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Q3-2023 Content Backend Management: Key

CBE: Social Boost Research & Integration (Speechif AI)
❖ Social Boost Updates:
• Backend changes made to the Socialboost template for improved flexibility.
• CRUD APIs developed for OMC 2.0, PReP, and IRIS 1.0 teams to access Social Boost data.
• Updated the Socialboost template used in PReP.
• Creation of new APIs for easy access to Social Boost data by various teams.

❖ Benefits:
• Increased flexibility and options for Social Boost.
• Improved workflows and options due to template updates.
• Enhanced data access for other teams via new APIs.
• Overall enhancement of Social Boost for users.

Content Front End: Key Highlights

❖ Table Improvements:
• Fixed the F4 key (Repeat last action) for Row and Column properties.
• Aids CCS users in quickly applying formatting changes between rows and columns.

❖ Bug Fixes:
• Resolved issues related to copying and pasting from Excel.
• Fixed auto-focus functionality for elements in pop-ups.

• Social Boost Integration:

• Modified PReP templates for Social Boost preview in full mode on the end website.

Major challenges faced

♦ Not having access to PREP server

Key learnings

♦ Measure and have a track for Performance of application


♦ Have a standard tools / rule for all teams for logging

♦ Having load test and performance test as part of regression

Plan for Q4:

♦ Docstore Preview - Preview word document by converting it into HTML by consuming CB API
♦ TinyMCE Table rebuild - Get suggestions from CCS on Table shortcomings and work on that

Content Backend
• Complete discovery, research, and POC for Media Studio 2.0 by end of Q4. Document requirements,
evaluate solutions, develop proof of concept.
• Prioritize and complete Client Experience improvements and tasks.
• Build out Docstore Preview Service capabilities.
• Support Workflow 2.0 needs and integration.
• Migrate services to utilize new Service Template 2.0.
• Complete MediaStudio features and bug fixes as needed.
• Hold 10% bandwidth as buffer for tech debt including Okta rate limit changes.

Content Frontend
• Fix and improve TinyMCE table functionality by end of Q4. Identify issues, develop solutions, test, and
• Support integration of Docstore Preview Service.
• Collaborate with Workflow 2.0 team and complete needed front end work.
• Triage UX/UAT bugs, prioritize, develop fixes, and deploy.
• Hold 10% bandwidth as buffer for addressing tech debt.

Media Studio Q3 2023 Highlights:

❖ Infosec and Security:
• Successfully resolved medium-severity vulnerabilities identified by the Infosec team.
• Enhanced security posture, reducing the risk of data breaches and disruptions.
❖ Performance Boost:
• Implemented parallel processing in 'getassetbyaccount' for improved performance.
• Quicker response times and enhanced user satisfaction.
❖ Kaltura Transcoding:
• Temporary mitigation for the Kaltura transcoding issue.
• Active collaboration with Kaltura for a permanent resolution.
• Ensured uninterrupted media processing, minimizing disruptions.
❖ Bug Fixes:
• Continuous work on resolving issues within Media Studio.
• Improved user experience, stability, and productivity.

IRIS 1.0: Key Highlights

SpeechifAI Integration:
❖ API Integration:
• Integrated API services provided by the Content backend team for the Social Boost release.
• IRIS consumes these APIs to retrieve ToolkitName, ToolkitURL, and ToolkitID.
• ToolkitID is passed to the PRep service to obtain the SocialBoost Template.
• Implemented an IFrame to dynamically display the SocialBoost template on the end website.
• In VR services, the Toolkit_id parameter is passed, utilized by PRWeb and Asiaportal for consistent Social
Boost template display across platforms.

SharePoint/Docstore BackFill:
❖ Data Migration:
• Implemented a tool to migrate SharePoint data to Docstore.
• Successfully migrated data for the past 10 years (2013 to 2023).
• Total migration: 27.82 billion records.
❖ Major challenges faced

❖ Prep Integration for Different Release Types:

• Enabling Prep calls for both Text Only and Social Boost releases posed integration challenges.
• Uniformizing Prep calls for all releases required careful consideration and adjustments.
❖ ACT Issue and Dependency on DFS Team:
• White space issues in the WISE file became a bottleneck, requiring collaboration with the DFS Team.
• Dependency on external teams, like DFS, introduced complexities in issue resolution.
❖ Approval Scenarios Between Environments:
• Challenges emerged in approval scenarios when comparing OMC UAT with IRIS Yellow QA environments,
particularly in Social Boost testing.
• Managing Prep API calls routing from QA to UAT through configurations added complexity.
❖ IRIS Lagging Issues During Data Migration:
• Data migration from SharePoint to Docstore in the production environment faced performance issues with

Key Learnings
➢ Structured Issue Tracking:
• Creating JIRA tickets for individual issues encountered during testing with integrated systems facilitated
organized problem-solving.
➢ DB Optimization:
• Replace the CTE to a temp table creation process under Stored Procedures as suggested by the DBA team.
➢ Application Performance Analysis:
• Analyzed the application performance using the external tools viz., Stackify (Prefix and Retrace). Where the
stackify retrace was installed at the server level and Stackify prefix was used at the local machine for the
deeper analysis purpose.
➢ Separate UAT Environment for IRIS:
• Maintain a dedicated UAT environment for IRIS to prevent conflicts with integrated systems and streamline
➢ Transparent Communication on Deployments/Existing functionality change:
• Notify teams about internal deployments between integrated systems to preemptively address and avoid
potential issues during testing.
• Notify dependent teams about if there are any existing functionality changes, So that all teams can be on
same page.
➢ Root Cause Analysis for ACT Issues:
• Investigate and address the root causes of ACT issues rather than relying on manual interventions, ensuring
smoother testing and minimizing last-minute challenges.
Orders not Reaching IRIS:
• A formal request is made to the OMC Team to meticulously examine the logs or conduct a root cause
analysis when instances arise where orders fail to reach the IRIS system. In cases where necessary,
collaborative efforts between IRIS and OMC Teams are encouraged to efficiently address and resolve such
➢ Code Freeze Process: It is recommended that the Code Freeze process be executed with careful
consideration either one week or three days before the scheduled production deployment. The specific
timeframe for the Code Freeze should be determined based on the contextual requirements and the nature
of the deployment to ensure a seamless and controlled transition to the production environment.

➢ Q4 Plans :

• Upgrade on-premise servers by end of Q4. Determine hardware and software requirements, develop
upgrade plan, schedule downtime, and execute upgrade.
• Complete SharePoint to Docstore compatibility project by end of Q4. Assess integration needs, develop
solution, test thoroughly, and rollout to users.
• Add PRWeb support by end of Q4. Research options, select vendor, implement integration, test, and launch.
• Allocate 15% of engineering capacity for UX/UAT bug fixes and improvements. Triage issues, prioritize
fixes, develop solutions, and deploy improvements.
• Hold 10% engineering bandwidth as buffer for addressing technical debt. Review existing issues, identify
highest priorities, and complete as capacity allows.

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