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COPY T- Goods consigned fam (Exporters business name, adress, county) 2. Goods consigned wo (Consignes’s name, ddies, county) JMIXSEAL VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED INO 63, KHUAT DUY TIEN ROAD, THANK XUAN BAC WARD, THANH }KUAN DISTRICT, HA NOI CITY, VIETNAM Reference No, KO01-23-0487528 Reference Code. 91-2611 KOREA-ASEAN FREE TRADE AREA PREFERENTIAL TARIFF CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN (Combined Declaration and Certificate) FORM AK iF ‘THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA (County) ‘See Notes Overleat [5 Means of ransport and route (as far as Frown) Departure date 12 JUL, 2028 ‘Vessels name/Aircraftetc. SENDAI TRADER 2315S Port of Discharge }AIPHONG PORT, VIETNAM For official use 1. Preferential Treatment Given Under KOREA-ASEAN Free Trade Atea Preferential Tariff 1 Preferential Treatment Not Given (Please state reasons) Signature of Authorized Signatory of the Importing Country 5. Tiem 6 Marks and [7- Number and type of packages, eseripion oF Origin |. Gross weight 10, Number number | “numberson | goods including quantity where appropriate criterion | or other quantity, | and date of packages and HS numberof the importing country) eenoes | and Value(FOB | invoices veri) ony when RVC etitrion is sed) 1 [RS CODE = 3909-50] COMMODITY 17 WIXSEAL CTH */15.100 KG kci2306-10 AHI UHUILLLNT |POB0O 12023-0615 [POLYURETHANE 1 COMPONENT ~ NoHExPOSED HIE ISHELFLIFE: 10 MONTHS, COLOR: BLACK JQUAL IFICATION: 26KG/PAIL, 2 [HS CoOE : $208. 90}coMmMODITY 2/ MIXSEAL PU cmH [3.480 Ka PRIMER: PRIMER FOR POLYURETHANE ISHELFLIFE: 12 MONTHS ‘To be continued page 2 IT. Declaration by the exporter ‘Te undersigned herehy doclares thatthe above detls and statements axe comet that al the goods were produced in THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA (County) snd tht they comply with the origin quirements specified for these ‘goods inthe KOREA-ASEAN Free Trae Area Preferential Taft orth goods exported to ‘THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM TE, Ceniication Tes hereby cet, onthe bass of contol cated ou, tht he Goods satisfying Rae 4.1 of Annex 3 (Ras of Origin) ofthe KAFTA, ere ey Gods asiyng the Product Specie Rares Change in Tarif Casiiation sere’ - Wholly Obtained or Produced inthe tenitory of any Panty -wo-aKe Regional Valve Content RVC that neds tobe mo forthe good 16 qualify as oviginating: ep. "RVC 48%" Regional Value Content + Change in Tai Classifaton The combination rls that needs 10 be met for goo 0 vay as originating eg. "CTH + RVC 4096 + Spociti Processes specific Processes" 8) Goods satisfying Rule 6 Rule 6 [EACH ARTICLE MUST QUALIFY: Itsbould be noted that al the goods ina consignment mast quslfy separately in their own ight. This sf particu relevance when similar artle of diferent sizes or spre pat ar en DESCRIPTION OF GOODS: The description of goods must be suicienly died 1 enable the goods to be denied by the Customs Offs exatining ‘hem, Any wade mark shal also be spoifid [FREE-ON-BOARD (FOB) VALUE: The FOB vale in Hox 9 shall be eet only when the Regional Value Content titerion i applied in determining ‘ie origin of goots, The CO (Form AK) issued to ad fram Cambodia and Myanmar shal flee the FOB valu, regardless of he origin eter ws, or the next wo (2) years upon the implementation ofthis new arrangement HARMONIZED SYSTEM NUMBER: The Hamonized System number shal be hat ofthe tmporting Pan EXPORTER: The term "Exporter" in bo 11 may ince the manufetrer othe proce. FOR OFFICIAL USE: The Customs Authority ofthe importing Party must indicate (inthe relevant boxes in column 4 whether or not preferential if accorded, THIRD COUNTRY INVOICING: In cases wher invoices ae issued hy a thied county, "the Third Country lvoiing” box shouldbe ied (and such informations s name and country ofthe company issuing the invoice shal be init in box 7 EXHIBITIONS: In eases where gods are sent fom the etry ofthe exporting Paty for exhibition n another county and old during or after he exhibition for innportation into the teritoryof «Panty, in acordance with Rae 20 ofthe Operational Cerifaton Procedures, the "Exhibitions" box should ‘be ticked (¥) and the mame and aes ofthe exhibition indicated inbox 2 [BACK-TO-BACK CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN: In cases of Back-to-Back CO, in accordance with Rule 72) of the Operational Crifeation Procedies ‘he "Back-to-Back CO" box shoul be vcked () CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY AND QUANTITYORIGINAL (ISSUED BY THE MANUFACTURER KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMPANY) WE, KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMPANY, ARE HEREON CERTIFYING THAT MIXSEAL PUA 600 525 PAILS & MIXSEAL PU PRIMER 200 PAILS ARE MANUFACTURED BY KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMPANY THE QUALITY OF THE GOODS CORRESPOND TO THE SALES CONTRACT NO. O7/MIXSEAL-KPI DATED 14 JUN 2023. 1, SALE CONTRACT NO, O7/MIXSEAL-KPI DATED 14 JUN 2023 2. Buyer : MIXSEAL VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED NO 63, KHUAT DUY TIEN ROAD, THANH XUAN BAC WARD, THANH XUAN DISTRICT, HA NOI CITY, VIET NAM 3. Seller 4, Manufacturer : KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMPANY 5. Item & Description COMMODITY 1/ MIXSEAL PUSDO 525 PAILS POLYURETHANE 1 COMPONENT - NON-EXPOSED ‘SHELFLIFE: 10 MONTHS, COLOR: BLACK ‘QUALIFICATION: 28KG/PAIL LOT NO.: 12806290007 57 PAILS & 12307030002 231 PAILS & 12306300002 237 PAILS COMMODITY 2/ MIXSEAL PU PRIMER 200 PAILS PRIMER FOR POLYURETHANE ‘SHELFLIFE: 12 MONTHS QUALIFICATION: 17KG/PAIL LOT NO.: 23062840 135 PAILS & 23062940 65 PAILS ‘TRADE TERM : CIF HAIPHONG PORT, VIETNAM (INCOTERMS 2010) COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: SOUTH KOREA OTHER DETAILS AS PER CONTRACT NO. 07/MIXSEAL-KPI DATED 14 JUN 2023 PACKING: EXPORT STANDARD 6. Date : 2023.07.12, KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMPANY an Lino DIRECTOR HO JUN Korea Petroleum Industries Company CERTIFICATE OF aNALYsIs ORIGINAL IED BY THE MANUFACTURER KOREA a CUSTOMER: MIXSEAL VIETNAM COMPANY Livre. PropucT | MIXSBAL PU6OO QUANTITY | 525 PAILS (28KG/PAIL) INVOICE NO, & DATE: KC12306-10 (15.JUN,2023) URNS nanan eer ean Hardness(Shore A) ASTM D240-04 Tensile strength “MPa 22 2 23 ASTM D 412-15a, Elongation % 939 = 4s ASTM D 412-15a Grek Bridn fie iee lees ASTM C130500 ape ee ale 4 S| ASTM D 7234-19, ‘Aaesive Seengh ofcoaingon | mapa | 21 22 2 ASTMD 7234-19, Viscosity (23 °C, SP LV NO. S0imin) | mPas | 610 sist on ASTM D 219699 * Remark - Measurement condition of viscosity: Brookfield DV1 #3, |2rpm, at 25°C WE CERTIFY THE ABOVE STATEMENT OF QUALITY TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMPANY QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMPANY ar Lliho DIRECTOR THO JUN CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS ORIGINA) ISSUED BY THE MANUFACTURER KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTR 'S COMPANY) CUSTOMER: MIXSEAL VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED PRODUCT | MIXSEAL PU PRIMER QUANTITY | 200 PAILS, INVOICE NO. & DATE: KC12306-10 (15.JUN,2023) ANALYTIC RESULT STUNTS TST) Drying Time(Set-to-touch) min 6 6 KS M 5000 : 2014 ‘Non-volatile content((105#2) °C,3h) % 35.2 353 KS MISO 3251 : 2011 Viscosity((2341) °C) mPas 32 32 [__KSM 370s : 2015, WE CERTIFY THE ABOVE STATEMENT OF QUALITY TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMPANY QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMPANY Dun Line DIRECTOR ILHO JUN 106, Ichon-ro, Yongsan-Gu, Seoul, 04427 Korea Tel | 82-2-799-3156 Fax: 82-2-790-1001 PACKING LIST ers 07 /MIXSEAL-KPT catatonia KCI2306-10 (15.JUN, 2023) macromaut (14.g0N, 2023) een tet BUSAN PORT, ‘often HAIPHONG PORT, VIETNAM oxo SENDAI TRADER 23158 ‘amg ee ab 12-gul-23 ‘ata ate 16-gul-23 SOUTH KOREA, MMIXSEAL VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED yo 63, KHUAT DUY TIEN ROAD, THANH XUAN BAC WARD, ITHANH XUAN DISTRICT, HA NOI CITY, VIET NAM ren: +8424 6293 2538 0107473471 Tarte rT) no ry toe wot a) COMMODITY 1/ MIXSEAL PU600 525 PAIL 14,700 15,100 POLYURETHANE 1 COMPONENT - NON-BXPOSED SHELFLIFE: 10 MONTHS, COLOR: BLACK QUALIFICATION: 28KG/PATL COMMODITY 2/ MIXSEAL PU PRIMER 200 PAIL 3,400 3,480 PRIMER FOR POLYURETHANE SHELFLIFE: 12 MONTHS QUALIFICATION: 17KG/PATL COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: SOUTH KOREA OTHER DETAILS AS PER CONTRACT NO.07/MIXSEAL-KPI DATED 14 JUN 2023 PACKING: EXPORT STANDARD Sub Total Weight 18,100 18,580 Total Weight 18,100 18,580, TILIA ALLL AL LLL LALLA LLL LLL ELL Containers ‘TradoTorms 20PT X 1 DG CONTAINER CIF HATPHONG PORT, VIETNAM (INCOTERMS 2010) KOREA PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMPANY Dun Liha DIRECTOR ILHO JUN Signed by SNKO010230609715 RAMA Bit TWEXSEAL VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED acai = NO 63, KHUAT DUY TIEN ROAD, THAN ‘XUAN BAC WARD, THANH XUAN DISTRICT, nor i, iM BILL OF LADING ——— COPY Sie 1s NON-NEGOTIABLE ALL TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCEPTIONS AS PER ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING. BUSAN PORT, SOUTH KOREA SENDAI TRADER’ 2315S BUSAN PORT, SOUTH KOREA = HAIPHONG PORT, VIEINAM HAIPHONG PORT, VIETNAM = a a a — 725 PACKAGES SSIIPPER'S LOAD, OUNT & WEIGHT 20"KL SAID 10 CONTAIN ay ee 20" SKLU2103000 020543 COMMODITY 1/-MIXSEAL, PUSOO POLYURETHANE. 1 = NON-EXPOSED SHELFLIFE: 10 MONTHS, QUAL IRICATION: 28KG/PATL. COMMODITY 2/ MIXSEAL, PU PRIMER TIMER FOR POLYURETHANE. ‘SHELFLIFE: 12 WONTHS. (QUALIFICATION: “17KG/PATL HTL: +8424 6293 2538 ‘TAX Cope: 0107473471 SURRENDERED A Timon SAY + ONE (20°C) CONTAINER ONLY. over FREIGHT PREPAID | SBOUL, KOREA JUL. 12.2023 7eROCO) ISINOKOR MERCHANT MARINE CO.,LTD.

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