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Ministry of Education Language Centre

Département de français

Sec 1 / Performance Task 2 / 2022 / Part 1

NOM et prénom(s) : _______________________________________________ Classe : F1. ______

You have been invited by your French pen pal to do a sharing in front of his/her class during a Zoom
teleconference. You will need to explain where and why you learn French. Therefore, you decide to make a
video to introduce the MOELC.
Write the script for your video.

In your script, mention the following:

Essential details:
✓ the MOELC amenities;

✓ the MOELC programmes & activities;

✓ your French class (when, what you do, etc.);

✓ the teachers and/or students;

✓ why you like or do not like the MOELC;
Challenging detail:
✓ one difference and/or one similarity between how French and Singaporean students learn
foreign language(s).
Write 90 – 110 words.

The task consists of:

1. Composition [20 points]

F Submit your text by: week 8 of term 2 (9-13 May 2022 on the day of your French class)

□ Make sure to at least cover the details listed above.

□ Use the vocabulary and structures that you have learnt in class so far this year.
□ Vary the vocabulary, structures, subjects, etc. as much as possible to show the extent of your knowledge.
□ You can type or hand-write your work.
□ Do not forget accents and punctuation.
□ Arrange your text in balanced and logical paragraphs.
□ Indicate the number of words at the end of your work. Otherwise, you will be penalised.
□ Print out and submit this 3-page document with your final work.


This positive tick mark scheme is intended to reward both accuracy and ambition. A tick is awarded for a correct
marking unit in which each element is correct (including spelling).
Ticks are marked up to a maximum of 110 words. No ticks are obtained for clearly incomprehensible or irrelevant
material. Out of topic segments will be disregarded.

Relevant communication: IDEAS, VOCABULARY, COHESION &


● Out of point ● Random ● Impeded ● Sufficient ● Content ● All content ● Expands on

[0] words, message; meaning points points covered all content
sentences, incomplete or conveyed; conveyed but and conveyed points in detail
Ideas lists, etc.; unclear/ points partly superficially clearly [2,5] [3]
rambling [0,5] ambiguous at covered and/orand in a
times [1] unbalanced pedestrian/
content [1,5] dull manner
● Irrelevant ● Rampant ● Repetitive ● Relevant but ● Basic and ● Relevant ● Rich and
[0] inaccuracy/ and/or limited, faulty; quite a straight- and accurate varied
Voca insufficient may have number of forward range [3]
bular and/or use of many errors. inaccuracies/ [2] [2,5]
y English [1] errors
[0,5] [1,5]
● Random; sentences put next ● Fluid; use of 1 to 2 ● Engaging with at least 3
Cohesion to each other [0] different linking words [0,5] different linking words [1]
● 1 paragraph [0] ● Noticeable attempt but ● Coherent paragraphs [1]
inappropriate [0,5]

Language accuracy: VERBS

* Reward only the first occurrence of each correct subject-verb combination (each time the verb is conjugated correctly
for a different person – je/tu/il/etc.)

Points 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5

Ticks 0 1-2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ≥ 12

Language accuracy: STRUCTURES

(adjectives, articles, possessives, negative forms, infinitive verbs, tonic pronouns, phrases, prepositions, etc.)

Number of words wrongly or not at all indicated: ● -1

Untidy work: ● -1

Points 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7

Ticks 0 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ≥ 28


NOM et prénom(s) : _______________________________________________ Classe : F1. ______

Sec 1 / Performance Task 2 / 2022 / Part 1


Nombre de mots : ____________

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