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Quality Management System Ref No.

: ALF-M-MS-003
METHOD STATEMENT FOR Installation of Rev.: 01
Fire Alarm & Detection System Date: 10.03.2020

1. Purpose and Scope

2. Definition and Abbreviation

3. References

4. Responsibility

5. Tools & Equipment’s

6. Procedure

7. Attachment

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Quality Management System Ref No.: ALF-M-MS-003
METHOD STATEMENT FOR Installation of Rev.: 01
Fire Alarm & Detection System Date: 10.03.2020


This Method of Statement (MOS) describes the various activities to be carried out while
installing Fire Alarm System as per project requirement.


NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
P.I.D. - Process and Instrument Diagram
PTS - Project Technical Specification
ITP - Inspection and Test Plan
IFC -Issue for Construction

3. Reference:
• NFPA 70 ( National Electrical Code )
• NFPA 72 ( National Fire Alarm Code )
• NFPA 75 ( Protection of Electronic Computer / Data Processing Equipment )
• NFPA 101 ( Life Safety Code )
• NFPA 251 ( Fire Endurance of Building Construction and Materials )
• NFPA 255 ( Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials )

4. Responsibilities:

Project Manager
• The Project Manager will be responsible for the implementation of Method of
Statement (MOS)

Site Manager
• The Site Manager will be responsible for the over-all supervision, monitoring,
coordination, and control of all the construction activities related to Fire Alarm
Equipment Installation.

The Site Engineer will be responsible for;

• Planning and execution of the activities related to Installation of Fire Alarm System.
• Supervise directly the installation and applicable testing activities.
• Arrange the work permit and utilize the same where it applicable.
• Ensure all the measuring and test equipment’s are calibrated and have its validation.
• Notify QA/QC Engineer for inspection / test / witness schedule in advance.
QA/QC Engineer will be responsible for;
• Responsible for carrying out inspection of all activities as per ITP (Inspection Test Plan)
and IFC Drawings (Issued for Construction).
• Notify Client QA/QC Engr. for the inspection witness date and time schedule in

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Quality Management System Ref No.: ALF-M-MS-003
METHOD STATEMENT FOR Installation of Rev.: 01
Fire Alarm & Detection System Date: 10.03.2020

HSE Engr. / HSE Officer will be responsible for;

• Implementation of safety procedure including the verification / conformation of
appropriate work permit.
• Ensure the workers are used PPE and safe access are provided at work place.

5. Tools and Equipment’s:

• Hand tools : Combination ( open/socket )wrenches ,screw drivers, pliers , piles ,
right angle , tape measure , plumb bob , spirit level , adjustable wrench , hammer ,
paint brush ,
• Other Equipment : Power generator / welding machine , hand drill set , heating
gun , portable disc grinder , warning signs , barrier tapes , fire extinguisher ,
primer paints , etc.

6. Procedure:
• Prior to commencement of installation of equipment’s and associated devices, the support
location(s) requirements shall be checked as per IFC drawing.
• If the fire alarm support location does not support the IFC drawing then the supports
need to be modified as per the existing facilities and site conditions keeping in view that
1.- The supports shall not interface with operator and maintenance access area .
2.- The supports shall not under drain point and above the vent point of process lines.
• The support for panel frame and post stands / brackets shall be verified according to
updated/ latest IFC Drawing
• Lay-out arrangements / orientation of support shall be according to respective location
of control panel, detectors (smoke and heat), manual call point, horn/siren/ and other
associated devices.
• Ensure that cable sleeves, duct / stub up conduits and trays are in correct line, location.
• All the assembly shall be primed and painted where is applicable and all the rough sharp
edge on support frames shall be removed.
• The installed support assembly shall be rigid and leveled in vertical direction/position.
• The precast cover foundation / support shall be tight and secure.
• In case the supports are to be welded to steel structure, the welding activities shall be
carried out as per PTS and the applicable touch may be applied after welding.

6.1 Equipment Installation

• Ensure no ship items are remaining at installation area.
• Do not remove equipment protection sheets.
• All the equipment shall be carefully handle during transportation / lifting.
• Manufacturer’s recommendation shall be given due consideration during assembly and
• All the supports shall be leveled prior to installation of equipment’s and devices .
• Ensure that all the wall mounted devices are installed as per the updated details drawing .

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Quality Management System Ref No.: ALF-M-MS-003
METHOD STATEMENT FOR Installation of Rev.: 01
Fire Alarm & Detection System Date: 10.03.2020

• Ensure that the complete assembly are vertical aligned and leveled after tighten the bolts..
• Ensure that the Panels / cabinets are properly grounded / bonded.
• All foreign debris / materials shall be removed

6.2 Pre-Commissioning
• All the cable / wiring shall be terminated with proper tagging as per updated IFC drawing
• Ensure that all cable / wiring are tested and the inspection installations are properly
recorded and documented.
• Ensure all the required sealing has provided for spare /open cable/duct entry& exist area.

7.0 Attachment:

• Equipment and Tool’s Calibration Certificate

• Risk Assessment / JHA

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