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DAILY LESSON PLAN in TLE (Local Guiding Services)

Learning Area Technology & Livelihood Education Grade GRADE 10

Date September 18 , 2023 Quarter I Section LEO
Content Sites and Sights Features N
Research Methods
Use of Electronic resources for research
Types of commentary
Select commentary material
Components of commentary
Communication Skills
Use of Electronic resources for writing
Technical writing skills
Costing Principles
Travel & Tour Documents
Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the knowledge, skills
and attitudes required to access and research on information in
tour guiding.
Performance Standard The learner independently conducts research on information on
tour guiding.
Competencies The learner:
 Types of Commentary


Learning Objectives KNOWLEDGE ----Identify the types of commentary and the parts of
good commentary in tour guiding.
SKILLS--------Prepares a tour commentary.
VALUES--------Learn to respect each other’s perspective in the
design of making a tour commentary. PPST 2.2.2
Materials Needed Laptop, Television, Markers, bond papers, activity

Integration English 8 and Mathematics 7

References, ph. (TVL-HE-LOCAL GUIDING SERVICES) Quarter I Module 3

Teachers Activity Learners Activity
A. Reviewing past  Prayer
lesson or  Energize Expected answers:
Presenting the new  Greetings
lesson (Warm Up,  Checking of attendance
Check for
Understanding and Drill/Review:
Activate Prior
Match the following words which
corresponds to its meaning.

1.Eager enjoyment
2.Patience 2.accept or tolerate delay
3.Assertive 3.showing confidence
4.Humble 4.humility
5.courteous 5.well-mannered
6.eager interest
7.Proper Decorum
7.exhibit formal behavior
9.Punctuality 8.respectul
10.Sense of Humor 9.being on time
10.ability to find things
The above terms are qualities of an funny
effective tour guide.
As the students match the meaning of
the words they are practicing the
concept of context clues in English

PPST 1.1,2
PPST 1.4.2

B. Establishing a
purpose for the A PART OF ME!!!
lesson (Learning
Intention and Direction: Group yourselves base
Lesson Importance) on the sights you want to visit in
the Philippines.
Line yourselves in the pictures

 A representative will count

how many choses that
particular sight.
 Get the percentage value of
your total no. using this
No of members
Total No. students of Section Leo

The quotient will be multiplied

to 100 to get the percentage first
group to answer will get a prize.

How will you present the tourist

spots you have chosen?

PPST 1.4.2

C. Presenting Group yourselves into four groups. Expected answers:

instances of the Present the destinations through
new lesson (I Do Jingle, Choral Reading, Poetry and
It) Rap.

Group I -Siargao (Choral Reading)

Group II – Boracay (Poetry)
Group III – Ifugao Rice Terraces
Group IV – El Nido (Rap)
D. Discussing new
concepts and Let the students Watch the Video
practicing new of tour commentary.
skills #.1. (I Do Tour Commentary ( Cebu ,Philippines) -
It) YouTube
E. Discussing new What is commentary?
concepts and
practicing new  A tour commentary is a
skills no.2 (We Do narrative used by tour guide
It) to describe a site and Answers may vary
provide information about
various aspects of a country
to tourists while on tour.
They are generally referred
to as the “guide speak
“and include general
information and local
stories about attractions or
sites, events and
personalities in a country.

What are the types of commentary?

 Required – memorized script
usually provided by a
company for its guide. Answers may vary
Deviations from the required
commentary are highly
discouraged, if not
prohibited by the company.
 Informative – Sometimes
referred to as
interpretation, an
informative commentary
highlights the guide’s role
as an educator.
 Requested- When requested or
asked, tour guide shall
provide commentary to
address particular needs,
and inquiries of the
tourists. In this regard, it
is important for tour guides
to know their assigned city
or location very well.
 Optional- Highlight the
guide’s engaging and
entertaining traits. An
optional commentary allows
for the tour guide’s deeper
involvement in conversation
and analysis.In this way,the
tourists can have a better
appreciation of the tour and
the attraction.
What are the components of good
tour commentary?

1.Promote your country.

-A good tour commentary must
promote your country as a top
holiday destination. As a tour
guide, you are your country’s
Ambassador. You are the first
point of contact and local friend.
Recommend places that are not on
the itinerary that is unique and Answers may vary
localized attractions.

2.Educational but Not Boring

-Another component of a good tour
commentary is that it should
provide an opportunity for
tourists to learn valuable
history, culture and lifestyle of
your country. A good commentary
will make visitors feel as if they
see the historical events from his
own eyes. Tour guides can ask
tourists to imagine what was
happening in the past and provide
photos as visual aids. You can
also ask travelers to compare what
occurred in the past to present
day activities.

3.Informative but not Overwhelming

-Provide much relevant
information. Tour guides can help
tourists to absorb the information
by asking questions after you
deliver the commentary. It helps
travelers to internalize the
information. Tour guides can also
provide a summary of what you have
commentated as it contributes to
creating an impact.

4.Good Stories
- Storytelling is an important
part of a good tour commentary. A
tour guides job is to communicate
information and provide details of
the place to travelers. However,
the above is more of narration or
addressing a group. It is filled
with good stories. Stories can
include key events which have
taken places in the area, myths,
legends or even personal stories
and real-life experiences.
F. Developing Mastery Role Play Time!!!!
(You Do It) Group yourselves into four groups.
Each group will create a short
commentary. You can choose a place
you want to explore.

You can use variety of language.

(English, Filipino and even Mother
Tongue) to express your ideas and
achieve the best method to
facilitate your learning. PPST
G. Finding practical Have you known tourist spots in
application of your place? Answers may vary based on
concepts and How will you promote the sights in the student personal point
skills in daily your place? of view
living (You Do It) Would you like to become a tour
guide why or why not?
PPST 1.5.2

H. Making
Generalization and What is commentary?
abstraction about
the lesson (Review
Critical Content) What are the types of commentary?

What are the components of good


Get ¼ sheet of Paper. Answers:

I. Evaluating
learning (You Do Direction: Choose the letter of
It) the best answer.

1.It is a type of commentary which

is provided by the company for its
a.Requested c.Informative
b.Optional d.Highlighted

2.________can include key events

which have taken places in the
area,myths,legends,or even 1.a
personal stories and real-life 2.c
experiences. 3.b
a.Educational c.Stories 4.c
b.Informative d.Reminders 5.a

3.Amarah is a tour guide who

possesses an attribute that gives
tourists the opportunity to learn
valuabale history, culture and
lifestyle of a certain
country.More information were
given to the travelles but never
feel tired.Therefore Amarah’s
type of personality is
a.punctual c.entertaining
b.boring d.funny

4.Promoting your country is one of

the_______________. of tour guiding
b.technical writing
c.components of good commentary
d.b & c

5.It is a narrative writing which

provides information about a
a.Commentary c.technical
b.Documentary d.communication

J. Additional What place are you eager to go?

Make a feature writing about the
place you want to go.
(200 words in your activity
notebook)(Campus Journalism

REFLECTION Teaching Strategies:

- Guided Discover Approach
- Computer-Aided Instruction (Powerpoint)
- Collaborative Learning (Think-Pair Share, Group Activity).

Prepared by: Checked by:


SHS- Teacher SHS-Coordinator

Conformed by:


Principal I

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