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Paper 1 Writing


Name: _______________________________ ( ) Class: Sec 2N_____

Additional Materials: Writing Paper



Write your name, index number and class on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black ink on both sides of the paper.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer both Section A, Section B and one question from Section C

Section A is an insert.
For Section A write your answers in the spaces provided on the Insert.
For Section B and Section C write your answers on the separate Answer Paper provided.
At the end of the examination, hand in Section A, Section B and Section C separately.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the head of each section.

This Question Paper consists of 4 printed pages and 1 Insert.

[Turn over
Section B [30 marks]

You are advised to write between 200 and 300 words for this section.

You should look at the printout of a poster on page 3, study the information carefully
and plan your answer before beginning to write.

You are a resident living in West Coast. There has been a rise in littering incidents in
your neighbourhood. In the past few weeks, you have spotted several cigarette butts, a
broken pot and filled trash bags lying on the ground. You suspect that this is due to
high-rise littering.

You would like to write to Mrs Doreen Tan, the Chairman of the West Coast Resident’s
Committee, to share your concerns about the cleanliness of the neighbourhood.
In your letter, include the following:

 what you have observed regarding the cleanliness of your neighbourhood

 some dangers of high rise littering and what residents can do to solve the
 the measures the Residents’ Committee can take to address the problem
 why it is important to keep the neighbourhood clean.

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in a polite and persuasive tone, to
advise on how everyone can do their part to keep the neighbourhood clean.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

 Do not place potted plants and
other belongings on window
ledges or air-con ledges.
 Do not hang laundry on
parapet. Bamboo poles and
clothes hanging brackets may
fall and kill passers-by.
 High rise littering can kill. Do
not throw litter out of the
window or over the parapet.
Use the refuse chute provided
to dispose of your refuse.

Section C [30 marks]

Begin your answer on a fresh page.

You are advised to write between 250 and 350 words on one of the following topics.

At the head of your composition, write the number of the topic you have chosen.

1 Write about an incident that taught you the importance of teamwork.

2 What are the benefits of taking part in co-curricular activities (CCA)?

3 Write about a time when you learnt to appreciate someone you initially disliked.

4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating out?

End of Paper

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