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GSELF: Understanding the self

Journal entry #5: I am ALH JOSHUA M. ORCILLA

You may select from the following options:

1. A power point visual presentation of yourself from knowing the self, unpacking the self
and managing the self. Conclude by citing your personal principles or moto’s in life.
2. A 3-paragraph reflective essay about yourself from knowing the self, unpacking the self, and managing
yourself. Conclude by citing your personal principles or moto’s in life.

It is not enough to only rely on what I now understand about myself as a human being in order to grasp
who I am. I have carefully learned and comprehended the various perspectives on the self held by
various philosophers and ideologies because I believe that if I don't broaden my knowledge of various
viewpoints, I will not be able to fully understand myself. Being reasonable is one thing I've thought to
apply to myself. When trying to understand ourselves, thinking and contemplation are essential
activities. These aren't just thoughts about who we are when we're by ourselves; they're also about who
we are in relationships with others and in society.

In terms of physical aspects, I'm a skinny looking person around 5"6 in height. My skin is not pale or
brown it something in between. I have semi curly hair but it is not noticeable when my hair is short.
People tell me that I have cute and small eyes. I can be occasionally handsome sometimes depending on
my haircut and my skin which is very acne prone most of the time. In terms of sexuality, I've always
considered myself to be a heterosexual person since I've been into some relationships in my teenage

Taking care of myself is one of the important aspects a person can do. Some say that your health is your
biggest investment and I have to agree on that. Before entering college and going way from home, I
used to be careless with my body. I sleep late and eat what I want especially the sweet ones but after I
experienced being away from my family I've realised that I have to take care of myself because no one
else will. So what I did is I make sure to eat protein and vegetables in my meals and limit my sugar
intakes. Furthermore, I try to get 8hrs of sleep everyday and take a bath twice a day.
Although, my habits still need improvements, I still need to be better in terms of getting physicality fit by
doing some light to moderate exercises.

My motto in life is "Amor Fati" it is actually lifted from one of my favorite philosophers ideas namely
Friedrich Nietzsche. Amor Fati means loving one's fate no matter what is happening. Either you are
suffering or living a happy and fulfilled life, it doesn’t matter you consider those situations as necessary
in your self growth as a person.

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