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Voltage Drop Calculation...............................................................................................1

Estimate the cable length...............................................................................1
Calculation of CCC........................................................................................7
Reference Method ---------Appendix 7..........................................................7
CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY ------- Table A6(8).............................8
Copper Loss ----------To be continue 每個人的方法不同............................8
Voltage Drop------- Table A6(8).............................................................................9

Voltage Drop Calculation

Estimate the cable length

The most expensive cost in the project is Cable

Calculation Formula
Cable Length =Horizontal Length+ 2* Vertical Length
Vertical Length is 2 times of the floor height.

Horizontal Length Measurement

To measure the cable length, Polyline in AutoCAD is used to draw between the start
point and the endpoint.
The length is 20688mm (Round off: 21m)

Vertical Length

Vertical length = higher floor level - lower floor level

Cable Size & Voltage Drop Calculation Check

All values are (Maximum value), so the total correction factor (CT) is also 1 (Ca* Cg
Understand the Cable Factor
Ca: Rating factors for Ambient Temperature---------------------Table A5(1)
Cg: Rating factors for Groups of Cables--------------------------Table A5(3)
Ci: Cable surrounded by thermal insulation----------------------Table A5(4)
Cp: Correction Factors for Tye of Protective Devices---------- Table A5(5)

A 380V three-phase sub-main circuit supplying for a 150kW remote distribution

board (DB) is to be designed. The sub-main power cable is protected by a MCCB
and is to be routed from the MCCB to the DB via concrete cable pipe duct. There
are various non-linear loads to be supplied via the DB such as fluorescent lighting
and computer equipment. Local capacitor compensation bank will be installed to
maintain power factor to be not less than 0.85 for the circuit itself. Appropriate
harmonic filter will be installed at the DB to comply with the Energy Code. The
cable will be mounted on a perforated cable tray together with three other similar
cables. The steel wire armour of the cable will be used as circuit protective
conductor. The length of power cable is 50m and the maximum temperature of the
installation environment is 40°C. Given that the maximum short circuit current at
the MCCB is 18 kA and the disconnection time of overcurrent protection of the
MCCB at 18kA is 0.5s, select suitable type of power cable and calculate the
required cable size to comply with statutory and Energy Code requirements.
Step 1: Calculate Design Current

According to EMSD BEC 2021, Table 7.6.2

Therefore, MCCB In = 300A is selected (常见的额定电流有

100A、250A、400A、630A、800A、1000A、1250A、1600A 等)

Note : Ambient Temperature Ca 係 40 度, 根據 EMSD CoP Table A6(8)裏面關於

Amoured Cable 既 Operating Temperature 係 90 度, 可以由 Table A5(1)得出
Ambient Temperature Factor Ca = 0.91 (一般 PVC 70 度,XLPE 90 度)

Table A6(8)
Table A5(1)

Cg: 總共有 4 條 Cable. 由於我地知道呢條係 Multicore Cable (因爲三相), 而又係

Cable Tray.
Table A5(3) Item 3

Ci: 有 Overload 用 Fuse, 會影響到條 Cable (問過前輩, 好似因爲 Fuse 會過熱, 原因

有待證實), 所以會有 Correction Factor. 但如果係 Fuse 以外, 根據 Table A5(5)一律
都係 1.

For example, if a cable has a nominal current-carrying capacity of 100A according to

tables when protected by a circuit breaker or an HRC fuse, but a semi-enclosed fuse to
BS 3036 is used instead, the adjusted capacity would be:

Table A5(4)
如果條 Cable 本身係裝係隔熱既牆身, 就要根據 EMSD CoP 2020 Table A5(4)比翻
相應既 Derating Factor 佢, 但由於今次個 Case 條 Cable 係裝係 Cable Duct 入面,
所以 Cd = 1.

Table A5(5)

Calculation of CCC

Correction Factor = 1 / (0.91 x 0.77 x 1 x 1) = 1.43

As In = 300A, therefore, Cable Current Carrying Capacity (CCC) = 300* 1.43 =429A
电缆应该至少能够承载 429A 的电流,以确保安全性和合规性。
Reference Method ---------Appendix 7



用 Reference Method E 揾一條 CCC 大過 428A 既 Cable, 結果係 185mm2 4/C

XLPE/SWA/PVC cable, 因爲根據個 Table 呢條 Cable 個 CCC 係 463A.
Copper Loss ----------To be continue 每個人的方法不

Voltage Drop------- Table A6(8)

Voltage Drop = (Ib * factor * Length)/1000/Voltage

Note : Cable 會行 50m


AC. (2022, March 10). Cable Sizing Example (電線尺寸計算例子) - Dinhaylo 電氣

佬. Dinhaylo 電氣佬 - 一個電氣佬分享自己工作既地方.

Ir 理查德. (2024, January 4). 【電氣設計】電纜大小、電壓降、電能質量計算

(Cable Sizing, Voltage Drop and Power Loss Calculation).

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