 5000 transistors and other circuit elements with their
connected circuits on a single chip known as
• Refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, microprocessor
investigation, study, or research. • Fifth-generation computer (1980-onwards)
• It is regarded as processed data. ➢ VLSI evolved into Ultra Large-scale integration (ULSI)
• It is needed to make decisions and to foresee the future. having 10 million electronic components.
• Processed information is called knowledge. ➢ This generation involved computer intelligence which is
associated with artificial intelligence (AI), natural
COMMUNICATION language, and expert systems that interpret the means and
practices of producing computers that think like human
• It is an act of transmitting messages. beings.
• It is a process in which information is exchanged between
individuals through verbal and non-verbal means. COMPONENTS OF A COMPUTER
TECHNOLOGY • Hardware pertains to the computer’s physical devices.
• It is any part of the computer that can be seen and touched.
• It has evolved in ways that improve people’s daily activities. • A computer’s hardware consists of interrelated electronic
• It has also made broadcasting of information, such as news or devices that are used to manipulate the computer’s operation,
weather reports more effective. input devices, and output devices.
• Input devices enter or send data and instructions from the
user or from another computer system on the internet while
output devices send back the administered data to the user or to
another computer system.
• Keyboard - accepts letters, numbers, and commands from • Allows users to communicate and interact.
the user. • A user is anyone who communicate and interacts with a
• Mouse – lets one select options from on-screen menus. A computer or makes use of the information it generates.
trackball has a ball that can rotate using a finger or the palm of a • Speed
hand to move the pointer. A touchpad or trackpad is a touch- • Reliability and consistency
sensitive pad that lets the user move the pointer by touching. • Accuracy
• Microphone – allows a user to speak into the computer to • Communication
input data and instructions.
• Scanner – converts printed material into a form the computer CLASSIFYING COMPUTERS
can use.
• Personal computer — is a small, single-user computer based
➢ Flatbed Scanner – most common
on a microprocessor. It has a keyboard for entering data, a
➢ Portable Scanner – small
monitor for displaying information, and a storage device for
➢ Pen Scanners – can scan line by line
saving data.
• Digital camera – allows one to take pictures and then transfer
• Workstation - is a powerful, single-user computer. It has a
the photographed images to the computer or printer.
more powerful microprocessor and a higher-quality monitor.
• PC video camera – a digital video camera that enables users to
• Minicomputer — is a multi-user computer capable of
create a movie or take still photographs electronically.
supporting from 10 to hundreds of users simultaneously.
OUTPUT DEVICES • Mainframe — is a powerful multi-user computer capable of
supporting hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously.
• Printer – produces text and graphics on a physical medium such • Supercomputer — is an extremely fast computer that can
as paper. perform millions of instructions per second.
➢ Impact printer – makes contact on paper by pressing an • Desktop computers — are computers designed to be placed on
inked ribbon against the paper using a hammer or pins a desk, and are normally made up of a few different parts,
(dot-matrix printer) including the computer case, central processing unit (CPU),
➢ Non-impact printer - does not use a striking device and monitor keyboard, and mouse.
produces less noise (inkjet & laser printer) • Laptop computers - are battery-powered computer devices
• Monitor – displays text, graphics, and videos on a screen. whose portability makes them possible to use almost anywhere.
• Cathode ray tube (CRT) – is a vacuum tube containing an • Tablet computers — are hand-held computers with touch-
electron gun at one end and a fluorescent screen at another end. sensitive screen for typing and navigation
From this electron gun, a process called thermionic emission • Smartphones — are hand-held telephones which can do things
generates a strong beam of electrons. that computers can do.
• Liquid crystal display (LCD) — is a flat-panel display that • Wearables — include fitness trackers and smartwatches that
consists of a layer of color or monochrome pixels arranged can be worn throughout the day
schematically between a couple of transparent electrodes and • Smart TVs — are the latest television sets that include
two polarizing filters. applications present in computers,
• Light-emitting diode (LED) — is a flat-panel display that uses
light-emitting diodes for backlighting. The display is of LCD Digital Age, Information Age, and Computer Age
only but the backlighting is done by LEDs.
• It is a period in human history characterized by the shift from
SYSTEM UNIT traditional industry to information technology-based
economy brought by industrialization during the Industrial
• is the enclosure composed of the main elements of a Revolution.
computer that are used to administer data. This can be referred
to as a computer case or tower. The circuitry of the system unit Media in the Digital Age
containing the primary components of a computer with
connectors into which other circuit boards can be positioned • Media normally refers to the means of communication that uses
recognized as motherboard. unique tools to interconnect among people.


• The goal of using a storage is to keep data permanently. • Media is considered to be the message itself for those who create
• There are many types of storage devices which include the disk and own the rights of content. User-generated content (UGC)
drive, a small portable storage device often referred to as pen is a form of content created and owned by the users of a system.
drives, thumb drives, or jump drives. Another type of storage is UGC has grown exponentially especially with the wide internet
the hard disk drive. coverage or easy Wi-Fi access, increased social media
• Another storage device is the compact disc. It is a flat, round, participation, and affordable smart devices
and portable metal disc. One type of compact disc is a CD-
ROM, which can be accessed using most CD and DVD drives. Blog
Another type of compact disc is a DVD-ROM, which has
enough storage capacity to store a full-length movie.
• A blog is a combination of two words— web and log it works end-user licensing agreement (EULA), and/or producing
the same way as pen and paper would privacy becomes a copy disregarding the copyrights.
irrelevant given that a blog post can be seen by anyone online.
A person who writes blogs is called a blogger.

The Medium Computers in Our Daily Life

• The medium used refers to the tool or tools used in sending a How computers work?
message from the source to the destination
• Computer can understand machine language. It sees the
The Messenger letters as a series of 0's and 1's called the binary language.
• A computer can only understand two digits—a 0 and a 1.
• The messenger is the one who delivers the message. This type of number system is called the binary number
Evolution of Media system, with the prefix bi, which means 2.
• There are other types of number systems, such as the octal
• The media has transformed itself based on two things number system (from the prefix octa, meaning it uses 8
1. how information is presented; and digits) and the hexadecimal number system (hexa means
2. how the connection is established. 6; deci means 10; meaning it uses 16 digits to represent its
Overview of Current Trends
How computers interpret data?
• A trend refers to something hip or popular at a certain point
in time. A new trend may always come along to replace the old • This is normally done through number system conversion.
one. Depending on the standard used, computer systems convert
• Technology trends tend to change as time goes by. Following characters from the keyboard and later display them on the
Moore's Law, technology is bound to upgrade itself every two monitor.
years. In 1965 Gordon Moore predicted that the computing 1. From the keyboard, pressure pads are typically found
power would dramatically increase over time. But as it increases, underneath each key. Upon typing a letter, the pressure pad
the cost is expected to proportionally go down. sends information to the CPU for processing.
• Major trends in 2017 2. The information is then transmitted in the form of 0's and
➢ IOT and smart home technology 1's using the American Standard Code for Information
➢ Augmented reality and virtual reality Interchange (ASCII) code.
➢ Machine learning 3. The CPU determines what character has been typed and
➢ Automation sends the information to the computer monitor, again in
➢ Big data 0's and 1's.
➢ Physical-digital integrations 4. The monitor displays the information in its equivalent
➢ Everything on demand character, this time readable and understandable humans.
• Computer programmers create programs so that computers can
Impact of ICT on Individuals, Organizations, and Society do specific tasks. People who write programs are programmers.
Another term used for a program is codes. Writing programs is
• Positive Effects called programming or coding.
➢ Improved access to education
➢ Access to information and communication How do computers communicate with one another?
➢ Security
• Negative Effects • A computer system, on its own, communicates through what is
➢ Reduced personal interaction and physical activity called a system bus. A system bus is a pathway composed of
➢ Job loss or increase in unemployment cables and connectors used to carry data from a computer's
➢ Security peripheral devices—monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.— to the
CPU and the main memory.
Ethical Issues in ICT • There are three types of buses: the data bus, the address bus, and
the control bus.
• Plagiarism - It is an act of theft in which a person copies ➢ Data Bus - can transfer data to and from the memory of
another person‘s ideas, words, writings, etc., and passes a computer, or into or out of the CPU.
them off as his or her own. ➢ Address Bus - is used by the CPU to specify a physical
• Exploitation- It is an action in which one deals with a address for instructions, files, and other devices within the
person dishonestly, unethically, and dishonorably, in computer system.
order to take advantage of the latter‘s works and/or ➢ Control Bus - is used by CPUs to communicate with
resources. other devices within the computer system.
• As the address bus carries the location of the data being sent
• Libel - It can either be an insult, slur, or slander. Either and the data bus carries the actual data being processed, the
written or spoken or even through actions, it may lead to control bus carries the commands or instructions from the CPU.
libel if the accusation is not true and without any piece of It also sends status signals from the devices, identifying if it is
evidence. ready or not. The typical read/write commands are identified
• Software Piracy - It refers to an act of installing or through the control bus.
copying a software into the computer in the absence of an • The amount of data sent throughout the system bus depends on
the size of the bus. Latest Computer systems use a 64- bit bus
however, the majority still use a 32-bit computing size for their transmission such as WiFi connectivity Wireless technologies
computer systems. differ hugely from one another, but the most popular types are
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
How Computers Connect to Other Computers • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
• Computers are able to communicate with one another over a professional technical association with members all across the
networks. A computer network is an interconnection of two globe identified standard 802.11 for Wi-Fi and 802.15 for
more computers. This interconnection gives these computers Bluetooth in the wireless standards.
the capability to share information and resources. ➢ Wi-Fi - uses radio waves to wirelessly transmit
information across a network. Wi-Fi's signals are
Computer Network Systems transmitted in frequencies of between 2.5 and 5 gigahertz
(GHz), which are higher than radio and TV signals to
• Personal Area Network (PAN) - A type of connection that is avoid interference.
often limited to an individual person and his or her personal ➢ Bluetooth - uses radio waves to connect to other
devices. devices. The connection via Bluetooth is called pairing.
• Local Area Network (LAN) - A connection in which a group Once paired, devices are able to and receive information
of computers and other device share a common provided they are within a given range which is typically
communications line within a certain area 10 meters.
• Wide Area Network (WAN) - may be made of several LANs
and PANs. A WAN can also be made up of several more WANs. How Humans Communicate with Computers

Methods of Communication • Computer software

• System platforms
• Wired Communication • System software
➢ USB - Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a connection or • Applications software
interface that allows the computer to communicate with • Online applications software
system peripherals. • The computer software is a combination of instructions, data
➢ FireWire - It is a type that can transmit data to and and programs that the needs in order to do a specific task.
devices which have typical high data rates, such as Another term used for software is computer programs.
external hard drives. The transfer speed of a FireWire is • Programs are a set of codes or instructions which are usually
faster that of a USB. designed or written by computer programmers using a specific
➢ Ethernet cable - transmits signals between a computer programming language.
and network devices such as a router, switch, or other • The most common type of programming language used by
computers. programmers is called object-oriented programming.
➢ HDMI - High-definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) ➢ C#
is a connector for transmitting audio/video data which are ➢ Java
compatible to computers, projectors, and digital televisions ➢ PHP (python)
VGA - The 15-pin Video Graphics Array (VGA) • Programmers have developed two types of computer
connector been provided on many video cards, software—the system software and application software.
computer monitors, laptop computers, and
• Application Software - Most of the day-to-day tasks done in
projectors.Serial - An RS-232 serial connection was once
front of a computer involve the use of application programs.
a standard feature of a personal computer used for
• System Software - The system software also called an
connections to modem, printer, mouse, and other peripheral
operating system (OS) is the most important software running
on a computer since it manages the computer's memory and
➢ Parallel - Similar to the serial connections, parallel
instructions and has the ability to control all the connected
connection were used before to connect other computer
hardware and installed software applications.
peripherals such as printers.
➢ PS/2 - is a 6-pinconnector used to connect the mouse and • The OS allows a person to interact with the computer—from
keyboard to a computer. It is color-coded to identify the hardware components and peripherals to all the installed
which peripheral will be connected to which port. Purple is software applications and files one has stored on the computer.
for keyboard and green is for the mouse.Audio Jacks- are System Platforms
the 3.5 mm jacks used for microphones (as input), and
speakers (as output). It uses color codes as well to indicate • Desktop systems differ from mobile systems in terms of how
the type of input and output lines. each platform treats the application Software installed in the
▪ Pink: Mic inBlue: Line in system.
▪ Green: Front speakers out • According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), the
▪ Black (or dark blue in some older boards): Rear most popular mobile operating system as of 2316 is Android
speakers out OS, acquiring 85% of the global market (IDC, 2017).
▪ Orange: Center/subwoofer out
▪ Gray: Middle speaker out Applications software

• consists of programs that are designed to perform specific

Wireless communication tasks for users. Specific application software products, called
software packages, are available from different vendors.
• Wireless communications include microwave transmission,
satellite communication, cellular transmission, and radio
• The Internet started from the Advanced Research
Projects Agency's Wide Area Network which is called
the ARPANET. This was established by the U.S.
Department of Defense in the 1960s so that the military's
research unit could collaborate or partner with business
and government laboratories.
• Afterwards, other universities and U.S. institutions were
connected to ARPANET that resulted in the growth of
ARPANET is different from everyone's expectations.
ARPANET then attained the name of "Internet".
The Internet 2 Environment: Future Empowerment

Online Applications Software • Internet2 is a not-for-profit networking consortium founded

in 1996 by 34 university research institutions in the U.S. It
• Online application software is now introduced with the provides a collaborative environment where U.S. research and
improved internet speed being made available to consumers. education organizations work together and develop advanced
technologies and innovative solutions such as telemedicine,
digital libraries, and virtual laboratories to assist education,
research, and community development.
• The Philippines, via the Philippines Research, Education and
Government Information Network (PREGINET), is among
the international peers reachable via Trans-Eurasia
Information Network (TEIN), one of the Internet2's peering
relationships. Just in August 2017, a national training course on
nuclear neurology was held in which a nationwide webcast
among hospitals was made possible through the high-speed
connectivity provided by PREGINET and the video conference
server hosted locally at the Department of Science and
Technology-Advanced Science and Technology Institute
(DOST-ASTI). By supporting telemedicine or telehealth in the
country this information infrastructure, therefore, enables
• and are two of the most popular Philippine hospitals to keep abreast of new medical diagnostics
website creation tools available online. Both tools offer and world-class treatment options without having to travel
blogging and website Content Management System (CMS). abroad.
Users do not need to be programmers due to the simple and
easy-to-use design of the CMS. Internet Today: Still Growing

How Computers Impact Everyday Life • Today, the internet connects thousands of networks and
billions of users around the world. The number of internet
• Education users as of January 2018 is 4.021 billion which means that
• Banking more than half of the world's population is now online as
• Workforce Industry revealed by We Are Social and Hootsuite in their 2018
• Electronic Commerce Global Digital suite of reports. Despite this huge number,
• Hospitals the Internet has no central ownership. It means that no
single person or group controls the network.

Jobs the Internet Can Do

The Internet and World Wide Web
• Move, transfer, or assign computerized information from one
The Internet place to another. All this information is known as data.

• The internet (capitalized as Internet when it first came into How Data Travels the Internet
widespread use) is defined as a Worldwide network
• Data and information are transferred around the world through
connecting to a million of computers via dedicated routers
wired or wireless transmission media.
and servers.
• However, there is a big difference between how a telephone
• When computers are connected to the internet, end-users
call works and how the internet carries data. For example,
could start sending and receiving different types of
friend A gives friend B a telephone call; the telephone then
information. These types of information can be sent and
opens a direct connection (also known as the circuit) between
received via electronic mail (emails), text or video chats
friend A's home and friend B's home. In this scenario, a direct
and/or conferencing, and computer programs, among others.
line can be pictured out, running along miles of cable, from
friend A's telephone to friend B's telephone. As long as the
Then and Now two friends are over the telephone, that connection or circuit
stays open between the two telephones. This method of The World Wide Web
linking the telephones together is called circuit switching.
• Circuit switching, however, is inefficient because if you stay • The World Wide Web is referred to as the collection of public
connected with your friend or relative over the phone all the websites that are connected to the internet worldwide,
time, the circuit is still connected, and is, therefore, blocking together with the client computers which include personal
other people from using it. A traditional dial-up connection to computers, laptops, iPads, and cellular phone that access its
the net, in which a computer dials a telephone number to reach content.
the internet service provider, uses circuit switching. This
appears inefficient because browsing the internet and using the Web Technologies
telephone at the same time is not possible.
• The WWW is considered to be one of the applications in the
• Packet switching is a mode of transmission in which the internet and computer networks. This is based on three
message is broken into smaller parts (called packets) which fundamental technologies that are said to be part of the
are sent independently, and then reassembled at the ultimate WWW development
• Compared to circuit switching, packet switching, therefore, is Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
much more efficient. A permanent connection is not necessary
between the two places communicating, which avoids • is a standard markup language used for creating web pages.
blocking the entire chunk of the network each time a message HTML is classified as the set of markup symbols or codes
is sent. appended in a file intended for presentation on a World Wide
Web browser page
1. Application
2. Data broken into packets
3. Router (TCP) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
4. Modem (IP)
5. Local ISP • is classified as the set of standards allowing users of the World
6. Long Haul Provider Wide Web to interchange information seen on web pages. Port
7. Border Gateway Protocol 80 is the standard port for HTTP connections.
8. Any Additional Network Exchanges
9. Long Haul Provider of Destination Web Servers and Web Browsers
10. Local ISP of Destination
11. Modem (IP) • is a software application for recovering, presenting, and
12. Router (TCP) navigating information resources on the World Wide Web.
13. Packets Reassembled There are different browser applications that are currently used
14. Destination Server or Computer in the WWW such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Internet
15. Application Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and more.

What do Computers do on the Internet? The World Wide Web Today

• Computers do different jobs on the internet, some computers • It is observed and shown that the way the Web works is
work like electronic filing cabinets that store information and reasonably simple having its four basic stages: connection,
send it when clients request so. These are called servers. request, response, and close.
• A server is a computer that is designed to process any • The first stage is where many users access the browsers such as
requests for data and deliver data to other client computers Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox (some
over a local network or the internet. A client is a computer or of the most used browsers) to connect to the Web server.
device that gets information from a server. Any computer Browsers work by using a unique protocol known as the
running with special software can function as a server, and HTTP which demands a particular programmed text from the
servers have different roles to play. web server. The text is actually written in HTML format that
• A computer that holds the user accounts, computer accounts, informs the browser on how it will display the text on the user's
organizational units, and application services is called the screen. Different technical terms are used in explaining how the
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). Web works. One of the most important terms to know is the
uniform resource locators (URLs) which is sorted as the
• Another machine that helps the Dynamic Host Configuration
internet address. A URL contains four parts, namely the
Protocol (DHCP) server is a server that configures IPv4 and
protocol identifier which indicates the protocol to use, the
IPv6 addresses specifically in giving names to each IP address
domain name which specifies the IP address where the
up to its root recognition which is called the domain name
resource is located, the path, and the file name (Mitchell,
system (DNS) server.
• Another machine that holds and manages documents is known
as the file server while the other one that holds users' mail Searching for Information on the Web
services and Web services is referred to as Web Server II. A
device that connects printers to client computers through the • A website is maintained by its owner, called a web
internet is called a print server. administrator. The owner can modify the website content as
• Besides clients and servers, the internet is made up of a well as add new information in it. However, no single
hardware device designed to receive, analyze, and send organization controls additions, deletions, and changes to all
incoming packets to another network. This is called router. websites. This means there is no single repository for all the
websites found on the internet. Several companies, however,
maintain organized directories of websites to help people find
information about specific topics (Shelly, Cashma, & • Complete – contains all the important facts
Vermaat, 2011).
• There are two mainly managed search tools that people use in • Economical – relatively economical to produce
locating information on the web: subject directories and • Reliable – can be depended on
search engines. Subject directories are developed and
maintained by human editors and not by electronic spiders or • Flexible – can be used for different purposes
robots that are used to fetch web pages automatically. A
search engine, on the other hand, uses small programs called • Relevant – important
spiders or bots (like Googlebot, Yahoo Slurp, and MSNbot) • Simple – is not overly complex
that polish the internet, follow links, and return information to
the search engine's indicator. • Timely – delivered when needed
Google search tricks released in 2016 • Verifiable – can be checked for correctness and accuracy
1. Use quotes to search for an exact phrase • Accessible – Easy access at right time to meet needs
2. Use an asterisk within quotes to specify unknown or variable
words • Secure – secure from unauthorized access
3. Use the minus sign to eliminate results containing certain Information is considered valuable mains for business purposes as
words businesses depend on it to quality products and services. Valuable
4. Search websites for keywords information helps managers make good decisions which is why
5. Compare using "vs" valuable or useful information is called knowledge.
6. Use "DEFINE: "to search for the meaning of words- slang
7. Search images using images


Information, as a resource, has four characteristics:
• Physical resources are tangible and can be easily identified.
• Zero-marginal cost –you don’t have to pay for the
• Conceptual resources are non-tangible and are considered information
valuable for what they represent rather than their physical make-up.
• Non-rivalrous – can be consumed by users simultaneously
• Non-exclusive – not limited to any person
Information can be simply defined as "facts about something or
• No transparency – must be known
someone that are provided or learned." Facts are considered relevant
truths which have been validated and identified. Data are considered
facts; therefore, processed data are considered as information as they
are organized in such a way that they have additional value beyond
the value of the facts themselves.
Information Economics
• Expandable – can be expanded without compromising its
integrity Since people have widely different values for a particular piece of
information, value-based pricing leads naturally to differential
• Compressible – can give more detailed without fillers. pricing. In economics, a good is considered to be an experience good
if consumers must experience it to value it. Information, on the other
• Transportable – can be sent through email, facebook, copy hand, may be treated differently, since it is not the asset that provides
on flash drive, etc. value in today's economy: what provides value is the information
• Diffusive – information spreads easily about the asset.

• Shareable – can be spread easily Strategies:

Information is not all different from other resources. Similar to how • Browsing Previews – gives a preview of information
physical resources are managed, information is considered valuable • Branding – creating brand identity
and also has a life cycle. It begins with transforming raw materials
into a finished product—processing data to come up with valuable • Reputation – based on other reviews
In the digital world, an experience good may not necessarily translate
Valuable Information into a good which is physical or directly used by consumers. With
mobile games becoming more popular, users feel the need to excel in
Information is said to be valuable if it the following characteristics them, in which the need for more equipment, higher experience
(Stair & Reynolds, 2016): levels and better gaming results become more of a necessity. For this
reason, game apps offer virtual goods such character gears,
• Accurate – error-free
equipment, and even level-up boosts in exchange for virtual money.
However, there are cases in which some would pay real money, Adam Thierer in 2011, identified four issues which further
usually in U.S. dollars, in exchange for a virtual item. complicate the problem on information control:

Information Overload • Convergence – technological advancements and social

Information is produced at rapidly-increasing rates due to the
following reasons: • Scale – viewers no need to wait long

• Easy duplication and transmission of information • Volume – news and media outlets abound in print and
• Increase in communication methods
• Unprecedented Individual Empowerment – post
• Growth archives of historical information anything they want
With the introduction of the internet, market shifted from a brick- Intellectual property (IF) refers to a number of distinct types of
and-mortar set-up to an online operation more commonly known as intangible assets for which a set of exclusive rights are recognized.
e-commerce. And now with mobile internet, people can access IP includes musical, literary, and artistic works such as Taylor Swift's
internet services without the need for computers, They have their new album, J. K. Rowling's new book, and the latest iPhone.
smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices connected to the However, IP is not just limited to these items. It can also include
network to send and receive information wherever they are and words, phrases, symbols, and even designs.
whenever they want to. This connectivity has paved the way to two
new scenarios in communication: IP is any creation or product of the human mind and may be
expressed in the form of original ideas, expressions, and processes.
• Mobile social media – accessing social media sites using Intellectual property rights (IPR) are the rights given to persons over
social media their creations. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over
the use of his or her creation for a certain period of time. According
• M-Commerce
to the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (Republic No.
8293 s. 1998), IPR consists of the following:

M-commerce or mobile commerce was a term used during the 1997 a. Copyright and Related Rights
Global Mobile Commerce Forum by Kevin Duffey. He described it
b. Trademarks and Service Marks
as the delivery of electronic commerce capabilities directly into the
consumer's hand, anywhere, via wireless technology. The use of c. Geographic Indications
mobile devices has paved the way for data to be transmitted and
received much faster, without compromising security and scalability. d. Industrial Design
Industries that are now embracing m-commerce include:
e. Patents
• Financial Services – online banking
f. Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits
• Mobile ticketing – receipts of transactions
g. Protection of Undisclosed Information
• Service/Retail – place and pay for orders
The Intellectual Property Office Of the Philippines (IP Philippines)
• Information Services – delivery news, stock quotes, sport is the government agency in charge of the implementation of the law
figures, emergency reports, and weather and traffic protecting intellectual property rights in the Philippines as provided
for under R. A. 8293, the Intellectual Property Code Of the
Information Control Philippines, and the revised Intellectual Property Code Of the
Philippines known as R.A. 10372.
A large requirement for information control comes from commerce,
industry, and copyright owners in general. Information control comes Copyright and Related Rights
in the form Of keeping Secrets inside a business or selling IPR
(Intellectual Property Rights) to those prepared to purchase it. Copyright is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state to the creator
Information control is about allowing those who have appropriate of an original work or their assignee for a limited period of time in
authority access to and use of information on the basis of the exchange for public disclosure of the work, and includes the right to
authority that they hold. copy, distribute, and adapt the work. Copyright owners can license
or permanently transfer or assign their exclusive rights to others.
Software Piracy Digital rights, on the other hand, the permission granted to
individuals to legitimately perform actions involving the use of a
According to The Software Alliance ( (2018), software computer, any electronic device, or a communications network. It is
piracy is "the unauthorized copying or distribution of copyrighted particularly related to the protection and realization of existing rights
software... can be done through copying downloading, sharing, in the context of new digital technologies, especially the internet.
selling or installing multiple copies of software onto personal or work
computers. " Digital Rights Management
Information Control
Digital rights management (DRM) is used to describe the processes This policy regarding the computer's IP address and cookie
by which the author or publisher of a work exerts his or her rights to information is mostly common to other services including Google
control what the purchaser of the work is entitled to do. This Mail. Facebook, etc. Yahoo is considered a trusted wwebsite
represents the control by which one can prevent a person or an
organization from copying, printing, editing, or otherwise making the
privileged information available to other people.
Data Privacy Act 10173
Intellectual Property To protect the privacy of Filipino citizens, Republic Act No, 101 73,
The following are techniques designed to control access and also known as the Data Privacy Act Of 2012, was signed and
reproduction of online information: approved by then President Benigno Aquino III On August 15, 2012.

• Encryption – authorized person can only understand The law defines sensitive personal information as being:

• Serial Keys – key that denotes the product or software is • about an individual's race, ethnic origin, marital Status, age,
original color, and religious, philosophical, Or political affiliations;

• Scrambling – used to hide sensitive information • about an individual's health, education, genetic or sexual life
of a person, or to any proceeding or any offense committed or alleged
• Tag Embedding – watermarks to denote ownership to have committed;

Patent • issued by government agencies "peculiar" (unique) to an

individual, such as social security number; and
A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state to an inventor
for a limited period of time in exchange for the public disclosure of • marked as classified by an Executive Order or an act of
an invention. The exclusive right granted to a patentee in most Congress.
countries is the right to prevent others from making, using, selling,
or distributing the patented invention without permission. One All processing of sensitive and personal information is prohibited
example of a patented design is that of Apple's iPod. except in certain circumstances. The exceptions are:
• consent of the data subject;
• pursuant to law that does not require consent;
A trademark is a distinctive sign used by an individual, business
organization, or other legal entity to identify the products or services • necessity to protect the life and health of a person;
to consumers. The mark comes from a unique source, and it
distinguishes its product (trademark) or services (service mark) from • necessity for medical treatment; and
the others. Rights in a mark shall be acquired through registration
made validly in accordance with the provisions of the IP code. For • necessity to protect the lawful rights of data subjects in court
marks with geographical indications, a notice stating that a given proceedings, legal proceedings, or regulation.
product originates in a given geographical area must be identified, A "security incident" is an event or occurrence that affects or tends
This is relatively new in the Philippine IP regime as marks are to affect data protection, or may compromise availability, integrity or
identified based on the territory, region, or locality attributed. In the confidentiality. This definition includes incidents that would result in
Philippines, one of the most popular trademarks based on locality is a personal breach, if not for safeguards that have been put in place.
the Pampanga's Best delicacies logo.
A "personal data breach," on the other hand is a subset of a security
Protection of Undisclosed Information breach that actually leads to "accidental or unlawful destruction, loss,
alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, data transmitted,
Industries and companies need to have information control especially
stored, or otherwise processed.
in dealing with sensitive industry to protect these industry secrets,
also called trade secrets, companies usually require employees to
sign contracts with non-disclosure agreements (NDAS)
Trade secret is the term used for any method, formula, device,
process, or any information that gives the business a unique IT, Culture, and the Society
competitive advantage over its competition. It includes company
research and development information, software algorithms, The Impact of IT on the Society
inventions, designs, formulas, ingredients, and devices, among
• IOT and Smart Home Technology
• Augmented Reality and virtual Reality
Information Privacy
• Machine Learning
A cookie is a small file that is stored in the computer's directory, often
a temporary folder. The cookie contains addresses of websites • Automation
visited, login credentials, and even credit card account numbers. This
is done so that the next time the person visits the website, the • Big Data
computer system will no longer reload the same content or data,
• Physical-Digital Interactions
saving time and processing power for the computer.
• Everything on Demand
Internet of Things Methods in Implementing IT Automation
Internet of Things (IOT) is a set-up of devices and objects which are Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
connected together in a given network. Their connection, often
wirelessly, is possible using both hardware and software. The Institute for Robotic Process Automation and Artificial
Intelligence (IRPAAI) defined robotic process automation (RPA) as
The hardware part is often made up of sensors that collect data, which "the application of technology that allows employees in a company
are then sent to other devices for analysis and possible interpretation. to configure computer software or a "robot" to capture and interpret
Popular examples are health wearable devices such as step counters existing applications for processing a transaction, manipulating data,
that are connected to a mobile phone via bluetooth. An app installed triggering responses and communicating with other digital systems"
in the phone records the results in a daily, weekly, or monthly basis (Institute for Robotic Process Automation & Artificial Intelligence,
for the mobile phone user to keep track of his or her progress. 2018, para. 3). While some may think of "robots" similar to those
seen in movies, RPA actually focuses on computers being able to
Capabilities of IoT make logical decisions on the business process so that their human
A major requirement for IoT is a strong internet connection, as all counterparts can focus on other tasks, thus increasing work
devices must be able to communicate with one another for the upload productivity.
and download of needed data. But aside from connectivity, IoT • Process Automation
should also be capable of the following (Mattern & Floerkemeier):
o The use not only of industrial robots but also "presentation-
• Integration across Technology and business layer automation software" is capable carrying out the daily
• Data analysis synchronization operations of an organization.

• Security and Service o Process automation may include finance systems such as
payroll, customer management systems such as online system
Applications of IoT registration, and academic institutions offering online enrollment
systems, among others.
With improved business processes and employee productivity, it is
only natural for organizations to adopt IoT. In a study conducted by • IT Support Management
IOT Analytics, it was found that most of the 1 ,600 IoT projects are
o Management of IT infrastructure and complex systems
applied in cities (Scully, 2018).
becomes easier using RPA If part of the system fails, an automated
• Smart Cities system can immediately send notifications to the IT manager and
technical support staff, informing them of the problem.
• Connected Industries
• Automated Assistants
• Connected Buildings
o Apple's Siri is an example of a voice recognition software
• Connected Cars used in RPAs. Instead of machine language (binary), computers will
be able to understand human language and interact with the same.
• Smart Energy Another example for automated assistants will be banks having an
Challenges of IoT automated Customer service hotline Customers call the bank, and
instead of a human operator, an automated assistant will respond
But while things may look good using IoT, there are issues raised in asking for details such as service choices, account numbers, etc.
adopting it fully. Texas Instruments, Inc. (2016) identified six Customers will use their phone's touch keys to enter choices and
challenges in its implementation: numbers while the computer interprets them as input data. After
processing, a computer- generated report, such as account balances
• System Requirement and other information will be provided.
• Connectivity Sensors
• Power Requirements Sensors are hardware devices that have the capability to measure an
• Security event, object, or any physical quality that is happening. Examples
include the heart rate of a person while jogging, the temperature of a
• Development room, brightness of a light source, and the like. Sensors have the
capacity to connect to other devices that can keep track of the data
• Services they are measuring, A mobile phone can be connected to a heart rate
sensor to record and monitor a person's health on a weekly or
Automation monthly basis. A web application can be accessed to monitor and
With the available technology and standards for computer system control the CCTV operation of a house or building. These sensors
interconnection, the demand for system automation is on the rise. can be connected to a network, in various ways as explained earlier.
Colloquially called "computerization," having an automated system However, there are several types of sensors, and with technology
means automated business processes, operations, service provider, made available today, almost all of these hardware can now be
monitoring, and even tools. automated.

With the use of computer systems—hardware, software, both—the • Temperature Sensor

typical cumbersome and error-prone procedures have become
• Infrared (IR) Sensor
• Ultrasonic Sensor YouTube is one of the most popular social media sites. People can
watch videos, comment on them, and upload their own videos,
• Touch Sensor among others. Thus, YouTube serves as a source of videos with
• Proximity Sensor people searching for almost about anything online— from trivial
topics to more serious subject matter. This fact influences the
• Pressure Sensor acquisition of knowledge and learning of certain skill sets. Instead of
reading books or listening to their teacher's class lecture, students
• Level Sensor would rather watch YouTube to learn the lesson. Again, this is
another situation in which technology affects the culture, this time,
• Smoke/Gas Sensor
of learning.
The Influence of IT on Culture And Social Behavior
Influence on Social Behavior
Formerly called the "texting-capital of the world" due to the high
Cyberbullying is an unwanted, hostile behavior done by individuals
number of SMS being sent and received on a daily basis, the
to other people in the hope of gaining control over them. Cyberbullies
Philippines is now dubbed as the "most social nation" in a 2015 study
can be classmates, neighbors, or officemates. Victims of bullying
conducted by Opera Mini. The study identified that mobile phone
often end up with personal traumas. And since the act of bullying is
users in the Philippines access social media more than any other sites.
done online, the attackers may also be individuals you do not know
In Opera Mini's top 50-user countries worldwide, the Philippines
as they hide behind their internet profiles.
ranked first with an 86% page-view. With smartphones becoming
cheaper and more accessible, people get to spend more time online, An internet profile, also called an internet identity, online identity, or
wherever and whenever they want to due to its mobility. The internet persona, is a profile created by internet users to establish their
smartphone adoption rate has grown from 41% to 55% in a span of social identity in online communities, social media sites, and other
one year with Android as the most popular OS. The study also found websites. Because some consider an online identity to be a possible
that Filipinos view on average, 699 web pages per month. That is breach in privacy, this has led to the creation of an online "mask," an
close to 23 pages viewed per day. online profile created through a series of questions (username,
gender, age, etc.). However, this "mask" may lead to a misdirection,
Gilkey (2015) identified in his article the many hundreds of small
or in a worse case, to misinformation. For example, while a handle
ways that technology alters individual and collective behavior on a
or username "'student2006" may mean that the user is a student,
daily basis. It may not be noticed, but these "small ways" are slowly
"2006" may mean either the user's year of birth or year of entering
becoming prominent which is probably why the so-called
'"generation wars" are now becoming popular (i.e., Baby Boomers
vs. Gen X vs. Millennials) with the obvious disparity between these Cyber-bullying comes in the form of messages or images, such as
generations publicized in media. memes. Since messages or images can be posted anonymously, it is
hard and oftentimes, difficult to trace the source. It becomes more
problematic if the message or image gets re-posted and distributed
quickly online or goes "viral." Finding the original post might prove
to be even harder.
Influence on Culture
Victims of cyberbullying may experience the same trauma as a real-
Online Reviews life bullying victim. The difference, however, is that cyberbullying is
on a much larger scale. Defending oneself from this kind of attack is
With the proliferation of online information, it is easy to find details difficult as most of the cyberbullies use internet personas which, as
on a certain movie or a book. However, with sites such as Rotten previously discussed, may be real or not. Even their actual may be
Tomatoes, one can actually make a decision on what movie to watch difficult to trace.
simply by reading the "reviews" of other people. If the review is
"good," then the person might watch the movie. But if the review is The good news is that the society—communities and the
"bad," then he or she might consider other movies. This trend of government—are devising ways to stop bullying — be it digital or
having other people do the task first for others— watching the full otherwise. As discussed in the previous chapter, the Philippines has
movie and informing people online if the film is worth watching or identified several laws, including the Cyber Crime Prevention Act,
not—is an example of how technology affects the basic human also known as R.A. 10175, to help catch cyberbullies.
behavior of decision-making.
Weblogging/Social Media
Netiquette is a combination of the words internet and etiquette. It
Nowadays, food bloggers post pictures of their meals in restaurants describes how one should act online. Netiquette brings in policies for
along with a food review This trend created a culture of people dining all the features and qualities of the internet, including the use of the
with friends or family without actually interacting with them. People World Wide Web (WWW), email services, File Transfer Protocol
would first take pictures of their meal and post it online. Others, (FTP), chat rooms, and instant messaging. There are different types
during the course of the meal, would even use their phones to update of netiquette implemented all over the world.
their online status instead of talking to the other people in their group.
This is one typical example of technology, in the form of weblogging Netiquette for Social Media
and social media, affecting social interaction. The use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
YouTube Learners Linkedln, and others is neither a bad habit nor a good habit in one's
personal life. Using social media is good for easy communication
with friends and even long-lost friends and relatives. But there are
some netizens who use their social media accounts to discredit other in a volunteer capacity such as in organizations like ACM. Principles
people by posting or shouting ruthless words about a particular involving compliance with this Code are laid out in Section 4.
person or sharing a status that maligns one's character or reputation.
IT Trends, Issues, and Challenges
Some of the rules of netiquette for social media are as follows (Spira,
2010): Trends
a. The Personalize IT Rule. Make sure to put restrictions in Industry
accepting friends or followers on your social media (e.g., Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, Linkedln). It is not about having the most number The industry sector in the Philippines is made up of local and foreign
of followers or friends. What matters is who you interact with and companies that provide different products and services to Filipinos.
how you interact with them. Some companies in the food industry include Universal Robina and
Monde Nissin while those in the beverage industry include San
b. The Off-limits Rule. Know your limitations when voicing Miguel Brewery and Pepsi Philippines. Two major trends are seen in
out your opinions on different subjects or topics concerning your this sector—automation and the application of Internet of Things
school, religion, personal information, workplace, and even some (IoT), hence the introduction of smart industries.
controversial subjects such as politics. Knowing your limitations can
save you from dire consequences later on. • Internet of Things (IoT)

c. The Tag — You're It Rule. Be careful in tagging someone The IoT is becoming an increasingly growing topic of conversation
either in your status post or photos. You may also restrict someone both in the workplace and in the society at large. It has the potential
from tagging you in their posts and photos. Always think of your to impact how we live and how we work. For instance, through the
safety, as well as others' personal boundaries. use of sensors, electronics, and robotics, major companies have
reported increase in productivity as well as accuracy of results in their
Netiquette for Chat Rooms and Instant Messaging production lines. The following articles present the positive effects
of IoT and the role of the internet and network connectivity in
Joining chat rooms and sending instant messages, although business.
mandatory in social media, have become a trend for users. This is
especially beneficial for people working in different places such as a • IT Automation
person working overseas while his or her friend or relative is in the
Philippines. Instead of spending for telcom services, the person just Automating what used to be manual procedures is the trend in
needs internet connection. organizations and industries. As with IOT, automation helps a many
companies achieve greater productivity among its employees by
Still, there are guidelines for using instant messaging applications. using computers and software programs to do the tasks. Such
For instance, someone might interrupt and request you to accept him automation includes accounting systems, production systems, and
or her or to be connected to your account without your knowing who even security systems. The news articles below mention how a
that person really is. simple attendance monitoring system has become much easier as
well as how companies and employees can benefit from using
a. Think long and hard before accepting a private technology in their daily work.
conversation, especially with someone not on your friends list. Not
everyone online may be as they seem to be. Banking
b. In a group chat, include only those that are in your friends Online banking also known as "internet banking" or "'web banking"
list. allows a user to execute financial transactions via the internet. An
online bank offers customers just about every service traditionally
c. If possible, do not give your personal information while available through a local branch, including deposits, money transfers,
chatting, including your photos or "selfies. " and bill payments. The news articles that follow explore the rise of
d. When in doubt, save a copy or make a back-up of your digital banking customers as more and more Filipinos rely on their
conversation (chat). internet connection to avail of different bank services.

e. You must log out from your account at all times, especially Education
if you are in a public place, such as a computer shop.
Most colleges and universities in the Philippines use a learning
f. You may opt to customize your account settings from management system (LMS) to deliver, manage, and keep track of
public to private account. students' progress. This LMS, which is delivered online, relates to the
e-learning system. E-learning is learning that utilizes electronic
Professional Ethics technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional
classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program, or degree
While netiquette applies to all netizens, IT professionals specifically delivered completely online. Some call this as distance learning. The
follow an ethical practice as they are the front liners, support, and news articles that follow discuss how telecom companies such as
backend of ICT. The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Globe and PLDT are giving back to the society by introducing
has identified 24 imperatives of professional conduct for IT technology to public schools and making sure students, as well as
professionals. It contains many, but not all, issues IT professionals teachers, become global learners.
are likely to face while using, creating, and implementing ICT.
Section 1 outlines the fundamental ethical considerations while Health
Section 2 provides additional, more specific considerations of
professional conduct. Section 3 is intended specifically for E-health (or eHealth) refers to the use of information and
individuals who have a leadership role, whether in the workplace or communications technology in health care. It covers a lot of territory,
which is why digital health industry experts often contest exactly market [whereas] an active credit card sells for just $3. " This makes
what the term means—and to add to the confusion, it is also it more lucrative for cyber criminals as patient data becomes digital.
frequently used as a synonym for Health IT.
• In the Philippines, hospitals are required to comply with the
Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012 and implement data protection
measures in their data processing systems to protect the
Issues and Challenges confidentiality of their patients' personal information and medical
• Violations of data privacy involve penalties. Under the
With the introduction of computer systems at work, one main issue DPA, the penalty for unauthorized disclosure of personal information
raised is maintaining the computer system's security and integrity. is P1 million. The penalty extends to P2 million if the act involves
Modes of communication within an office environment normally sensitive personal information.
entail exchanging of emails or discussions in local chat rooms. This
scenario opens the doors for malicious software that can be shared,
whether intentionally or not, to the entire organization. Malicious
software, or malware, is a general term used to describe any type of
software that can cause harm to a computer system. Examples of
malware include the following:
o Virus
o Worm
o Trojan
o Spyware
o Ransomware

While online banking may be convenient, there are still skeptics to
this given the sensitive data being transacted online: money.

With online learning being accepted into schools as part of the
teaching and learning methodology, one of the things that schools
need to consider is monitoring and management. Having a learning
management system does not necessarily mean students are
constrained into using it to learn. There are more websites that offer
learning opportunities for students such as TIME for kids, National
Geographic, and NASA, among others. However, the use of LMS
still poses issues and challenges to both students and teachers.

An adware is a program designed to display advertisements on your
computer, redirect your search requests to advertising websites, and
collect marketing-type data about yourself—for example, the types
of websites that you visit—so that customized advertisements can be

• Patient records are always kept confidential. However, with
the introduction of technology, and with hospitals and clinics leaning
towards automation, patient records have shifted from paper to
digital. With this, concerns regarding data security and data
confidentiality of patients have increased. But why is there such an
interest in patient records?
• According to the International Association of Privacy
Professionals, "a medical record is more valuable than a credit card
on the black market. According to the World Privacy Forum, a
medical record, including a name, address, Social Security number
and health ID number, typically goes for $50 on the online black

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