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Group Members:

Kapil kumar - 19085044

Kakkunuru Bharani Kashyap - 19085043
Krishanvir singh DhaKed - 19085048

Dynamic Voltage Stability Analysis


Voltage stability is defined as the ability of a power system to maintain acceptable

voltage levels at all buses in the system both under normal conditions and after
being subjected to a disturbance. It depends on the ability to maintain/restore
equilibrium between load reactive power and supply reactive power.When the
loads are dynamic in the power system, we call it Dynamic Voltage Stability. The
system state enters into the voltage instability region when a disturbance or
increase in load demand or any alteration in the system state results in an
uncontrollable drop in system voltage. Voltage collapse is another term for
voltage instability.

In dynamic analysis, the voltage stability of a system can be assessed by the

transient simulation over a while. If the system voltage is restored to acceptable
values after fault clearing then the system is voltage stable, if not the system is
voltage unstable. Voltage stability analysis provides an assessment of weak
unstable or uncontrollable areas of the electrical network that may jeopardize
future load growth due to unexpected voltage collapse, therefore voltage stability
analysis is important for long-term system planning.Dynamic stability is the
ability of a power system to return to a steady state of operation after significant
disturbances (short circuit, shutdown of any element of the power system, etc.), in
which changes in the mode parameters compared to the values of these parameters
without switching to asynchronous mode.

Paper-1 : Voltage Stability Assessment Using Line

Stability Indices

Voltage stability indices have been discussed in this paper in terms of their
significant aspects. The maximum loadability and weak bus identification are
done using line indices. Voltage stability analysis is important to become
conscious of the crucial buses in a power system so that the planning engineers
and operators might also take appropriate steps to avoid the voltage collapse. The
purpose of a static voltage stability index is to quantify how 'close' a particular
operating point is to the point of voltage collapse, i.e to evaluate the steady state
voltage stability limit of the power system. The point of voltage instability is
identified by two indices, we have used line stability indices FVSI and Lmn at
different loading conditions. To analyze the voltage stability we have used the
Fast Voltage Stability Index (FVSI) that shows the expected simulation result.
The weakest bus is ranked the most because it can only handle a minimum load.If
the load rises the voltage collapses. The FVSI also shows how distressed the line
is in the transmission system.

Fast Voltage Stability Index (FVSI)

FVSIrs = 4Z2Qr /V2s X

where X and Z are reactance and line impedance, Vs is sending end voltage
and Qr is reactive power at receiving end.The point at which FVSI close to
unity indicates the specific line is close to its instability point which leads to
voltage collapse in the whole system .

Line Stability Index (Lmn)

Lmn = 4QrX / [|Vs|sin(θ-𝛿) ]2

Where Qr is the reactive power at the receiving end, X is the line reactance,
VS is the sending end voltage, θ is the line impedance angle and δ is the
angle difference between the supply voltage and the receiving end
voltage.The value of Lmn must be lower than 1.00 as to keep the system
stable, if it exceeds this value then the whole system moves towards

Case study of IEEE 14 bus system and IEEE 30 bus system is shown using
FVSI and Lmn index.

Page-2 : Improvement of Voltage Stability Based on Static

and Dynamic Criteria

The operation of power system worldwide is moving towards increasing stress

levels on account of increase in demand, aging generation units and
transmission infrastructure. Restructuring of the power industry has led to
stressing of power system equipment and requiring power systems to operate
at critical loading levels. The system is subjected to contingencies which lead
the system to further stressed levels to the extent of collapse. The paper aims
to reduce such instability by locating reacting compensation devices.

The severity of dynamic voltage instability is quantified using the Severity

Index defined by NERC. Its improvement is done by locating Static Var
Compensator (SVC). The entire premise has been tested on Standard New
England 39 bus system.

Severity index is derived from the transient voltage response observed at all
the buses. In the case of multiple reactive support devices, their locations have
to consider the overlap effects of var support in the nearby buses.

The A.C load flow study has been carried out using N-R method to get steady
state voltage prole under base case. But for the dynamic state, simulation has
been done by adding the exciter data and generator data. The transient voltage
profiles of each bus are calculated for a severe contingency. From these
voltage profiles, dynamic severity index calculation has been done. The buses
which have voltage dip more than 0.25 p.u, during the transient period
following a fault in the system are considered as severe buses.

To reduce the number of locations for reactive support devices, the concept of
electrical distance is used. The bus, which has a high severity index and high
electrical distance with respect to the line, is the most suitable location for a
reactive support device. The paper furthermore shows the mathematical
modelling and calculations for different values on the Standard New England
39 bus system.

Dynamic Voltage Analysis shows the faults and the voltage collapses and the
bus voltage response due to contingency, short term system collapse is found
out and shows the system is unstable and improvement is done by calculating
the severity index and electrical distance and suitable locations for reactive
support devices is found out. For long-term planning a steady state system can
be considered adequate but for short term stability it is required to perform
both static and dynamic stability analysis.

Page-3 : Analysis of Tap-Changer Dynamics and

Construction of voltage Stability Regions

This paper analyses the stability of dynamic voltages and its equilibrium
points.In this paper the dynamic model of the On Load Tap Changer and the
reconstruction of voltage collapse from a simple power system has been
presented and also provides the general M-bus power system dynamic model.
And discussed the stability results including development of stability regions.
The effects of OLTC's were analyzed from the stability point of view based on a
linearized dynamic tap-changer model .

In single OLTC system to analyse the dynamics nonlinear stability techniques

are used as the voltage collapse involves large deviations of system variables
and as the model obtained is non linear, the approach used for the stability
analysis followed the steps of calculating the equilibrium points, analyzing the
local stability, and for the stable equilibrium determining the region of
attraction. The proof relies on the monotonic behavior of system trajectories
that is characterized in this study. System trajectories are constructed which
helps to explain the phenomena of voltage collapse which lead to monotonic
fall of bus voltages. The analytical approach of the simple case is extended to
the general M-bus power system model.
Another is the explanatory approach for simple power system is expanded to
the general M-bus power system model , the qualitative properties of the
stable equilibria are derived using the power system model with the use of
multiple tab-changers and the reactive power relation of the decoupled power
flow equations. The result shows that for the system with multiple
tap-changers, the stable equilibria can exist in only one of the total of 2M
classes of equilibria. For the proposed dynamic model, this is a partial result
of uniqueness of equilibrium
3. Development of theoretical background:

A simple power system with an On Load Tap Changer is shown in the above
figure. The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the effect of
OLTC's on system voltages.
Thus, the generator is modeled by a constant voltage source E .
This simplification implies that the generators possess adequate reactive
support for the system. The load demand is modeled by an impedance Z . And
for the purpose of the analysis in this section, the transmission line is modeled
by an impedance ZL.

3.1 Mathematical modelling :

The OLTC's are used to regulate the load voltage magnitude. In the case of
above gure , the secondary voltage magnitude V| would be regulated at a
reference value Vo.
In an actual OLTC, the taps are discrete. However, in practice, a step in the
tap position contributes a relatively small amount of voltage correction, e.g.,
0.625 percent (1/8 of 5 percent) of the nominal voltage. In a recent numerical
study [26], it is concluded that the rounding of transformer taps to their
nearest discrete values is practically acceptable.
Therefore, in this study the following continuous model is adopted.
dn 1
= (Vo − V 0 ) (1)
dt T
where ,
n = number of turns,
Vo and V 0 are the secondary voltage measurement and reference voltage,
T = the time constant of the OLTC.
The network relationship is given as,

E = ZL IL + V (2)
The Load Voltage ,
V0 = 2
= 2 (3)
ZL + Z/n n n ZL + Z
Based on the equation (1) and (3) ,

System Equation is given as,

dn 1 nEZ
= (Vo − 1 ) (4)
dt T [n4 ZL2 + 2n2 ZZL cos(θL − θ) + Z 2 ] 2
ZL = ZL 6 θL and Z = Z 6 θ

Equilibrium points for the above equation :

Solving dt = 0 we get at most two equilibria,

s p
E 2 Z 2 − 2Vo2 ZZL cos(θL − θ) − [E 2 Z 2 − 2Vo2 ZZL cos(θL − θ)]2 − 4Z 2 ZL2 Vo4
n1o =
2ZL2 Vo2

s p
E 2 Z 2 − 2Vo2 ZZL cos(θL − θ) + [E 2 Z 2 − 2Vo2 ZZL cos(θL − θ)]2 − 4Z 2 ZL2 Vo4
n2o =
2ZL2 Vo2

Applicability to power systems:
Input Data is considered on the basis of the existence of real, positive solutions
of n1o and n2o were considered. This gives the following inequality

(E 2 Z 2 − 2Vo2 ZZL cos(θL − θ))2 ≥ 4Z 2 ZL2 Vo4

To guarantee the above equation hold for all possible load power factor angles
θ, 0 ≤ θ ≤ π2 , the following assumptions were made,

E 2 Z > 4ZL Vo2

As a result it shows that the system as mentioned in equation 4 have two real
and positive equilibria points. Hence to apply the above mentioned condition
the load impedance Z, is usually taken much higher than the line impedance
ZL .
The output plot will emphasize the physical interpretation of the voltage
collapse mechanism due to an On Load Tab Changer and to analyse the effect
of OLTC’s on the system voltages.

4 Case study of 3-Bus Power System with 2


The phenomenon of voltage collapse is reconstructed based on a three-bus

power system with dynamic on-load tap-changers (OLTC).

The Load Voltage ,

Hn1 + (1/Za Z2 )n22 n1

V1 = E (5)
H + (Y1 /Z2 )n22 + (Y2 /Z1 )n21 + (1/Z1 Z2 )n21 n22
Hn2 + (1/Zb Z1 )n21 n2
V2 = E (6)
H + (Y2 /Z1 )n22 + (Y1 /Z2 )n22 + (1/Z1 Z2 )n21 n22
where ,
Za +Zc Zb +Zc Za +Zb +Zc
Y1 = Za Zc , Y1 = Zb Zc , Y1 = Za Zb Zc

The dynamic equation is given by ,

dn1 1
= (V1o − V1 ) (7)
dt T1
dn2 1
= (V2o − V2 ) (8)
dt T2

System Equation is qiven as ,

dx1 1 (Y2 + x22 )V10 x21 − (H + x22 /Za )E Z1 x1 + (H + Y1 x22 )V10
= √ (9)
dt T1 Z1 x21 x22 + Y1 x22 + Y2 x21 + H

dx2 1 (Y1 + x21 )V20 x22 − (H + x21 /Zb )E Z2 x2 + (H + Y2 x21 )V20
= √ (10)
dt T2 Z2 x21 x22 + Y1 x22 + Y2 x21 + H

where ,

x1 = √n1 and x2 = √n2

Z1 Z2

Equilibrium points for the above equation :

Solving dx dx2
dt = 0 and dt = 0 equilibria are the solutions to the following two

simultaneous equations:
s √
−Y2 V10 x21 + HE Z1 x1 − HV10
x2 = √ (11)
V10 x21 − E Z1 /Za x1 + Y1 V10
s √
−Y1 V20 x22 + HE Z2 x2 − HV20
x1 = √ (12)
V20 x22 − E Z2 /Zb x2 + Y2 V20

condtions for real value of x2 using equaiton 11:
4Y2 V10 V2
Z1 > max( 2
, 4Y1 Za2 102 )
condtions for real value of x1 using equaiton 12:
4Y2 V20 V2
Z2 > max( 2
, 4Y2 Zb2 202 )

Input Data Specifications:

1. Reference Voltages V01 = 1 p.u, V02 =1 p.u
2. Load Impedances Z1 = 1 p.u, Z2 = 1
3. Line Impedances Za = 0.1 p.u, Zb=0.2, Zc=0.3
4. Voltage Source E = 1 p.u
5. Time constants T 1=6 T 2=6;

Output Data Specifications:

For the single OLTC System :

1. Plot of Load Voltage (V 0 ) Vs Turns Ratio (n) for the single OLTC system.
2. Plot of Rate of change of Turn Ratio w.r.t time ( dn
dt ) Vs Turns Ratio (n) for
the single OLTC System.

For the 3-Bus Power System with 2 OLTC :

1. Plot of Load Voltage (V 1) Vs Turns Ratio (n1) for the 3 bus power system
with 2 OLTC.
2. Plot of Rate of change of Turn Ratio w.r.t time ( dx1
dt ) Vs Turns Ratio (x1)
for the 3 bus power system with 2 OLTC.
3. Plot of Load Voltage (V 2) Vs Turns Ratio (n2) for the 3 bus power system
with 2 OLTC.
4. Plot of Rate of change of Turn Ratio w.r.t time ( dx2
dt ) Vs Turns Ratio (x2)
for the 3 bus power system with 2 OLTC.
5. Graph is plot using equation (11) and (12) to the stability operation region
for the 3 bus power system with 2 OLTC.

5. Simulation and Results:

For the single OLTC System :

Plot 1 :

Load Voltage(V’) vs Turns Ratio(n) :

Value of Load Impedances was varied from 0.1 to 1.0 pu to get different
plots,as it can be seen from the plot after a certain turn ratio every Load
Voltage is collapsing or tending to zero.
For smaller load impedances it attains greater maximum load voltage
and at higher turn ratio, and it starts collapsing also late.

Fig. Graph between Load Voltage vs Turn Ratio

Plot 2 :

Rate of change of turn ratio( dn/dt ) w.r.t time vs Turn


For this plot too value of Load Impedances were varied from 0.1 to 1.0 to
get different plots.
As the turn ratio is increasing it's rate of change is tending to zero.
Fig. Graph between Rate of change of Turn Ratio w.r.t time vs Turn Ratio

For the 3-Bus Power System with 2 OLTC :

Plot 3 :

Load Voltage(V 1) vs Turns Ratio(n1) :

Value of Load Impedances Z1 was varied from 0.1 to 1.0 pu to get different
plots,for smaller load impedances it attains greater maximum load voltage
and at higher turn ratio,and at it starts collapsing also late.

Fig. Graph between Load Voltage V1 Vs Turn Ratio n

Plot 4 :

Rate of change of turn ratio( dx1/dt ) w.r.t time vs Turn Ratio(n1):

For this plot value of Load Impedances Z1 were varied from 0.1 to 1.0 to get
different plots.
As the turn ratio is increasing it's rate of change is crossing zero therefore
roots must exist.

Fig. Graph between Rate of change of Turn Ratio w.r.t time vs Turn Ratio

Plot 5 :

Load Voltage(V 2) vs Turns Ratio(n2) :

Similarly for the Load voltage V2 , the value of Load Impedances Z2 was
varied from 0.1 to 1.0 pu to get different plots,for smaller load impedances it
attains greater maximum load voltage and at higher turn ratio,and at it starts
collapsing also late.
Fig. Graph between Load Voltage V1 Vs Turn Ratio n

Plot 6 :

Rate of change of turn ratio( dx2/dt ) w.r.t time vs Turn Ratio(n2):

For this plot value of Load Impedances Z2 were varied from 0.1 to 1.0 to get
different plots.
As the turn ratio is increasing it's rate of change is crossing zero therefore
roots must exist.

Fig. Graph between Rate of change of Turn Ratio w.r.t time vs Turn Ratio
Plot 7 :

The Stability Operation Region for the 3 Bus Power System with 2

It can be seen that the trajectory must approach innity in at least one
dimension, say n1 → . This being the case, Eq. (6) implies that V1 → 0 as t →
1. In other words the voltage at bus 1 would 'collapse'. A trajectory showing the
collapse of both V1 and V2 can be chosen in a similar fashion. In the following
gure, if a point xO is chosen from the region G, which corresponds to positive
dx1/dt and dx2/dt , then a trajectory will result which approaches innity in
such a way that V1 → 0 and V1 →

Fig. Graph between x1 and x2

Code Links:

● Link of the google colab file be found here .

● Link of the matlab file can be found here .

6. Reference


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