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General course

4 Unit 1 Cyber Homework 2

1a Read the text about Ireland. Then choose the correct options.
The Potato Famine in Ireland
During the summer of 1845, the potato famine destroyed Ireland’s potato crop, the most important
crop for the Irish. Over the next ten years, more than 750,000 Irish people died and another two
million fled. Some went to Great Britain and some to Canada, but the majority went to America. The
Irish people who left for America knew they would never see Ireland again, but they hoped they
would have a better future in their new home. However, life there was difficult when they arrived.
The Irish were foreigners in the new country and the American people didn’t give them much
support. Irish people found it difficult to get houses or jobs. They were poor, and many became ill
and died. Things got a lot better for the Irish over the next hundred years, but to start with, they paid
a price for wanting a new life in America.

1 The text is about the results of a war / famine in Ireland.

2 The Irish people went to America because they wanted a better future / more money.
3 When they arrived, the Irish people got / didn’t get much support from the Americans.
4 Many of the Irish went home / got ill and died.

1b Read the blog. Then choose the correct options.

– +

Today we visited Kilmainham Prison in Dublin. It’s a very important

building for its part in Irish history. Many leaders of Irish rebellions were
sent there and many died. It’s the place where the leaders of the Easter
Rebellion of 1916 were shot by the English. Others were killed in 1923 by
the Irish Free State.
I wasn’t aware that this place was important even earlier, too, during the
potato famine. At that time, a dramatic number of people were there –
about 9,000 by the end of the famine. Because they were so hungry, many
people did small things like stealing bread, just to get into prison, where
they would get food.
The prison became a museum in 1924. Even if you’re not interested in Irish history, the tour
there is very interesting. I can recommend it. I was surprised at how much I learned.

1 The blog is about a castle / prison in Dublin.

2 The leaders of the Easter Rebellion were shot by the English / Free State.
3 During the potato famine, people wanted to go to prison so that they would get food / find family.
4 The writer of the blog thought / didn’t think the tour was interesting.

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