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Mo l l i e H .

A p p e l g a t e , C h ri s t a J a c k s o n , K a ri J u rg e nso n,
iSTEM and Ashley Delaney

Mathematics concepts using

STEM connections
“I think what’s nice about STEM . . . is • Boat A: 6 cm × 4 cm × 3 cm
understanding that this is math and • Boat B: 9 cm × 4 cm × 2 cm
science. It’s not just math. It’s not just • Boat C: 6 cm × 3 cm × 4 cm
science. We’re using both components together, • Boat D: 9 cm × 8 cm × 1 cm
and making sure that [students] understand”
(fourth-grade teacher 2017). Before students discovered this, we asked them
Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical to decide which boat had the largest and the
Success for All (NCTM 2014, p. 17) recommends smallest volume. We wrote their responses on
that “effective mathematics teaching use tasks the board and then asked how we could check.
to motivate student learning and help students This was the students’ first formal introduc-
build new mathematical knowledge through tion to volume, and although no one said the
problem solving.” When learning mathematical boats had the same volume, some children had
concepts with a STEM lens, students are moti- more knowledge about volume and suggested
vated because they can make connections to we could check the volume by filling the boat
and engage in the applicability of mathematics with something. We asked students to fill their
through real-world problems. We present two boats with 1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm base-ten unit
math concepts, volume and triangles, that were cubes and record the number of cubes that their
introduced to students within a STEM context. boats held. Students were surprised to find that
Volume is conceptually challenging for stu- each boat held seventy-two cubes, or 72 cm3.
dents and has traditionally been taught through How could boats that look so different have the
the process of “plug and chug,” using a formula. same volume, hold the same number of cubes,
When teaching angles and different types of and take up the same amount of space? The
triangles, teachers often use protractors. How- class discussed these questions and how to use
ever, neither of these approaches connect the dimensions to determine volume.
mathematical concepts to children’s experi-
ences. Approaching these concepts using sci- Teacher: I just heard Dylan [with boat C] say that
ence and engineering connections, specifically he could count the first layer of cubes on the
through boats and bridges, opens up pathways bottom and that he knew there were three more
for students to make sense of these difficult but layers. So he said needed three [more] eighteens.
important concepts. Student 1: Some of the boats have lots of layers,
and boat D has only one layer.
Volume lesson:
Connecting to boats Student 2: Yeah, and if you take eight times
Our guiding questions were, What is volume? nine, you will get seventy-two.
and How can it be measured? Students worked Teacher: Interesting. So, how can we take this
in groups of four, and each group received idea about layers to help us figure out the vol-
a different laminated boat to construct (see ume of the boats?
fig. 1; find full-size templates in the online
more4U materials). Students realized that if they took the area
Students constructed their boats by folding of the base and multiplied it by the number of
their paper on the dotted lines and securely layers, it equaled the volume of the boat. After

taping the corners. Although each boat had discussing solid volume, we asked students to
the same volume (72 cm3), they all had differ- look at water bottles and see how the volume
ent dimensions: was measured on the label. Students saw that

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Each group received a laminated

boat outline. All had the same
volume but different dimensions.
Students folded the paper on the
dotted lines and taped the corners.
liquid volume was measured in fluid ounces and
milliliters (mL). We introduced a 100 mL gradu-
ated cylinder and how to use it. Taking turns at
their table, students filled a graduated cylinder
with 100 mL of water and used that water to fill
their boat to the top edge. They used the leftover
volume of water to calculate how many mL filled
their boats. (Note: If students’ boat folds are less
than precise or their tape does not cover the cor-
ners, allowing water to escape, measurements
can be incorrect.) Students were surprised to
see that measurements were approximately 72
again. We asked, “How could 72 mL and 72 cm3
measure the same space when they are differ-
ent units?” To help students understand this
concept, we asked each group to fill a 25 mL
graduated cylinder with 20 mL of water. Then
students dropped one unit cube into the water,
and we asked, “What happened to the water?”
Students saw that the sunk cube raised the water
level by 1 mL. They concluded that the cube
must have a volume of not only 1 cm3 but also

1 mL. To summarize the lesson, we asked stu-
dents to define volume and describe two ways
to measure it. As an extension activity, students
can also test how much load each boat holds
in water to reinforce the concept of volume by Students loaded unit cubes into their boats to
observing water displacement. measure the volumes of the A, B, C, D boats.

Triangles lesson:
Connecting to bridges
The guiding questions of this lesson were, What
geometric shapes make bridges the strongest?
and How can that shape be used to make a
bridge? To begin, students were to construct
various shapes (e.g., squares, rectangles, trap-
ezoids, and triangles) from strips of cardstock
and to use brads to secure the vertices. The
teacher then asked students to test the strength

and stability of the shapes they had created.

Students were unclear initially about how they
could “test” a shape’s strength or stability until
they started manipulating their shape.

Student 1: Hey, when I press [on my square], it Students designed these shapes initially.
folds down on itself.
Student 2: Mine too, but I used a rectangle!
were presented, the teacher prompted students
Teacher: Do you think that will happen with the
to discuss what kind of triangle it was by classify-
other shapes?
ing it according to its sides and angles. By look-
After students constructed, tested, and tried ing at triangles that had been created, students
to create stronger revisions of several different were able to identify acute, obtuse, and right
shapes, they shared their shapes and findings angles in the triangles as well as classify each
about strength and stability. When triangles triangle as equilateral, isosceles, or scalene on Vol. 24, No. 6 | teaching children mathematics • April 2018 395
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the basis of the length of its sides. To conclude
the discussion, the teacher asked, “Which
shapes were the strongest and why?” Students
shared how the quadrilaterals pivoted at the This local Warren truss bridge uses
corners and how, to keep quadrilaterals as their equilateral triangles.
shape, they would need something additional,
such as tape, so that sides would not rotate and
collapse. Students discovered that triangles
did not need the extra materials to keep their
shape, so they concluded that triangles were
the most stable.
The teacher asked if anyone had seen tri-
angles used in bridge design. After listening to
their answers, she shared pictures of different
A local modified Warren truss bridge
truss bridges and asked students to identify the
incorporates right and isosceles triangles.
types of triangles they saw in the pictures.
Students noticed that certain bridges are
made of equilateral triangles (e. g., Warren truss
bridges) and that others are made of isosceles
triangles (e.g., a K-truss or a modified Warren
bridge). Students used the cardstock strips
and brads to make a truss bridge side of their
choice; they presented it to the class, describ-
ing the types of triangles and angles it used. As
a result of this lesson, students could create and
categorize triangles by their sides and angles,
and they discovered why triangles are used in Students built models on the basis of
bridge design. different bridge designs.

Learning about volume, angles, and triangles professor of mathematics education at Iowa State
through their connection to STEM, particularly University and is interested in students’ mathematical
engineering and design concepts, supports reasoning and problem solving. Kari Jurgenson,
students in seeing mathematical ideas as rel-, is a doctoral student at Iowa State
evant to their daily experiences. By connecting University and has taught middle school and high school
to students’ experiences, these tasks encour- mathematics. Ashley Delaney, delaneya@iastate.
age reasoning, provide multiple entry points, edu, is a doctoral student at Iowa State University
and use different representations for students who is studying teaching and learning in mathematics
to experience the mathematics (NCTM 2014), and STEM education. Edited by Melissa M. Soto,
which makes the mathematical learning deeper, an assistant professor
and more applicable. of mathematics education in the School of Teacher
Education at San Diego State University in California
RE F E RE N C E whose research interests focus on Cognitively Guided
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Instruction and children’s mathematical thinking,
(NCTM). 2014. Principles to Actions: Ensur- professional development for elementary teachers, and
ing Mathematical Success for All. Reston, VA: mobile technology.

Mollie H. Appelgate,, an assistant

professor at Iowa State University in Ames, researches
Go to to find
teacher learning in STEM and enjoys seeing how STEM full-size boat templates. Access to this
connections can make mathematics more meaningful. online material is a members-only benefit.
Christa Jackson,, is an associate

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