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Software Requirements Specification

(SRS) for Learning Management System

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is to define the functional
and non-functional requirements for the development of a Learning Management System
(LMS). The LMS is designed to facilitate quiz and test creation, automated grading,
feedback, randomized questions, timer functionality, progress tracking, and the creation of
a question bank.
1.2 Scope
This document outlines the key features and functionalities of the LMS, serving as a guide
for the development team to create the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for this system.
2. System Overview
The LMS will consist of two main user roles: Instructors and Students. Instructors will have
the capability to create assessments, manage a question bank, and review student progress.
Students can access assessments, complete them, and track their scores and progress.
3. Functional Requirements
3.1 User Management
• FR-1: Users can register for the system with a valid email address and password.
• FR-2: Registered users can log in to the system.
3.2 Quiz and Test Creation
• FR-3: Instructors can create assessments, specifying the assessment title,
description, and time limit.
• FR-4: Instructors can add questions to assessments.
• FR-5: Questions can be of multiple types, including multiple-choice, fill in the blanks,
true/false, matching exercises, short answer, long answer, and essay questions.
• FR-6: Instructors can choose questions from the question bank to include in
3.3 Grading and Feedback
• FR-7: The system automatically grades assessments based on the selected question
• FR-8: Instructors can manually review and adjust grades if necessary.
• FR-9: Students receive instant feedback after completing an assessment.
3.4 Randomized Question Order
• FR-10: Instructors can enable the randomization of question order in assessments
to ensure uniqueness for each student.
3.5 Timer Functionality
• FR-11: Instructors can set a timer for each assessment.
• FR-12: Students taking assessments see a timer display to manage their time
3.6 Progress Tracking
• FR-13: Students have access to a dashboard to track their progress.
• FR-14: Students can view their scores for each assessment.
• FR-15: Instructors can access students' assessment results for evaluation and
feedback purposes.
3.7 Question Bank
• FR-16: Instructors can create a question bank to store questions.
• FR-17: Instructors can categorize and organize questions within the question bank.
• FR-18: Instructors can select questions from the question bank when creating
4. Non-Functional Requirements
4.1 Technology Stack – SUBJECTED TO CHANGE
• NFR-1: The system will be developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React for the
frontend, and Node.js with Express.js for the backend.
• NFR-2: The database will be MongoDB.
• NFR-3: User authentication will be handled using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
• NFR-4: Real-time features (optional) will be implemented using WebSockets or
4.2 User Experience
• NFR-5: The system will have a user-friendly and responsive design to ensure access
from various devices, including mobile and tablet.
5. Additional Features (Optional for MVP)
• AF-1: User profile management for instructors and students.
• AF-2: Course management and content upload for instructors.
• AF-3: Analytics and reporting for both instructors and students.
• AF-4: Discussion forums or messaging features for communication.
6. Conclusion
This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) outlines the key features, functional and
non-functional requirements for the development of the Learning Management System
(LMS). This document serves as a reference for the development team to implement the
MVP of the LMS and can be expanded upon based on user feedback and future
development needs.

User Stories :
User Story 1: User Registration (FR-1)
As a new user, I want to register for the LMS, so that I can access the system.
Acceptance Criteria:
• The registration form includes fields for email and password.
• Users must provide a valid email address.
• Passwords should meet minimum security requirements (e.g., at least 8 characters,
including letters, numbers, and symbols).
• Users receive a confirmation email upon successful registration.
• The system must securely store user credentials.
• Registration is accessible from both desktop and mobile devices (NFR-5).

User Story 2: User Login (FR-1)

As a registered user, I want to log in to the LMS, so that I can access my account.
Acceptance Criteria:
• Users can access the login page from the main landing page.
• Users must enter their registered email and password to log in.
• The system validates the user's credentials.
• Successful login redirects the user to their dashboard.
• Login is accessible from both desktop and mobile devices (NFR-5).

User Story 3: Quiz and Test Creation (FR-3)

As an instructor, I want to create assessments, so that I can test my students.
Acceptance Criteria:
• Instructors can access the "Create Assessment" page.
• The system allows instructors to provide a title, description, and time limit for the
• Instructors can add questions to the assessment, including multiple-choice, fill in the
blanks, true/false, matching exercises, short answer, long answer, and essay
questions (FR-5).
• The system must provide an option to select questions from the question bank (FR-
• Assessments can be saved and edited later.

User Story 4: Grading and Feedback (FR-7)

As the system, I want to automatically grade assessments, so that students receive
immediate feedback.
Acceptance Criteria:
• The system accurately grades multiple-choice, fill in the blanks, true/false, matching
exercises, and other question types as specified (FR-5).
• Instructors can manually review and adjust grades if needed (FR-8).
• Students receive immediate feedback upon completing an assessment (FR-9).

User Story 5: Randomized Question Order (FR-10)

As an instructor, I want to enable randomized question order in assessments, so that each
student receives a unique assessment.
Acceptance Criteria:
• Instructors can activate the randomization feature for an assessment.
• When students access the assessment, questions and/or answer choices are
presented in a random order.
• The system ensures that the order is truly randomized.

User Story 6: Timer Functionality (FR-11)

As an instructor, I want to set a timer for each assessment, so that students manage their
time effectively.
Acceptance Criteria:
• Instructors can define the time limit for an assessment.
• Students taking the assessment see a timer display during the assessment (FR-12).
• The timer accurately counts down from the specified time limit.

User Story 7: Progress Tracking (FR-13)

As a student, I want to track my progress and view my assessment scores, so that I can
monitor my performance.
Acceptance Criteria:
• Students have access to a dashboard where they can see their completed
• For each assessment, students can view their score, time taken, and a summary of
correct and incorrect answers (NFR-5).

User Story 8: Question Bank (FR-16)

As an instructor, I want to create a question bank to store questions, so that I can easily
select questions for assessments.
Acceptance Criteria:
• Instructors can access the "Question Bank" page.
• The system allows instructors to create categories or topics for organizing questions
• Instructors can add, edit, and delete questions in the question bank.
• When creating assessments, instructors can select questions from the question bank
These user stories provide a detailed breakdown of each functional requirement, including
acceptance criteria and consideration of relevant business rules and non-functional
requirements. They can serve as a basis for development and testing.

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